
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Demon Next Door: The Next Project.


DAY 12.


TYLER'S CASH: 100,000

THE VAULT: 225,000

Tyler's alarm woke the pair and Xenovia smiled as she stretched.

"Mornin Tyler."

He kissed her deeply.

"Mornin Xenovia. Come on."

He carried her to the bathroom, much to her amusement, and they cleaned up before heading down. The warrior and his blue haired girlfriend made breakfast and Xenovia smiled.

"We're raiding the dungeon again?"

"Yup. I'll take a crew to the zombie floor and we'll go from there."

"Alright. I picked up a Galil assault rifle."

"Nise choice. Thing's a tank."

Rias and a yawning Yoshkia came down and Tyler smiled as he kissed his redheaded primary.

"YOU are MINE."

She smiled happily at that assertion.


"I love you Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler."

Yoshkia yawned again, only to squeak as he kissed her too.

"Mornin Yoshkia!"

She smiled warmly.

"Morning Tyler!"

He smiled at his witchlover as the rest of the house came down. Hestia smirked as she sat on a stool.

"So. The new arrivals."

Tyler looked at her curiously.

"Will they come with the next batch of refugees?"


"Wow. Sexy whine."


"Cute squeak."

"It is."

"Guuuuys! Not cool!"

They laughed at her now redfaced embarrassment. Tyler took Rias' hand and she smiled as they headed to school.

"You'll be in the dungeon today, Tyler?"

"Yup. We got our rest day so we're back at it."

Asuna nodded.

"The zombie floor?"

"Yup. I'll take the same crew again until we get the measure of the floor. LAst time we nearly died like twice."

Kirito nodded.

"I'll pack a bigger gun this time. That RPK will do."

"I'll still run my Spaz since it's kitted for such heavy engagments."

Asuna tilted her head.

"I think I'll bring that RPD for the same."


The friends walked onto the campus and Tyler kissed Rias lovingly.

"See ya later, Rias. I love you."

She smiled.

"I love you too, Tyler. Put on a good show for me, alright?"


They went to class and Marillia chuckled as he sat down.

"So ya ditched AGAIN?"

"Rias wanted to snuggle."

"Damned kids."

"We got the room for another snuggler if ya want it teach!"

She smirked at that offer.

"I just might have to take that."

Tyler chuckled as he sat down in his seat and Akeno came in with Koneko, Satuski and Kirito. The purple haired Akeno smiled as she got her own hug and kiss.

"Good morning to you too. Reset?"

"Rias' wants to snuggle."

"Fair enough. Let me know when!"

He chuckled at that one as he kissed Koneko.


"Love you three."

Satuski smirked at the nudge and his phone beeped with a message from the black haired lady.

"Terms were set."

"Time and place?"

"I will summon you as my devil."

"It wrong I COMPLETELY forgot that was a thing? And very well. Your walking is forfiet."

She smirked at that one as the class started with Marillia being paid attention to for once. Tyler smirked about halfway through and sent the text GIF to Rias. Akeno shook her head with a smile.


He chuckled as the period ended and he went to the raider room with the party. There he sat in his commander chair.

"Alright. we're raiding the zombie floor again. It'll be me, Kirito, Rasweisa, Satuski, Asuna, and Asia."

The heads nodded and the blonde smiled as she was picked.

"Yay! I got a new gun I wanna kill stuff with!"

The friends chuckled at her sweetness and Tyler looked at her curiously.

"Whatchya packing Asia?"

"Hm? Oh. It's called an SA80."

Tyler blinked.

"Um. Asia? I'll need a look at it."

"Kay! Here!"

She produced the bullpup rifle from a spell and the skilled gunner gave it a VERY careful look over before he sighed.

"Okay, Asia. Where'd you buy this?"

The blonde gulped now at his serious tone.

"Um, the gunshop on Main? Is it broken already?"

"Yes, but not from anything you did. This thing is legendary for it's techical problems. The mag release is counterintiuitive, the charging handle has a tendency to fall off and leave the bolt open, the gun overall is very brittle, and the fact it does NOT like abuse. It will LITERALLY fall apart in your hands. The thing was scrapped entirely cause of the problems."

Asia sighed dejectedly at this news.

"Dammit it looks cool!"

He patted her fondly.

"I know a better bullpup."

"Yay! What is it?"

He smirked now.

"It's called L84. Basically that but the functional version."

She smiled and he patted ehr fondly.

"Come on Glowball."


The room laughed at her fury as the raiders geared up. Tyler retrieved the bullpup LMG from his arsenal and Asia smiled widely as she held it.

"wow. I like it!"

Satuski smiled as she loaded a magazine into her TAR21 bullpup assault rifle.

"Interesting weapon."

TYler loaded his Spaz12 while Kirito loaded an extended banana clip into his RPK. Rasweisa had opted for a AUG bullpup assault rifle with a 50 round drum mag and Asuna loaded a fresh belt in her M249. Tyler nodded once they were loaded.

"We'll take the truck."

THe raiders loaded into the thing with Asia beside him in the cab and he kissed her wamrly, making her smile. Tyler drove the vehicle to the dungeon and into the loading bay for vehicles before they were back in the apartment complex where the warrior flipped the safety off his gun. The friends moved into the large room the last raid had left off in and Tyler had a thought that made him smile widely and Kirito saw it.

"It hit you, didn't it?"

"Yes and not that one either. More I am FEELING this one."

