
Chapter 7

It never rained but it poured. Well, that wasn't exactly true in Los Angeles, where we got lots of drizzly, misty stuff and not a lot of downpours. But in terms of my personal life, the saying pretty much hit the nail on the head.

That afternoon, one of the sales guy's PCs went blooey. The editorial staff and art department used Macs, of course — they were pretty much the industry standard for anything on the creative side. But the sales and operations people used regular PCs, and they tended to crap out on a much more regular basis than the Macs did.

So who should show up to fix the temperamental PC? Why, the absent Mr. Koslowski, naturally.

After he was done with his business on the second floor, he slouched his way down to my office, where I was poring over a layout covering the opening of a new art gallery on the Westside.

"Where the hell did you get those?" he demanded from the safety of my door frame.