
Chapter 3:- The search begins

What!!" exclaimed the kyanite queen. The king asked her to stop speaking just his eyes were enough to say that. Dayus and Mason already knew how angry can the king go for. Daeg further stated ,"Whatever may have happened & whatever this ring is about ,we must find out the bride and her family soon. If some problem arises I do not want the new bride to be in trouble. Caleb i want you to go and tell the priest to find the princess Dayus saw in his dream and Dayus go with your uncle ." "But father I wish to do some work I can't go anywhere right now. Please forgive me." "Hm, I understand son it's okay so you three may go to your rooms and Caleb at least you go and meet the priest" "Okay, brother I will"

BACK IN DAYUS'S ROOM :)  "Brother dragoon finally congratulations you are soon going to be a husband." Said Noah after that both Noah and Mason laughed so hard. Clearly Days wasn't happy about it.

(Dayus is a very good looking, strong, smart, and a very fantastic fighter. But still there was a reason that kept him away from marriage.) "Brother we all want the best for you." Said Mason " Exactly and belive in god he must have found the perfect girl." Stated Noah. "You both already know how much I hate this word marriage." Argued Dayus " But brother you nicely know that this miracle has made father really interested in your future wife and which clan she comes from? You may never know what if she is a Angel from the heaven above." " she must be Noah after all brother is worth an angel. Nothing more nothing less" Dayus still looked sad and depressed. 



Asher and Arlo were devastated by just the thought of swain going away. The queens were trying to calm them down and stop them from over thinking anything they knew somewhere in their hearts that the man was maybe a good one because that's What it felt like. Meanwhile Swain entered the room "Brothers are off to practice fields I wanted to stay with you mother. I thought you wanted to say something to me." Said Swain.

"Dear we wanted to ask you about your dream what was it about?  Or where were you? Do you remember anything ?"asked Olivia

"Yes dear tell us" Asher said with a smile full of questions.

"All I remember is that I was in a room full of curtains they were blue curtains with curves on it. They were very beautiful but the room was very cold and no one was to be found,when suddenly I heard a voice calling me to walk a certain direction. All I could see was fog, mist and maybe water dripping from somewhere was heard. As I walked ahead I saw a faint figure of a tall man. He was quite broad shouldered just like brazen and he was sitting and concentrating on some sort of thing. He looked very serious and it felt as if he hadn't moved from that place for years as his legs were frozen in the ice that held the cave. I tried to say something as I felt very cold in that place and he opened his eyes in a very angry manner he looked very disturbed when he saw that I was in that cave. His eyes were also blue. There was just so much blue in the dream that it felt I myself was part of that blue ice. So fearful ! But why is everyone suddenly asking me of the dream as if my dream is going to be a reality? " Swain didn't believe in really finding the soul mate or so it felt from the way she was undisturbed by the fact that she may have to marry a stranger soon. Arlo took the opportunity and said ,"Swain I understand that you believe in God and god and you also believe that the stranger won't be bad, we believed it too but by the way you described the dream what do you think I'd this man good?" Everyone was very much convinced that Arlo was right. Maybe the guy wasn't so good but there was more to that dream which Swain didn't state

why did I she do it? I don't know maybe I do but you will find that out in the next chapter