
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs


A year passed in the blink of an eye, and before Sora knew it, a year had passed, and the time when the android which Trunk said would appear has come. Sora didn't pay much attention to this matter, and instead turn his attention toward outer space,

He was sure Goku and the others would not be reaching a level of power capable of challenging him... but then again, there was the fact that the villain they are going to be facing might be worth his attention.

So, he would not be leaving the planet, instead, he would stay back and watch the events which would take place.

"With 3 years, the tech we have built and collected, we have created the best of the best spaceships. we are capable of reaching Pluto within 5 seconds." King Furry said while Sora stood before a window, with hands behind his back while looking at a role of huge spaceships, each capable of caring for around 50 or so people.

"We have already moved on to colonize each planet on the star system, we have found that there are a low amount of planets in the universe with intelligent lifeforms. So, we plan to use most lifeforms to mine and develop." King Furry said while Sora sigh softly,

"This is not your responsibility, you're job is to only worry about the earth. I will have other kings to rule over the planets with intelligent lifeforms, and others to look after the mining process of each planet." Sora said calmly, stunning King Furry for a moment but he nodded in understanding,

"Send me the person with the highest power level, he shall take the lead in mining other planets for resources, meanwhile try developing humanoid-like robots, ones capable of helping in the development of our tech and stuff," Sora said to which King Furry nodded and left to do as he was told.

after some time, Sora saw the spaceship flying off, heading off to the planets around the Earth, the strongest soldier had a power level of 4,000. Although Sora was not there to train them, he told them how they should train. if he was there personally to train them all, then they would be having a power level in the hundreds of thousands, but Sora didn't feel like putting so much time into them.

Sadly Humans were not that powerful, maybe one day when Ki becomes widespread, more capable humans would pop up. for now. But that was up to King Furry, he told King Furry what the people need to do to gain power, it's up to him if he wishes to go through with it.

Sora planned to make a mother ship, a moon size or even larger ship, a star-level ship capable of destroying stars with ease. the resources were out there, they just needed to be found. plus, they should be able to build something capable of using the power of the star.

"I want to go fight with Goku and the others," Shiro said with as she walked up to Sora, weels ago Sora had told her he had pretty much taken over the planet and was planning to take over the universe. what was a sovereign without anything to rule over?

"You don't even have a power level of 100 million, you should focus on seeking more energy to absorb and help yourself breakthrough," Sora said calmly, making Shiro pout slightly, she had only a power level of 40 million,

"But you can sense what going on, just moments ago Goku dropped due to the virus," Shiro said seeing how little Sora could care about the matter. indeed moments ago Sora sensed Goku suffering from the heart virus while in a mide battle against someone, only to be saved by Vegeta who had managed to learn how to turn into a Super Saiyan and defeat the enemy.

now, they were on a hunt to find the other person who is said to have created the androids they were facing.

"I have my reasons," Sora said feeling slightly annoyed, how many times does he have to explain himself? the only reason he had Shiro come with him was that he felt the plot didn't want her there, and he easily understood

The android Ki couldn't be sensed since Shiro had spiritual senses, the plot wanted her away from helping Vegeta and the others. Sora pulled Shiro to come with him, wanting to take her to a planet where he would teach her a new technique.

At first, Shiro was happy with this, but upon remembering this was the say the landlord would show up, she didn't want to leave.

"You have such low fate within them, who is it that I trust them more than you?" Sora asked calmly, making Shiro speechless for a moment. She was at a loss for words, just what was she going to say to such words?

"Hope into the ship with my clone, once you two reach space, you will arrive at a small sun where you two would get out. it shall teach you how to devour stars and maximize the sun's power. this should allow you to catch up to Goku and the others within a few months, I have a feeling things would not take a short few days." Sora said calmly as a clone appeared next to him, Shiro pouted slightly but she followed after the clone,

'there should be 2 timelines now... One in which Trunks came back, and one in which Trunks died and had his time machine stolen... or could there be a 4th timeline?' Sora thought with a smile, before sighing sensing Bulma rushing over to where the battle was taking place. she got some strength and was now stronger than Yamach and thought she was a big shot, truly this woman was going to be the death of him.

but she got the plot on her side, Sora could sense she would not die any time soon. When he thought of killing someone, he normally felt something getting in his way. Bulma was one such person, and since she was the creator of the time machine, Sora knew she had a long life ahead of her.

anyways, many light years away from Earth, far from a star that had no planets, a ship appeared, followed by Shiro and Sora stepping out of the ship. Shiro had a barrier around her and was turning her Qi into the air for her to breathe, the barrier was big enough to swallow Sora,

"The technique is called Heaven Devouring Dragon Art. Once I mastered this technique, I was able to gain the power to devour pretty much anything," Sora said calmly, stunning Shiro slightly.

