
The Dragon Of Ladon

Unknown world with Skyrim abilities.

MasterOfMyWorld · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


"Was that a demon?!" King Marco and Prince Leo thought aloud.

"Kind of… do you recognize it?" Nathaniel checked the two to see if they were hurt.

"Yes!" The adrenaline still ran through Prince Leo. "The demons are mentioned widely in the history books, every race knows of them."

He remembered the bedtime stories his parents read him, along with the detailed descriptions and sketches made of them.

But for decades, even centuries, no one has seen or heard of them, at this point they've become legends along with the heroes in history.

"Do they have their own realm? Their own homeworld?" Nathaniel asked curiously.

"Yes, Hell, or more specifically the Netherlands, where vile demons reside." Leo told the man as much as he knew.

King Marco, on the other hand, calmed down as he looked towards Nathaniel. The fact that he was asking information about these demons confirmed he is not of this world.

Because as strong and old as he is, he should know about the Netherlands and its inhabitants.

Every species in Terra had once raised their arms against the demons and had more than once united against the Netherlands.

So there would be no way one wouldn't know about these demons unless they have been living under a rock or are from another world.

"Thanks for the info, kid. I'm guessing you're the first prince?" Nathaniel turned to King Marco to confirm.

"Ah, forgive me Lord Nathaniel, it is as you said, this is my son." King Marco nudged Leo to continue and introduce himself.

"Hello, Lord, allow me to introduce myself and show you my gratitude for healing me. I am Leonard Windsor, crowned prince of Ladon, and I am forever in your debt for healing me." Prince Leo took a knee along with his father.

"Please." Using [Telekinesis], Nathaniel easily raised them up from their attempted kneeling. "That is the least I could do, considering you allowed me to live in your lands and went out of your way for me."

Feeling the power that he couldn't resist, Leo smiled excitedly. "Lord Nathaniel, are you a Sorcerer Supreme?!"


"It's fine. As for your question, Prince Leo, I'm not entirely sure…" Nathaniel could tell that a Sorcerer Supreme is part of the evolutionary system and ranked quite high.

It also reminded him of a certain character in the comic books back on earth.

"You've got to be!! Are you perhaps from another world?!"

"Leo!! Please forgive him, Lord, he doesn't know when to restrain himself." King Marco held his son by the shoulders as he looked towards Nathaniel, pleading for him not to possibly take offense.

"Hahaha, you worry too much, King Marco, just treat me as you would a friend, I would also feel better that way." He turned to Prince Leo. "Yes, Leo. I am indeed from another world."

At this point, anyone smart would figure him out so what's the use of keeping it under the table, plus he is confident in handling himself if anything happens. At least he hopes so.

"Amazing!! I've never heard of such a situation." Leo knew there were other worlds. In fact, many knew of this fact not only because of the demons but also because most of the species in Terra originated from their own home worlds.

They had their own legends and myths of their own origins.

Since Nathaniel confirmed it himself, King Marco also decided to ask, but his son beat him to it. "What is your world like?!"

Nathaniel's thoughts wandered, wondering if he should tell them about Earth or Nirn.

"Nirn, from what I've seen so far, it's not that different from your world here. We also have species similar here, the only thing I can tell is different is the Dwarfs, while we don't have any Seafolks, at least none I have seen."

"Demons?" King Marco chimed in.

"Yes, demons. But the demons of Nirn are more specifically called Dremora of Oblivion, which are just the tiny little bastards under the Daedric Princes. Does Terra have sovereign demons?"

The reason Nathaniel asked is that if he is really as powerful as he believes, then there are only a few things he should worry about, and that is the demon overlords similar to the Daedric Princes who can cause chaos and almost control reality.

"If there are, then it's not something we know of." King Marco thought before he realized they overlooked something. "How did a demon appear here?" If a Nethergate appeared in the Sky Mountain, then this is something he should be worried about.

Nathaniel's thoughts churned. He couldn't simply say that he conjured it just to check his spells or that would probably turn him into an enemy to some people.

"I'm not entirely sure…but that demon was the last of them from what I can sense." Nathaniel spouted out some nonsense.

But his response seemed to have made the King and Prince even more worried. If Nathaniel wasn't sure, then what can they be sure of?

"I'll tell you what, I will roam the mountains every day to make sure nothing dangerous lurks around here."

