
Chapter 25 Male-Female Relationships_1

Xu Hao looked as if he was in the depths of despair.

"What should we do?" he asked Shen Wenqian.

Even Shen Wenqian, the experienced and highly skilled top agent, was at a loss.

He looked to Ruan Qi for help.

Ruan Qi calmly closed her laptop and said to Manager Tang, "Just leave it be."

Manager Tang: "What?"

Ruan Qi: "Tell the people in the Public Relations Department to stop what they're doing, don't whitewash, don't clarify, let them curse, the fiercer the better."

"..." Manager Tang blinked, thoroughly confused.

He looked at Xu Hao, bewildered.

Xu Hao looked at Shen Wenqian, equally lost.

Shen Wenqian... Shen Wenqian, in a dilemma, covered his face and gave a heavy nod.

Manager Tang left the office as if he were a wandering soul.

Shen Wenqian asked Ruan Qi, "What exactly is your plan?"

Ruan Qi didn't speak.

She looked down at her phone, her thumbs tapping rapidly on the screen a few times.

Then she made a phone call.