
The Division in DC Universe

A guy asked for helpers from ROB before being transmigrated to DC universe. I DO NOT claim ownership of established intellectual properties such as those from DC Comics or any other pre-existing materials in my fanfic. Please give me your feedback. I could learn from your input. Thanks

the5tranger · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Alaska II

(Robin POV)

The alarms startled me. I thought we could infiltrate this base but I really underestimated their security systems. This Division base is big, really big. It might just be one of their main HQs. I connected a male type USB cable from my wristwatch into their security room. I downloaded the whole infrastructure's blueprint. I communicated to the team via the established telepathic link. 'Guys, I'm sending the base's map your way.'

'Noted. Let's reorganize ourselves. This was supposed to be a stealth mission but plan As never survive.' Aqualad with an authoritative voice. 'Kid Flash, I want you and Artemis on scout duty. Also, you will be our support team. Miss Martian, have the bioship ready for our retreat after we gather intel. Robin, download everything on their databases. Superboy and I will deal with their agents.'

'On it'*

(Nat Pov)

'Hmm… one archer and a speedster.' I'll lure them to that room. I hunted them down. They were really stealthy, especially the archer girl. I followed them quite a while. We neared that room. I decided to reveal myself 'accidentally'.

"There!" Kid Flash said and I immediately enter a door behind me. He super speeded after me.

Behind him, "No… he's luring you into a trap. And he can't hear me." She rushed after them. 

I hid in the shadows, observing him like prey. Then Artemis entered that room. She was very cautious. She had her bow ready and carefully observed her surroundings. It was dark. I pounced on them immediately appearing in between them. They were caught off guard and I immediately used an advanced form of martial arts. I span I the air and separated both when I punched Artemis in the stomach and kicked Kid Flash across his jaw simultaneously. Kid Flash fell and Artemis flew back. 'Ooh… that was heavy even for them.' but then they immediately they got back up, 'I guess not. I can have fun with this group. Theo said no killing but Trauma… hehehe.' I moved back into the shadows.

(Artemis POV)

"We need to find a light source in this place." I said taking deep breaths. 'That blow was heavy. My stomach still sore.' The enemy kept harassing us throwing knives and any other object she found lying around. I was evading them by instincts. She didn't even make a sound. She couldn't risk Kid Flash knowing where he was. 'Arg… the one time I forgot to carry a light-tube arrow.'

'Well duh… this is a stealth mission.' Wally sounded over the telepathy link.

'What happened?' Aqualad asked. 'We've encountered an agent of theirs. She's skilled-' Wally interrupted, 'And a heavy hitter, my jaw still hurt.'

'She might be a high-level agent. We are headed your way.' Aqualad said.

"I think it's time I stopped playing." The agent spoke. Surprisingly a female agent.

"There you are." Kid Flash ran closing their distance, but I saw her flip something on the wall. I thought she wanted to blind us by the sudden lights on. "Kid Flash, cover you-" the room's gravity deceased and now thing floated. Wally floated but with his momentum, he ran right into the wall. The agent then switched the light on. I immediately shot a grappling arrow towards the ground, but the agent already knew what I was thinking. With accuracy, she threw one of her knives which severed any grappling I had to the ground. Kid Flash was floating unconscious, blood flowed from his nose. The room was huge now that I saw it. 

We were floating too high from the ground. She switched the gravity back to normal and we went down, falling fast. We crushed down. She came and put a collar around Wally's neck. 'Kid Flash has been neutralized. Inhibitor collar. And he's unconscious.' I got back up into a defence stance. That fall was painful. I now faced the agent. I pointed my bow at her, "Who are you guys? And what are you planning to do? What's your objective?"

'Hold on, we are nearing you.' Aqualad sounded in her mind.

"No can-do little arrow. This is us time. We can have fun, just that I don't kill you." I was sure she was grinning under her featureless mask. "Ready? Here I co-" she sprang forth with speed faster than before closing the distance. I released the arrow which she evaded. I reached for my quiver retreating backwards, but she grabbed my hand. She yanked me kneeling me in my diaphragm. I felt the air inside my lungs leave me. I didn't even have time to look up when she grabbed my hair and bashed my face on the ground. I got away quick thinking it was all my effort. I couldn't feel fear. Not in situations like this. I have been trained for almost every situation. I looked up and she was nowhere to be seen.

'Artemis, are you okay?' Miss Martian asked with concern.

'What? Yes, I'm okay. Fighting a super-ninja right now.'

'But you are projecting more than thoughts right now. More like emotions, are you okay?' Miss Martian voiced out again.

What did she mean? Emotions? My aim was shaking a bit. Was I afraid? 

"Thinking all to yourself now? Not concentrated on our fight? Are you feeling scared little arrow?" the agent's voice came from behind me. I quickly turned around, retreated back and shot the arrow. "Too slow. No… misaimed or misfired because you are scared." Her voice came from behind me. I was shocked. How could she be this fast. I heard flesh being pierced. Then came pain from my right shoulder. Then a spartan kick on my back which sent me flying crashing into a crate in front of us.

'Artemis!?' Miss Martian shouted in my head. 'Something's wrong. She's projecting pain.'

'We are near Artemis.' Aqualad reassured me.

(Theo's POV)

I was following Aqualad and Superboy, keeping up with their pace stealthily. The look on their faces was worrying. 'Hmm… maybe concern for their teammate. Did Nat come across one of them. I'm sure she wont kill any of them after telling her not to. I don't want to incur the Justice League's wrath. At least not now… when I don't have absolute strength.' Let these two lead me to their urgent side objective. Maybe it's a rescue of one of their own.

