
Devin's rage VS Leena's Nitrous Oxide

Hearing the noises, Devin stomped upstairs and hastily approached the room when he began hearing the desperate outcries. He knew the cries doesn't belong to her and he was confident that she would protect herself but his heart can only calm down once he sees her in person. Understanding that the door was still locked when he tried to open it, he slammed his footsteps on to the door loudly.

"Vincy, the door is very hard to open it." Following Devin, Drew hurriedly walked upstairs to catch him. "Here, try this. I brought hex keys in case we need it."

"Don't think that it has ended here. I will get back to you later." Snatching the hex key, Devin fixed the long end of the hex wrench into the hole and tried with a couple of hex keys turning it back and forth until it was unlocked with the smallest one.
