
The Dragon's Embrace

"The Dragon's Embrace" is a captivating tale that begins with Princess Evelyn, who is captured by Zachary, a formidable black dragon, amidst a turbulent escape from her kingdom. Taken to his lair, the story unfolds as Evelyn, initially a terrified captive, gradually unravels the complexity of her captor. Despite their stark differences, a bond forms between them, rooted in mutual understanding and the healing power of compassion. As they navigate challenges and confront their inner demons, their relationship transforms, symbolizing the journey from darkness to light. Through trials and encounters with the magical beings of their world, Evelyn and Zachary discover the true essence of strength, freedom, and love. "The Dragon's Embrace" weaves a narrative of healing, growth, and the unlikely connections that can lead to profound change, set in a richly imagined world where magic blends with reality, and even the fiercest heart can learn to love.

Luna_evergreen · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 9

In the days that followed, Evelyn noticed a distinct improvement in her quality of life.

Zachary brought her a variety of fresh fruits each day, along with a diverse selection of meats. Surprisingly, he even remembered to include vegetables, which Evelyn had not expected. When Verde made a trip to the human town to purchase books, Zachary asked him to bring back several pots and an assortment of vegetables.

Preparing soup turned out to be more complicated than roasting meat. The vegetables were tiny compared to Zachary's massive size, akin to how green peas would look next to a wolfhound. The dragon painstakingly chopped each vegetable, the effort nearly making his eyes cross.

Unsure which vegetables paired well together, he experimented by tossing a bit of each into the pot. Unfortunately, his efforts often ended in disasters, such as his fierce flames burning through the pot or the vegetables turning into mush from overcooking.

After numerous attempts, he finally produced a pot of soup that seemed decent, only to have a wild rabbit die minutes after tasting it, much to Zachary's frustration.

Is this really the life for a dragon? When will that accursed hero come to rescue the princess?

In his frustration, Zachary knocked down a swath of trees within his territory.

After venting his anger, he reluctantly tried making the soup again. This time, he opted to simplify the process by using only one type of vegetable per batch. Thankfully, the next test rabbit survived.

The vegetables didn't last long, wilting by the following day. Reluctant to feed spoiled produce to the princess, Zachary was forced to dispose of them. Since Verde's visits to human towns were infrequent, Zachary couldn't count on him for fresh supplies. Fortunately, the forest provided plentiful resources.

He foraged for wild greens and mushrooms, carefully observing which plants the herbivorous wild animals consumed. Only those universally eaten were deemed safe for Evelyn's consumption.

Zachary steered clear of plants with unusual odors, choosing instead to prepare a variety of safe wild vegetable soups daily. Though his cooking skills were far inferior to those of palace chefs, at least Evelyn wouldn't go hungry.

Evelyn had always been surrounded by servants from birth and had never lived alone. Now, apart from cooking, which Zachary handled, she had to manage everything else herself, facing a series of challenges. She had to care for herself, instruct the dragon on her needs, and carefully observe the local flora and fauna to determine her location.

This new, busy life was both novel and fulfilling, distracting her so much that she forgot about her menstrual cycle until one painful night.

Severe cramps curled Evelyn into a fetal position, her forehead slick with cold sweat. She knew she needed to change her clothes, but the pain was so intense it left her nearly unable to stand, her vision fading to black.

Half-asleep, Zachary's acute sense of smell detected the scent of blood. He awoke suddenly and followed the scent to its source—Evelyn under his wing.

"Are you hurt? When did this happen?" he asked as he began to rise.

Realizing she was soaked in sweat and vulnerable to illness from any chill, he lay back down, though he shifted restlessly.

He reviewed the day's activities; she had appeared normal, even helping to wash vegetables. Could the vegetables be contaminated, or was it unwise for princesses to handle them?

Evelyn's faint voice fluttered, "I'm fine."

Seeing blood, Zachary couldn't accept that she was fine.

"You can't die," he said urgently.

Without a clear response, the dragon repositioned his wings repeatedly, searching for a way to comfort her without causing further distress.

Realizing Zachary might take drastic measures on his own, Evelyn explained, "I won't die. It's a normal physiological process that happens every month."

"Every month?" Zachary's brows knitted together in concern.

"Yes," she whispered weakly.

Zachary settled down again, his eyes intently on the princess. Curled up under the blanket, she looked particularly frail, her lips pale with pain.

