
The dragon king’s journey

Writing mostly for myself. Don’t like it? Don’t read it! Simple as that. English is not my first language. This is a crackfic with a degenerate bisexual MC! Chapters are released when they are finnished.

MrTacoCat · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
11 Chs

Ch 9

(A/N: Sorry for the delay, for some reason this chapter was a pain in the ass to write. If you have any suggestions for how I can improve, please let me know.)

Harry stood in front of Excalibur, all he had to do, was to pull the sword out of the stone, and he would be king.

Reaching forward, Harry gripped the handle of the sword with both hands, and pulled. As he pulled, he felt something in his chest, heat and power was amassing in his chest around his heart.

Harry felt the stones hold on Excalibur slipp slightly, as the sword rose a few centimeters. At the same time the amount of heat and power in his chest rose.

When Excalibur was halfway out, the stone started to crack, making small pieces drop, but they didn't hit the ground, they floated around Harry, looking like a miniature asteroid belt.

With a final pull, Harry pulled Excalibur free as the stone crumbled, and raised it above his head. At the same time, the heat and power in his chest merged with his heart, releasing a loud roar that shook the chamber.

As Harry lowered Excalibur, he felt something appear in his now free left hand. Taking a look, he saw that it was the Pendragon lordship ring and placed it on his finger.

When the ring merged and combined with the other rings, it glowed for a moment. When the glow receded, it left a new ring on his finger. On the face of the ring was the crest of house Pendragon, surrounded by the crests of his other lordships.

Taking a deep breath, Harry turned around, and met the gaze of his mother who gave him a proud smile. Looking towards Aelia and Ragnok, Harry watched as they approached him with determined faces.

Stopping in fornt of Harry, both Aelia and Ragnok kneeled. Harry looked at them in slight wonder, when Ragnok started to speak.

"I, Ragnok, King of the Goblins, renew the oath of fealty sworn to the house of Pendragon by my ancestor, Sharp-claw, first King of the Goblins. I shall follow you in victory and defeat, your enemies shall be mine, my troops shall be yours should you need them, I will be loyal and true from this moment until my death, and beyond. This oath I swear to you, King Hadrian Pendragon, on blood, gold and magic, I am yours to command. So I have sworn, so mote it be."

As Ragnok finished his oath, he pulled out a golden dagger and cut his palm. As the blood pooled on the floor, Ragnok was momentarily engulfed in a golden light, before it vanished along with the blood and wound.

The moment Ragnok was finished, Aelia spoke.

"I Aelia Whitewood, pledge my body, mind, soul and magic to your service, taking you, Hadrian Pendragon as my master. Bound by this oath with Mother Magic as my witness, I am yours completely, dedicated to fulfilling your will with unwavering loyalty and devotion, until the end of time. So I have sworn, so mote it be."

When Aelia finished her oath, she too was engulfed in a golden light for a moment.

Before Harry could do or say anything, Lilly ran up to him and embraced him in a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you baby." Lilly whispered in his ear before taking a step back.

Giving his mother a smile, Harry turned back to the still kneeling Aelia and Ragnok.


A couple of hours later, Harry and Lilly walked out of Gringotts, Aelia a step behind them.

Before they left, Ragnok had taken Harry to the Potter vault, so he could get some money. Ragnok had gifted him an expanded pouch to keep his money in, so, after filling it with Galleons, Sickles and Knuts, Harry secretly placed it in his inventory. That's when he learned something new, he had a separate inventory just for money. All the money in this inventory was converted into an universal currency that, when withdrawn, turned into the needed local currency.

After leaving the vault, Ragnok told Harry that he would be contacted at a later date by his new accounts manager, and that he trusted said manager completely.

Walking down the cobbled street of Diagon Alley, Harry pulled out his Hogwarts letter and asked, "Where do we go first?"


Harry walked out of Flourish and Blotts with a satisfied smile on his face. When he saw all the books in the store, he had gotten an idea.

Harry created a spell that when used, sends out a weak magical pulse that scans and copies all books, tomes and scrolls according to his specifications, then places the copies in his inventory.