He smirked now and a zombie stepped out of a room....and Tyler slugged it in the face with the stock and it died.

"And this is MY world."

A group of ten zombies appeared at the far end of the hall with a reaper and he cracked his neck.

"Now. Let's have some fun."

He bumrushed the horde and Asuna sighed as he leapt off a wall and pelt the reaper in the face.

"And there he goes. Kirito? Stay."

Tyler had a wild grin as he bounced from wall to wall and off the ceiling with his 12 bore shotgun bellowing in the face of the horde with two to three dropped per blast. he landed his unorthodox attack on the other side and the machete came out and he rushed the things again with a rage and the level 5 machete was howling as he cut through zombie after zombie until he reached the battleaxe swinging reaper. Tyler sliced it in the thigh on a slide by and stabbed it in the back with the machete. He then gripped the blade and TORE it from the thing's body with a ferocious forece that nearly split the thing clean in half. It dropped to the ground with a shatter and Tyler looked at his crew with a smirk.

"Come on."

Satuski smirked as she helped gather loot.

"I see it is time you returned to the main dungeon."

"Kinda. I wanna go on a RAMPAGE right now."

Asia hugged him and he patted her fondly before they moved down the cleared hallway. The hallway had no change in appearance or any real differences until they passed a door and the sound of a little girl crying was heard inside. Satuski took a grenade, Tyler opened the door and she tossed it inside. The girl thing shrieked as the grenade exploded and they went in to find her and a hellhound had been blown to high hell. Tyler looked at the loot and shrugged.

"Eh. Nothing's jumping at me."

Asia perked up.

"There's an icon on the wall!"

Tyler walked over and looked at the weapon.

"Well. That's random. A ballistic knife."

Kirito blinked.

"A what?"

"A launchable knife. Useless in any real combat scenario and is a risk to even use. Neat though."

They shrugged and walked out of the room when Tyler blinked, pulled his machete and stabbed the wall by Asuna's head. She blinked at the sudden motion as a shadow peeled itself off the wall and shattered. Kirito whistled.

"Damn dude."

"Shadows don't stand there."

Asuna smiled as they collected the loot.

"Thanks Tyler."

"I gotchyer back too ya know."

They chuckled at that one as they walked through the building. The friends then came upon a large rec style room in a hallway and the warrior noted a golden loot chest in the back. He smirked.

"Satuski, take the shot."

"On it."

She put a round in the thing and the mimic roared to life....only for Asia's machinegun to put it down in under seconds.


The friends laughed at her adorable squeak as the friends threw open the loot box. Tyler smiled as he saw an old workhorse weapon.

"A build kit for an M2 browning 50 caliber machinegun. We'll do something with it."

The next build kit made him smirk.

"A full MMG kit for an MG42 heavy machinegun. That thing is a monster. Not ENTIRELY sure what we'll do with two mounted machineguns, but we'll figure it out."

The loot was collected and the group moved on. Tyler keeping an eye on the way ahead when they turned a corner and were faced by a blocked stairway leading higher and no real way forward. That made them blink and Tyler walked to the pile of rubble on the stairs.

"Roof access: 1,000."

Satuski and Asuna frowned

"So soon?"

"And the roof? Tyler?"

"Some areas are smaller then others, ladies. Some ae crucial escape routes while others are merely filler and places to get trapped in. You'll never know until you open it though."

Asuna looked at Tyler now with an intense expression in her orange eyes.

"I say leave. Let's come back down with the other veterans. JUST to test it."

TYler frowned at this sound suggestion and Kirito chuckled.

"Not worth the risk, Tyler. And we'll do it RIGHT when we come back."

"Eh. Fair enough. wow, Asuna. He's using YOUR lines now."


Asuna laughed at her husband's new embarrassment and hugged him hard.

"I love him for a reason!"

Tyler smirked knowingly at that and she saw it.

"NOT for that."

"Ummm, I was thinking because he loves you too?"


The friends laughed at her trap and Tyler looked at the barricaded stairs with a smirk before looking at the second set leading downward. This set was clear so he took point and headed down. Tyler had the flashlight on and the beam added a rather creepy feeling to the room as the friends reached the lower floor. The warrior looked ahead and blinked.

"UM. we've got a second door ladies and Kirito."

THey walked over to the door with a sign and it read: Garage Access, 1,250. Tyler frowned as he saw the number.

"It's 250 bucks higher. That either means higher level or larger area. We've encountered two of them now. Safe to say we've gone as far as we can in this floor."

Asuna nodded.

"I agree. And we'll need to make a choice as a Raider Party which door we want to open."

Tyler looked at the hallways stretching into the distance.

"Let's clear the other hallways first, Asuna. If this floor has two doors to be opened, then that usually means this is a hub for the zombie map in general. and rule of thumb for any zombies game: More areas open at once, the more escape routes you can take in any situation."

Asia got a pat from Satuski, making the blonde smile as the student council president looked down either of the hallways.

"We shall continue that way, Tyler. See just how far it can go."

He nodded and they continued. The warrior had his shotgun up as they walked along the apartment hallway wth flickering lights and an odd absence of doors. Tyler frowned as he saw this and flipped the button on his gun to semi automatic as they rounded a corner to be faced with the surprise box and it's zombie attendant. Tyler smiled as he walked over.

"Back up everyone. I'll do it."

They nodded and Tyler paid the five hundred for the thing. The lid slid open and the slot reel of stuff started with the little girl's laugh until it stopped on a freakin Javelin antiair lockon rocket launcher. Tyler blinked as he took the immense weapon.

