
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 16: Stalkers and little kid

Barbie's POV

My pillow had taken the brunt of my last night's rendezvous as I cried relentlessly on it.

I just couldn't hold my sobs in.

How had I?

Theo was my bestfriend!!

For crying out loud. How did things get so heated to the point of making out with him?

I really wanted to...but I just couldn't blame him for anything.

Yes he riled me up and made me take the drink. But I had been the one to kiss him.

Theo respected our friendship while I didn't. I felt awfully horrible about it.

I'm sure he wouldn't even want to look at my face again.

God!! What have I done?

I singlehandedly ruined my friendship with my bestfriend.

And of all things to do. I kissed him.


I couldn't bring myself to face him. I knew I was being a coward and fiercely overreacting... But I just couldn't shake the eerie feeling off that I'd cheated him in some way.

Yes. That was what it was. I cheated him in this friendship.

I broke his trust and took advantage of him when his gaurd was down.

I was just like his father!

I continued sobbing heavily. I know it's bad to feel so, but I would seriously have felt better if he'd atleast called me... Or even came to talk things out.

Instead he just went MIA on me.

How could he?

I knew I couldn't blame him though. I broke his trust.

He expected a bestfriend and what did I give him?

No, I just had to give him a fucking bestfriend who couldn't stay off him and didn't miss a chance to play hooker in a damn closet. Shit!


I woke up later in the day feeling like my head was about to explode.

Firstly, I hadn't eaten anything all day and I'd already exhausted all my energy on wetting my innocent pillow.

I don't deserve you pillow.

Finally deciding that it was time I got out of bed. Honestly I couldn't let myself die because I made a mistake. Sure if I had a chance I'd change that whole fucking day.

But if Theo really cared for me as his bestfriend I knew he would understand that I was drunk. But why hasn't he atleast called?

Was he that mad? I couldn't help the prickling tears that appeared once again. I didn't even know I still had more tears in me.

I flung my lazy frame off the bed thinking of what I could eat right now. I needed something sweet in my system ASAP!

I knew Pop wasn't home since he'd travelled out for some cooking contest.

Pop loved cooking! Probably one of the many reasons my mom loved him.

I took slow steps down the stairs aware that if I went too fast my legs would betray the fact that they'd been tucked in bed for more that 15 hours. Shit! My head hurt like hell.

Finally making it to the last steps I groaned in relief

I knew what to do. I'll get something into my system... specifically something sugary then I'll take a bathe and try to calm my raging thoughts by taking a walk in the park.

That couldn't be too hard right?

Only after all that would I have a conversation with Theo. I don't think I could face him right now though. I was a fucking mess!.

I poured my favourite box of Oreos into the fat bowl while stirring it with extra froyo.

Pop would kill me if he knew I was taking the cereal with frozen yoghurt which wasn't so frozen anymore though, instead of plain milk.

But only sugar could sweeten my mood right now.

Stupid party! Why did I agree to attend anyway... Oh yeah I didn't actually have a choice now did I?

My mind was all over the place as I poured more froyo throwing extra pineapple toppings into the mixture.

Now my meal just consisted of Oreos swimming in froyo and toppings.

With all this... I was definitely heading for a Sugar high.

I let my mind drift to the kiss me and Theo shared. Just beneath that awful feeling of guilt...was the thought of another different someone's lips on mine too. Fuck Barbie! That wasn't even a kiss.

Yeah. A fucking CPR was messing with my head. With Theo I'd been high and felt awfully weird about it. But Mysterio Kieran just strangely consumed my thoughts. How could a stranger have this much effect on me??

I blamed it on my curious mind. After all the rumors of his cruelty and whatnot. I couldn't help but remember that his touch on me hadn't felt in anyway devil-like. He handled me so gently. Was that really the same man the whole town feared?.

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed my bowl was almost empty. I still felt slightly hungry but doubted my stomach could hold anymore sugar in it. I threw my plates into the dishwash, deciding I would do the dishes when I got back. Pop wasn't home anyway.

My room was a total mess, but that didn't stop me from staring longingly at my bed. Contemplating if I should just forget my walk in the park and lay down some more. I definitely wanted to forget everything in the arms of a blissful sleep. Ugghhhh!

No!. I needed to take that walk. Clear my jumbled thoughts and talk to Theo.

After a long and very lazy shower, I almost fell asleep in the tub. But I managed to will myself to get up, throw on a pink flair skirt and big white flannel shirt with one hand falling downwards, my hair packed up in a messy bun. Not much, but atleast I was comfortable enough and enjoyed the feel of the night air on my skin.

A thought made me freeze in my tracks. What if I saw Theo on my way out?. Shit! I wasn't mentally ready for a confrontation and would prefer to stall for as long as possible. I took slow steps towards the front porch. Looking left and right for any signs of Theo around. I'd never been more conscious of my environment like I was in that exact moment and that was the exact reason I noticed that I was being followed. Shit! Who was following me? And by this time?... Maybe it was one of Theo's father's men?.

But I couldn't help but get an eerie feeling about them.