Harry looked at his mother, who was carrying Hedwig's cage and spoke.

"Let's go home."

"What about your wand?" Lilly asked.

"I already got one." Harry replied, as he pretended to pull his wand out of a pocket on the inside of his jacket.

"Okay then, let's go home and celebrate your birthday."

Nodding, Harry lead the way towards the Leaky Cauldron.

Walking down the street, Harry suddenly stopped when he felt a pull. Looking to where the pull came from, he saw it was a store, more specifically the Magical Menagerie.

"Baby, why are we stopping?" Harry heard his mother ask.

Harry didn't reply as he walked into the store.

Following the pull, Harry eventually found himself in front of a cage containing a puppy of some kind.

The puppys fur was almost completely black, except for its white chest, while its eyes were blue.

Kneeling down, Harry opened the cage and let the puppy out. He watched as the puppy stretched, before it slowly walked out of the cage while having its gaze locked on him.

Harry, while still kneeling, slowly reached out his hand, allowing the puppy to sniff it. He watched as it sniffed his hand, before happily wagging its tail as it jumped into his arms and started licking his face.

Laughing, Harry stood up when he saw Lilly and Aelia approach.

"Why are we here baby?" Lilly asked, while smiling at the happy puppy.

"I felt this… pull, leading me to this puppy." Harry replied as he stroked the puppys soft fur.

"Could it be?" Aelia muttered loud enough for both Harry and Lilly to hear.

"What?" Harry asked.

"If what I think is true, then you have gotten yourself a familiar." Aelia said while giving Harry a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Harry smiled as he stood up with the puppy still in his arms, and walked to the counter.

"What can I…" The clerk started his usual line, but paused when he saw what was in the strange, white haired boys arms. "Are you sure you want her? She has been here for a long time, and always growls at anyone that is interested in her."

"Yup, how much?" Harry asked.

"Well, since we don't know what breed she is, and seeing how happy she is… let's say 10 Galleons, food included."




After paying and picking up a bag of food, Harry walked out of the store with his new puppy in his arms. As he stepped out onto the street, his mother turned to him.

"Harry, why don't you and Aelia go home first, I just remembered that I have to buy something for your birthday."

"Ok." Harry replied, and turned to walk towards the Leaky Cauldron with Aelia.


Harry walked into the living room and sat down in his favorite chair.

He had just said goodbye to Susan and Amelia Bones, as well as his godfather Sirius after walking them to the floo, where Sirius returned to Black castle after a hug. Followed by Susan and Amelia, who returned to Bones manor after a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug respectively.

Harry looked at Sif, the name he had given the puppy, with a smile, as she slept on her back while her legs twitched.

'She's probably running around in her dreams.' Harry thought with a fond smile.

Harry was pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone walk into the room. Turning he saw that it was Aelia.

"Aelia, could you come here for a moment, I want to ask you something?"

"Of course," Aelia said as she walked over to him. "What can I do for you master?"

"I wanted to ask you about the oath you swore earlier today." Harry said, as he looked her in the eyes.

"What do you want to know?" She asked, as her honey brown eyes lowered in submission.

"You basically said that your body, mind, soul and magic are mine." Harry said as he took in her beautiful figure.

"That is correct." Aelia answered, while subtly pushing her big tits together. "You are my master. I am yours to cammand, I will follow all your orders, no matter what."

"Anything?" Harry asked as he tried to hide his growing erection.

"Anything~" Aelia said with a seductive smile.

"That's good to know," he paused as he took a deep breath. "I want you to do something for me."

Aelia stood straight, while Harry explained what he wanted her to do.

"Can you do it?" Harry asked after giving her a moment to think.

"Yes master."

"Good, how long will it take?"

"If I leave now, it should be done by tomorrow morning." Aelia replied with modest confidence.

"Perfect. I don't care what you do or how you do it. Come to my room the moment your task is completed." Harry ordered as he rose to his feet and walked up the stairs, towards his room.




Harry walked out of the shower, and after releasing a small controlled burst of magic, he was dry.

