
Moving In and Forging The Sword.

As Mark patiently helped Rias take control of his blood he noticed the changes happening in her body. Like Runeas her hair darkened into a darker shade of Crimson and from her head emerged two horns. However, unlike Runeas' which curved up, Rias' curved slightly backward.

While Runeas woke up quite soon, it took Rias several hours with Mark's help to wake up. This was no fault of her own, but just the fact that she was both young and that Mark was a monster.

Luckily she woke back up after 5 hours. Her blue eyes were slitted like Mark's and Runeas, but in them burned a dark red fire. She took a breath as she looked up at Mark. During the time she was asleep her Dragon Heart had slowly taken form.

"Mark, did it work?"

He nodded as he ran his hand through her hair.

"Yes, now you just need to get used to this new power. Once I feel it is enough, I will give you my Bone Marrow."

"But won't that weaken you?"

He shook his head.

"No, I am regenerated and it will come back quite soon. Besides, it will make you stronger than just my blood."

Mark helped her stand up which then led to that rush that Runeas spoke about.

"Wow, she was not lying."

Runeas walked down the stairs after taking all the important stuff, furniture, TVs, dishes, and utensils. So now the house was quite empty, but Mark was going to take his car and truck.

"Of course, I am not."

Rias touched her chest to feel her heartbeat. It was powerful, much stronger than when she was just a Devil.

"No wonder aside from the gods the dragons are the strongest race."

Mark smiled with pride.

"Just us 'mortal' dragons can fight gods. Our gods are even stronger."


Mark whistled which caused Grimnar to walk down the stairs. On the middle of his heads was Celestine who loved to do this.

"It's time to go to my forever home."

Rias perked up.


Mark grinned.

"The fire castle which Runeas made for me is finally my home. It is in the Yellowstone Super Volcano. I moved my training field there and the rest of my assets. Rias, I would ask you to move in with me, but I know you like school so I won't bother."

Rias looked down a bit.


He shook his head.

"What are 2 years to beings like us? Enjoy your youth for now, but take more time to train. Make your peerage use its full potential. I just hope they took my advice."

She nodded and hugged Mark.

"Thank you."

He smiled as he patted her hair. Runeas saw that and hugged him as well.

"I want a hug as well."

Mark laughed as he bent down to hug both of them.

"Hugs to everyone."

When he let them go, he began to walk out the house.

"Runeas, got everything?"

She nodded and showed him a ring with the Gremory insignia on her middle finger.

"Yup. We can go."

He looked over at Rias.

"Want to see my new territory?"

She nodded.

"Of course."

Mark waved his hand and in a flash, of purple, teleported himself, Rias, Runeas, Grimnar, and Celestine. He even took his car and pick up which he planned to have Hephaestus upgrade into something better.

He sent the two vehicles inside the Castle while they appeared out in front of the castle. The moment they appeared here, Rias was assaulted by the heat, pressure, and power of the volcano. Though the drop of blood Mark gave her caused the heat to not feel bad.

She looked around and as the volcano was gigantic, she could see quite far out.

"You were not kidding when you spoke about this place."

Mark looked out and whistled. Not long after he did that, Astrid flew in from the air on her two flamming rocky dragon wings. Seeing the giant flaming creature took the breath away from Rias. When Mark saw that he wanted to laugh.

In his real form, he was more than double the size of Astrid. When she landed in front of their small group she lowered her big head.

"My lord, you have returned."

He nodded as he walked toward her and hugged her head.

"I am, from now on this shall be my home. I swear to guard your kin against harm from now on."

Hearing his words brought joy to Astrid.

"That is wonderful my master, I swear that my kin shall forever safeguard your territory."

Mark let go of her as he introduced Rias and Astrid.

"Rias, this is Astrid. Her kind was born here in this volcano. She is my familiar just like Grimnar and Celestine."

Rias waved politely kinda scared of the giant lava, rock bear cat thing.

"Hi, I am Rias."

Astrid was still new to introductions, but she knew how to be polite.

"Rias? I shall remember it."

Mark looked down at Grimnar and Celestine.

"Go on you two, have fun."

Both returned to their true forms which resulted in Grimnar growing to be 35 meters tall. He was not very big, but the size was not everything. Meanwhile, Celestine was just 6 meters so still a tiny one.

After this, both of them flew off to take a spot on the volcano territory of their own. Seeing this made Astrid fly off after them leaving just Rias, Mark and Runeas. It made him laugh saying their names back to back.

"It still makes me laugh to say your names back to back. You have Runeas and Rias. You can hear Rias in Runeas which is funny to me."

Rias nodded.

"It was intentional as my dad named me after Runeas."

Runeas held her hands over her heart.

"Aww, that was so sweet."

Mark agreed with that.

