
Chapter 20: First member joining

"So mister grey. Who are you and why did you sneak into my library?" "Hello miss Lujanne i'm Dooku. and i wanted you to become one of the founding members of the order i'm starting."

"Why should i join?" gestured with her hands in the air. "Before i start telling you the details why don't we sit." Then Lujanne began to sit again and Callum began to sit in front of Lujanne.

"The name of the order is the White Lotus, this order will transcend the boundaries of the human kingdoms and Xadia. Humans, Elves, Dragons and Magical creatures. This order will pursue knowledge, philosophy, beauty, and truth. This is the most important objective that the order of the White Lotus, so different creatures and people can learn from each other. The second objective is to create an network of information around the entire world and help stop wars from happening around the world by disrupting their chain of command for example." Said Callum in his Dooku voice.

"Why should i trust that this is you're true objective? Humans are not to be trusted with some knowledge. For example the Moon Nexus must remain destroyed." Said Lujanne in an resolute voice. Waiting for an answer, Dooku began to laugh very hard at that.

"What is so funny?" Lujanne said with a bit of irritation in her voice. With that Callum(Dooku) stopped laughing and answered her.

"Are you serious? You can't blame every human for the actions of a few. Just like i can't blame every elf, dragon and magical creature for their actions. Do you know how the humans aquired dark magic? I will tell you. An arch-mage from the elfs discovered it and gave the knowledge to the humans."

Shocked at this revelation Lujanne answered "Why would an elf do that and why would the humans take that knowledge?"

"The answer to you're first question is unknown. What that elf has planned is still unknown. The answer to you're second question is that humans were starving, distriminated at by elves, dragons and magical creatures. They only saw hope when they learned dark magic. Another example is when the Sun King summoned the first dark human mage, he taunted him that he was a lesser being, that he will destroy an entire city with more than 100 thousand people in it if he stopped to use dark magic. When the mage refused, Sol Regum began his attack on the city. The dark mage used dark magic to stop him. Sol Regum countered him with his fire breath and killed the dark mage, but was blinded by the dark mages magic. There are more examples of elves, dragons and magical creatures doing bad things, but i don't blame their entire race for that."

With that Lujanne had a shocked and disturbed expression. Contemplating about her next course of action. "You are right. I can't blame the entirety of the human race, because of the actions of a few. I heard and seen the noble actions of humans that i personally know. I would like to join this order you are creating." Dooku gave a nod and showed the board he brought.

"Excellent. Now first order of buisness this a new game i created that relies on strategy, knowledge and determination. I will now tell you the rules." After an hour of explaining Lujanne began to ask. "Sorry Dooku, but why do i need to know this?" "I will show you now. There will be places in the world where pai sho board are inside. When you start a game with the white lotus tile and create a lotus pattern on the board. With this they will know you are a member."

"But how will this game spread around the world?" "My master Callum will show how it works to king Ezran and Queen Anya of Duren, also he will show it to his aunt who is with the sun-fire elves. When king Ezran goes to Xadia, he will most likely take a gameboard with him to play with Zym."

"Is Callum also a member?" "Yes he is a member. He is the leader of the order. Every race has six grand lotusses and their will be one supreme white lotus and that is the leader. You will be the grand lotus of the moon-shadow elves. I'm the grand lotus of Katolis." With that in mind Lujanne asked her final question.

"What should i do now for the order?" "The first thing is to get more members from xadia. Try to recruit elves, dragons and magical creatures who want to pursue the things we want and are trustworthy. Also the Moon Nexus needs to be available for people to enter. It's time that this mountain isn't known for terrible terrors, but known for it's beauty and knowledge of the moon arcanum. Also be discreet when you are recruiting. Nobody can now of our existence. Finally welcome to the order sister"

"Yes i will do that Dooku and thank you for accepting me in the order brother(Iroh played someone in the dessert that called him brother so they call each other this)". "Now i must take my leave".

With that Dooku(Callum left the library and went towards his room without anyone noticing, changed his clothes to his sleaping attire and went to sleep.

Author note: His alter ego has a mage combat suit, but he needs to have cool mage clothes when he is out as himself. Something like the clothes of Valtor from winx club or from Vandal Savage in legends of tommorow. Leave a comment on what sort of mage clothes i should get for Callum.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sitting_Duckcreators' thoughts