
Chapter One

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Aria glancing around my room while I pack my bag. "This is my only chance, Aria. If I do not do this now, I might never be able to find them." I sighed, placing my bags on the wooden floor and glimpsed at my room one last time.

I'm about to turn eighteen soon enough and will have to leave this place as soon as I do. If I cannot find my parents now, I might never be able to do so. "Thank you, Aria. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to make my decision," I held her hand in mine, feeling a bit frightened to step into the unknown yet feeling assured that together we could do this.

"Zoe, you never have to thank me, dear. I would always be there for you as your soul sister and as a best friend," said Aria with the same twinkle in her eyes that I've seen the very first time I met her.

"Let's go before we get caught," I said, walking towards the front door as quietly as I could to avoid making any sound that would wake my foster parents. One last glimpse at them, and I thank them for everything they did for me all along. They wouldn't hear it, but it gives me a sense of peace to thank them rather than walking straight out the door.

Stepping out of the front door with the map in my hand, I dashed towards the highway, checking my watch. It is still very early for anyone to pass by the street. I could hear my heart pound against my chest while I gasp to take a breath in the cold night.

"Zoe, slow down! We are not participating in a marathon!" joked Aria, trying to keep up with me. I forgot that I was 5 inches taller than her, and it was hard for her to keep up with my pace. "I'm sorry, Aria. I got a little too excited," I apologised, looking at the map in my hand. "The world awaits us, Zoe!" declared Aria, with a sense of enthusiasm in her voice. My birthmark and a handwritten letter to my foster parents are the only clues I have. " Let's hit the road and head into the city," she said, snatching the map from my hands. I took a deep breath, feeling scared and about leaving the place I've known all my life, but I need to do this.