
The Division in DC Universe

A guy asked for helpers from ROB before being transmigrated to DC universe. I DO NOT claim ownership of established intellectual properties such as those from DC Comics or any other pre-existing materials in my fanfic. Please give me your feedback. I could learn from your input. Thanks

the5tranger · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

A meeting with 'god'... ?

Sigh... "Let's get this over with". A quiet old man's voice began.

"?!", I turned around looking for who spoke.

"Don't bother, you can't see me. I am the space you've been floating in about. And to answer your questions, yes, I'm the whole space, my name or what I'm called is Origin… what has been thought of and what will be thought of is me… what has been and what will be is me again… basically the past, present and the future concept if you even understand what I'm talking about." Origin spoke.

It was still disturbing, and it felt like somebody was creeping behind me and whispering into my ear.

Sigh… "Let's do this then." Origin said and what followed was snapping of fingers and then many golden particles had gathered from nowhere and were now forming a body. This took a few seconds till now a six-foot old man with shaggy unkempt hair and neat beard both white wearing white ancient looking clothes.

We looked to be the same height or so I thought until he bent down and picked me up between his thumb and index fingers and placed me on top of a circular table appearing out of nowhere and now, he was seated on a large simple chair. "We can now begin." 

'What just happened?' "Em... where am I? and what happened to me?" I started. I looked at my own body and it was translucent. It was there but looked like clear glass.

"So, you died Mr. Jaramillo, tried to save somebody but luck was not on your side. A gruesome death it was and one of those times where the bad guy wins."

'Oh yeah, I remember. That little girl was being dragged away by criminal-looking people and I rushed to save her and then… and then…' "Why can't I remember?" I said while straining to remember. "That is because you did not know what hit you and they dealt with you swiftly. I can show you if you want." I hesitated to answer because who would want to see their own death. But I nodded as I was curious.

"Very well." Origin waved his hand and I returned to the night I died. I watched as me from back then walked back to my dorm after a late-night study then heard a young girl screaming. I rushed to see what was happening and saw her being dragged away. The man looked shorter than me. I thought I could take him in a fight so that's what I did. I put my backpack down and rushed towards the man and tackled him. We fell and I looked towards the little girl and told her to run and call the police. The present me who was watching tried to warn past me of another man creeping behind me carrying long silver looking handgun.

Boom! And a third of my head was gone. The present me held the urge to vomit everything I had in my stomach, but nothing came out. I was just jerking up which was not a pleasant experience. "Are you okay Mr. Jaramillo?" Origin sounded concerned.

'No, I'm not' "Give me a minute to calm myself." I spoke. "You have been floating for many years. We have all eternity, so no rush Mr. Jaramillo."

'W-what!? How long have I been floating or been dead for that matter?' I thought. "That death scene happened over 50,000 years ago." Origin spoke as it wasn't a big deal," that wasn't supposed to happen and I'm sure those lower gods must have slept on their job. And now I'm fixing it." 

"Now I'm sure you'd like to be transmigrated to a universe you like and given some powers of your choosing plus some wishes for you to be satisfied Mr. Jaramillo." Origin continued and I nodded excitedly completely forgetting my experience of reliving my death.

"Then plan everything and tell me." Origin then simply held out his hands and an expensive wine and glass appeared in his hands. He poured himself a glass and relaxed in his chair with an expression of 'go on, I'll just be here waiting'.

"Is there anything I need to know before I start wishing? I need to know my limits." I looked at Origin. "That will be for me to judge Mr. Jaramillo." An amused look was on Origin's face, "and for the past 50,000 years, your soul and mind have gone through an evolution of some sorts. Your mind can process faster, hold much more compared to your past self and a near perfect photographic memory. I'm sure other abilities accompany its evolution which I'll keep secret. And your soul is semi-divine which I'll have to mask from prying powerful eyes and it's still evolving. Also carrying abilities which I'll keep secret too."

'Okay, that's a lot of abilities even before I start wishing for more.' I thought. "And no wishing straight to become a god, the powerful one for further clarification, not the one tied down by drawing power from starting a religion." Origin then continued to mutter something and made a mimicking face, "'I'm Zeus, King of the gods' who by the way I could crush with my finger." Origin then realised he wasn't alone and looked at me.

I pretended I saw nothing and continued planning my next life. I chose the DC universe because I mostly loved the villains in it. They were cool. I also fantasized about the what ifs in DC universe. I loved making possibilities. I also thought about outsmarting batman and the justice league and was also bothered by supervillains escaping from prison unreformed and back to crime again. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to create a secret society and I'll need helpers.

"Mr. Origin, I choose to be transmigrated into DC universe and I would also like some helpers, people who are professionals in their specialties and are loyal to me." Origin squinted his eyes at me, "Interesting, how many do you need?" "… like 100 talen-" I stated. "5 people and that's final." Origin cut me off.

I continued, "… okay 5 people. But I want them to be good at their crafts and have a fast brain processing speed, bodies that are super-".

"Superhuman… yes. I'll give them your evolution ability but a downgraded version. And each will have a unique ability to aid you."

"You are the best Mr. Origin." I said excitedly and happily. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll add you two more wishes because of that." Origin said that trying to sound neutral.

"Okay. So, give us all existing identification and a hide out for whatever we'll be planning to do. Preferably like deep underground and make it big too." I tried to think of anything else we might need.

"Everything's in order?" Origin eyed me looking all excited. "Yes. I think I'm ready." I said trying to think of anything I'd missed.

"Okay then. Now go and enjoy your second life."

And then my vision blackened.