"you didn't create the technique?" She asked to which Sora nodded slightly. this technique was created by the Dragon Queen. went the dragon clan was on the brink of disappearing from the world, she along with many of the pure-blood dragons came together and created this technique.

they planned to have the dragon Queen devour them all, leading to her bloodline and cultivation reaching new heights. in the end, they ended up creating something which was able to devour the world, but it was never used as Sora suddenly popped up, falling in love with the dragon queen at first sight.

Sora helped them survive their crisis, leading the Dragon Queen to eye him with the wish to have his genes. With Sora's genes, she could surely give birth to a powerful son or daughter who could bring the dragon clan to new heights.

Yet Sora was not interested in kids, forcing her to use underhanded methods to get her wishes... and after years, she got a son, who would later not only rule the dragon clan but rule that Story after Sora left.

Anyways, she gave Sora the Heaven Devouring Dragon Art. which Sora changed and improved greatly, but he never changed the name of the technique. what he has been using to absorb all types of stuff was this technique,

"... where?" Shiro asked in confusion, where could Sora have learned this technique form, where did he learn cultivation? Sora looked at her for a moment before shaking his head

"it's too easy to say, for now, focus on absorbing this star," Sora said calmly, Shiro looked up and found that she was standing in front of the star, shocking her slightly as she felt nothing. the light from the sun wasn't even blinding, which shocked her,

"the sun is something which has a huge amount of energy, even I can't stay around it for too long. so hurry up and get used to absorbing it." Sora said calmly, Shiro nodded slightly and went on to quickly use the Heaven Devouring Dragon Art, while Sora taught her and helped her current her mistakes,

He also placed a palm on her back, helping her refine the energy so she doesn't end up with a wake foundation if she were to break through too quickly.

Vegeta let out a scream of pain while holding his left arm which was broken from a kick from a blonde-haired girl. seeing this, trunks who had come from the future rushed forward to help his dad, but he was defeated by the blonde-haired girl's brother.

Piccolo and Tien rushed forward, but they two were easily handled. in moments of seconds, everyone was on the ground, knocked out by the two, but none were killed.

flying up, they looked at Krillin who panicked seeing that he might be next in line, but they ignored him. but the sound of some clapping sounded, leading to everyone looking up to see Sora sitting on a cliff.

"Impressive. I didn't expect a human to be able to create something so... impressive." Sora said with a smile. the blonde haired woman had a power level of 300, the brother had a power level of 325 million, and the huge tall android had a power level of 350 million

Piccolo had a power level of 200 million, while Vegeta had a power level of 250 million, with Trunks only having a power level of 180, they were no match for the two.

"You're Sora... we have little Data on you, but it's said you're stronger than Goku." The boy said with a smile, to which Sora shrugged slightly.

"My strength is so so, nothing worth bragging about. Well, I didn't come for much, but I just to ask the 3 of you a small favor. Keep the killing down to a minimum. In exchange, I will turn a blind eye to everything else." Sora said with a smile, this was his home, how could he allow people to be slaughtered left and right?

"Are you saying you can stop us if we do what we wish?" The woman asked with a cold smile, to which Sora answered with a nod. Smiling slightly, the male stepped forward, wanting to test Sora.

"You two should come at me together if you wish to take me on, to minimize the damage, I have sealed off this space. so the battle which would take place would not affect the outside world." Sora said calmly, stunning the two who quickly looked around, and were shocked. although things looked the same, they felt disconnected from the outside world, it was like they were in some barrier.

"Scared before the dragon even starts? those senses of yours indeed are doing their jobs" Sora asked with a mocking smile, enraging the two. with a step, the boy called Android 17 shot toward Sora, and attacked him,

Sora didn't bother to even summon his armor, reaching out slightly, he caught the fist, shocking Android 18, but before he could do anything, Sora threw him heavily towards the ground, before he moved, dodging Andoird 17 sisters attack.

Sora moved, dodging her attacks before she shot backward, landing next to her brother who was now standing, looking Serouly at Sora.

"already thinking of giving up? and to think I might break a sweat today when I went out for a walk." Sora said with a shake of his head, enraging the two once more. looking at each other, the siblings nodded before they worked together and rushed Sora.

