
The Doctor Lover

Zuzzy is a witch doctor who was kidnapped while with her fiancé in his yatch… Mark Lee is the new ceo of Lees Specialist Hospital….. Both were at logger heads, but what happens when they finally meets…

Tangle33 · สมัยใหม่
61 Chs

Why are you Following me!!

Chapter 9

Mark followed Beatrice inside the grocery store and sighed. She had changed her hairstyle and hair color from a pure straight long black hair to fringy layers of copper color with dimensional highlights. It had that something's-different-but-I-can't-put-my-finger-on-it quality.

Regardless of hairstyle and hair color, Beatrice's cute features were still there. You wouldn't believe that she was already twenty-nine years old because she looked much younger. She was blessed with a babyface.

He was following Beatrice's every move ever since he saw her at the hospital. He knew that her memories as Zuzzy Shi were back, and she was just hiding it.

However, she was recklessly doing things on her own, and her enemy was not someone small. If not for his intervention, her life would have been in jeopardy once more.

It was good that Richard had processed her documentation before their wedding. On paper, she appeared to be Doctor Yang's legal daughter. So they managed to mislead certain people who were behind the misfortunes of the Shi Family.

Mark sighed. He was looking for the right timing to approach her and to bring up the subject of her own safety, without her misunderstanding the whole situation.

Although, he was curious why she didn't ask the Robs to help her. They were absolutely capable of helping her.

From the way he looked at it, Beatrice preferred to do things on her own. But clearly, she wouldn't make it alive if she continued like this. The worst-case scenario was that she would end up dead, this time for sure.

Beatrice stopped walking and turned around to look at him with an arched brow.

Mark was suppressing his laughter because he found her expression adorable. She was really back to her old self because according to Kim's report, Zuzzy Shi was the one who always struck terror. Everyone was afraid to approach her.

"Mr. Lee, can you stop following me now? We are already inside the grocery store, and I don't feel comfortable with you hanging around me, so please…" she said grumpily as her eyes rounded straight at him.

Mark winked at her, and it made Beatrice's face crumple even more.

'What is wrong with this guy?' She thought irritably as she looked at the never-ending smile on his face as though he was the craziest person in the world.

"I'm not following you. I just need some things from here too. There… see? I need some of these," he stated with a grin, pointing at the shampoos for men.

"Can't he stop smiling?!" Beatrice mumbled as she walked past him to start picking up her own things. It actually surprised her that Mark was doing his own grocery when he could easily ask his helper or assistant to do it.

Mark grinned mischievously as he muttered, "What an elusive vixen."

It wouldn't be easy to approach someone like her. Well, maybe for others, because Mark was different. He always had his own ways with everything.

Richard had, previously helped her to get the qualification and necessary documents for an emergency doctor. She was now working at the hospital's Emergency Room. She was not on duty on weekends, so she usually prepared dinner at home.

She scorned because if only her memory were back a bit earlier, a lot of events would have probably turned differently.

Emergency Doctor, her ass! It was evident that she was more knowledgeable than all those other doctors in that hospital's Emergency Room. It was a given because she was one of the youngest and the best surgeons in the world.

Her main problem now was to find a way to apply for a qualification to get proper documents to become a surgeon. She must stay as Beatrice Yang for her own safety, so Zuzzy Shi must remain dead for the time being.

Her cooking was almost done when she heard her doorbell buzz.

She opened it and her mouth slightly opened when Mark's smiling face greeted her.

"Hi, sorry, but, uhm, how can I say this… I tried to cook, but I think I've burnt everything. Can you help me out? Or uhm I'm not sure how to say it, but I'm actually not used to eating alone. Usually, my assistant would accompany me, but he is on his day-off right now, so…" Mark hesitated.

Beatrice let out an irked sigh and cut in, "Mr. Lee, just say it straight to the point! What is it? I hate to listen to long sentences."

Mark grinned at her and said, "Can we have dinner together? I'll treat you since it's our first formal meeting with each other after..."

Mark stopped and did not continue the rest of his sentence because he could sense that due to her personality, she would prefer not to bring bad things that had already happened.

"Sorry, but I have already made my dinner. So, no thanks. Nice meeting you, Mr. Lee," she said, her mouth twitched as she closed her door.

But then she suddenly realized that she was rude. Mark Lee was Richard's cousin. His closest cousin.

'What is wrong with me!?' She chided herself for being too harsh. There's nothing wrong with having a simple dinner. It was because she was back to her old self, the snobby and cold person she used to be.

She sighed and quickly turned back around to open the door. To her surprise, Mark was still outside, and as usual, his genuine smile was formed on his lips.

'What the hell is wrong with this man?' she thought when she saw that Mark was still having a wide smile plastered on his face even after she showed him her rudeness.

"I think I made a lot for me to eat alone, so if you would like, come over and eat dinner with me instead," she said straightforwardly.

Mark'sface lit up as his smile became broader.

"Alright, I'll come in now because I'm starving," he said and casually walked inside her apartment.