"Wow. A Javelin antiair craft laser guided lockon and forget launcher. 75mm shaped charge with a delayed ignition missile system. Capable of an instant kill on most modern armor. UTTERLY USELESS indoors. And yet? I am KEEPING this."

He hung it on his back as Kirito frowned.

"A missle launcher?"

"Pretty much."

"What LEVEL?"

"Get this. 1."

"Okay that is a little scary."

Tyler paid the chest again and the reel started as he note the eyes of the zombie had gone from red to yellow. The reel stopped then and Tyler gave a disappointed sigh as he saw the handgun it had spit out.

"Ugh. Makorov pistol. Weak, unreliable, and yeah. Anyone?"

Asia took it with a smile.

"It'll fit my hands."

He patted her and she hopped back as he looked at the zombie as he hit the chest again. The zombie's eyes went green as the reel stopped....and Tyler smirked as he saw the beefy thing.

"An M134 gatlin gun with backpack belt fed modification. 13,000 rounds per minute of utter death. As the strongest on the team, I'll take it."

Asuna smirked as he shouldered the backpack.

"Walking turret?"

"Pretty much. I got enough for one more."

He hit it and the zombie's eyes went red as the reel stopped on a floating bunny rabbit and Tyler smiled as the thing exploded into a show of blue powder.

"And now it's somewhere else entirely. Alright."

Asuna nodded.

"I got it."

The friends moved further into the apartment building thing with Tyler in the lead as they went. They came upon a door now and Tyler had Asia lift her machinegun for the clearing. He opened the door and the small blonde kicked it open with a slam.....only for a Charger to come ROARING out of the room with it's spear aimed for Asia's stomach....and the girl's gun opened up as she giggled.

"Hands off the hot blonde!"

Tyler laughed as the party gunned the charger down in seconds without it so much as brushing the girl. Ganisha's voice was heard then.

"Medal unlocked! SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKA! Awarded for killing a Charger midcharge without a scratch or it touching you! 6,500!"

The friends took the loot and went into the room to be faced with another lootbox of the medium size. Kirito looked at the wall.

"Tyler. Icon."

The weapon expert looked and smiled.

"Kar98K weapon icon. That's kinda cool. 2,500 and is level 4. Four attachments. I'll leave it since I got like five."

The friends chuckled at that as Asuna threw the lid on the box open. The loot was taken and Tyler looked at her.

"How are we for space?"

Asuna frowned as she looked.

"we're nearly out of room."

"Let's return to the truck then. Call it a raid."

They nodded and Tyler had the shotgun up as they climbed the stairs. Kirito smiled as they went.

"That wasn't-"

"Don't you fucking jinx us you idiot."

"Shutting up."

Asuna laughed at the shutdown as she looked at Asia.

"I used to say the EXACT same thing to that idiot! OOoh that's hilarious!"

The friends returned to the truck without incident and Tyler set the heavy weapons in the bed before taking the wheel. They left the dungeon without issue and he smiled.

"That wasn't so bad."

Kirito sighed in his seat.



Hestia waved as they rolled by. They returned to school and Akeno smiled as they gathered in the war room.

"No issues and just a day in the dungeon. You guys?"

Tyler smirked as he set the missile launcher and the minigun on the floor.

"We also got the build kits for an M2 browning and an MG42. We'll do something with them, no clue what though."

Asuna slid the new doors' pictures around.

"Plus we've discovered two new doors to be opened in the dungeon. We need to decide which one we're opening."

Tyler tapped the roof access.

"This one is my pick due to the price. 1,000. Those are usually just extra areas with minor increase in difficulty. But are smaller."

The group was thoughtful as they looked at the options and Rasweisa perked up.

"I'd suggest the roof. The garage might be more claustrophobic."

THe friends looked at her at that solid point and Tyler smiled as all eyes turned to him now.

"I'm fine with either or. So long as we;re careful."

They smiled and the choice was made for the roof. Tyler took the photo.

"Alright. We'll raid the new area on monday. Since it IS Friday. Akeno."

The treasurer came over with the money report.

"All told both parties made 220,000 for loot."

"Not bad. 110,000 to the crew, rest....fight!"

They smiled and once the shares were taken the friends split. Tyler went to see Rias and the redhead was by her usual window. She smiled warmly as he hugged her.


He kissed her lovingly.

"I missed you too."

They sat together by the window and Rias smirked.

"You're an ass."

"How long it take you to figure out?"

"It took me TWO hours to realize that was just a GIF. was worried my phone was acting up."

"Love you too."


"1 nothin."

"Wait. So we ARE keeping score? Okay it is ON you cocky prick!"

He held her tightly and she smiled sheepishly.

"I want to ditch....buuut Rasweisa said triple homework.....for BOTH our classes if we do."

"Weird role reversal."

"Very. And she DOES have a point."

"I guess."

The couple sighed at that before Tyler smirked.

"NO using Gaspy's time power to extend it."

"So that's what that feels like."

She chuckled and he wrapped her in his wings and she hivered.

"This is nice."

"I think it's like 8 days till the idiots get here."

"I'm counting."

"ME too. I want you."

She smiled with a longing light in her eyes.

"Me too."

TYler smiled as he held her and looked out the window....


The redhead loked and blinked at the sight of unknown school buses pulling into through the gate.

"School Visit?"

"I dunno. Let's go check it out."

