
The Doctor: My Super Benevolent System

Qin Feng was admitted to the hospital for an internship and unexpectedly obtained a world-class medical system. After three months, his usual life was changed. A family member of a deranged patient slits the doctor's throat with a knife. Her blood was splattered all over the floor, and it was serious. The injured is Deputy Director Chen Yuan-fang. At this time, the hospital could not find a suitable person to operate on her. It's about to miss the best first aid time! When everyone was helpless, a rescue that shocked them began. ...... I am a contract writer for China Literature (Yuewen). If you want to read the Chinese version, you can go to QiDian. It's more updated than the English version.

LiBinBin · สมัยใหม่
354 Chs

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traffic accidents are generally divided into four levels.

Minor accident: refers to an accident causing minor injuries to 1 to 2 people, or property damage less than 1,000 yuan for motor vehicle accidents and less than 200 yuan for non-motor vehicle accidents

General accident: refers to an accident causing serious injury to 1 to 2 people, or minor injury to more than 3 people, or property damage of less than 30,000 yuan.

Major accident: refers to an accident in which 1 to 2 people are killed, 3 or more but less than 10 people are seriously injured, or a property loss of more than 30,000 yuan but less than 60,000 yuan is caused.

Extraordinary accident: refers to an accident that causes death of more than 3 people, or serious injury of more than 11 people, or death of 1 person and serious injury of more than 8 people at the same time, or death of 2 people and serious injury of more than 5 people at the same time, or property damage of more than 60,000 yuan.

Eight cars collided in front of them. Looking at the scene, at least two people were killed and several people were seriously injured, which fully met the standard of a major accident.

At this time, a man and a woman took off their jackets and rushed directly to the scene, shouting loudly.

"I'm a doctor at Capital Harmony Hospital, hurry up and call 120!"

"And the one from the hospital, come and help!"

After speaking, the two hurried to the injured person and started medical examination and first aid.

Qin Feng didn't care so much, and rushed over immediately.

At this time, many people reacted and took out their mobile phones to call the 120 emergency center.

The few people lying on the ground were obviously more seriously injured, and two doctors were simply not enough.

Moreover, there is a shortage of emergency medicines and equipment, and Western medicine seems to be powerless after losing effective medical equipment.

Qin Feng squatted in front of an injured person and quickly checked the body. The leg bone was broken, the sternum was broken, the spine may be displaced, coma, and pneumothorax.

At this time, the elevated traffic was blocked, and it would take a while for the ambulance to arrive at the fastest. All they could do was to clean up the injured first.

Mildly conscious.

Moderate to severe is the response to the examination, but not sensitive, with mild disturbance of consciousness.

Poisoning is a complete loss of consciousness and a life-threatening situation such as shock.

Follow the rescue rules, and give priority to rescue in the order from heavy to light.

"No! There are too many seriously injured people, and they all lost blood to varying degrees! There is no way to rescue them!"

The male doctor examined the three people, and there was a feeble impatience on his face.

Apart from cardiopulmonary resuscitation for seriously wounded people who have already had cardiac arrest, there is almost no better way, not even to stop the bleeding.

"Can you hear me?"

Qin Feng looked at a woman who was crying in a low voice and said in a deep voice.

"Help me, save me, I don't want to die, my son is still at home waiting for me..."

The woman gave a response, but fortunately there was no shock.

But because of the violent impact, her abdomen was torn apart nearly ten centimeters from the mountain pass, and blood was pouring out all the time.

According to this amount of blood loss, at most 5-10 minutes will cause shock and death due to excessive blood loss!

Most of the injured at the scene were bleeding heavily, mixed with rainwater, and the floor was covered in blood!

The bleeding must be stopped first, otherwise at least one third of these people will die!

He did a quick check, and fortunately, the organs were not damaged, and the wound tore the muscle layer and stopped.

"Whoever has a needle around, please take it out and give it to me!"

Qin Feng didn't care about anything else, got up and shouted at the surrounding.

"I have, I have!"

At this moment, three or four young men and women who looked only in their 20s raised their hands and rushed over.

Then he took out several palm-sized bags from his pocket and handed them to him.

"Is this okay?"

Acupuncture pack?

Qin Feng's eyes lit up when he saw several acupuncture packs in front of him!

Great job!

Now it doesn't get any better than this!

Since there is no first aid equipment, only acupuncture and moxibustion of ancient medicine can be used for first aid.

"Great, give it to me, thank you."

He quickly took the four acupuncture bags in front of him and put them in his pocket, and quickly ran to the injured woman.

"I'll stop the bleeding now, don't move, you know?"

Seeing the woman nodding, Qin Feng didn't care so much. He opened the knot and wrapped the acupuncture around the woman.

Dozens of different silver needles appeared in front of the eyes, of which the filigree needles accounted for more than half, which is also the most commonly used in acupuncture.

He carefully lifted the clothes off the woman's abdomen, revealing the wound. The location is under the left abdomen.

He pulled out a filigree needle and pointed the three fingers of his other hand near the woman's wound.

The rain is getting a little heavier at this moment, but more and more people are watching, and the rain is blurring his vision.

At this moment, an umbrella appeared above his head, Qin Feng looked back, it was Liu Yan'er.

"Thank you!"

He nodded lightly with a smile, and immediately returned to seriousness, a deep breath emanating from his body.

The few people who gave him the acupuncture package saw him holding the needles, and couldn't help but come over curiously, because they were all students of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It's just that they haven't seen such a tragic scene, and they don't have a medical license. At the same time, Chinese medicine can't get involved in such a situation.

But at this moment, Qin Feng actually used their silver needles, and he suddenly became interested.