"I agree, but for now, it is time for me to do something I have wanted to do for a long while."

Mark focused on Hephaestus who was on Olympus at the moment.

'Hephestus, want to reforge the symbol of the power of Kronus.'

Hearing that nearly made the god jump in excitement.

'Of course, it would be the perfect way to get the rust off. I will be there soon. Get ready for the forge.'

Mark popped his neck as he looked at Rias.

"If you thought Astrid was big, get ready."

She did not know what he meant until it happened. In an eruption of Draconic Aura and Mana, she saw Mark transformed. She was left slack-jawed when she saw Mark's true form after his evolution.

Consuming so much fire, lava, and earth mana along with the blessing in his soul which was nowhere near completely absorbed had caused him to grow to titanic proportions.

210 meters from nose to tail he was a true monster. Seeing Mark like this made Rias nearly pass out.

"By Lucifer and God's beard."

Even the headache that came from the name of God did not snap her out of her delirium. Mark laughed as he walked past her and prepared to enter the forge.

"I am impressive."

Runeas teleported onto Mark's head along with Rias. She herself was still not used to Mark's gigantic proportions. In a flash of silver and red, Mark teleported them into the lowest section of the castle.

Here was the giant forge that fed on the heat from the volcano and especially Mark's flames. The room was massive as it was big enough for Mark in his true form to stand comfortably. It was also covered in runes as it would need to resist the strength of Mark's powerful flames.

To be specific, the Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames needed a new name.

'Flames of Immolation.'

[But, what about my cool name?]

Mark could hear the sadness in Ddraig's voice, but he was interrupted.

"My flames will be called Flames of Immolation, you can keep the name you had."


Mark lay down as Runeas and Rias jumped off. Rias was still shocked by how big he was now as the last time she saw him he was just 40 meters tall. He had more than quadrupled in size since then and it showed.

"Mark, what the hell happened to you?"

Mark laid his head down on the ground as he spoke.


Rias was going to say that did not make sense, but then she realized when did Mark make sense. He was a human who had become a dragon. A regular human becoming not just a dragon, a Heavenly Dragon.

She just nodded.

"I will just accept that explanation."

Runeas felt that was a good idea.

"Good. Now, we just need to wait for him to arrive?"

Rias looked at Runeas curious.


In a flash of flames, Hephestus appeared in the forge room.

"That would be me?"

Rias jumped a bit as the divine energy that he radiated showed he was a god. She looked toward Mark who introduced him.

"This is Hephestus, my new personal smith."

Rias once again was reminded about Mark being able to speak to the gods like this. She at this point just decided to take everything Mark did in stride. She gave a polite bow to the god.

"I am Rias Gremory."

Hephestus returned to favor.

"Pleasure. Now, Sir, where is the blade?"

With a flash of burning silver, the black blade appeared in front of Hephestus. The god instantly grabbed the sword and began to analyze it.

"Let's see, I heard that Kronus received this from his mother Gaea. The metal is a mixture of Celestial Bronze, favored by us Greek gods. But mixed in is a mixture of Magic Steel and Adamantium. Along with trace metals of other kinds.

A weapon forged within the Earth itself, you are quite lucky sir."

Mark nodded.

"I still wonder why Kronus would simply give this away to Luke. He was a Demigod, but he had a minor understanding of mana and not even a very strong one either."

Hephestus had an idea. He held up Backbitter up and explained.

"It all plays into this. This blade was once the scythe of Kronus, the first symbol of power in our Pantheon. It was made for him to kill his father Ouranus. This blade was made to kill Immortals, as Oranus is dead in body and soul.

As for Kronus, when Zeus threw him down from his Black Throne, he used this scythe to break Kronus' body, but not his soul."

Runeas and Rias went silent for a moment as that sounded dumb. Runeas sighed and asked about it.

"Wait, if Kronus was so evil, why did Zeus not end him fully like Ouranus?"

Hephestus shook his head.

"It could be that Zeus did not want to truly destroy his father forever and thought that simply destroying his body would be enough. But knowing him, it was probably to gloat."

Mark laughed which caused the chamber to shake. That was how much power his new stage afforded him.

"And now, I will benefit. Let's get to work, what do you need?"

Hephestus had a few ideas.

"As you can see, most of the original blade is gone with just this small part left. We will need powerful materials, as for heat, we have you and the heat of the volcano."

Mark looked to his right hand where he had 3 spatial rings from the gods who paid him. He had a lot of Celestial Bronze with the power of Zeus, Stygian Iron from Hades, and Deep Steel, a steel that had absorbed the essence of the sea.

It was good his rings grew with him as he did not want to lose them. He sent some mana toward them and in an instant three piles of metal ingots appeared. The first pile crackled with lightning, the second radiated death energy, and the third gave off the power of the sea.

