
Character Page

*Warning, contains spoilers*

+Hataraku Maou-Sama+


Ignora: She has yet to be introduced in this fanfic but she has been mentioned a few times. She is the leader of the Angels and Ruler of Heavens. And the Self-Proclaimed God of Ente Isla.

Lucifer/Hanzo Urushihara: Son of the Self-Proclaimed God. Having a purple hair and purple eyes. He's a first class NEET, who fell and became a Fallen Angel due to boredom. He possess both Celestial and Demonic Force.

Metatron: A man with silver hair and red eyes, usually wearing a white robe and a golden crow. The Strongest of Ten Guardian Angels and the Guardian of The Sephira Keter.

Ratziel: A beautiful stoic woman with long silver hair and red eyes, usually wearing a Valkyrie-like armor and three feather-like hair decoration. The third strongest of the Ten Guardian Angel and the Guardian of Sephira Chochmah.

Zaphkiel: A skinny man with short white hair and red eyes, usually wearing a white suit with a red necktie. Possessing strength second only to that of Metatron, and the Guardian Angel of Sephira Binah.

Zadkiel: A man with slicked back silver hair and red eyes with a goatee. Usually wears a golden trimmed silver armor with a red cape along with a golden sword on his waist. He is also the Guardian Angel of Sephira Chesed.

Camael: A man wearing a full body black armor that resembled that of knights. He is also the Guardian Angel of Sephira Gevurah.

Raphael: A young man who look no older than fifteen. With messy silver hair and dull red eyes, usually wears a black blazers and black slacks. He is also the Guardian Angel of Sephira Tiferet.

Haniel: A loli, a little girl who look no older than ten with a cute face, a cold and/or emotionless expression, having a short light hair and dull red eyes. She usually wears a yellow sundress and yellow sandals. She is also the Guardian Angel of Sephira Netzach.

Michael: A muscular and tall man standing around three meters in height. He have a short light hair and red eyes, and usually wears a black tank top and military camouflage pants with black combat boots. He is also the Guardian Angel of Sephira Hod.

Gabriel: A man with long light hair and red eyes, usually wears a greek toga over a t-shirt. He is the Guardian Angel of Sephira Yesod.

Sandalphon: A prideful looking beautiful woman with short white hair and red eyes. Usually wears a white sports bra and white pants that showcase her impressive figure. She is also the Guardian Angel of Sephira Malkuth.

Lailah: A beautiful woman with long silver hair and red eyes. Unlike most angels, she's pretty easy going and playful. The mother of Hero Emilia and a sister-like figure for the Demon King Satan. She's an incredibly messy person who don't know how to take care of herself.

Emilia Justina/Emi Yuusa: A half angel and half human hybrid. She has a long auburn hair and emerald green eyes in her human form, and long silver hair and purple eyes in her angel form.

Sariel: A short man with blue hair and purple eyes with an appearance that oddly resembled James from Pokemon. He's a pervert.


Alexander Gremory/Satan Jacob: A young man with dark greenish hair and red eyes. Standing at around 6'1 in his human form. He's the Demon King and Ruler of Demon World.

Ashiya Shirou/Alsiel: One of the Seven Demon Generals of the Demon King. He is very loyal to his lord and appeared to be a hardworking man and a bit of a goof to someone who are close to him. But he is someone who is incredibly prideful, bordering extreme arrogance, treating humans as nothing more than trash...with a few exception of course.

Camio: The General Advisor of the Demon King. He has bird-like humanoid appearance and is very loyal to his lord.

Cerberus: A beautiful woman with dark skin with revealing outfit. She has an ears resembling that of a wolf and a tail, with long black spiky hair and fiery red eyes. Leader of the Hellhound tribe that guards the Demon King's Castle. She worships the Demon King like a fanatic believer. She is incredibly savage, wild, and untamed. She, and the whole Hellhound tribe listens only to the Demon King.

Seilah: The daughter of the fallen Demon General, leader of the Ashen Horns tribe. She is a very beautiful woman with gold-looking horns, a long dark purple hair, usually wears a blue leopard printed kimono. Though not as loyal as Cerberus. Seilah respects the Demon King that she'll go berserk and kill whoever insults him.

Royal Council: The Demon King's council, a group of wise demons who helped the Demon King managed the Demon World. There are ten of them, including Camio.

72 Demon Houses: Seventy-two demon tribes who made the biggest contribution when the Demon King went and conquered Ente Isla. They are given titles, power, and land to manage.


Albert Ende: a man in his thirties with short white hair, a short white beard and muscular build. He is one of the Four Heroes who battled against the Demon King when he invaded Ente Isla.

Emerada Etuva/Hisui Elda: The highest ranked official who serves directly under the rule of the greatest empire in the western continent. She battled alongside Emilia and other heroes against the demon army in Ente Isla. She has short green hair, lazy looking eyes, and child-like and petite body.

