
The Demon War

The beginning of the story involving what we call the demon war that started the story of Dark Decent in the beginning.

Dark_Derrek · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Death's Domain (Amara meets Darkness)

He walked down the path to see a gate dark and eerie but also has the feeling of coldness here, but not a kind of cold your cold but coldness of the soul, well if there were any.

Amara looks up at the gate and feels a chill but not one he understands but also brings a bit of power to fear and darkness it'self. He enters through the gates with a loud ancient creaking noise and waiting inside was Darkness finishing his touches to hell to make it more homey.

He approached Darkness being the one in charge at the time. "You must be?"

Venomous: Venomous not far behind him sees Darkness as well. "Oh yes, this is Darkness, Darkness Amara, he is next to be in charge, under me of course"

Darkness: turns around- standing straight and putting one arm behind back then in a deep, slightly raspy, calm voice Greetings Venomous nods slightly at Amara ...Amara...

Amara: "Darkness." Raises eyebrow.

Meanwhile, a being ran by the raspberry bushes at great speed and was on a frenzy. She couldnt control the feeling the NEED for fear. It quickly ran into the woods with a loud screech that managed to kill some of the trees.

*In between Heaven and Hell Talk*

Ains: "The hell is that!? Ugh! Fear sure is giving me a problem." He telepathically says: "VENOMOUS!"

Venomous: Hears a loud yelling "Ah! Yes brother?" he says with a sarcastic irritated voice.


Venomous: "I'm a little busy, but I can send someone."

Ains: "Excuse me! Are you DEFYING ME!? What could you POSSIBLY have that you couldnt go and HANDLE THIS!?"

Venomous: *He felt his brothers anger and it worried him a bit. (fear now 3%)*

"No, no I meant....I'm training more beings."

Darkness: watches with little patience and slight curiosity as to what the argument is about.

Ains:"Training?! I didnt make ANYONE ELSE! WHO!?"

Venomous: "....Amara and Evolet, Ains. I made them for death and the moon."

Ains: Taps his fingers on his crossed arms "And who gave you clearance for THAT!?"

Venomous: (Fear 5%) "N-no one, I just thought, maybe I-"

Ains: "See, that's where your WRONG! You dont THINK, you do AS I TELL YOU! do I MAKE myself clear!?"

Venomous: "Yes, brother....."

Ains: "Send whomever and I wish to meet these, Mistakes!"

Darkness: He slightly tilts head interesting- never seen this behavior, however I have very little patience to stand about in confusion listening to this end.

Venomous: Sighs "Darkness." he turns to him. "I need you to go to Raspy Forest and handle or talk to Fear, that is an order." he says with a serious face.

Venomous: "I'll be back, Amara, come with me."

Amara: *Nods and follows him*