
The Devil's Marionette| Blue Lock

▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ If you are the devil, I am willing to be the marionette in your hands. If you are the marionette, I am willing to cut the strings at the cost of my life. Tell me, dear, what do you prefer? ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Ever since he remembered, Aoi's every second of life was dictated by people around him from what he should eat to who he should marry. One day, he just snapped. He became the freest person but at the same time, bound by strings of fate. He thought this is how he should spend his life; alone and cold. That is how it should be. That is how it was meant to be. .....Until he saw like-minded monsters in Blue Lock. . . . Heh, too bad his heart is already dead. ................................. Note: This is BL Bl (got it? *wink*)

Justamobpassinby · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Ch 2// Team V

"Well now, it is time to play 'tag'," Ego stated with a creepy glint in his eyes, "The time limit is 136 seconds."

"The player with possession is 'it'," Ego pressed the button and the ceiling made an opening and immediately, the ball fall down from it.

"Whoever is "it" when time runs out..." Ego smiled ominously, "...can get the fuck out of here."

The ball bounced randomly inside the cramped yet silent space.

A player ruffle his hair and walked towards the lonely bouncing ball and pressed his foot on top of it.

"I'm the 'Oni' huh...", he gazed towards the screen sleepily.

[Ranking 111

Arai Aoi]

All people present focused their gaze toward Aoi, intending to defend themselves from the oncoming attack.

But one second..two seconds, five seconds later, they found that the sleepy young man was still not moving from his original position.

Some people frowned but no one spoke and no one move from their position.




In this way, time passed agonizingly and Aoi did nothing but leaned towards the wall and played football with one foot just like a naughty cat is playing with yarn.

He softly hummed a song while closing his eyes. Only his ethereal yet eerie voice travel across the still room.

"London bridge is falling down~"

1: 16

"Falling down~"

1: 01

"Falling down~"

0: 45

"London bridge is falling down~"

0: 33

"My fair lady~"

0: 15

"What is your purpose, Arai Aoi!", an anxious voice suddenly rang throughout the room.

"Hmm..? You don't like my singing?", Aoi looked down at the ball under his feet and towards the player that had just spoken.

"Huh!? Are you crazy!? Are you intending to drop out!?" The player yelled agonizingly.

"Ah...I do apologize if my behavior seems that way," Aoi tilted his head, his soft curly hair bouncing freely in the air, "that was never my intention you see...."

"Well then sir, would you be my fair lady?" Aoi smiled charmingly.

"Wha-", before the player finished his sentence, Aoi dashed toward him with football in tow.

Even though Aoi was madly dashing toward him with a grin on his face, his movement seems so fluid and graceful as if he was dancing across the ballroom.

It was clear that he was performing alone in this tiny space and yet his shadow and his own movement overlapped one another. It seems as if he was dancing a passionate tango with his inseparable lover.

The scene seems very bizarre but one could do nothing but look at him with their full attention.

In a few seconds, Aoi arrived directly in front of the player.

0: 9

Aoi was clearly able to see terror and panic settling inside that player's eyes.

"W-wait! Please wait a minute!!" the player yelled with agitation.

Aoi's lips curved and then-

He kicked the ball.

0: 4

Everyone presence seems to stop breathing for a moment as their eyes trailed on the ball without batting their eyelids.


The ball bypassed the player's face with such force that it ruffled the player's hair and hit the wall behind him with a loud bang.

Soon, a red line appeared on the player's pale cheeks.

The player's eyes widened as he looked behind. He didn't know what just happened but that must mean Arai Aoi lost right!?

He grinned and sneered, "Too bad, you lost bitc-", just as he looked away from the ball and towards Aoi, an unknown impact suddenly hit his face!

Thud Thud Thud


A ball rolled towards his feet as if mocking his incompetency.


Just as the player looked away from the ball, the ball bounce back from the wall because of the force behind it. As if by some miracle, the ball's path of reflection and of the player directly intersect.

In the game field, it is a sin to take one's eye away from the ball. It is never game over until you heard the referee's whistle.

Aoi calmly looked at the player in front of him who was on his knees in disbelief.

He slowly walked towards him under everyone's gaze. He bent down and embrace him as if to console him.

The player roughly tried to push Aoi away with resentment and rage, but he was tightly hugged like a python was slowly trying to crush his prey to death.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to curse, he heard a petite voice spoke in a tone only the two of them can hear.

Aoi embraced the player gently and caress his already messy hair. He inched near the player's ear as if to comfort him.

Aoi then gently tucked the player's mess of hair behind his ear. He then sigh-

"Thank you for your dream. It's mine now"

The player's hand that was tugging at Aoi's cloth slowly fall down.



[Ranking 96

Kenshin Masamunae]




"Congratulations. You have passed Blue Lock's entrance test!" Ego's voice came out from the speaker.

"Your room was designed for no more than 11 people...so from now on, you'll cohabitate together," Ego spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, "You fated eleven...you may cooperate with each other and also, betray each other-"

Eimiya Ichida

Hiori Yo

Nanase Nijiro

Himizu Aiki

Kiyora Jin

Yukimiya Kenyu

Hiiragi Reiji

Tanaka Shingen

Kurona Ranze

Itoshi Rin

Arai Aoi


"You, and the rivals you'll have to trample...are Blue Lock's Team V"

Aoi's smile widened.