
Killing the father

Ryan: For Kuro I give the Cat Cat Fruit Model Evil Eye's White Tiger. A Mythical Zoan type.

All: Mythical Zoan

Ryan: Three types of fruits exist. Superman. Like Bartolomeo and myself. Then there's Nature. Where you can control a force of nature, ice, wind fire etc. Most notably such fruits make a person immune to physical attack's. Only Haki and seastone weapons can touch them. Lastly is Zoan. It's split into three types. Normal animals you see everyday, Ancient animal's like dinosaur's. Then Mythical animal's or beings like Buddha, Dragons and Phoenix. Mythical is the most rare of the Zoans and also more powerful. As for Haki

Ryan then explained Haki to them and also the different forms and uses of Haki.

Ryan: Although devil fruits are good cheats in the beginning. Haki is still the number one factor and decider of strong battle's.

Grabbing another fruit he gave it to Gin.

Ryan: This is the lizard Lizard Fruit Model Lightning Dragon Mythical fruit for Gin. For Van Augur is the warp fruit. For the two cat brothers. There's the cat fruit Model Scimitar tooth lion and Tasmanian Tiger. Both are ancient species. For Carina and Carmen we have the bird fruit model giant teratorn and Quetzalcoatlus. For Jango there's the illusion fruit. Gambia has the Shield fruit and Desire has the slip slip fruit. Of course if you three want to swap fruits or just don't eat it's fine. You can also sell it.

He spoke the last sentence to Carina Carmen and Desire. Especially since Carina and Carmen had looks of jealousy with Desires fruit.

Ryan then pulled out Blue fruits for each person. He said

Ryan: These are Devil Fruit curse release fruits. It not only allows you to eat a second fruit but also make seastone and sea water useless for you. So you won't become a dry duck or be unable to bathe. After you eat them I'll explain the rules for the ship.

After everyone ate the fruits in front of them Ryan said

Ryan: Rule 1 no maiming or killing each other. You can fight but don't take it too far. Rule 2 I don't care what you do off the ship when we dock. But never beat or kill normal people. Rule 3 In terms of doing what pirates do. Robing, killing, pillaging etc. We do it to other Pirates, Marines Underworld people and Royalty. In terms of robbing merchants we rob them of money and valuables. Not of food. Also don't kill. Of course if they offer a certain amount money its fine. Rule 4 no forcing the woman of the crew. Rule 5 no killing doctor's, nurse's, scholars, scientist, navigator or ship builder's.

Buchi: Isn't robbing the marines bad. Shouldn't we run from them.

Ryan: Of course not. Never run away from an opponent you haven't fought yet. The moment you became a pirate the marines would chase you. Unless you became so powerful they couldn't do anything to you and could only watch you. That's our goal. Do it big or do nothing at all. So Carina go to the Frankfurt Kingdom let's announce to the world the beginning of our crew.

Carina: You still haven't said the name of our crew.

Kuro: We also don't have a flag captain.

Ryan: I forgot about this. Hmm then the Disaster Pirates. as for the flag and sails. The sails should be painted Red. The flag should have a skull with three eye's, holding tonfas. A barrier Infront and a Sniper rifle over the shoulder. There should be water, flame, earth, lightning and wind tornadoes in the form of a star with lightning at the top. Wind and fire across from each other. Then earth and water.

Desire: Is that your Devil Fruit powers. The elements.

Ryan smiled as he said

Ryan: Something like that. My fruit is rather special. I can create, control and manipulate all things in nature with simple thoughts. I'm also immune to all things in nature. Don't worry you'll see it sooner or later. At that time it's best not to be too surprised.

Five Days Later

At this moment a pirate ship made its way over to a island. It's a large ship with red sails. Obviously it's the Disaster Pirates who are coming to Frankfurt Kingdom.

