
Chapter 1 First meet

my name is icy montereal. I am the nerd in disguise. This is my first day in Princeton high University. I just arrived from states. well this is it I want to be free and just be normal for now I guest.. well not on my exaggeration but this school is so cool. aside from the newest gadgets and buildings they have. they have all what student need. school supplies, restaurants, boutique, and also you can choose your dorm or a house. but they also have gangster in this school. how did I know? of course the author told me. haha just joking before I went here, I already have backround check this school not only the school but the teachers and the students also. But there are some group that I need to stay away. the Princeton group (yes they are called princeton because they look like a prince as the students say but for me they are just normal. they are ruthless, they own the half of this school, strongest, also fearless and the no. 1 rank gangster here in the Philippines. and n high group (the second gangster rank here in the Philippines, they are just ruthless and fearless but they always lose from Princeton )

well that's it for now I've got to go to my dorm (yes dorm because I want to keep low profile here).


I think this dorm is more than a condo for me.

I will describe the "dorm" they have a kitchen , living room, dining room, 2rooms, veranda, 2cr with bath tub ,shower room, and also 2rooms. it so cool. they also have a play room of course a WiFi.

Well this is for now I gotta sleep . I still have class for tomorrow.


what is that? who the hell will knock the door in my veranda? tsk? whoever it is I 'm gonna kill him.. I grab my fake eyeglass


who are you? what do you want ?

he just stared at me

(but I saw some blood.)

whatever just come in first.

hey I just get some first aid kit. stay here

while I grab the first aid kit now I realize who he was. he is the one of the Princeton prince he is Alexander Princeton. the dark prince. he is always ruthless and cold as ice. he doesn't care wether your a boy or a girl as long you irritate him you should good bye to your life. o great . just like. who is someone I don't want to meet. he is here.. tsk what a luck. well whatever better not irritate him.tsk ..

hey will you stop moving I am gonna take care of your wound, just stay till.

as usual he just stared at me.

tsk his wound is too deep. well whatever. just need to perform some professional needing to stop the blood and to not creat scar in the future.

#after 3hrs.

it's done. ahm you should rest now. you can sleep in other room.ok?

he just nod

well back to sleep.

alexander pov

tsk. this is my first time to see a girl that did not afraid from blood. and I always disgust when women touch me but her touch it feel good. it didn't disgust me. I don't know why? but is she really don't have a purpose? tsk whatever I just gonna leave after a rest.. zzzzzzzz

author pov

hope you like it my first chapter. sorry for the wrong grammar