A yawn was heard from a blonde girl with green eyes as she rode her school's bus on their field trip to another school. She looked at the girl beside her with a bored expression. Her voice a tired breath.

"So WHERE are we going again, Selina?"

Her friend shrugged as she typed into her phone.

"I dunno, Sasha. I guess some ultra prestigous school. Called....Honnuji? Yeah. Honnuji."

"Weird city. what the hell is that tower over there for anyway?"

The girls shrugged at this as one of the teachers guiding the trip smiled.

"I think it's for some big shot executive. From what the Super Intendant got on the city, that's the Dungeon Tower. Basically the Sears tower but medival. I dunno."

"Hey is that guy carring a gun?"

The boy's voice made the bus look and sure enough, a tall man was walking down the sidewalk towards the Dungeon Tower with a full blown M60 in his arms. Sasha blinked as she saw this.

"What the? Soooo I guess open carry goes a little far here."

"That guy's got a sword!"

"HOLY She's hot!"

"what IS this city?"

The buses pulled into the parking lot of the school and Sasha had a new look of curiosity as they stopped.

"Okay. The student council president is....Satuski Kiyruin. Weird how she's named after an Anime character."

The kids and their teachers all got off the buses with stretches from the long ride ans the blonde haired Sasha walked over to the rest of her girlfriends as the teachers all looked for the school representatives....and Satuski appeared from atop the school.


The newcomers all looked at each other in confusion at the intense greeting and Sasha rubbed her eyes.

"GREAT. A WEEB school."

"BITCH it's otaku."

A hard boy's bark made them all look up.....and they gasped at the sight of the missmatched devil and fallen angel wings of Tyler the Black Dragon as he hovered beside Satuski. Close to 60 feet off the ground.

The warrior smiled as he saw the look of awe and surprise on the faces of the newcomers and looked at Satuski.

"I think we got tourists."

She nodded.

"It would seem so. I recieved no warning of their arrival."

Tyler looked at them.


The god chuckled and the group of newcomers started shaking from the sound as it echoed.

"I thought this would be a good way to screw with them! They are from YOUR SCHOOL Tyler! BOTH SCHOOLS! As an OPENER of sorts!"

TYler shrugged as he heard this.

"Eh. We'll have some fun with this."

Satuski nodded as she looked at the newcomers.

"INdeed we will. They are from your world it would seem."

"I'll go say hi."

Tyler flipped on his height to land on the ground with a swooshing sound. The nervous group all backed away as the imposing warrior walked over.

"Alright. Who's in charge a this shitshow?"

One of the teacher walked forward timidly and gulped as he looked her in the eye.

"Um, I am Lord Angel. My name is Hillary BArteand."

"Mrs B? Wow. Been a while hasn't it?"

The lady blinked at that one. Her soprano voice full of shock.

"I do not believe we've met, Lord Angel?"

"Remember that one jackass that had that blueberry for a little sister and was kinda the town sheriff? What was his name?"

The woman gasped hard.


"In the horror! what up teach?"

The woman had a new look of horror as she finally recognized his face.

"YOU'RE DEAD! You got killed during a shootout where you killed your Services Team!"

"HA. I WASN'T killed. I got rescued."


Rias landed beside him with her wings out and a fair few gasped in awe at her bloody good looks and Tyler smiled.

"Hey Rias. I guess my classmates from back when get to say hi."

"Oh. Should I be worried?"

"Nah. They have no shot."


He kissed her lovingly as Hannah blinked.

"Hey we're in public young lady! Tyler NOT appropriate for outdoors! You know that-"

"Bitch fuck off. YOU'RE in MY town."

Rias smirked at that as his wings flapped in a telling manner as the now infuriated teacher went to SLAP him across the face on reflex.

"How DARE you speak to a proper person like that-EEEEEEEEEEEEEY!"

Koneko had appeared like magic to grab the teacher's wrist, twist and yank. Hannah was dumped on her back and the smaller girl cracked her knuckles.

"Sit the fuck down and shut up."

Tyler whistled.

"Damn Koneko. Nice one."

"I'm not JUST a sexy kittycat."

"Yous a sexy scrapper and DON'T ya forgit it Koneko!"

She smirked at that one as Akeno decended from the roof on her own mismatched wings.

"Oh my! Having a party WITHOUT inviting me, Rias? How cruel!"

Tyler just chuckled at that one as the tall beauty got ooks of awe as well from the newbies.

"And there's the Dark Angel Akeno spreading her sparks wherever she goes."

The friends smiled at that one as Tyler looked at the awestruck newbies.

"alright. Let's make one thing clear. DO NOT, piss us off. We can, and we WILL hurt you if you do. Hestia? You wanna say a few words?"

A beam of light appeared from the sky and Tyler smiled as her blue flames exploded from the beam's base. The more religious students all gasped and started praying right there as Hestia was seen to decend from the heavens glowing from her extreme power and Tyler looked at Rias.

"Let's add to this spectecale ladies."

The devilgirls all smiled and Tyler walked into proper view of the school and they all gasped.


"He's DEAD!"

"What the hell? Are we dead?"

"WHY would WE be in hell with that FREAK?"

"What the? WHY is THAT guy here?"

Tyler spread his wings wide as Hestia landed without her flipflops beside him and he draped his devil wing over her shoulders in a CLEARLY affectionate manner that made the praying students gasp. Then Hestia looked to the shaking group.

