
Chapter 2 A second chance

Two days have passed and I have made it to the village. This village seems different, it has dirt roads, wooden buildings, and very lively people. As soon as I entered the strangest thing happened someone talk to me and asked if they could help me.

Villager: hello young man, is there anything I can do for you it looks like you've had a rough why don't you come inside and I'll give you a bath and something to eat.


The bath was warm and smelled clean I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed and safe. The food that the lady had prepared smelled good and had lots of color to it I've never seen a meal this color before and everything tasted great. After around five minutes of eating the kind lady sat down next to me she asked where I was heading to.

MC: I was wondering if you could tell me if there was someone here that hand been placed under curse at a young age?

Villager: yes I have she lives towards the middle of the village. Head to the town square where the statue is placed in the middle and ask someone for the name____.

MC: thank you for all you have done.

Villager: if you don't mind me asking why do you seek her.

MC: well you see I have also been placed under that curse as well and I keep losing control and so I was wondering if she could teach me to control it.

Villager: well in that fact there are many people here in that village with that same curse and I'm sure that they would be happy to help you. How about instead of meeting her you mean with the village elder he can place you in school and they will teach you to control it.

MC: Thank you and I will be sure to come visit you soon.

I started heading towards the village elder it took me a while because I forgot to ask the nice lady where he was so it took me a few hours but I finally made it to the villages elders place of work. There was a lot more security than I thought there would be and it took me a while for me to speak to him.

Village elder: why have you asked to speak to me?

MC: I have this curse and I can't control it so I traveled here to seek someone that can help me.

Village elder: well can you came to the right place. Let's head out other village and I want to see this curse if you have it I think it is then your in good hands.

MC: thank you

So we walked out to the end of the village and we try for about an hour but the curse will not come out.

Village elder: how about we try something different. Tell me something that happens to you on the curse comes out.

MC: mainly rage but it's some cases fear.

Village elder: well in that case how about you go jump off that cliff over yonder I will see what happens. As we started walking over to the cliff my heart started the pump I was anxious but mainly scared what would happen if the curse was not brought out. So, I walked over at the edge of the cliff and look back at the village elder. I took all my step and fell. Like I see the bottom moving closer and closer to me my heart was racing in my mind was blank all of a sudden I caught that glimpse once more that read mono that felt powerful. But this time it was different because I didn't lose consciousness I stayed away but had no control. It lasted for about five seconds after I hit the ground. One thing I realized is that I had no idea what the skirt was or what it look like when it was released.

Village elder: as I thought, I can help you and you're not the only one there are dozens of people like you with the same curse but the way it works is different from the usual. Why don't I take you to our school and show you what the others look like.

MC: I was relieved avoid the old man's head that I'm not alone and that he can help.

The school was three stories tall it had glass windows in color are tan on the walls and a green roof. We walked around the school where are we soon so students in the gym.

Village elder: The kids over there are all like you. The way that the schoolwork is that all students here are from the age of four to the age of 30. So the way that you're cursed works is that depending on what level of this curse Is inside you is where you will stand in this group.

MC: OK well that sounds exciting.

I was a bit nervous because I was afraid that I would be weak. So we took some test in the village elder looked at me with excitement.

Village elder: you just so happen to be one of the most powerful people in your group.