Eventually, Zachary carefully shifted from lying on his stomach to a position with his back arched outward and his belly facing her. He painstakingly smoothed out the wing beneath him and gently rolled Evelyn onto it. He adjusted his other wing several times to create a warm, airy cocoon around her.

Though the position was awkward and his wing began to ache from the strain, Zachary held it throughout the night. He remained silent, only occasionally lowering his head to check on her.

Beneath the soft, smooth scales lining the inside of his wing, the dragon Zachary radiated a comforting warmth. Though the scales were tough, the muscles beneath provided a cushion far superior to the jagged, uneven stone floor.

Evelyn's furrowed brows eased slightly.

After a restless night, she awoke with a pale face, but the severe cramps had largely subsided. She had survived the toughest day of her menstrual cycle.

Zachary, attuned to her condition, noted without sniffing the air, "You're still bleeding."

Sitting up from his outstretched wing, Evelyn responded, "Yes, my period usually lasts about four days." She blushed upon noticing a small bloodstain on the wing, "I'm sorry, Mr. Dragon. Let me clean that for you."

Observing her weakened state, Zachary carefully retracted his wing, lifting another to shield her from a draft entering the cave, "It's alright, I'll just wash it off later." After all, he had been stained with far worse.

Without asking her to move, Zachary slightly raised his wing and gently nudged her toward her small cave's entrance. "Stay here for a moment; I'll be back soon," he said, as he needed to hunt.

Still embarrassed, Evelyn dabbed at the bloodstain with her handkerchief.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Zachary asked, watching her retreat into the cave, recalling how she had previously sought his warmth to escape the cave's cold.

"It's fine, I can manage," she reassured him.

Without another word, Zachary positioned a large rock to block the wind and then soared away like an arrow.

He swiftly ate a group of deer, caught a goose, and picked some wild berries before rushing back to her.

Evelyn was surprised by his haste. After they ate, she said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Dragon, I won't go out to bathe today."

"That's fine," Zachary replied casually, lying down and spreading his wing, "Would you like to rest here for a while?"

Given her condition, Evelyn didn't hesitate for long, "Thank you." She settled back onto his wing.

The day grew warmer, and Zachary didn't need to prop up his other wing. They lay side by side, caught in an awkward silence.

Eventually, Evelyn broke the stillness, "Mr. Dragon, have you encountered humans before?"

"Of course."

"When was that? What did they look like?"

Zachary glanced at her and said, "A group of magicians, and some warriors. They often venture into the forest; a group was here just a month ago."

Evelyn pursed her lips. She had recently noticed a fern with red leaves in the forest, a species alien to Bloomland. She knew it wouldn't survive a transplant.

She realized she was no longer in Bloomland. The eastern rebels must have aligned with forces on this continent. Were they plotting her capture a month ago?

Subconsciously, Evelyn didn't want to link Zachary with the eastern rebels. She recognized he wasn't merely a benevolent dragon; he had genuinely cared for her, and not just because she was a hostage. Merely keeping her alive would be enough if she were only a captive; there would be no need for baths, meticulous feeding, or the use of his wing for comfort.

"Those who visit frequently must be good friends of yours, right?" she ventured, hoping he would deny any association.

Zachary scoffed lightly, his tone dismissive, "Yes, 'friends' bonded through blood."

Dragons, inherently powerful and coveted for their treasures, invariably attracted dragon slayers.

If not for the fact that every invader of his domain never returned, the forest might be bustling with more activity.

Evelyn was at a loss for words; were they truly friends, or was he aiding them in exploiting her?

Her emotions, amplified by her menstrual cycle, made her feel sorrowful yet conflicted.

Looking up at the cave ceiling, she asked softly after a pause, "Can you let me go home? I miss it."

Zachary didn't immediately respond, seeming to glance at her before a draft of his breath swept over her head.

"Not yet," he eventually said.

Sensing her disappointment, he added, "Wait for someone to fetch you. When they come, I'll let you go."

Or perhaps, he thought, he should escort her himself, considering the hardships of the journey back by horse or carriage.

Evelyn turned away, tears streaming down her cheeks as she faced away from the dragon.

They were indeed conspirators.

He intended to use her to divert the Briarwood Kingdom's troops, providing an opportunity for the eastern rebels.

What had she been hoping for? Was she trying to excuse the actions of the rebels? How could she justify this to the soldiers who had died protecting her?

Ashamed, Evelyn wiped away her tears, her expression hardening.