
The Final Words

Sartaq who was in Suri's lap muttered something. Maxieno watched the baby carefully. Even in Sartaq's green eyes, Suri's image was reflected so beautifully.

"I want to do it too," said Maxieno suddenly.

"Do what?"

"Suck on you."


"You know…"

"You have bad taste in jokes, Maxieno. I don't like it." said Suri while shrugging her shoulders to get Maxieno to move away.

The man's response was just a booming laugh. Teasing Suri was a lot of fun. It's very entertaining. The feeling of boredom completely disappeared.

However, what he said earlier was something he really wanted to do. It had been a long time since Suri had slept in his arms. Maxieno felt empty. The man wanted Suri to be in his arms all the time.

"Oh, would you like to have breakfast with me? The servant has made breakfast for me but I haven't touched it."

"No, thank you."

"What a shame. Even though the food this time looks tempting," said Maxieno.