
The Devereux Family

It is a story of a man wanting to take revenge for his wife's murder and will not stop until everything runs red.

Ati_02 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

If you were still here.

He had waited so long for her, wanted to hold her , and wanted to tell her things that he held deep within his heart. But he could not , he no longer could hold her , no longer hear her voice , no longer see her hold their son and sing to him softly.

They had taken her from him , took away the one thing that would have kept them safe , and now he wants revenge. He wants to see them suffer, and he will show no mercy. "Dada!, Dada!" a small voice called , laughter following. His son came to him, pulling on his legs, trying to steady himself.

He smiled softly , all the hard lines easing from his face, "Little one, where were you going in such a hurry." He said, lifting up his son and placing him on his lap. "Dada." his said again, laughing as his father tickled him and made silly faces.

It had been almost a year after his beloved had passed, yet her memories never faded , never grew more distant. The walls were still filled with their pictures and paintings that he had once done trying to capture her beauty.

The room was warm and comforting as he sang to his son. "Azrael." A warm voice called out, " Give him here to me." he turned to face his mother in law , looking at her with tired eyes, " You did not sleep again last night." She sighed, taking the baby from him.

"Even when sleep finds me, I still think of her , every second of every minute and every minute of an hour and every hour of every day. In my sleep she calls to me , memories play like broken records and they freeze mother, the freeze and I go after but I couldn't move , she starts to walk away calling me , holding out her hand , but I couldn't take it , I cannot run to her , I cannot stop her, I .....I just wish it was me taken ,me that they came after." He broke done , saying these sentences between sobs and muffled cries. His mother in law placed a hand on his shoulder, her grief just as great as his own.

"It's not yet time for you to leave. She left you a piece of her and a memory of the love shared between the two of you. " she said, her eyes softening, and she gently squeezed his shoulder before taking her grandson with her.

He moved slowly ,painfully towards the portrait of his wife. There she smiled brightly , eyes pools of endless wonder and mischief. " We had promised each other so much had given each other so much and had shared so many memories , you were all that was right in this world, a blessing to me , so why , why was it you that had too leave so soon , why was it you huh? , I am not perfect my love , I am not a gentle soul like you , what if I am not what our son needs , what if I ruin him like my father has done too me, what then ...." He spoke in a whisper, his voice breaking , cracking and fading. Tears spilled out from his deep blue eyes that were stormy , clouded by his grief, he held on to the paints frame shaking uncontrollably.

The day his wife had died , his soul had been taken with her. Now, all that was left was a restless monster waiting to awaken and make those pay for his pain.