
The Division in DC Universe

A guy asked for helpers from ROB before being transmigrated to DC universe. I DO NOT claim ownership of established intellectual properties such as those from DC Comics or any other pre-existing materials in my fanfic. Please give me your feedback. I could learn from your input. Thanks

the5tranger · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs



'This is either a new group entirely on its own and framing Scarecrow or Scarecrow is in collaboration with this new group.'

"Master Bruce? Lemmon tea? It helps with fatigue and calms the mind" Alfred interrupted him.

"Yes. Thankyou." I took a sip and Dick entered a with a swollen cheek bone.

"Tell me again what happened." I looked at Richard with an attentive look. "From the bank."

Richard explained everything to me in detail, about how skilled they were with their aim and their CQC which bested Richard without landing and blow to his opponent. 'The league of shadows? No. Robin has been against them before and beat them. This is a new villain. And a very dangerous one.' "This are not your average criminals. They are trained and move like special forces soldiers. The massacre and heist at the Falcones were carefully planned over time and perfected. A triple distraction module operation, and I don't think Scarecrow was involved in any of these."

"You found out what that chemical bomb was?" robin asked.

"Yes. It was fear gas. Which was very concentrated even for Scarecrow himself. This isn't scarecrow's M.O. he doesn't use much of his gas and it isn't usually this concentrated."

"That means that it was stolen-" Robin started.

"And then reverse engineered." 

At that thought, Robin was shocked for a moment before returning to his normal self. 'Yes, it's a possibility but the fear gas is hard to crack.'

"New entry. New criminal group; Dec 10th 2008-" Batman typed in known information about the new criminals.



"Successfully done guys. Who knew these crime families still had cash this much on them?" Joe said as he dove into the mountain of cash in front of us. "Everything here has a net worth of 70 mil."

"We have to celebrate." Everyone looked at me waiting for my go-ahead. I just smiled and lifted my thumb. That night we opened an old expensive wine and made a toast to our success. 

"We are gonna get famous, and we'll need a name." Brian said. They all looked at me again. "If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears… no one? What about 'The Division'? I want to create something that will last and that won't break easily. Something that will give people nightmares when the thought of crossing us comes to them." I finished my glass of wine and put it down. I could see it in everybody's eyes, they were onboard with me.

We began the next year peacefully with no jobs assigned. We were working to strengthen Division's backbone and foundation. We found people who after careful investigation in probation period to assist us. We still didn't trust them. So, they were involved in the outer layers of what we'll be doing. We created a spy network system, employed them to be routing information to our handler, code name D-IN-1. Nat held this role. This was because she was involved with many criminals under a disguised identity for the past 2 years when I had not yet arrived. She worked together with Brian and infiltrated criminal mobs such as Penguin's. They even had several double agents amongst their ranks.

She did good work and now, there wasn't anything I did not know about in Gotham. We had spies in the Police, Government institutions and Independent Enterprises and groups. If I wanted to find anybody, all I had to do is ask.

We upgraded our facilities and even expanded to all over Gotham. This year we were going to spread to other major cities in America. Dan, code name D-IT-1, dealt with our computer systems and technology engineering. We were headed to having the best technology rivalling S.T.A.R labs and Kord industries. He was finishing up on an AI that will assist us.

He managed to find a way to integrate his abilities into machines. Now we had portable tech useful in interrogation. We gave some of our agents lie detector contact lenses. Really useful in information collecting and during interrogation.

He also worked together with Brian, code name D-IT-2, in engineering spaces. We did experiments and discovered that whatever we put inside Brian's space will expand or contract only if it's inside the space. So, both Brian and Dan integrated that into portable light iron boxes of different sizes. The material for making the boxes were lead. Yes, we were keeping our privacy from Superman and any other Kryptonian. We used these boxes for transportation or even sometimes, detain people, both super, meta and normal criminals. At this point, we were just a grey organisation sitting on the fence. I had been studying and following Brian's ability and I had some of my breakthrough although they weren't impressive as his.

Tay, code name D-In-1, manifested biokenisis. Now we had our own Mystique. She could alter her cells into anything she wanted. I gave her species of every known living being to study and attempt changing to. At first it was challenging for her but now it was her speciality. I give her orders on infiltration even though she doesn't like them. 