Of course, what is more interesting are the countless onlookers around, some of whom have already taken out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

"What are you going to do?"

Just when he was about to give the needle, the man who said he was a doctor in Harmony Hospital came over at some point and grabbed Qin Feng's hand.

"Acupuncture? You are a student of that Chinese medicine school, how can you do acupuncture to them?"

"Do you want them to bleed to death?"

Qin Feng looked at the man's somewhat reproachful expression, and slapped him back unceremoniously, and then pushed his arm to the side directly.

Stronger than him?

It's like a mayfly shaking a tree!

The next second, Qin Feng followed the position of his fingers and pierced into the skin without hesitation.

First stitch! Tianshu!

At the end of the wound, then lightly twist the needle until the three-inch needle is halfway in.

Then, the second stitch, sliding the meat door!

The position above the middle of the wound, this is the deepest part of the wound, and it will go straight to the end!

The third needle, Zhongwan!

Two centimeters below the diaphragm, right in the center!

The meridian theory in ancient medicine and the nerve blood vessels of modern medicine have the same differences. If you are not proficient in both aspects, it is difficult to prove each other.

And Qin Feng is probably one of the few people who has the top modern medicine and ancient medical acupuncture methods!

In his eyes, what appears at this moment is a picture of overlapping meridians and blood vessels.

Therefore, every time the needle is placed, it is extremely precise. It follows the acupoint directly to the ruptured blood vessel, and uses a special ancient medical technique to gently twist and shock, and directly block the blood vessel to stop the bleeding!

Fourth stitch!

Fifth stitch!

Of the five consecutive stitches, only two stitches were attached to the wound, and the next three stitches were at least ten centimeters away from the wound, where the blood vessels from the ruptured blood vessels were nodes.

Blocking directly from the node is the most effective way to stop bleeding. Otherwise, if the blood vessels are blocked one by one, exhausting all these needles may not necessarily save a few people.

"Okay, keep this position and try not to move. You'll be fine when the doctor comes."

Qin Feng put away the acupuncture bag, said to the woman, got up and ran to the next one.

At this time, the man in front of him had fainted, and it was the one who had pneumothorax just now.

After a physical examination, the man had two broken sternums and a broken eye in his leg, but fortunately he has no other dangerous symptoms.

The situation was more critical, but the two doctors in Harmony Hospital seemed helpless without first aid equipment.

"What are you doing standing? Come and help me!"

Qin Feng opened the acupuncture bag on the man's leg and carefully pulled the unconscious man up slowly to prevent the possibility of secondary injury.

Seeing that there was no one around, he turned his head and shouted at the male doctor.

And the male doctor, still squatting in front of the woman, opened his mouth wide, his face full of shock, and even forgot to wipe the rain.

The blood... really stopped!

The blood that was still pouring out just now decreased in just ten seconds, and then stopped.

Hearing Qin Feng's cry, he snapped back to his senses and ran over quickly.

"Help me hold him."

Qin Feng handed the patient to him to support, and pulled out a large needle.

The students from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital also hurried over. Instead of being nervous, they were full of surprise and excitement.

This is the first time they have seen acupuncture save people with their own eyes!

I saw Qin Feng tore open the unconscious man's T-shirt, confirming the position with one hand, and then the large needle slowly pierced into the body, passing through a thick vein.

After twisting a few times, it stopped, and another needle was pulled out, holding the man's right hand, and stabbing it into the tiger's mouth.

Gently twisting, while observing the man's changes, the next second, he slammed down, and the needle penetrated the palm of the tiger's mouth.

The man shuddered violently, and then pulled it out.

Then he grabbed the end of the needle and pulled it out like lightning.


Immediately, everyone saw that the man actually raised his chest, and a violent gasping sound came from his throat.

Seeing this, Qin Feng patted the man on the back to clear the airway.

The man slowly opened his eyes and woke up, his face was full of pain,

"I...my leg, it hurts~"

"Wake up, wake up! Really wake up!"

"My God! Really saved! It's amazing!"

"My mother, I grew up so big, this is the first time I have seen Chinese medicine save people like this!"

"This doctor is so handsome! Whoever says Chinese medicine is fake in the future, I'll blow him up!"

"He's amazing!"


For a time, there was a burst of joy and shock from the crowd, full of disbelief.

And the male doctor who was observing from the nearest distance was even more sluggish.

This... this is okay too? !

This is a pneumothorax that requires an incision!

How can it be cured by two needles?

This is impossible!

But the result was in front of him, and he had to believe it.

"Lie down without pain, and wait for the doctor to come."

Qin Feng slowly put the man down and said, the next second he pulled up the male doctor and ran to the next one, continuing to stop the bleeding.

At this time, there were nearly a hundred more mobile phones that were filming around him, and he had no time to take it into account.


Half an hour later, the rain had also stopped, and three ambulances entered the scene under the forcible opening of the road by the traffic department.

At this time, the acupuncture bag in Qin Feng's hand was about to be exhausted, and he was finally relieved to hear the voice.

Glancing at the surroundings, the ground was full of wounded people who had been stabbed with silver needles.

"Go, save people first!"

Qin Feng pulled up the unbearable, ran to the ambulance, and helped the arriving doctor to remove the relief supplies.

All kinds of first-aid medicines and equipment are like life-saving straws, central excitement, vasopressors, cardiac drugs, hemostatic drugs, hemostatic forceps, pacemakers...


More sterile items and various disinfection tools!

"We're doctors and we go to first aid."

Qin Feng said to the doctor who came to rescue.

"it is good."

The rescue doctor nodded and handed each of them a pair of gloves.

However, when more than a dozen doctors came to the scene, they were all stunned.

What's the situation?

Why do patients have silver needles of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion on their bodies?