
The Divine Disciple

Li Xuan, a young boy with a dream of becoming a powerful cultivator, seeks to prove himself at the prestigious Xuanqing School. When given the opportunity to demonstrate his skills and compete for a coveted position, Li Xuan faces off against a formidable opponent, Wei Chen. Through his unwavering determination and skill, Li Xuan emerges victorious and earns his place among the Xuanqing School's disciples. He sets his sights on even greater heights, determined to become a new god in a world of ancient gods and rise above all others.

lancelot_ · ตะวันออก
20 Chs

The selection

Li Xuan sat on a wooden bench, watching the other boys practice their martial arts. He was small for his age, with a lean frame and a sharp, angular face. His black hair was tied back in a simple bun, and his dark eyes darted back and forth as he observed his peers.

He had always dreamed of becoming a powerful cultivator, to hone his skills and rise to greatness. And now, at the age of ten, he had finally been given the chance to prove himself.

The Selection was a test held every three years, in which the most promising young cultivators were chosen to train at the prestigious Xuanqing School. Li Xuan had trained for months in preparation, pushing himself to his limits in order to demonstrate his worth.

As the other boys sparred, Li Xuan closed his eyes and focused his mind. He pictured himself wielding a sword, moving with grace and precision, striking down his opponents with ease. He imagined himself standing atop a mountain, his robes billowing in the wind as he surveyed the world below.

But as he opened his eyes, he saw the reality of his situation. He was still sitting on the bench, watching others perform. He had not been chosen to participate in the Selection.

Li Xuan felt a pang of disappointment in his chest. He had worked so hard, had given everything he had, and yet he had still fallen short. But he refused to let his spirits be crushed. He knew that he had potential, that he could become a great cultivator if given the chance.

He stood up and walked towards the edge of the training ground, where he saw a group of older cultivators gathered around a man in dark robes. The man was tall and muscular, with a rugged face and a stern expression. Li Xuan recognized him as Master Wu, one of the most respected cultivators in the region.

Curious, Li Xuan approached the group and listened as Master Wu spoke.

"Gentlemen," he said, his voice deep and commanding. "The time has come for us to choose the next disciple to join our ranks. The Xuanqing School is in need of fresh talent, and it is our duty to find the most promising among you."

Li Xuan's heart quickened. This was his chance. He stepped forward, eager to prove himself.

But before he could say a word, another boy stepped forward. He was taller and broader than Li Xuan, with a square jaw and a confident demeanor. His name was Wei Chen, and he had a reputation for being one of the most skilled cultivators in the region.

Wei Chen bowed to Master Wu and said, "I humbly request to be considered for the position, Master Wu."

Li Xuan felt a surge of anger and envy. Why did Wei Chen always seem to have everything handed to him? He had never had to work as hard as Li Xuan had, and yet he always seemed to come out on top.

But Li Xuan refused to let his emotions get the best of him. He stepped forward and said, "I too would like to be considered, Master Wu. I may not be as strong or skilled as Wei Chen, but I am willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to prove myself."

Master Wu looked at Li Xuan with a scrutinizing gaze. "Very well," he said. "You may both demonstrate your skills for us. Show us what you are capable of."

Li Xuan and Wei Chen faced each other, their eyes locked in a silent challenge. Li Xuan knew that this was his chance to prove himself, to show that he was just as worthy as Wei Chen.

He took a deep breath and began to channel his qi, feeling it flow through his body like a river. He unsheathed his sword and began to move, his movements fluid and graceful.

Wei Chen responded with a fierce attack, his punches and kicks coming at Li Xuan with lightning speed. But Li Xuan was ready. He parried Wei Chen's blows with ease, using his sword to deflect and counterattack.