
The Don's Betrayal

Ruby Rivera works as a mysterious masked dancer at Desire Club at night and as a waitress at an upscale restaurant during the day to support her mother's cancer treatment. One night, she catches the eye of Massimo Valenti, a powerful and dangerous Mafia boss. He requests a private dance, but before long, Ruby slaps him and runs away, leaving Massimo captivated and spellbound. Despite the encounter, Massimo is drawn to Ruby's beauty and spirit. As their paths cross again, he learns that there is more to Ruby than meets the eye, and she may have secrets of her own.

IvoryGold · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Bullets and Smoke


A knock sounded at the door, breaking the silence in the room just as I returned the gun into its holster.

Luca walked in, one of my trusted men.

"Boss, we checked the CCTV footage," he began, hesitant. "It wasn't Ruby. It was Lydia. She's the one who took the flash drive and slipped it into Ruby's bag."

My blood ran cold, as I looked back at Ruby, taking in the sight of her still tied up in the chair, her eyes shut tight.

" Where is Lydia?" I asked, turning back to Luca.

"She escaped boss".

"Find her now" I ordered, slamming the door in anger.

I hesitated for a moment, before going to her, kneeling to loosen the ropes on her leg and hand, her body cold to the touch.

" Ruby" I whispered, " This has been a misunderstanding, One of the dancers set you up".

She finally opened her eyes, blazing at me with fury.

"A misunderstanding? Do you think an apology can fix this? You shot at me !" She stood up, rubbing her wrists. "I hate you. I never want to see you again."

She stormed out from the basement, but I followed her.

" You need to understand, The flash drive is very valuable to me and I thought you stole it".

She ignored me, grabbing her bag and leaving the club.

" Ruby, wait!" I called out after her when she got outside, grabbing her arm firmly. " Let me make this up to you, I'll give you a job as a server, with double the pay".

She pulled her arm free from my grasp glaring daggers at me. " Keep your job and money, I don't need it, just leave me alone". She walked away leaving me standing in the alley.


When I got home, I immediately hopped into the shower, letting the warm water ease the aches all over my body from spending the night tied up in the club basement.

I was angry because they made me miss my mother's visitation in the hospital and also made me late for my day shift at the restaurant.

I quickly got dressed and left for the restaurant. Immediately I walked in,I spotted my best friend Ivie behind the counter.

" Where have you been, Ruby? Tony has been looking for you all morning?".

" I was held up in traffic" I quickly made up an excuse.

" You need to come up with a better excuse, he is waiting for you in his office, Good luck". She gave me a sympathetic smile before returning to taking orders.

I knocked on Tony's door, before stepping into his office.

" Good morning Tony, Sorry I came late I was stuck in traffic…".

He cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

" You've made that excuse too many times Ruby". His beady eyes stared at me with annoyance. " This is the last straw, I have to fire you".

I frowned at his words " Please don't do that, I need this job to pay for my mother's treatment".

" There is one way I could help you" He stood up, his burly figure walking towards me licking his lips. He reached out to touch my back, his hands going lower.

" You are a very beautiful girl, Ruby, I just need you to satisfy my needs and you can keep your job for as long as you like."

My vision turned red when his arm reached my ass, " Get your dirty hands off me" I picked up a paperweight on his desk, slamming it into his temple.

I watched as blood gushed from the side of his face dripping onto the carpet.

" How dare you? You little bitch..." He roared in anger.

" What made you think you could touch me? You don't need to fire me, I quit!". I walked out of his office slamming the door behind me.

Ivie was waiting outside. " Gosh, what happened".

" That fool tried to lay his hands on me".

Ivie's eyes widened in surprise, " That Dog! I'll deal with him. "She wanted to go into the office, but I stopped her.

" I already made sure he paid for what he did, but I have to quit".

" You don't need to quit because of him, you can sue his ass for harassment".

" He is bleeding already, I don't want to get in trouble with the authorities".

