
The New Acquaintance

Sam leaned towards the back of his cell, listening for voices as the sunsets. His eyes were drooping when a feminine voice startled him awake once more.

"Hey, want to bust out of here?"

Shiro swiveled around as a hand touched his neck. "Who are you?"

The girl laughed, "Look and find out."

Sam pressed his face to the hole in his cell wall. His new friend was around the age of nineteen and had blonde hair. She stood up and pressed her face to the wall as well.

"My name's Alex."

Sam noticed that her eyes were a sparkling green. Glowing faintly even in the darkness of her cell. "My name is Sam. Why are you here, and once again, who are you?"

Alex sighed. "I told you my name already, don't ask a question you aren't prepared to know the answer to."

Though Sam was unable to see her face he could tell that she was smirking.

"I'll go first then," Sam said. "I'm a petty thief, and got put in for stealing this." he held up the dagger he had stolen earlier, his eyes glowing red ever so slightly as he did. "Also have this sweet tattoo," he said, pointing to the dragon on his back.

Alex smiled. "I'm next then. I'm the daughter of a Baron, who got arrested for 'vandalization of government property' even though it was my father's house." She smiled and stood back. " I found this in his room and was using his vases for target practice. She reached under her bed and pulled out a bow, or its handle at least. When she threw out her arm, the bow grew to full size, and her eyes began to glow even brighter. "I also had this tattoo on my wrists when I woke up." She held up her wrists to reveal two dragons on the insides of her wrists. As she rolled down her sleeves she disappears in a blue orb then reappearing in Sams cell. " What the- a prisoner has escaped!"