
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

SirLowie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Chapter 30: The Shadow's Face

Meanwhile, in the Castle of the Demon King, Zephyra and Khayela had their own laboratory. Unlike the humans' high-tech lab with state-of-the-art design, their lab had an old-age feel with adobe brick walls and a dimly lit aura. The only advanced elements were the electronic machines.

Zephyra and Khayela possessed equal beauty and voluptuous bodies. Zephyra had dark blue hair and eyes, while Khayela had dark brown hair and eyes. Unlike in the human city, where their fashion varied, Zephyra and Khayela, the Demon King's deputies, always wore black revealing gowns, each with its own unique design while inside the castle. Zephyra's gown featured a slit on the side, while Khayela's had a front slit.

"Sister, this is the goblin scientist that our king wants you to utilize," Zephyra informed Khayela. Although they weren't blood-related, they referred to each other as sisters. Zephyra muttered an enchantment before breaking the glass bottle.

In an instant, the goblin inside suddenly grew to its original form.

"Where am I?" the frightened goblin asked. "What do you want from me?"

Khayela approached him, her voice alluring. "From now on, you will work here."

"You will enjoy it here," Zephyra added, her voice even more alluring.

"No!" the goblin exclaimed. "I only work for the governor. Where is he?" Summoning his courage, he faced the two female demons.

Khayela's eyes grew sharp, and she raised her hand. An invisible force lifted the goblin by his neck, suspending him in the air.

The goblin started to panic. "I'll do it, I'll work here. Just don't kill me," he pleaded in a scared voice.

"Good," Khayela said, dropping him suddenly. The goblin stumbled upon landing.

"You won't just love working here," Zephyra chimed in. "You'll also enjoy working with them as your assistants." At that moment, two seductive female demons approached.

They appeared to be wearing nothing underneath their laboratory white gowns. The goblin's eyes filled with lust. "What kind of work will I do?" he asked, looking at Khayela and Zephyra.

"We just need you to create enhancing drugs and mass produce them," Zephyra said in an alluring tone. "Just tell her what you need," she added, glancing at Khayela.

Meanwhile, in the Demon King's chamber, Azrael and Amelia couldn't resist their desires, indulging in their passionate embrace.

"Now that your former master Victor is dead, you belong to me completely," Azrael demanded.

"Yes, my king," Amelia replied, kissing him deeply.

"You can summon all your underlings. As the second most powerful in your coven, you should be their next leader," Azrael stated. "I need you to spy on the humans. Your kind is not suspicious of them, are they?"

"I'll do it, my king," Amelia assured. "But what exactly do you want us to spy on the humans?"

"Nothing in particular, I just need eyes on the city," Azrael said. "I believe some of your kind are involved in the government and other large businesses. I need to know what humans are developing," he explained further.

"As you wish, my king," Amelia responded.

Amelia Nightshade had become one of the Demon King's deputies and lovers. She obtained this role when Victor, her former master, decided to join Azrael. Her pale skin complemented her ravishing beauty and voluptuous body.

Meanwhile, inside Eijin's mansion, a large dining table is set up. Eijin sits at the head of the table, accompanied by Mara and Rachel. On the opposite side of the table, Uno, Dos, Tress, and Kwatro are seated.

"So, have you found any information about the demon king that I asked you for?" Eijin inquired, directing his question to Rachel and Mara. "Is it possible that there is another demon king? And why isn't the government aware of this?"

"Based on all the intelligence and sources we've gathered, there is indeed a new demon king," Mara declared. "He is the son of the deceased King Fedril and Brunjet, one of the thirteen grand witches of the world," she added.

Eijin furrowed his brows. "So, what does this have to do with Victor and the governor? It's highly unusual for leaders of rival factions to collaborate."

"We're not entirely sure yet, but it doesn't bode well," Rachel chimed in. "Based on the records, demons have a lifespan of three hundred years, which means he is now as old as us in terms of human physiology," she explained.

"Yes, so it's plausible that he is of the right age to ascend the throne," Mara added. "We can't say for certain if he intends to follow in his father's footsteps. Compared to a hundred years ago, human technology has advanced significantly, making it more challenging for him to conquer the world."

"True, but with the powers he inherited from his mother, a single witch is already a formidable force, especially if they possess the power of necromancy. They can raise an army of the dead," Rachel remarked.

"You make a valid point, but human technology has surpassed expectations. They have developed countermeasures against necromancy," Mara said.

Eijin pondered for a moment. "What if they plan to enhance their army with performance-enhancing drugs?" he interjected. "It would explain why they are involved with the governor. What I don't understand is why Victor seems to be working with the demon king."

"I would like to investigate further," Eijin said. "Can you locate the new domain of the demon king?"

Mara and Rachel exchanged worried glances, their concern for Eijin growing.

"Why don't we let the government handle that?" Mara and Rachel answered simultaneously.

Uno, Dos, Tress, and Kwatro nodded in agreement, their worry for Eijin evident.

"Well, it's not like I'm going to barge in and fight them," Eijin replied. "Come on, girls, let me have some fun at least."

Mara and Rachel looked at each other once again. "I don't know," Mara said, looking at Rachel.

Rachel responded, "Okay, we'll gather more information, and then we can discuss it again."

"Alright," Eijin said. "So, how is Elise?" he asked, changing the topic.

"She's fine," Mara answered. "The government sometimes visits her, perhaps as part of their program," she added.

"And what about the Shadowstrike members?" Eijin inquired again.

"No leads, no information, nothing," Mara replied immediately. Hinting a voice of jealousy.

Rachel chuckled and said, "We only have the faces of the three members who were inside the Pegasus Club. According to the facial recognition data, the leader is named Kristine Zantamena. She is registered as a mutant. In her records, she is listed as a disabled person without both her foot and left arm. There are no other records, and her family is unknown."

Mara's face started turning red as Rachel narrated all the information to Eijin, who listened attentively.

"Computer, open holographic image," Rachel ordered, and a holographic monitor appeared in front of them.

Rachel continued, "The red-haired girl is named Mika Irene Daquiz. She is registered as a vampire and is currently a student at the university where you both studied. Her parents are registered as human, indicating that her mother had an affair with a vampire," she further explained.

"That means she is a hybrid," Eijin declared.

"Yes!" Rachel replied promptly. "That's why both of her biological parents are in a correctional facility. As we all know, the government doesn't allow this kind of relationship."

"It's a good thing they were of different species," Mara interjected, her cheeks seemingly about to explode from holding back the food inside her mouth and her jealousy.

"And lastly, the blue-haired girl, her name is Michelle Tone. She is registered as an alien with no other government records," Rachel said. "As for the other two members, we don't have any information yet. We can't trace them without any facial recognition," she finished.

Just as Rachel finished providing the information to Eijin, everyone at the table, except for Mara, had finished their meals.

"And since you are the last one to finish your meal, you will be the one washing the dishes," Rachel declared, causing Uno and Dos to avoid making eye contact with Mara, while whistling a funny melody.