Bartolomeo: Hehahahaha starting off with a WG affiliated kingdom is really too outrageous. Dabe

Kuro: The daring alone is simply monstrous. Normal Pirates simply don't dare to do this.

Van Augur: Well based on the rules we're not a normal pirate crew.

Gin: The bounty we receive after this will be amazing.

Ryan: We also need to scout another ship. A bigger one preferably but if need be we can grab a second one.

Kuro: Captain would this happen to be your kingdom

Ryan: That's right. I haven't been here in ten Years. At that time when I killed the prince I had robbed him of his valuables. I also didn't have much experience in my fruit ability. The scope of usage was also small. So I left while the kingdom was in turmoil.

Van Augur: What about your parents?

Ryan: I was expelled from my family before that. Because of my size and horn's my father didn't believe I was his. He would've done a blood test but no knife could break past my skin. After a while he just tossed me out and banished me. As for my mother she died birthing me.

Bartolomeo: Hehahahaha then there's no need to hold back on the Pendagran Royals.

Ryan: Not at all. I plan to nail them all to a cross.

Bartolomeo: Captain you're not mean enough it's better to impale them and then slowly roast them alive.

Ryan: Ahh. For Pirates or marines that sort of thing would indeed be awesome. But nobles are different. Killing them is fine. Doing that although humiliating they'll die eventually. The only thing that terrifies a noble is being embarrassed in front of the world. Having their majestic image trampled on and desecrated. Especially in front of the trash sheep they usually take advantage of.

Bartolomeo: Ohhh so that's how it's done.

Desire: He's gone completely to the dark side.

Kuro: We're here.

The ship docked as the entire crew got off.

Ryan: Sham, Buchi be sure to protect Carina and Carmen during the fight.

Both: Got it

Ryan: Carina the money is left to you to calculate. When we finish with the royal area we'll occupy it. Then you get things we need for the ship.

Carina: We need a secretary to help with this

Ryan: We'll find one sooner or later. For now let's go claim a kingdom. Go all out and try your new power to it's fullest. LET THE WORLD KNOW THAT OUR DISASTER PIRATES ARE HERE AND WE'RE AIMING FOR THE TOP.













At this moment the citizens watched In amazement and confusion as monsters destroyed and killed the royalty. The sky over the royal area is covered in thunder clouds as lightning fell from time to time.

The walls blocked their eyes but the sound inside stirred them fully. Some are sad but others are happy and even laugh at the misfortune of the royals. After all usually it's themselves who are attacked by pirate's.

The guards would always take their time when pirates appear. Now they also have this day where they are in such a situation. It's satisfying. Very satisfying.

Royal Area Pendagran Castle.

Ryan: It's really nostalgic. I was usually forbidden from this room. But now I see why you really like to have fun. Wouldn't you say. Father?

A handsome man with a bloody face and body looked up at Ryan.

Felix: I am not the father of you monster.

Ryan: Oh how I wish that was true. But sadly you are. See for yourself.

Ryan took out a paper and showed it to Felix. It was a woman with white hair and red horn's. She had a scared face with several bruises. It was a bounty order of his mother. A total of 40 million only alive.

Felix: Impossible. Regina didn't have horn's.

Ryan: She cut them off. She was about to be branded a slave by the celestial dragons. But Fisher Tiger appeared and saved her. Unluckily the celestial dragon remembered her and CP took a picture thus she was hunted. So she cut off her horn's. Then she blended into normal life and eventually fell in love with you. This is the conclusion I came to after I looked into it.

Felix: So that means you're really my

Ryan: Don't get excited. I don't recognize a guy like you. Besides you're only alive because I didn't want you dying cursing the woman who birthed me. That's all. Augur

Felix: There's a family heirloom in my bedroom. The fifth book on the second shelf from the right.

Ryan: Hm


Ryan: Have those guys check it out let's go. The army is really to much for those guys to handle alone.

Ryan spoke to Carina as he got up and left with Augur. As for what just or some family heirloom he didn't care.