
Chapter One, Awakening

What is this... it's quiet, but lonely. Has it always been quiet... I can't remember the last time I had closed my eyes and heard nothing, I remember screaming... crying... begging...

someone help them... but why are they calling for my name.

"Wake up." A voice called out.

Who is calling for me... What do you need, what is it you want from me.

"Wake up, Si-Woo." The voice called out again, but pleadingly and calmly as I opened my eyes.

It's me..? How is that possible?! How can I be there, but also right here at the same time! What is this place? Where am I? How can this be! Unless...this place is..

"Your head" He looked at me and smiled while Tilting his head to the left side, "This is your head, everything happening right now is taking place in your own head, I suppose you can assume and say, that this is a dream" He grinned and chuckled to himself.

A dream? That's all this is? Then are you real? What are you? Who are you? What am I doing here? Am I asleep?

"Yes, we are in your mind, your state of emptiness and consciousness, your mind is very empty... oh me..? Yes I'm real.. Who am I..? Your so silly, I'm you of course, Who else would I be?" He said while looking at his palm.

My consciousness.. my mind..? So does that mean..you've been here all along..? In this place? Alone...?

"hmm...yes it's very lonely in here, very empty, dark... with no other existence in here, just me. It's hard to try and reach you, since I'm stuck and locked away all the way in here.." He pointed to his head and tapped it.

Locked up? Why are you locked up? Why are you shut away in my head? Why are you here now? What do you want from me! What do you want me to do! What is it that you need that this is the first time you can reach me?

He watched me and smiled while standing up and walking around, "I'm locked and hidden away because it's your turn.." He said softly.

My turn? What's my turn? You still haven't answered my questions!

"It's your turn to go around.. hmmm...I want nothing from you.. Neither do I want you to do something... All I have is a wish... a wish I hope you can fulfill.." He faced his back towards me.

A wish? You want nothing more than a Wish..? A simple wish? What exactly is that wish? Is it dangerous..?

He turned his head to look at me and smiled, "I wish for you to experience the world yourself... my time has ended, and it's your turn... I wish for you to experience and give your judgment for each Overlords reasoning behind their ruling, come back and talk to me about each of their territories after visiting them one by one... afterwards let us Make our judgment together... and become one..."

My turn to experience the Overlords and Territories? Judgment? Become one? I still have so much questions to ask, please answer them! I need to know more!

"Questions are long overdue...it's time, to Wake up."

Wake up? What do you mean wake up?

"Wake up."

"Si-Woo! Si-Woo wake up!" Another voice called out, As My eyes jolted open.

To be continued.