They reached the gravity chambers. I scanned the room. Artemis was kneeling in front of Nat, Kid Flash was unconscious with an inhibitor collar on his neck. Now with two new enemies to fight for Nat, I rushed to Kid Flash. 

"Agent FA-A02! Your evaluation on subduing an enemy is 6.5/10. You did not completely incapacitate Kid Flash." Every conscious person on the room looked at me now put techy handcuffs on Kid Flash's hands and legs. They seemed shocked like I appeared out of thin air.

"And to you intruders, you would be wise to surrender." My voice was cold.

Superboy rushed at me. I raised my arms to block his punch. On impact, I was pushed back two steps. 'Is it that he wasn't serious or I'm strong for his blows?' Superboy wore a frown. I decided to counter his attack with the same punch he delivered to me. He held out his arms to try and catch my hand, but it was to fast for that. It connected with his jaw, and he flew a few feet back and fell. Seeing a good opportunity to do some damage to him I rushed at him. But that was interrupted when Aqualad came at me with a shield and hammer made of water. I halted and took on a boxing pose. 

Aqualad swung first which I ducked down. I gave him an uppercut but then his shield came in the way. Ripples formed on his water shield. Superboy came from behind me and tried to bearhug me, but I was fast and evaded sideway. Nat tried to join us, but I stopped her, "Agent Zella! Find the other intruders and subdue them. failure is not an option." She looked at me intensely, "Consider it done, Conquest." She disappeared into the shadows.

I looked back at the duo in front of me. My ten rings separated and fitted whole both of my arms. I then wore two of them like knuckles and bashed them together. "Why is a League covert team trespassing into private grounds?" Aqualad looked shocked from my revelation.

"We've uncovered what the division does in this facility. Evidence to make sure you are taken serious by the world governments." Aqualad said.

"We shouldn't be speaking to him. Take him down, words later." Superboy growled.

I sprang forth to my right. Aqualad went straight to defence. Superboy followed right after me. I smirked. That was bait for him to come at me. I sidestepped and let Superboy bump into Aqualad. I didn't let the opportunity pass. I quickly gave Superboy a kick across his face. Aqualad recovered quickly and engaged me in CQC. I blocked all his attacks then I countered with my knuckles. More damage was done to him. His water shields were not helping him at this point. Few minutes into our fighting had him exhausted. I had enhanced recovery and stamina. Superboy was annoying because he was Kryptonian. Aqualad had a bloodied face and a fractured arm. With him not fighting at his best I shifted my full focus onto Superboy.

 I 'accidentally' left my guard down and Superboy being hot-headed fell for it again. He left his right side wide; I took that opportunity. I punched him across the face and before he went flying, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back at myself. Kneed him in his chest. I was glad he was half Kryptonian. He went back into stance. I sighed, "If you are supposed to be the next best thing close to Superman, I'm confident I could take you both in a fight." Superboy was getting angry from my statement.

'Relax Superboy. He's getting to you, playing mind games.' Miss Martian spoke in his mind.

'Don't tell me what to do!' Superboy shouted. "I don't need this or the team. I can beat him!"

'Superboy! Calm down' Aqualad sounded.

"You'll never be him… and you know that…" I chuckled dryly. 'Yes, get angry.'

Superboy charged at me, and I evaded him. I gave him an uppercut followed by three successive knuckled punches. I was shocked when I saw some of his tooth fly off his mouth. He grunted and fell. I looked down at my knuckle ring and they were deformed. At the corner of my eye, I saw a silhouette trying to sneak up on me. 'Miss Martian'. I quickly grabbed some knives Nat left when fighting Artemis and KF. I threw them at her.

'I'll have to reach into his mind. He's clearly a dangerous enemy, and it's either the survival of the team or worst-case scenario for us.' Miss Martian thought to herself. She made sure to cut the telepathic link. That was a thought the team wouldn't support even if I was a criminal. I felt something forcing its way into my mind. 'She's doing this. Let me try projecting gruesomely what I'll do to her and the team.'

"Aaarrg!" Miss Martian fell and clutched her head in pain.

'M'gann!' Aqualad shouted. He couldn't feel himself getting through to her. "Team, telepathic link is cut off. Something's happened to Miss Martian." Aqualad now switched back to comms.

I was feeling pain, a minor headache. I was getting the feeling of telepathy. It was like a rush. I could hear everything, and everyone. I was like a statue.

"Incapacitate him. Now!" Aqualad shouted to Superboy. This was likely their only chance to take my down. Superboy rushed me and tackled me. I came back to myself and saw that I was under Superboy.

'Get off me!' I growled at him. He looked at me shocked. I was getting angry and then I saw him getting affected by it. He was also getting angry. I stopped and became calm. He also seemed to snap out of it and just looked at me. I reversed our situation when he left his guard down. 'At that moment, did I make him angry!?' I thought. With new rings as knuckles, I beat the shit out Superboy who was now under me. I projected my thoughts to him and gave him a mental command. 'Stay calm and DON'T move.' He seamed to struggle for a while. He was calm but not still. It still did allow me to damage his face.

'…He's a… telepath…' M'gann established the telepathic link and informed everyone. She was straining.

'That's right. And I'll be joining your chatgroup.' I hijacked their link. I was getting used to telepathy.

They looked shocked.