
The Depths of Insanity

It had happened overnight, the world changed as they knew it. The entire world had been engulfed in chaos, nobody knew whether they would be able to live to see the next day. The seemingly normal Virion Alistair was struggling to survive in this chaos. Before the chaos he was just a normal man who was just trying to live a good life, now he’s trying his hardest just to stay alive. Will Virion be able to survive this chaos and help the people who he thinks needs it, or will he succumb to the pain and insanity?

Anime_Weebtard · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Nights Descent

Looking out the front windows and the door, Virion can see that night has fallen.

As if to prove his theory from earlier, another loud roar sounds and he manages to see a group of about twenty of the small creatures scurry down the street in a hurry. Whether out of fear or or respect he doesn't know but he could tell they were certainly in a hurry.

Quickly ducking down behind the window while maintaining a view of the street, Virion tries to think of what he needs to do. But sadly he can't think of anything at all, after all, what could one even hope to do in this situation? Run like last time? Hide behind the rubble of buildings as he tries to make it back to the group? What if he leads the creatures to them? He definitely cannot do that!

"Shit! Right after I found all of this food too. What should I do? What can I do?!"

Immediately following these thoughts of his the building he's in begins to rumble violently. Almost reminiscent of what happened just yesterday he hears a bunch of crashing and banging.

Shortly after these noises the building begins to shake even more viciously. It's as if something is running into it, and not by accident either.

Deciding to try his luck, Virion decides to head out onto the street and try to make a run for it without being spotted.

However, it seems fate had a twisted way of playing with him. As soon as Virion left the building he spotted one of those giant creatures, specifically the one covered in blue fire instead of scales. It stared at Virion as if it had known he was there, as if it was waiting for him to come out.

Panicking, Virion managed to make off in a full sprint, somehow not consumed by fear. As he started running the creature behind him followed close behind. By no surprise, the creature was much faster than Virion and was gaining on him quite quickly.

Beginning to run out of breath from how hard he's running, Virion manages to spot an alleyway not far in front of him. The only question is, can he or the creature reach their goal first?

'Go legs! Run harder! Make it!' Thinking this, by some kind of miracle, Virion manages to make it to the alleyway first.

Since the creature was going at an incredible speed in order to catch up to Virion, it skids on the floor while trying to turn towards the alley to continue the chase. However, in doing so he slams into the building and causes some of it to collapse into the passageway, separating it and Virion.

Not knowing how long such a chance will last, Virion continues running as fast as he can down the alley. He doesn't know where he's going, he's just running blindly at this point. Anything to get away.

Rumbling begins to sound behind him and as he turns to look he can see that the creature managed to break through the collapsed part of the building and is now rushing towards him. Luckily though, because the creature is so big, it's slamming into the walls and pushing through them while running, significantly slowing its speed down.

Coming up on a crossroad in the alley, Virion has to quickly make a decision. Continue forward, turn left, or turn right. Coming up with a plan quickly, Virion decides to turn left, attempting to slow the creature down further and gain some distance on it.

Struggling to be able to slow down in time for the turn, Virion barely makes it as he slams against the wall, ripping part of his arm in the process.


Shouting out in pain, Virion has no choice but to continue running forwards. Quickly looking back he sees that his plan seemed to have worked however as he sees the creature pass by the turn and continue forwards while trying to stop. At the same time however, he manages to see that the path that was previously to the right, was full of those small creatures, around ten of them, and they all seem to have found him as a very tasty treat.

'Shit, just my luck.'

As the things begin to chase him, he manages to hold a certain distance, preventing them from getting closer. Just at this time though, the big one comes back from the center path, running full force after Virion, and it's catching up quite fast.

As if not even caring for the small things beneath it, it crushes most of the ten creatures into a bloody pulp while running. The ones that managed to live tried to continue running but since the large creature was still slamming into the walls because of its size, rubble from the buildings happened to fall on them and crush them, or fall in front of them and block them.

Still having no time for rest, Virion continues to run. He passes by multiple other crossways which managed to save him for the time being. Somehow he also managed to not encounter any more of those small creatures. Just when he thought his legs were about to give out, he suddenly hears a voice call out to him.

"Quick! Over here kid!"

Looking towards the voice, Virion can faintly recognize Oslo in the distance, holding open a door to a building. He finally has a saving grace, it may not be a good one, but it's the only one. He manages to luckily make it to the door and enter it while Oslo slams it behind them.

"We don't have time, I know you're probably tired, but we have to get back to the others." Oslo informs Virion while dragging him along.

"Yeah… yeah… I know…" Virion manages to respond back through deep breaths.

Following Oslo as he runs through a narrow hallway with barely enough space to fit two people shoulder to shoulder, the building begins to rumble. It seems as though the creature hadn't given it up just yet.

As they continue running, the building begins to collapse around them, creating many pits and falling debris to watch out for.

Reaching the end of the hallway and going through quite a big door, they find themselves in a multi level garage, though there's no cars in it now.

"Right up here kid! They aren't far now!" Oslo shouted while continuing to run ahead

Panting and breathing very heavily, Virion barely manages to keep following behind him. At this point quite a lot of his vision is blurry and his legs could collapse any second, it's pure adrenaline carrying him at this moment.

Suddenly from behind them, the giant creature somehow bursts through the hallway they had just come from, breaking into the garage and immediately giving chase.

By the time the creature has made it to the center of the garage, Virion and Oslo have already made it outside, back onto the streets. With Oslo grabbing Virion by the arm and practically dragging him along at this point, he takes a sharp right after exiting the building.

Quickly trying to gain as much of a gap as they can between them, the creature very shortly follows right after, coming straight out of the entrance and giving chase.

"Oslo, this way!" A shout suddenly sounds and Virion can barely make out a group of about 4 people on the other side of the street near an intersection. This must be the group that Oslo left with earlier.

Just as Oslo and Virion begin to run over, a deafening sound suddenly cracks through the air. They know this sound, it's something quite common in movies. It sounds exactly like a minigun Virion has heard in movies and games, but where is it coming from?

Looking up, Virion can make out a helicopter shining a blinding light onto the creature. Continuing to fire, the ground all around the creature begins to shatter from how many bullets are being fired in rapid succession. However the creature itself seems to be unharmed.

'The military? But what can they even do?' Virion thinks to himself while watching the bullets have zero effect.

"This is our chance! Come on kid, we need to get somewhere to rest!" Oslo shouts at Virion and grabs him by the arm again, pulling him out of his thoughts and along with the group.

Almost tripping from being pulled so suddenly, Virion somehow manages to force his legs to continue running.