


The holy lands blessed by the ancient Dragons of *Ineudqa*. Long ago when the humans were but mere beings of flesh and when the horrors of the night roam free, when man could do nothing but lay at the feet of beasts as sacrifices, the Ancient Dragons decided to show them mercy.

With powers that could break the sky they blessed the humans to no longer be the beings of flesh but ones that could harvest their raw strengths and turn it into Aura. Then was the first knight born.

With the new power vested to them by the holy dragons the humans were able to fight back the horrors that tormented them day and night. With victory at their back a newly written future welcomed them with the dragons mercy.

Things were peaceful under the dragon's blessing and the humans would thrive under their protection. With time they conquered lands and discovered new resources. But the peace could not last for long. The portals through which the horrors would enter the lands one increased in numbers and the monsters that came out increased in strength. The knight alone could no longer keep fighting with just Aura.

Desperate, the humans begged the dragons to bestow them with another mercy. The holy dragons once again blessed the lands with another resource.


For years now, the humans have discovered stones that could glow in all sorts of colours and were pretty to the eye. But they were so hard that they could not be broken. For its colours it was turned into jewels. But with the new knowledge from the dragons they humans could finally understand what they were.

**Mana Stones**.

A condensed form of Mana. In places where Mana was present in abundance for years, these stones would start to form. They were the fastest way of cultivating Mana. Being in contact with these stones with high enough quality could awaken someone to become able to use it to control and bend the world to the user's command.

Again with the Dragons blessings, the second pillar of mankind was born. Mages.

With the help of the newly born class the humans were once again able to push back the horrors. With time they were able to advance their knowledge and power.

10,000 years passed as such. We are still fighting horrors but now they are kept at bay and are treated more as resources. The dragons are still around and keep looking over us. New lands have been discovered and new races have been found alongside them. Humans keep on prospering with the dragon's blessing and the 2 classes as their guardians. And like such let us keep on prospering.

That's it for today. Hope you all have a wonderful vacation~" said the teacher as she closed the book of ' Ancient History ' and walked out of the class. One by one the students followed right after. The classroom was empty in no time. All were gone except for one. Sitting by the window was a student with her head down. The sun rays entered the class through the giant windows and bounced on her golden hair. Slowly her eyelashes fluttered and out came two orbs that glowed like gems. One colored red and other colored blue, her eyes were just like her.

Sitting up straight, she stretched a little bit and gave out a yawn. With slightly humid eyes she picked up her books and walked towards the door. With a bang the door was closed shut and the peace and quiet returned to the room. The last class of the semester was officially concluded.