"I would not want to trouble you, Lord Nathaniel, but as there is no one more capable than you, I and Ladon would greatly appreciate it." King Marco dipped his head gratefully.

"Can I tag along with you?!" Leo suddenly asked excitedly.

"No, you have your duties as the heir and have much to learn." King Marco shut down Leo's thoughts.

"But father—"



Another wave of pressure spread out in the area, and the King and Prince shook once more.

They turned once again to see another giant ferocious being glaring at them with its sharp canines and fiery red eyes.

"Wh—what is that?!"

"A demon houn—"

"No, no, sorry." Nathaniel once again cast a spell, this time an [Illusion] spell called [Calm] around the area where it not only calmed the duo but the pressing pressure and the new arrival. "Sorry, that's just my familiar."

King Marco and Prince Leo, who felt a rise of fear and pressure inside of them, suddenly disappeared, leaving them stunned.

As Nathaniel apologized to the King and Prince, he called out to the four-meter flaming wolf.

"Come here, buddy, don't worry, they won't hurt you." Nathaniel closed in and started patting the giant wolf on the head and under its jaw.


"That's a familiar?!" King Marco shouted in shock along with Prince Leo.

"Yeah, sorry to frighten you." Nathaniel chuckled apologetically.

The duo stood there frozen, looking up at the beast that turned docile in front of Nathaniel.

King Marco had heard of powerful Sorcerers that are capable of summoning or taming beasts from other realms as their own pets, but what he had seen and heard was minuscule compared to the giant beast rubbing its head on Nathaniel.

This familiar that Nathaniel had could swallow them whole, let alone those pets the sorcerers are so proud of. This giant wolf also had flames coming off its body and breath as if it's second nature, it's a Spiritual Beast.

"His name is Cupcake, he looks scary, but he's a little baby, so don't worry too much." Nathaniel said with a chuckle as the duo seemed confused.

"Anyways, let's stop standing around here. Come and eat, I've prepared soup before I had to chase the little demon. Hop on." Nathaniel jumped on top of the ferocious-looking beast.

"H…hop on?" King Marco seemed hesitant, but Prince Leo followed without hesitation, worrying King Marco even more.

After forcibly putting King Marco on Cupcake with [Telekinesis], they rode on Cupcake for a good while before they arrived at an even more destroyed area.

Burned areas, blade slashes, and uprooted ground seemed to be the most normal things around the area.

The only place that was unharmed is the spot in the center with a large pot over a fire.

"Sit, hopefully you guys will like my cooking, though I'm confident." Nathaniel poured two steaming bowls of what seemed like chicken soup before handing it to the two.

"Thank you, Lord Nathaniel."

"King Marco, please, I told you that you can just call me Nathaniel."

"As you wish, in that case you may call me Marco as well." King Marco sighed.

"As for you, just call me uncle." Nathaniel turned towards Prince Leo.

"Hehe, gladly." Prince Leo was pleasantly surprised, but he wouldn't foolishly decline to call some powerful man uncle.

Nathaniel thought the same. Having close relationships with a King and a Prince is a plus, even if they are just weak and small compared to the rest of Terra.

If things go well, he could make some changes to this kingdom and make it his real home in this world.



Nathaniel turned towards them worriedly, but they seemed more positively shocked than worried. "Is everything okay?!"

"Lord Nathan—Nathaniel…what kind of…is this a Spiritual Dish?!" King Marco shouted out in shock and excitement.

The energy inside him flared as his wind blew around violently.

Prince Leo stood there in shock as well as he looked at his hands, as if discovering something he didn't know he had all along.

"Spiritual Dish?" Nathaniel questioned confusedly as he drank from his own bowl.

"Father!! This…I think I've entered the Spiritual Stage!!" Prince Leo said mindlessly as he couldn't believe it.

"Hahahaha, amazing!!" King Marco, who is also in his own world, raised his hands and waved it as wind compressed before slashing out, cutting a tree down nearby. "Rank Five Spiritual Warrior!!"

"You've…advanced?!" Nathaniel looked back and forth towards the two and the chicken soup he casually made in front of them.

From what King Marco told him, the ranking system of this world had three stages and 10 ranks, the first three Warrior Stages:

Mortal Stage:

- Trainee.

- Rookie.

- Warrior.

Spiritual Stage:

- Veteran Warrior.

- Spiritual Warrior.