Walking out of the bathroom, Harry was greeted by an expected sight. There on his bed, was his mother, she was laying on her side, wearing a short sexy red silk nightgown.

Seeing him, Lilly slowly rose from the bed and walked over to her naked son.

"You still have one present left~" She whispered as she kissed his neck.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

Placing a kiss on his lips, Lilly took a few steps back and slowly let the nightgown fall to the floor as she spoke. "Me~"

As the fabric pooled around her feet, Harry's cock hardened. Under the nightgown, Lilly was wearing a matching set of a white cupless bra and crotchless panties.

Reaching out, Lilly grabbed her son and pushed him onto the bed. Climbing ontop of him, she placed her wet pussy on his big, hard cock and slowly slid her hips back and forth as she kissed him.

Kissing her back, one of Harry's hands went to his mother's soft, perfect ass while the other started kneading one of her tits.

Several minutes and an orgasm later, Lilly sped up her hip movements when she felt Harry start to pant and buck his hips.

Moments later Harry came, shooting ropes of hot cum up his own stomach and chest, while moaning into the kiss. At the same time, Lilly leaned back while rubbing her clit, squirting as she had another orgasm.

After catching his breath, Harry looked down and watched as his mother licked the cum from his stomach and chest. The sight made his allready hard cock swell further.

After licking up and swallowing all of her son's strangely delicious cum, Lilly flipped them over so that she was on her back with Harry over her and spoke.

"I need you in me~"

Hearing her, Harry stared down at her.

"Are you sure mum? If we do this, there will be no turning back, you will be mine, and mine alone." Harry said, his tone serious as he looked his mother in the eyes.

Lilly's eyes regained a bit of focus as she looked up at her son with a loving smile and cupped his cheek.

"I have been sure for a long time baby. I love you, and I know that I can't live without you, so" she paused for a moment, her pupils dilating and shining with lust, "fuck me baby, make mummy yours~"

Hearing what she said, Harry quickly opened his system and bought a skill that lets him control his own fertility.

Activating the skill and making sure he won't be a father anytime soon, Harry leaned down and kissed his mother deeply, while moving his cock to her entrance and slowly pushed inside her.

Lilly broke the kiss and moaned in both pain and pleasure, when she was stretched open by a cock for the first time in 10 years.

Harry halted his movements to let her get comfortable, at the same time, he recaptured her lips while one of his hands went to her tits, massaging her breast and twisting and pulling her erect nipples. His other hand slowly trailed down her body, eventually reaching her pussy where he started to rub her clit.

Eventually Lilly pulled back from the kiss and looked at Harry strangely.

"You… ahn… don't find it disgusting?" She asked between moans.


"The… taste of your cum on my tongue."

"No. Not really, and wouldn't it be hypocritical of me, when i kiss you after eating your pussy?" Harry said, earning him a bright smile, while her pussy clamped down on his cock, making him moan in pleasure.

Lilly pulled him down into another deep passion-filled kiss, as he pushed in deeper.

When he reached the halfway point, he pulled back until only the head remained and thrust forward again, repeating the movements until he was fully inside her.

Grabbing his mother's legs, Harry placed them on his shoulders and leaned forward onto his elbows, before he started to fuck her with long, hard thrusts.

"Ahn… fuck, I'm cumming!" Lilly screamed.

Harry felt her pussy clamp down on his cock as his pelvis was showered in warm squirt. He sped up his thrusts, extending her orgasm.

He continued to fuck her like this for several minutes, earning him two more orgasms, until finally he reached his limit.

"Hngh, I'm close…"

"In me! Cum inside me!" Lilly yelled through another orgasm.

Harry gave a few more quick thrusts before he fell forwards, bottoming out as he came hard, filling his mother up with his cum.

Lilly hugged her son while stroking his hair. Feeling his still hard cock, she smiled.

"Ready for another round?~"

She waited a couple of seconds, but when she didn't get a reply, she lifted her head and saw that he had fallen asleep, still inside her. Chuckling, she kissed his forehead before leaning back and closing her eyes.