"welcome to the world of Refuge. This is the world were those tortured by their home worlds are sent to live out their immortal lives in ACTUAL happiness. This is a place of refuge to those that have suffered. I am Goddess Hestia. One of the caretakers for this world. YOU are NOT permitted to stay. But. You ARE permitted to EXPERIENCE our Paradise that is forever denied to you."

There was a balk from the group.

"DENIED TO US? On what grounds? If THAT monster can get in here, ANYONE can!"

Tyler chuckled at that.

"I know THAT mess. Sasha."

Rias smirked.


"She's responsible for Clare's death. Pushed her down a flight of stairs."

"Hey you can't prove that."

THe green eyed blonde walked out with a smirk and Rias looked her over. She was half a head shorter then Tyler with lower back length blonde hair and dull jade eyes. Her skin was pasty and her frame slender while her bust was modest. Her outfit was a tanktop and capri jeans. The redhead smirked.

"Asia is SOOO much better."

Tyler chuckled.

"Damn right she is. AISA doesn't have herpes....or HPV...or WORMS."

Sasha had a new look of disgust on her face as her friends all sighed.

"I DON'T have those you disgusting idiot. UGH. WHY are YOU allowed into heaven?"

"Simple. I'm a good person."

"Bullshit. I'm a better person then you will EVER be. I can prove it too."

Koneko smirked.

"By all means bitch, try."

Sasha merely looked at the smaller girl.

"I work for free at the local soup kitchens, volunteer at the animal shelter, and I DON'T get the people I care about KILLED. OR into trouble. I HELP them."

Rias looked at Tyler and he sighed.

"Sarah, my first girlfriend, was killed when we went hiking and we tripped. I'd been showing her my new switchblade as she liked knives. The thing took her in the heart. She died on impact."

Rias hugged him and Hestia sighed.

"I am so glad that god is dead."

Tyler smiled.

"I am so glad I'm HERE with HER."

He hugged Rias and the girls all smiled as they hugged him too. Sasha sighed.

"And then he'll try to rape you-"

"NO he WON'T."

THe en mass response made the blodne rub her eyes.

"He's been arrested TWICE."

Tyler smirked as all eyes turned to him now again.

"One of the girls' favorite passtimes is set up. And I got picked twice."

Hestia merely rubbed her eyes.

"Tyler's set everyone."

Asia giggled.

"We know! it's fun watching him squirm!"

All eyes turned to the adorable blonde and Tyler patted her with a smile.

"Oh okay Asia. I'll be sure to make YOU squrim now!"

"eep! Help!"

They chuckled and Hannah recovered from her terror.

"Can you let me go now?"

Koneko looked at her as if just noticing her.


Tyler smiled as Hannah was let off the dirt.

"You COMPLETELY forgot she was there didn't you?"


"MAkes sense."

Tyler then looked at Sasha.

"How long are you here for?"

"About two weeks. Why did I tell you that?"

Satuski came over now with her usual intensity.

"You will be given quarters and expected to follow Honnuji Law. Ira will see to this personally. Now. Tyler."

"What up?"

"I will see to them. You are released."

"Coolio. Rias, let's take off!"

"I am RIGHT beside you!"

The pair took off into the sky hand in hand and Yoshkia sighed as she watched the commencement of the skydance.

"Dammit. I wanna fly too! Oh right!"

Tyler smiled as he and Rias twirled among the clouds in perfect view of the newcomers. The warrior smiling as they dropped and Rias kissed him.

"I wanna go out."

"Let's change and go hit up a resturante."

They landed at their house and walked up the stairs....and passed Kirito and Asuna's room. The door was open and they peered inside....just to see Asuna flat on her back buckassed naked with Kirito also naked riding her with a loving intensity. Tyler shut the door without a word and walked to his room with Rias without a word. The redhead had a new look of mindboom as they sat on the bed.

"Well. I can say for certain we need to set a new rule."

Tyler nodded as he looked at her.

"I'm bigger and yes we do."

"Idiot. wow Asuna."

"Always had her figured for a top. But hey. makes sense."


Tyler smiled as he and Rias took a shower together and he did her long blood red hair for her before they got dressed. He pulled clean jeans and boots on with the leather jacket she'd given him while she chose a blue sundress he'd given her. Once the pair were ready they flew out of a window and Tyler smiled as they went.

"Not a word."


They flew over the city until they reached a place Rias iked and they landed. The couple got a table on an upper floor patio looking out over the city and Tyler smiled as he kissed her.

"I love you, Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. This is nice."

"I'll make it better."

she smiled at that as they had a good meal for nearly 1,000 bucks together up there before flying back home hand in hand. They landed and walked inside to see Asuna and Kirito at the counter gettign drinks. Asuna smirked.

"Never. A. word."

Tyler fistbumped Kirito and the guy chuckled.

"Agreed. So long as you remember to shut the door."

The black haired Kirito chuckled sheepishly now.

"We'll try to."

"I get it."

TYler chuckled at that one as Rias hugged him.

"I had fun, Tyler."

He kissed her.

"I love you too, Rias. Cuddle bowl an movie?"

She smiled and the pair went up to their room. There they stripped and hopped into their sectional bowl and the naked redhead rested her head o his chest.

"Romantice anime please."

He smiled and kissed her lovingly before looking at the options.

"Hmm. An outright romance.....ha. Toradora. I guess."

Rias chuckled as he hit play.

"Did I find a gap in your collection?"