- Master Spiritual Warrior.

Immortal Stage:

- Grandmaster Warrior.

- Ultimate Warrior.

- Immortal Warrior.

Transcendent Stage:

- Paragon.

Each warrior that evolves from a stage is stronger than those in previous stages, obviously, while each rank has its own levels before they can rank up.

The Mortal Stage is simply for those taking their first step into the world of a warrior.

A Rank 1 Trainee would be focused on strength and foundation.

A Rank 2 Rookie would be someone focusing on skills, combat arts, and movements, but should not forget their strength training.

A Rank 3 Warrior is a goal for many as much as it is the first step to those ambitious. Those ranked as Warrior are known for their experience and achievements.

A Warrior, depending on their experience and achievement, are rated by those they serve or are employed by. Such as a 4th Rate Warrior all the way up to a 1st Rate Warrior being the most powerful.

Throughout the Mortal Stage, the most helpful things they could use are herbs and equipment.

The opportunities they could find themselves rely on certain herbs and ingredients they could use to improve their body, like muscle enhancing, bone strengthening or even sharper senses.

Though that's if they are lucky enough to find some, as many of these components in demand are already snatched from their natural habitat.

Herbs and ingredients are ranked in Terra, from the most common as Natural, to Spiritual Herbs and Ingredients to Immortal.

Natural, Spiritual, and Immortal.

And of course, the more powerful and effective they are, the rarer one could witness one.

For most in the Mortal Stage, they would have to gather Natural Herbs and ingredients before hiring an Alchemist to concoct a certain desired potion for them, which is sometimes difficult.

Unless they happen to stumble upon a Spiritual herb or something in the wilderness.

Though some who are rich or have high status wouldn't have to worry about it as they regularly employ Alchemists.

The Spiritual Stage is where one can truly learn the ways of a superhuman being. This stage allows one to learn how to use the basics of energy and enhance their bodies to another level, and even be able to use elements if lucky.

The Immortal stage is self-explanatory. It wasn't common knowledge, but rumors say that those who evolve to the Immortal Stage are not only immortal but capable of ignoring mortal damage.

Immortals are said to live through their spiritual self rather than their physical mortal bodies.

And then there is the Transcendent Stage, there is no knowledge for this high stage other than the fact that it's the end and that there are only two beings who achieved this.

As the strongest evolved warriors in Terra are known as Paragons, the most skilled mages are known as Sorcerer Supremes.

The Ranking System for a mage is just as similar.

King Marco was previously in the Spiritual Stage as a Ranked 4 Veteran Warrior, but due to Nathaniel's cooking, he evolved to a Rank 5 Spiritual Warrior.

The same could be said about Prince Leo, who didn't have much chance to train and was stuck in the Mortal Stage as a Ranked 2 Rookie, evolved straight to a Spiritual Stage Rank 4 Veteran Warrior, completely skipping Rank 3 and its levels.

Grabbing Prince Leo's shoulders, King Marco forced him onto his knees before they both bowed their heads towards Nathaniel. "Nathaniel, please accept our gratitude!!"

"I…you know this expression of thanks is getting kind of tiring, it's a bit over the top." Nathaniel thought aloud as he fed Cupcake beside him. "Plus, it's just chicken soup, it's nothing crazy…"

He didn't think the chicken soup he put together to rid his hunger suddenly made these two evolve in their rankings, it seemed a bit too much to him.

And maybe it's because he is different, but he didn't feel any advancements when he was eating it.

"I have no doubt it is, but there are those that say Immortals and Majestons are known to turn gold in whatever they touch." King Marco explained with reverence in his eyes.

His worries for the other kingdoms drained, he could handle himself against a majority of the Central Continents Evolved Warriors and Mages from now on, and his son, the crowned prince, not only recovered but evolved to a rank just below him. The gods have truly blessed his kingdom.

"Well…in exchange for this, how about I make myself a residence in Sky Mountain?" Nathaniel's thoughts wandered.

He wasn't able to see or sense anyone who had their own place to live in the mountain, but this is the perfect place to practice his skills and abilities away from the crowd and buildings in the city.

"Then I will also be straightforward." King Marco said and continued after Nathaniel's nod. "I may be overstepping…but I hope you can help some of my people with your power to heal."


Might put up a ranking system on the Aux soon…

MasterOfMyWorldcreators' thoughts