Joe, code name D-Wm-1, came with innovative ideas for our weapons. He made light, heavy-rounded guns for our agents, explosives of varying radius and my favourite, a thin exoskeleton. These exoskeletons provide an additional 1000 newtons to its users, enhanced reflexes and strength. He manifested his ability later than the rest. He was able to teleport to where he's been before. We were now trying to integrate and engineer his teleportation into teleportation gates. This was now our next objective. 

I still had many ideas such as nanotechnology, quantum theory and energy. We were going to steal Dr. Serling Roquette research on nanotechnology and innovate it. I didn't know if Ray Palmer's had same powers as Ant-man, but I was also going to steal his research. And of Energy creation, I would look into it later.

Our databases only had our code names and nothing more. I was not going to risk anything by being compromised if we were hacked. Our agents were now in the field gaining experience according to their clearance level. By now, people in Gotham and other nearby cities new there was group operating in the shadows and those cleaver ones new how frightening we were. 

"Tay? How is the Continental faring on?" I asked.

"It's progressing well. We have received a number of groups and individuals offering partnerships with us and the rich population are querying for membership since you opened many hotels and clubs in major cities."

"And how about other Division operation?"

"Making suits using Kevlar fibers is almost complete. These suits will be issued to your security for both you and all property under your name. This security team will be separate from the Division and will be oblivious to it. No agent or staff know the original six. They receive orders and execute them. Three black sites have been opened and are in operation. Two in Iraq and one in Alaska."

"How about training of new agents?"

"We have placed bounties on certain individuals to only our agents. They will be graded according to their performance and then filled into their level category upon training completion."

"Okay good… you will appear as the C.E.O of the Wagner Group tomorrow on live TV and issue a statement on behalf of me, the chairman. Tell the public we'll be opening shelters for the homeless, new orphanages, offering scholarships… make up something that appeases the public and sell them the idea that we are giving back to the community." I stood from my seat after finishing my meal in my hotel's dining hall. I said goodbye to her and left with my bodyguards.

I was escorted down to the entrance where a motorcade of three black bullet proof SUVs were waiting for me. I alighted and then was taken home. I purchased three residential buildings and the street connecting them. I had a lot of money to spend.




I was following Mr. Wagner's escort because I had a hunch that something bad was going to happen to him. So, I was swinging after him from an unnoticeable distance. Then it happened. The leading vehicle exploded prompting the motorcade to stop. I quickly spotted a masked man coming out of from the shadows holding a rocket launcher. 

Seconds later, other men wearing similar clothing and military gear approached the two vehicles swiftly. That was my queue to make my move. Took out my birdarangs and engaged the enemies. I targeted the furthest two. This quickly shifted their attention to me as they now started shooting at me. 

Mr. Wagner's remaining security took that opportunity to engage the assailants. Now with the enemy's attention split, I was easy, and we subdued them quickly. Few of them died while we apprehended the rest. Mr. Wagner came out from his vehicle.

"Aah thankyou Robin… thankyou for stopping them and saving my lives… I cannot imagine my fate if I was captured." Theodore clasped my hand and on his face was a mixture of emotions. Most of it was a grateful expression. He was sweating profusely, and his eyes were red meaning he was crying or on the verge to.

"No problem, Mr. Wagner. Someone has to stop the criminals in Gotham."

"Who'd do this to me?" he looked at me then back to who I suspected to be his head security. "Grab one of them and find out." Anger was now showing on his face. I needed to stop him.

"Okaaaay… that is for me and the police to find out… if I were you, I wouldn't do something that will put you at a bad start with the judges." I stepped in front of his bodyguard. He looked back at Mr. Wagner and then he nodded. "Fine, but I want to know who did this. Here, contact me through this." 

He passed me a card with a phone number on. "This goes straight to my office. You'll tell my secretary." I took it. "Sure." 'I won't tell you because there's nothing you can do about Black Mask's men. Seriously. What did you do to piss off a criminal head like him.'

Behind us, a new convoy arrived to escort Mr. Wagner on his way back.