"Pretty much. Most of my collection has romantic scenes, but was never one for outright romance."

"Weird right?"

"My tricks are better."

She laughed at that one and he held her tightly.

"I love you, Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. What'll we do abou the visitors?"

"Put on a show for em. Let them see just how much BETTER this world is compared to their hellscape."

She smirked.

"Fly to school?"

"Actually? Let's take the hog."

"I love that one better. The dungeon will be fun."

"Oh yeah."

He kissed her again and they got into another intense makeout session that saw Rias pinned to the cushion and mounted. she smiled up at her boyfriend as he held her hands.

"NOT yet!"

"I'll just enjoy a free meal."

Her long legs spread invitingly.

"dinner's ready!"

"MY GODS I love you."

He fed on her slit until she nearly exploded from her scream and was left panting on the cushion as he kissed her taste down her throat.

"I love you, Rias."

She smiled around her panting.

"I love you too, TYler."

He held her tightly and they settled in the bowl.


A few hours later they woke from their cuddle to see Belfast poking her head over the rim of their bowl. Rias had fallen sound asleep on his chest with his arms around her waits. Both of them naked. Rias smiled as she looked at the smiling knowingly maid.


Belfast shook her head with a smile.

"Not quite, Dear. More....showing off our home."

TYler smirked at that one and so did Rias.

"We'll be right down."

The lady then noted the cuddlebowl.

"I think I will purhcase my own bowl. It looks bery comfy."

THe friends laughed at that one as they got dressed. Rias throwing a pair of Yoa pants on and a crop top while Tyler just put a pair of jeans on. He saw Rias had her back to him and he snuck up behind her, poked her in the knee and swept her up into a princess cradle as she fell.


She laughed as he tossed her onto the bed.

"Idiot! This is FUN but IDIOT!"

"I'll do it to Yoshkia then."

"Ha. YOU are MINE tonight."

He hugged her.

"I'm always yours, Rias. ALWAYS.'

She shivered and they walked downstairs hand in hand. Sally, Yue, and Unicorn were piled up on the couch watching Unicorn's show, Yoshkia was relaxing beside them, Asuna and Kirito were at the door with Hestia and Belfast. Yoshkia smiled as she saw the couple.

"Wow, Rias. I heard you all the way at the end of the street! You're loud!"

The room chuckled at their favorite ditzy witch and Rias had a hint of color on her face as she patted her.

"I have fun."

"It's TYLER, Rias. Always a good time!"

The redhead hugged her boyfriend.

"Oh I KNOW!"

The warrior chuckled before he walked over to the door and Kirito nodded to a group of Visitors.

"I guess Ganisha is pushing the rub our lives in their faces thing hard."

Tyler looked and chuckled as he saw Sasha and her collection of girlfriends.

"Makes sense. That bike is mine and so is the muscle car. BREAK anything and we will take it out of your skin. we clear?"

Sasha sighed.

"Idiot you're not that tough. And we all know this isn't your house. You're a LOSER. LOSERS don't HAVE nice things."

Belfast looked at Tyler in shock and the warrior patted her.

"Why do ya think my world is such a hellscape? Come on rejects."

Kirito chuckled as they were let in.

"Asuna packed her rapier."

"I got a shotgun laying around somewhere."

"oh. This one?"

Yoshkia lifted an 870 pumpaction one handedly.....and PUMPED it one handedly smiling a sweet smile. Tyler whistled.

"That was the most BADASS thing I've seen in a while Yoshkia. GOOD ONE."

She beamed at that as Sally spoke up tiredly from her cuddle pile.

"Yoshi's been taking lessons from me and Barkhorn on gunfi, Big Brother."

"Makes sense. hey, Yoshkia. We'll hit the dungeon again soon."


"Yes ma'am."

"That STILL feels weird but yay!"

Rias chuckled as she got a hug from the bubbly witch and Sasha smirked as she looked at her friend.

"That girl is flat as a BOARD-"

"SAY something fake tit?"

Tyler cut the hateful blode off with a smirk and Yoshkia snorted.

"I am NOT flat. Sides. TYLER loves em."

"Atta girl! and her guns are fake. She had implants since she's a literal board-"


Rias' eyes glowed bright red as she looked before she chuckled.

"Yes you do. FAKE silicon too. Annnd they're slowly deflating."

Tyler chuckled as he flopped on the couch by Sally's pile.

"Sasha is as fake as fake can get. She's a natural brunette, her eyes are contacts, her boobs are fake, and she got ass implants too. The only thing NOT fake about her is her skin. But she's had treatments to make it lighter."

Sasha smirked.

"At least I look GOOD and NOT covered in scars. and hi? MY boyfriend is the son of an executive in a bank. What do you HAVE?"

"I have the powers of god and anime on my side, I have HER for my primary girlfriend, all the girls from the first meeting as other members of my harem and this badass too."

He patted Yoshkia and she smiled proudly. Tyler continued.

"I have friends among the stars and hell itself. SHE is the QUEEN of hell as a rule, Hestia is the princess of the gods, Kirito and Asuna are from Sword Art Online and we're best friends. I can turn this entire city into a 30 foot deep crater. You have NOTHING. Your boyfriend is a closet gay and you're just the girl to keep his father from getting suspicious."

Sasha and the rest of her girlfriends had looks of hilarious disbelief as he bragged and Rias sat beside him and reted her head on his chest. Yoshkia pouted.

"Hey! Share the cuddles!"