I zigzagged along parts, trying my best to lose the creepy stalkers while not wanting to alert them that they'd been discovered... If they knew I'd figured them out. They could attack me and looking at my position right now... I didn't think I would stand a chance against the buffy looking creeps.

Finally coming up to an empty clearing very far from home and the park I'd planned to walk to. My breaths came out in muffled gasps. A part of me still scare that they would catch me. How had things gotten so weird, from running away from my bestfriend. To actually trying to escape from real goons? My luck was real shit today.

Realizing I may have luckily lost the men as I didn't hear any footsteps behind me. Whoever had sent those men was really dumb though. They didn't even bother trying to hide themselves from me. Like they knew I wouldn't catch them. How long had they been stalking me anyway? And for how long had I been oblivious to their creepy presence?.

I settled myself on a log, examining my surroundings and the beautiful playground I ended up in... How long had I walked? I doubted it was too far away though.

My thoughts were once again consumed by all my apparent problems since last night... I was so lost in thought that I barely caught a small shoe peeking out the log opposite the one I was sitting on.

It probably belonged to a child who'd come here earlier.

I squatted down to tug the shoe off the hole... But the minute I tried pulling out, the shoe came off a whole feet.

Oh my fucking God! Pls don't be a dead body. Pls don't be...

I rambled on in my head... I don't think I'll be able to live down finding a dead body in a  playground. I'll be scarred for life.

Examining the log closely. It was big enough to accommodate atleast a small 5 year old. I focused on pulling the body out quickly checking for a pulse.

I almost fainted in happiness when I found that the kid was still breathing...

I don't think I've been this happy about seeing a little child in my whole life.

From the look of things, he'd probably passed out in there. And there was only two instances in mind for that.

One, someone put him in there to die or

Two, he hid there himself in a game of hide and seek.

I really hoped the latter was the correct option cause the thought of someone trying to kill this little boy almost made me wanna gag.

I hugged the child to my chest tightly... Barely noticing the streak of tears rolling down my cheeks. What would have happened if I didn't get here right now?. I was suddenly thankful to those stalkers for making me come here.


If I wasn't happy that I'd saved the kids life I'd have regretted bringing him home... He wouldn't stop asking me questions and refusing to answer any of mine. He reminded me of myself when I was little and full of Sugar.

"So Princess Barbie... Do you live with your prince charming" Jake asked for the upteenth time. Why wouldn't he just shut up? I was about to lash out at him for his stubborn nosiness when I heard stomach rumbling. And it definitely wasn't mine.

Shit! How could I have forgotten to give him some food? Oh yes. Ever since he'd woken up I'd been too busy trying to get him to tell me anything about his family so I could return the little bundle of curiosity back home.

I chose to say nothing, quickly getting up with him in my arms as we strode to the kitchen. I placed him on the counter and thought for a while on what he could eat... His eyes kept following my every movement, I turned to him abruptly.

"Ok. So I'll make some quick Oreos for you, then you'll tell me everything about your family so we can head home"

I knew he was just 5 and wouldn't know much, but the kid sounded smart. Atleast the questions he asked were grown up ones.

He gave me a wide smile probably happy with my choice of meal. "I know my way home Barbie... My brother always made sure we knew our way back home all the time" he said eagerly.

Little fucker!

So he knew his way back all this while but chose to linger on with his annoying questions.

I gave him a sharp look which he only returned with a familiar smirk... familiar hm?. Letting me know he'd enjoyed my misery.

After Jake had cleared up the second bowl of Oreos with a wide grin on his face like he wouldn't mind a third bowl

Oh no there kid.

I didn't mind filling the little bundle up, but I'm sure his family were mighty worried about him. And the way he talked about his beloved brother. I was sure he'd be even more worried than ever.

So instead of giving into his happy look for a third round. I lifted him off the counter throwing his own bowl to meet mine in the dishwash.

I made sure to clean his hands properly as we began our journey to his family.

Since I didn't completely trust a 5year old to direct a taxi driver. I decided we could as well get there by foot.

But nothing could have prepared me for the ethereal beauty this little kid called home. The place was just so magnificent, the walls were painted a dark shade of blue white and peach. It was obvious whoever owned the place loves dark colors as the dominant color was dark blue that almost looked black. The outside was lined up with different men... more like goons!. My breath caught in my throat at the guns the men strapped on like a second skin

Who was this kid?

I resisted the urge to ask the kid if he knew where he was cause the question was already stuck in my throat when the door flung open to reveal the guy who'd haunted my thoughts for days now.

Who's lips I just couldn't forget...

Jake quickly left my hand which was holding on to his and ran straight into the waiting arms of Mysterio Kieran.

Another chapter doneeeeeee!!!

Yayyyyyy. Who's happy? I am!

Ok... So I just wanted to mentally prepare you guys for the person we call Mysterio Kieran. As I've said before, he's no "good guy". Probably the worst guy out there... But don't worry, my Barbie is anything but WEAK. So as the slow burn story this is, there's gonna be twists, serious character development and death. lol

Anyway what do y'all think? Don't be a silent reader and pls tell me what you think in the comments section.

And don't forget to slap hard on that naughty Vote button. *wink* he deserves it.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