When two people work together, they could fight a person with more than twice their strength, the better the teamwork, the more power they could unleash. it's like when one merges two energies, but in this case, its two parties working together,

with two androids going all out to work together to fight someone they both see to be far stronger than themselves, Sora was looking forward to seeing what these androids are capable of doing.

the two Ki exploded off their body and fused. at the same time, they arrived before Sora and punched him. Sora easily blocked, and he was sent sliding backward, while the two followed with their attacks.

Sora dodged and parried all of their attacks, before he jumped backward, dodging their kicks. Sora contained to dodge their attack, while their teamwork got more and more skilled, soon reaching a point where their combined strength was greater than a billion, forcing Sora to have to take them slightly seriously,

His fist turned black, seemly as if it was covered by armor, at the same time his will spread out, shocking the two siblings. Sora punched forward, unleashing an attack that could easily destroy planets.

the two siblings quickly lashed out with their attack, and put everything they had into the attack. with a roar, two energy beams clashed with Sora's attack, destroying the whole ground below them, leaving a smooth surface where the attack shock waves couldn't reach

"Good, it's been far too long since I could let loose and fight. Are you going to give me that chance?" Sora asked as the two attacks were overpowered by his attack, but the remaining power from his attack was too weak, allowing them to dodge it,

"Don't get too cocky." Android 17 said with a smile, unlike Sora, they had an endless amount of energy, they could fight for millions of years and feel nothing. how long could Sora last?

"words are words, speak with your fists," Sora said with a smile, two of which they dd. The battle continued, a 2v1, which Krillin and the others watched from outside the sealed-off space, shocked by the might Sora was showing.

"why is he not finishing them off? he could have defeated them, but he is allowing them to grow stronger," Piccolo said not understanding what Sora was doing, everyone hearing Piccolo's words was shocked, but losing closely he was right.

The two siblings were getting better and better at this, at first Sora overpowered them with his fist, but it soon reached a point where he was overpowered, even so, Sora was winning. just because they were stronger and he was outnumbered, he was still winning,

it was like Sora's body was water, he moved quickly and flexibly, making the best move possible, allowing him to do things like to aim for the weak spot within their attacks even if his attacks were weaker, allowing him to overpower stronger attacks, dodge attacks perfectly in a way he was already in the next move for a counter or to dodge once more.

Sora wasted little movement, each moment he made had a profound meaning behind them, this show of martial arts left the two siblings shocked, and helpless. but they kept fighting as they knew Sora should run out of energy soon, plus they were getting better at their teamwork by the second,

They even managed to force Sora to return to his true appearance, and although this distracted them, they had to focus as Sora attacked them, focusing them to throw Sora's beauty to the back of their mind.

"shall I get this over with?" Sora asked with a smile as he absorbed the two energy beams they shot at him, absorbing all of it to quickly help increase his cultivation. In the end, he got bored of this, he just didn't want to get rusted. the two didn't even notice he dropped his power level down to 200 million, Sora just didn't want his combat skills to be a doll after so many years of him not fighting.

"He is absorbing it?" They in shocked, they didn't know Sora could absorb attacks, Sora looked at his palm for a moment before forming. one should know that last attack the two shows at Sora had enough power to defeat someone with a power level of 1.5 billion, yet it was only enough for Sora to reach level 6 in his cultivation,

With a punch, Sora sent the two slamming into a wall. before they could even move, they froze as Sora's fists were in front of their faces,

"So, do we have a deal?" Sora asked calmly, the two looked at each other for a moment before they nodded what else can they do, he was too powerful. they felt like Sora was toying with them, though out this whole battle. just look, he was not even out of breath

"Good, it would have been a real shame to injure such a beauty," Sora said with a slight smile, making the blonde-haired girl, android 18 blush slightly. to have someone so handsome call her beautiful, well... how could she not turn red?

"Well, I should be leaving. remember don't kill unless needed," Sora said with a charming smile, the world seemed to lose its luster before this smile. it's like the world disappears, all so that this smile could be the only thing in existence.

'I'm not gay.' Android thought while shaking his head with closed eyes, upon opening his eyes he looked around and found Sora had disappeared. standing up, he looked around and saw Krillin and others all healed up and looking at them, seemly ready for round two to start at any moment.

but he was not interested, he looked at his sister who seemed to have lost her soul. he quickly tried to wake her up, and after a moment she returned to reality... she blankly got up, she seemed to be there while at the same time not there. her mind was off, picturing the man who she just fought.