
The Diary of a God

I dont know if i should continue this but i already wrote chapters so why not?

Depressed_Idiot · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

My Life

(All of this is fiction some are taken from Greek and Roman Mythology and some are made by me so please don't be confused)

(Might be confusing cause this is a diary i cant tell you big or tall something or somewhere is lol)


Dear Diary, %&/ %%%*/####£%%&

I have done it.... they all looked at me, their stares.. they're eyes are all so... scary....

We were all at class waiting for our teacher, Miss Athena when suddenly, George and Max are having a fight again...

They take they're rivalry too seriously but in the end, they are just swinging swords and spears left and right trying to hit eachother...

When watching them fight everyone laughs, because they have absolutely no idea how to fight...

Mister Caldwell teaches us how to fight and defend, but he always scolds Mars and Ares because they always fight and almost always not pay attention to Mister Caldwell, so in the end Mister Caldwell decided not to teach them, everyone laughed when they saw their faces,

Then, they looked eachother and argued that they are not the one at fault but the other and vice versa... Everyone in class laughed except Mister Caldwell and Me, it so unimportant...

I hate this class... No one knows but i hate everyone here, we have the worst average grades and potential and the two fools don't even take studying and practicing seriously just arguing and fighting all the damn time...

I'm the only one that cares, that's why its so difficult to remain here all year, don't they know we get more and more things we could achieve for godhood? and we have so many more classes,


All of these classes cover subjects ranging from Infancy to Mature, sometimes, someone that has talent in Adult can be stuck in Mature because of the difficulty in that class....

I feel like sighing now....sigh

What could i do about that we are randomly assigned to a class no matter what... sigh i wonder why Fortuna gave me this class, i never deserved this...why

Anyway, sigh, i still feel they're stares right now...

When Ares and Mars are done fighting they started arguing, now it was the only thing we could hear, I was getting annoyed but i could deal with that... Then, out of nowhere, Ares started insulting me he said i was too much of a "showoff" or whatever but i didn't care he always resulted to this when he lost the argument to Mars...

He always ridiculed me, and he cussed at me sometimes, he always makes it clear that he hates me.. for some reason

But, somethings wrong, Teacher isnt here , but usually Teacher would be here...

I got annoyed and just stared at the door,

i would always looked at him with disgust to drive him away but i just didn't want to today....

Then he he he he slapped me.......

"I wha- why" i questioned that to myself.....Then....I closed my eyes...........

Then i opened them again this time i looked around and saw Ares on the floor crying while Mars was just standing there shocked i could feel everyone staring at me then i remembered....

I apparantly yelled at him and everyone, i voiced my frustrations to all of them how lazy and worthless they "ALL ARE...

I could feel everyone staring at me with cold and hateful eyes then i lost conciousness ...

I was scared....what would happen next? Then Teacher at that moment arrived and took me to the Principal while i was unconcious, when i regained my conciousness they decided to send me home early...

It was the time i was truly scared "What would happen to my life now????"

I was scared and they told me to take some days off and nothing will happen and just told me to go

to my dorm

What? He just made me go to my dorm?

I was a bit scared but now im relaxing and now i voiced what is making me insane, now i'm no longer trying to do everything, i could finally relax and have my Tea not thinking about anything.... Tea....

Oh yeah and Mom and Dad

I have to meet them tommorow... why...