

The court building was unusually quiet. 

Although the divorce between Richard Clark and Amelie Ashford was supposed to be held in secret, a couple of nosy reporters still managed to find out both the date and the time of the process, and were now waiting outside for it to be finally over. 

A short, middle-aged guard escorted Amelie to the room where her meeting was about to begin, and as she entered, she saw that everyone was already waiting for her. 

'I can't believe he had the audacity to bring that woman here with him,' Amelie fumed internally when she noticed Samantha sitting right beside Richard.

'I wonder if she insisted on coming with him because she wanted to gloat... Because if he brought her here today for "moral support" then he is even more pathetic than I could have ever imagined.'

Taking a seat across the table from the couple, Amelie took another look at Samantha.