
Chapter 25

I DIDN’T DREAM AT ALL. IT FIGURED. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN FROM my futile pleading with God in the parking lot of St. Gregory’s that He wasn’t listening to me. Or maybe He was, but wanted to see how I would handle all this on my own. Maybe this was some sort of test. If so, I got the impression I was flunking pretty badly. Somehow, I found it hard to believe that God actually wanted me to be having hot monkey sex with the Devil, but it was a little late to be worrying about that now...especially when the aforementioned sex was the best I’d ever had.

The next morning felt like ten Mondays instead of just one. My in-basket looked depressingly full, considering we’d just finished shipping off the previous issue of the magazine. The one guarantee about my job was that the cycle never ended. No sooner were you done with one month than the next was poised to get started, all shiny and eager like a new puppy.