TYler chuckled and lifted the squealing Yoshkia up with a wing and sat her on their lap.


He smiled as Sally lifted her head and looked at Sasha.

"Oh. YOU. Shut up, Sashi. NO one cares what you have to say."

Sasha and a fair few of the class gasped as they recognized the blueberry on the couch.

"SALLY? You're DEAD!"

"Wait it makes sense. This is hell since that loser's here. Makes sense his freaky little sister is here too."

There was a click and the shotgun came up with Tyler holding it.

"Say something Sarah?"

THe girl smirked.


The gun went off and it blew her leg clean off. She dropped to the floor screaming in agony as Hestia waved her hand and the blood spatter was removed from the wall and Tyler pumped the shotgun with a wing.

"Say it again I dare ya."

Sasha had her phone out and was frantically calling 911....only.

"You are in the home of the Black Dragon. NOOOOO neeeeed for HELP! He's got it covered."

Only for Ganisha's voice to be heard. The fake blonde looked at the bleeding girl on the floor in panic now as Yoshkia sighed.

"I got it."

"Love you too, Yoshkia."

She smiled and walked over with a bored expression and placed the severed leg against the bleeding out girl before she held a hand over the spot and focusing. She was encased in a blue glow before her little fox ears and tail appeared from her head and rear and her magic took effect. Sarah's skin knit itself back together along with the muscle and tendons of her body. Tyler smirked.

"Leave the scars."

"Kay! Was gonna anyway."

Ten seconds later Yoshkia stood up with a smirk.

"THere. Good as you deserve."

Sarah's leg had been reattached with no strength lost. But her skin was now forever marred by the lines, dents, and scars of the fact her leg had been severed by shotgun blast. Hestia used her power to clean the mess and Sasha confronted Yoshkia s she cleaned up in the sink.

"Hey get the scars too!"


"I'm not kidding! Her legs are the best looking part of her! And she runs track! If she has those hideous things on her we can't be friends since it makes her ugly!"

"Guess she's ugly then. I'm not removing them."

Yoshkia hopped back up on the couch to join Unicorn's snuggle pile. Sasha was beside herself at this and then looked at Tyler.

"Oh. Right. Hey, freak. YOU do it. Hell or not, the rules of Proper and Loser still apply. YOU remove her scars."

Tyler smirked.

"Oh. Okay."

He got up and walked over to the moaning girl as Sasha had a smug smirk on her face as she looked at the curious Rias.

"See? He's still just a loser."

Tyler had the boosted gear appear and he extended escalor from the end.

"One scar removal, COMING up!"

He sliced the girl's leg clean off again and incincerated the severed limb. Hestia waved her hand and the wound was closed to prevent bleeding. Tyler turned to a horrified Sasha.

"Her scars are gone!"

He sat back with Rias as she laughed at the turnaround.


Tyler kissed her lovingly.

"She asked for her scars to be removed. Well. I removed them!"

Sarah was looking mindbrokenly at the spot her leg had once been and Sasha had a new look of anger on her face as she glared at the relaxing warrior.

"Oh okay. You think you're some kinda god? I want my own copy of power. I'll so you what a PROPER person does with it."

Hestia chuckled.

"Ya gotta be worthy of it FIRST!"

"I am a PROPER PERSON! If THAT thing is worthy, ANYONE is!"

Tyler smirked and made the boosted gear appear and Drake's deep voice was full of amusement.

"I have seen your soul, Sasha. YOU are NOT WORTHY of wielding my power. Hell it'd kill you three boosts in."

The gear vanished and Yoshkia looked at Tyler.

"I wanna raid the dungeon."

He smiled at her.

"Sure Yoshkia. Rias?"

"I'll put the screen up. And humilate them some more."

He kissed her and the duo went up to their rooms. Tyler geared up in his zombie hunting kit before looking at his arsenal. then he smirked as he saw the jackhammer automatic shotgun.

"That works."

He took the powerful weapon and walked out to find Yoshkia holding her P90.

"we'll take the bike."


He kissed her too and she smiled lovingly at the affection as they walked downstairs. Sarah had been healed of her mental break and was sitting on the floor looking at the screen as the warrior and the witch came down. Rias smiled as she snuggled a giggling Sally.

"We'll enjoy the show."

"enjoy the blueberry."

The pair walked out and Tyler kicked his bike to life as Yoshkia got on the rear.

"Wow. Shirley would love this thing."

"I'll take her for a ride then."

He tore out of the garage with a flaming wheelie and slid the thing around the corner and was gone. Sasha smirked and looked at Rias.

"So how much is he paying you?"

"I love him."

"Pff. Tyler doesn't DESERVE love. He's a weeby pervert. Only thing he's got going for him is he;s kinda smart. You're too hot to be dating him."

Hestia chuckled as she snuggled with Unicorn on the couch.

"Tyler's a powerful dungeon raider and a VERY good friend of all of us. Plus is kinda the school playboy."

Belfast chuckled at that one.

"I have heard words from my own classes. It would seem Tyler has become QUITE the sought after commodity. With plots on the daily to drag him into some random broom closet!"

Asuna snorted.

"That's nothing. I get badgered everyday when I walk into class on whether or not Tyler's noticed some girl or her friend or whatever. I tell em to just walk up and flash him. Bam. Into the close you'd go."

Rias laughed.

"I can SOOO see that happening! Hey, have a look! Oh okay. Closet's over there!"

Kirito chuckled as he sipped from a soda.

