
the devil in my dream

devil scarring people eating the fear

Dwayne_Campbell_1103 · สมจริง
1 Chs

the starting of dream

In my dream I have to fight for my life every where I go I don't see one but myself and I suddenly heard someone screaming I ran to see who's screamed by the time I reached there,I see a lot of blood on the floor and suddenly heard a voice, said you missed the show (hahaha) you we'll be next, that's when I wake up.

By the way my name is Justin,I when to the school name Milton grey college,and my best friend Jason is at the same college as me we know each other since highschool and we played a lot of scary game together and we love to scare lot of people it was so fun and that's when I scared a stranger that was a woman and she was so pretty, she asked why do we scare people you're not afraid of being scared and we said no we never got scared of anything.the lady said you guys need to get back to school and study or you're parents will get mad and try not to scare anybody again especially stranger ok.we went back to school do our homework and then we played games and then went home,I started to ask my mom is it good to have fun All day and night scarring people,mom said why'd you do that, it's not funny to scare people most of the people who are sick will catch heart attack and die so please stop it and do something else, but mom it's was so much fun though,mom said don't do it again or I'll be grounded you for a month so stop it ok and eventually night came, it's time to get some sleep, for tomorrow I'll be scarring a lot of people hahaha,mom said good night honey sleep well.

I do better next time

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