" That's my girl," Ivie smiled, her eyes shining with pride.

I left the restaurant immediately, heading straight home, Massimo's deal ringing in my head.

That was the only chance I had now. I promised myself I wouldn't go back there, but it looked like I didn't have a choice anymore.

I walked into the club 10 minutes late, my head held high. I quickly put on the server's uniform and headed to the bar.

I noticed Massimo watching me from a distance, his gaze following my every move, but when he saw I spotted him he retreated to his office.

I ignored him and when I dropped some drinks on a table with four men, I recognized them as some of Massimo's men. They were ordering tons of drinks and making a lot of noise.

As I reached the table setting the drinks down, one of the men, a clean-shaven guy with a nasty scar running across his face, smiled up at me.

" Hello, pretty aren't you one of the masked dancers."he asked.

" Yes, I recognize her, she's the famous Red". Another of the men replied, as the whole table cheered, their breath reeking of alcohol.

I ignored them, focusing on the drinks.

" Hey, why don't you give us a dance" he slurred, grabbing my arm and pulling me close.

" Let go of me" I tried to pull away.

" Don't be like that, I'll pay you real good, give me a kiss" he tightened his grip, laughing loudly.

Without thinking, I grabbed an ice pick from the ice bucket and stabbed his hand, he growled in pain as blood gushed out all over the table.

His friends jumped up, their eyes blazing with anger as they looked at me shocked.

" You're going to regret that, you whore" one of them announced, as they all walked slowly towards me, a dangerous look on their faces.

I looked around, looking for how to escape, but I was cornered by the three huge men.

" Don't come any closer" I threatened as I slowly walked backwards, they all chuckled darkly still advancing towards me.

Massimo was there in an instant. "Touch was, and you're dead," he growled, his eyes cold and deadly. The men backed off immediately, intimidated by his presence.

I stared at him, my chest still heaving with a mix of anger and fear as Massimo took my hand gently, leading me away from the angry men.

" Are you okay?" He asked, looking at the blood on my hands, his voice surprisingly soft.

I pulled my hands away, " Why do you care?"

" Calm down Ruby". He led me into his office, a dark huge room on the top floor of the club.

His large dominating presence filled the room, his strong cologne filling the air, as he turned to me, staring down with intensity.

" I care because you mean something to me".

My heart skipped a beat as i looked up at him confused by his words.

" What do you mean by that?" 

He moved closer, filling up the space between us " I don't know I just can't stop thinking about you…" he paused, searching for the right words.

He moved even closer, our bodies touching lightly when his phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling him out of the moment.

He glanced at the screen, his expression instantly changing, hardening as he stared at the phone screen. " Stay close to me, don't let go no matter what happens". He ordered as he took out his gun, and walked out of the office, holding my hand

" What's wrong?".

Before he could respond, the club's doors burst open and Luca rushed in, his face pale. "Boss, we've got a problem. Gus's men are here."

Massimo's blood ran cold. "Ruby, stay close to me," he ordered. He turned to his men, issuing commands. "Get ready for a fight."

I watched as the club descended into chaos, my heart pounding in my chest. 

Massimo stood protectively in front of me, his body tense and ready for action. "I won't let anything happen to you" he promised, looking back at me with a tight smile.

We walked down the stairs towards the back exit, dodging bullets as gunshots echoed through the whole club.

I turned back, and I saw Luca collapse on the floor, blood sprouting from his leg.

" Luca!" Massimo roared, turning back to me " Stay here, I'll be back" he whispered, leaving me crouching behind a table shielding me from the bullets.

I watched with bated breath as he ran to Luca, trying to get him to wake up, Massimo picked him up, bringing his limp body towards me.

It all happened in a split second as one of the rival men came out of nowhere, his gun pointed at Massimo.

" Look out!" I screamed in horror, Massimo turned around with his gun pointed, but it was too late. My eyes widened as he crumbled to the ground a bullet hitting his shoulder, my screams echoing through the whole building.