
Chapter 2:- The Miracle

The war had went on for 7 years. thousands of fighters had lost their lives the kingdoms treasure was depleating very badly. And one evening this bad news reached both the castles that Arlo and a very important Kyanite general were found dead on the battle field. Listening to this Swain couldn't even stop crying the whole evening even Vivian was badly devastated. On the other hand the crown prince of Kyanite was also angry and filled with a fire of revenge as the general that died was also his very important teacher who had taught him every step in his life how will he be able to live without him and what could be done ? 

The next morning came and a miracle suddenly occurred all the soldiers and generals were at their home even the king and Dayus's teacher was back alive. Looking at the miracle everyone gathered at the Castle gates.


The queens woke up next to their husbands. Vivian was glad to see Arlo home it was a huge surprise for her. Even Arlo was in a huge shock how could it be possible that nothing bad happened and everything was even reversed? The brothers were very delighted to see each other Asher was still amused as he said ,"is it even real? Or is it a dream?" To which Arlo replied,"Asher I don't know if this is true or not as this is the kind of day I have always awaited." Everything was suddenly inturrupted by the people shouting from outside who were thanking the kings for the miracle. The kings also went to the balcony and responded happily. But maybe happiness didn't last long or that they thought.

A black cloud suddenly surrounded the castle and everyone was shocked as it only covered the castle and it's gates. what was that? Everyone was very scared and the cloud cracked again. A little ray of light was visible through the clouds. A voice called out Swain's name.


The same circumstances had occurred in the castle. What could possibly be? As they saw the black cloud approach the castle. The cloud crackled again and it called out to the Crown prince Dragoon  (Dayus). The cloud voice said,"Prince Dayus, if you have noticed there is a dragon ring on your ring finger. Your soul mate is having the same kind of ring as you. You are destined to meet each other for the wellbeing of this world. Please take better care of her. Find her as soon as possible"

The cloud was gone as if it was never there everyone was over joyed to know that their prince was the reason that all these 7 years became better. The thing that was more beautiful was that not there might be soon a royal wedding and it will be a lot of fun as the wedding will give the people strength to get back on their feet.

The kings were happy and contended but little was know to what awaited them and their fate