
The Dog Dropped This


The_Abyss_Returner · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Guys, maybe you might ask why the hell the story dropped again. And it's the third time if I'm not mistaken, however, I really just can't improve it on my own.

It was already given to my best friend and he's already working on it.

You could search,

I Once Turn Into A Parasite

Well, another title? I don't know what he thought but I guess I don't have to bother him about this anymore as I gave it to him. You can check it out, guys. Thanks and Sorry, a deep deep sorry.

I'm sorry guys for making things messy, my brain also in a deep mess haha.

I have plenty of works to do so maybe I'll also take a break (I'm already doing) from my main book here.

The Book [I Got Reincarnated as..... a Parasite?! into The Parasitic Cultivator: Journey with my broken System into So what if I'm a Parasite? I'm the strongest in Alternative Word into The Parasitic Cultivation is my baby book, so I clearly said to my friend to make it good for me]

Thanks for reading. You could just send a message here guys if you have some questions. See ya!