Crestia Bell/Suzuno Kamazuki: Ex-Chief Inquisitor, sent to kill the Demon King but ended up siding with him. She has long navy blue hair styled to a side ponytail, usually seen wearing traditional kimono. She has a small body and a petite frame with small breasts and a slender figure.

Rika Suzuki: An ordinary human who became not-so-ordinary after interacting with the supernatural world. She has short brown hair and brow eyes. She's in love with the Demon General Alsiel.

+Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san+

Chitose Nakai: Caretaker of the Inn where the Demon King, Hero, and friends. She is incredibly dangerous despite her child-like body and look. Possessing the ability to interfere with fortune and misfortune.

Yuuna Yonohana: The earthbound ghost of Yuragi Inn who was "revived" by the Demon King. She has long white hair and red eyes, usually wears a revealing white kimono with a red haori.

Sagiri Ameno: Heiress of the Chuuma Ninja Army. A powerful Ninja who possess enough skills to kill a second generation Angel. She has long purple hair styled to a side ponytail by a shuriken-like hair decoration.

Hibari Ameno: Cousin of Sagiri, and Sagiri's self proclaimed rival. She has petite body with her hair styled to a twin tails by a kunai-like hair decorations.

Nonko Arahabaki: Former heiress of the Yoinozaka house. She has a long pink hair and green eyes with a diamond shape mark on her forehead. She likes to drink, and care very little about modesty. Having a rule of "Look, but don't touch" she likes to show off her body.

Yaya Fushiguro: Yaya is simple minded who has traits similar to a cat. These cat characteristics include taking naps, liking the same foods as cats, being in high-places, cautious of dipping herself in hot water, and how she becomes attached to someone. When she is fed something she likes she gets attached to the person who made it. While looking mostly calm, she is often overall cheerful, friendly, and carefree. She is a young girl with short green seaweed hair and golden eyes. Her eye pupils resemble cat eyes. She often wears a hoodie, a long sleeve one for colder weather while a sleeveless one for warmer weather.

Genshiro Ryuuga: The Dragon God. He has a long black hair and tanned skin, usually seen wearing a black kimono. He is kind of a pervert, who has a costume fetish. Despite this, he is somewhat of a pure guy who will blush if he even as much as mention holding hands with a girl.

Oboro Ryuuga: A petite girl with a short white hair and an eye patch. Usually wears a violet haori over a blue kimono. She wants to strengthen her clan....by having the Demon King's babies.

Chisaki Miyazaki: A friend of most residents in the Yuragi Inn. She's a kind and sweet girl who cares for her friends and is afraid of men due to her mother's teachings. She has a short orange her and blue eyes.....she has lewd body.....a very, very, very, lewd body.

Koyuzu Shigaraki: A young girl with raccoon ears and tail. She was once a perverted girl who is obsessed with boobs but was corrected by the Demon King and became responsible and mature(?)


Cayote Starrk: A lazy looking man who will surely spend the last of his days sleeping even if he found out that the world is going to end. He has blue-gray eyes and wavy, dark brown hair, which ends at the base of his neck, is always unkempt, and is parted down the middle. He is very loyal to the Demon King due to him giving him everything he can only dream of. After he joined the demon king, he lost his mask fragments and hollow hole.

Tier Harribel: She has olive skin, aqua green eyes, thick eyelashes, and short golden blonde hair; which she usually keeps messy with three braided locks. Harribel is calm, taciturn, level-headed, and analytical, preferring to not engage in combat: she is content with silently observing both parties until the fighting reaches its conclusion. She is very loyal to the Demon King and respected him, and might have been hinted that there's more. But she denies this. After she joined the demon king, she lost her mask fragments and hollow hole.

Emilou Apacci: She is a tomboyish ex-Arrancar with heterochromia, one sky blue and one amber eye, with the latter having a red ring around it. Apacci's mask fragment is on the top of her head, with a horn in the middle. After she joined the demon king, she lost her mask fragments and hollow hole.

Franceska Mila Rose: She is a dark-skinned Arrancar whose mask fragments form a three-sectioned crown around her head and a thick necklace. After joining the demon king, she lost her mask fragment and hollow hole.

Cyan Sun-sun: wears a long white dress, with sleeves extending well past her hands. She wears two belts criss-crossing each other on her waist. Sung-Sun has long, flowing green hair, and three dots below her right eye. Her mask remnants create three hair clip-like extensions on the right side of her hair. After joining the demon king, she lost his mask fragment and hollow hole.

Lilynette Gingerbuck: she's a young looking female with light green hair and pink eyes. Lilynette can be both cheerful and mischievous at the same time. She enjoys waking Starrk up in unusual ways, such as shoving her fist down his throat. Despite her childish behavior, she does have a more serious side. She is very loyal to the Demon King for reasons similar to Starrk.

Gotei 13: Captais, Lieutenants, and seated officers of Gotei 13. Too lazy to write more about them.