Hephestus rushed over to the metals and smiled.

"We have our material."

Mark brought out more ingots of Celestial Bronze, but these were regular ones. He had them float up into the air where he opened his mouth and blasted them with fire. He melted the metal down and formed a large tub-like thing to contain his blood.

Once the tub of Celestial Bronze was complete, he set it down on the floor.

"Here, when you quench, we will use my blood."

Hephestus nodded.

"Good idea to use Celestial Bronze, your blood would melt through regular metal."

Mark bit his tongue causing a deep injury on it. He drew his blood out and poured it down into the tub which could contain 50 gallons. Once his burning blood filled the tub he sealed its power inside until the last minute.

And he had one more item to add to the mix. Mark raised his left arm and gripped his right forearm. He closed his eyes and spoke to Rias and Runeas.

"You will want to look away."

Runeas shook her head.

"No, I will watch. Go on, I am here."

Rias decided to also watch as what Mark was going to do was going to hurt.

"Just don't hurt yourself too much."

Hephestus on the other hand was grinning like a madman.

'Bone Marrow of a Heavenly Dragon will make this a weapon of legend. I choose the right being to serve.'

He felt his Divinity course like lightning in his body as the desire to forge was making him stronger. Mark in one move snapped his right arm with his earth-shattering strength. This was hard enough as his bones were the hardest part of him.

Once he broke his right arm, he tore open his own arm open. He made sure no blood leaked from this until he found the snap location. His blood was bright red while his marrow was bright burning gold.

He extracted just enough to fill up a bucket. He then snapped his arm back into place which began to regenerate rapidly. In a few moments, his arm was once again at its peak and his bone marrow began to regenerate as well.

Not as fast, but not slow by any means. His body was built on resilience to take and keep taking more blows. He sealed his Bone Marrow so that its power would not leak. He then handed the orb of Celestial Bronze to him so he could use it when he needed it.

"Do you have everything?"

Hephestus looked at the three piles of metal, the sword, the blood, and marrow along with the forge.

"Would have been better if we forged me a new hammer, but my divine hammer is good enough."

Mark thought about it and decided that using Hephestus' Divine One would be fine.

"I agree. We can begin."

Hephestus walked over to the forge which was large and long. It spanned half of the room and was made for Mark to blast his flames inside. The enchantments would then channel that heat to the end where Hephestus would work.

Not to mention that when Mark was not here it would still work with just the heat of the volcano they were in. In Hephestus' hand appeared his Symbol of Power, his Divine Hammer which he spun in the air.


Divine Energy radiated from him in excitement as he had everything he needed here. Blood, Marrow, metal, Fire of Legend, and a Weapon of Legend to remake anew. Mark looked at Runeas and Rias.

"Watch this."

Mark exhaled hard and ignited those legendary flames that made Ddraig so feared in his lungs. The power to burn even gods to ashes was now Mark's.

[Yes it is. Use them, Mark.]

When Mark opened his jaws, a massive inferno of flames entered the forge. Instantly the enchantments and runes which were made in Mark's blood fired to life. They took control of the flames and directed them to the end causing the forge to roar to life.

"I will have to prepare the other metals to add to the blade. How long can you keep this much fire."

Mark as he still fueled the forge telepathically connected to him.

'These are Ddraig's natural flames that he stopped using. As long as I have mana, they will keep coming.'

Hephestus grinned.

"Good. Then, let's get this stuff ready."

The god of Blacksmiths placed the ingots of Lightning infused Celestial Bronze one by one into the forge to make them into flat pieces of metal. His Divine Energy forced the power of the flames to enter the ingots while preserving their natural power of lightning.

He then did this for the Stygian Iron and the Deep Steel both creating three piles of flat metal which would be used for the weapon. With his material ready, it was time for the blade itself. He slowly placed the sword inside the forge and the moment he did that something happened in Tarturus.

The servants of Kronus had gathered his body and soul to put him back together. With aid from their new allies, they were going to give Kronus a host body, but before they could begin, a roar of agony left the Titan King.

His symbol of power was being taken and changed into something else. Not in his plans shocking his monster servants and the Titans who were free. What made their lord yell in such pain? As for Hephestus, the god waited until the sword was burning hot before he placed a piece of Celestial Bronze that now crackled with Red Lightning on the sword.

Once both reached an equal temperature, he brought them out and struck the sword and metal to make them one. He would do this in a pattern of Celestial Bronze, Stygian Iron, and Deep Steel until they were all gone.

In his excitement, he even returned to his true Divine Form which made him appear as a golden blacksmith. Each of his strikes was perfect, his concentration was unfaltering and his work would not be stopped.

Mark was already excited for the end product so he would make sure to not stop his flames.