
The Devil Beside Me

A faithful woman devoted her life to her husband, only to get betrayed by him. Cheated and mocked by the man she sacrificed everything for, she sought vengeance. She allied with a powerful man deserving of her love, dragging down those who wronged her. But this story was not about that. It wasn’t about the pitiful legal wife who would emerge from rock bottom. This was about the shameless mistress, the home-wrecker, the vixen Luca who destroyed a marriage. Beautiful, smart, and ambitious. That was what Luca has known for. When she met the dashing CEO of Z Holdings, Xander, it was love at first sight. She knew it was wrong to fancy a married man, but the more she suppressed her attractions, the more this sinful desire blossomed. And before she knew it, she was already dancing with the fire. But like all the wrong deeds in the world, karma served her the coldest tea ever. Just when she thought Xander’s wife was out of the picture and they could be together, everything spiraled for the worst. Like how she destroyed a marriage and stole another woman’s husband, the fierce legal wife returned the favor twice harsher than she thought. Ruined, alone, and left with nothing, Luca realized her mistake too late. The damages had been done, and they were irreparable. Thus, she chose the inevitable end. Just when Luca thought it was the end, she woke up three years in the ‘past’ — the day she would meet Xander for the first time! But that wasn’t the most surprising of all because… the second she woke up, her cat welcomed her back in the most savage way. “Welcome back, bitch. Was being a side chick fun?” Watch as Luca walks the path of redemption… Nah ah. Watch as Luca, the former home-wrecker, ruin the man who left her hanging and finds self-love by marrying herself with her crazy, insufferable miss know-it-all cat as her maid of honor, only to meet a dangerous man shrouded with mystery whom she never met in her previous life. BUT WAIT! Why is this world, although looked the same as modern Earth, wasn’t exactly the same? Not only humans walked the surface of the world but also creatures whose eyes would glow in the dark and howls in the city could be heard at night? Follow Luca as she gets tangled in a parallel world where modern vampires, werewolves, witches, and ghosts blend with humans. ---- Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. Credits to the artist. Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e

alienfrommars · แฟนตาซี
155 Chs

I have a plan

"College?" Luca scoffed weakly, staring at the shut door in disbelief. "How dare she corrects me with misinformation?"

She shook her head, clicking her tongue mildly. "I still remember making that promise before our graduation because we weren't sure if we can enter the same college. Gosh. Do you think she's trying to trick me because I forgot about this engagement I never heard about?"

Luca cast Nova a look, but her brows creased seeing the horror in her cat's eyes.

"Nova, are you okay?" she asked, snapping a finger in front of Nova to bring her back to the current lapse. "Gosh. I never saw a cat zone out before."

"Oh…" Nova blinked and then observed Luca's face. "Did your agent say she's engaged?"

"Mhm. Although I don't remember…" Luca frowned, looking up to recall what she had forgotten. She had 'returned' three years prior to the past. Not to mention, during this time, Luca's focus was on the man who could make her heart flutter.

In other words, she couldn't remember all the details aside from the biggest events in her career and life. There was nothing in her memories anything regarding Jacques' engagement.

"I remember she was seeing someone, though," Luca murmured. "But I didn't think they were engaged even after three years later."

"Maybe she kept it a secret?" Nova suggested, getting Luca's attention.

"What?" Luca snorted. "Why would she keep it a secret before and not now?"

"I mean, she probably told you, but you were uninterested and too busy with your own happy ending — which, apparently, didn't happen."

Luca opened and closed her mouth before she nodded. "Make sense."

Nova secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but still observed Luca's mood. When she was sure the latter didn't dwell on it that much, she heaved another sigh of relief.

"I'm happy for her." Luca rocked her head and smacked her lips, eyes back to Nova. "Amazing, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jacques! And life." Luca shrugged. "Who would have thought that Jacques will get married?"

She then glanced at the door, chuckling, forgetting about her somber mood just moments ago. "I mean, Jacques is the career-woman type. Although I was focused on my career all this time, she is the same. Gosh, that woman. She used to tell me she wouldn't get married, but she ends up getting engaged before me."

"Hey." Luca snapped her eyes back at Nova with raised brows when her cat called. "Why don't you just focus on your search for a fuck buddy?"

"Huh? That's so random."

"I mean, was it really necessary to…" Nova trailed off, mentally wincing as she figured what she nearly spewed was akin to ratting herself out.

"Was it necessary to, what?" Luca arched a brow.

"I told you to take steps one at a time. Although you said you had moved on from that piece of scum, he will linger around you and seduce you. So for… you know, for safety purposes. Humans and their hearts are complicated, and you know better than I do about the current state of your heart," Nova explained, picking the right words to buy herself some time before revealing the detail she had kept from Luca all this time. "It's better if you had a man as a distraction so you don't give in."

"Gosh… I'd rather stay as a virgin than give him this." Luca traced her fingertips with the outline of her body to show off her curves. "But you're right. I'm too frail when sexually aroused."

"So…?" Nova raised her brows, waiting for Luca's decision.

"So?" Luca raised her brows and cocked her head to the side.

"Are you… what? Will postpone it and focus on this whore journey?"

"Oh…" Luca hummed, rubbing her chin mildly. Little did she know, Nova was already grinding her teeth as her rope of patience burned faster than usual.

"Well, maybe, yes. I mean, I'm friends with Georgina now, so I can relax for now. There were still many events where I can proceed with my plan." Luca nodded, knowing her 'supposed' affair with Xander would ensue after two months once she start working with Zkinfluence.

"Good!" Nova felt like a thorn was plucked out of her throat, only to choke when Luca spoke.

"Good? Nova, don't you want me to get the justice I deserve?"

"What justice — hah! Woman, did you hit your head and forgot what you did?"

"No, he might not have pulled the trigger, but that doesn't mean he is innocent. He handed me the ammo and all the weapons that pushed me to pull the trigger, Nova. He… is fooling with two women, but only I took the fall. Call me conceited, but the love I had for him had already turned to unspeakable hatred. I can never forgive him."

Nova sighed, staring at Luca in the eye. 'Goodness… how do I break this news to this woman? That's not my concern, but — ugh!'

"Gosh… I can't believe you." Luca let out a groan and collapsed on her back, having no energy to even go out of this room to enjoy the last days of her vacation.

Meanwhile, Nova could not help but shake her head mildly. She wanted to curse herself for keeping something very important detail from Luca. It would've been better if she came clean the first day, but now everything was already in motion and Luca was already set to drag Xander to hell.

'This is the only place I can bring her,' she sighed for the umpteenth time. 'I thought everything in her life was the same, but I think… I overlooked a lot of things after focusing on the current life she had in this world.'

Nova lamented internally, suffering silently after hearing bits and pieces of Jacques' words. Now, she had to double-check what was different in the people surrounding Luca, especially those two Xander and Georgina, since Nova had been bothered when she noticed the look in Xander's eyes last night.

While Nova mulled about what she needed to do to reassure Luca was going on the right path, her eyes lit up. She immediately jumped on Luca's side, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey!" Nova called, watching Luca open her eyes lazily. The moment Luca saw the bright grin on her cat's face, she quirked a brow.

"What?" asked Luca, only to hear Nova's excited voice.

"I have a plan!" Nova exclaimed giddily, and then whispered in Luca's ears, making the latter's eyes lit up.