"I'm glad he's so blatant and in your face. I haven't had to worry about a thing since HE'S the better frontman."

Yue giggled.

"That's cause you SUCK Daddy! Tyler gets the spotlight....YOU get left behind at te party! and Mommy DOESN'T shove a rapier up your ass!"

The friends laughed at her sweetly voiced roast and Asuna sighed.

"She has been around Tyler too much."

Sally smiled as she looked at Rias.

"Big Brother keep his word?"

"To the letter, Sally. Satuski's interested, and a date's been set."

"WOW. How the FUCK did he pull that off?"

"No clue. I don't even think he knows."

Belfast smiled sweetly.

"I STILL do owe a boon, Rias."

"I know. He'll collect in time."

"I see."

She sat back on the couch watching the screen.

Tyler smiled as he kicked the bike to life and Yoshkia straddled it behind him.


He tore out of the garage on a wheelie and a roar of the engine before the massive 500cc motorcycle slid along the road and roared along the street. Yoshkia was screaming with excitement as he had them crusing at 90 miles an hour plus and her arms were around his waist. The black dragon smiled as he rode with his witch lover towards the dungeon,

"So YOU'RE Drake's new host?"

And a tall boy with silver hair and purple eyes appeared from the ground in front of them and Tyler growled.



His wings came out and Yoshkia was flung into the sky as her striker unit appeared on her legs likke magic as Tyler slid his black bike to a halt before the smirking boy in the mauve suit. Tyler dismunted as Yoshika hovered beside him.

"Get BACK Yoshkia, this is gonna be bad."


"Ir's a dragon fight."

"Oh shit. Kay."

Tyler faced the other boy now and cracked his neck.

"Piss off, Valy. I am not in the mood."

Valy smirked as he looked at Tyler.

"But I came all this way to see you, RED DRAGON EMPEROR."

"If you wanted me to kill you, all ya had to do was ask."

A pure white gauntlet appeared on Valy's arm.

"Kill me. If you can."

Tyler smiled as his own gauntlet of blood red appeared.

"I have always wanted to BEAT you down like you were supposed to be. DRAGON RAGE!"


The two dragon emperors were encased in red and white lights...when Tyler rushed from his light to slash at the still transforming Valy with his escalor sword and the white dragon emperor had to dodge.


"THIS is how I fight bitch. WALSH DRAGON: DRAGON CANNON!"

A tribeam of green power exploded from Tyler's fist into Valy's face at NEAR pointblank range and the white haired boy dodged by inches.....as the beam tore a massive hole in the city and left a glowing canyon 300 feet wide and several miles long. Valy looked at this in horror as Tyler rushed him again red glowing eyes.

"YOU killed innocent-"

"YOU picked this fight in the middle a the city! I DO NOT HOLD BACK FOR ANY FUCKING REASON! RED DRAGON ROOOOOOAR"

Valy gritted his teeth.




Tyler's gauntlet turned jet black as he fired another tribeam of power matched by three more blasts that decimated the city as Valy watched this in horror....before Escalor appeared from his gut.

"Why are you looking over there?"

The sword sliced his body open from right hip to left shoulder and Tyler slammed him to the ground with a force that flattened four city blocks. Valy spit up blood as Tyler pinned him with a foot.

"You're in MY town asshole. Now DIE in the dirt like you should have years ago."

Tyler fired a smaller beam of power that took Valy in the forehead. The white dragon emperor dropped with a third eye and Yoshkia floated down beside the black dragon with surprise on her face.

"wow, Tyler. That was kinda awesome."

"ha. Thanks Yoshkia. come on. They'll fix the mess."

"kay! Oh your bikes over here."

Hestia appeared before them tapping a foot now as the mess was indeed repaired.

"TYLER. I THOUGHT we'd been over this?"

He patted the irritated goddess.

"we have been. But that's what happens when you pick a fight in the middle a the street, Hestia."

She sighed.....as he KEPT PATTING HER.

"I am going to rip your arm off, and BEAT ya to death with it...IF YOU DO NOT STOP PATTING ME LIKE A KID!"

"Oh. Hey Hestia."

She groaned and he smiled.

"Ha. See ya at home, hestia."

"Hey. I am goddess! Take me seriously!"

He hugged her at this outrage and she squeaked at the attack.

"I do take you seriously, Hestia. why you don't scare me. You're too kindhearted."

"Ugh.....FINE. Just try to be more careful."

"Sure thing."

He pushed her and she smiled as he made her spin like they were dancing.

"I finished Demon and the Dungeon. I kinda liked it."

"Me too. Yoshkia?"


she put her striker up and they were tolling along the road to the dungeon. Tyler smiled as he and Yoshkia rode into the zombie floor and he slid his bike to a stop by the door leading to the roof and he pumped his spaz. Yoshkia smiled as she pulled the hammer on her P90.



He looked at the chain and smiled.

"It's a 1,000. Mind if borrow 500?"


She passed him the cash and he cut the chain. Then the warrior flipped the light on his shotgun on as he climbed the stairs to the roof. Yoshkia smiled as she kept an eye on the rear when they reached the top and he opened the roof access door....to be faced with a selection of buildings all connected by rope bridges. He blinked as he got a look at the outside of the building and noted the sheer number of buildings all connected by bridges and rubble. Even a few massive skyscrapers he REALLLY wanted to jump off.

"Okay. This is THE largest zombies map period. Them bridges are a death trap and yet? PERFECY funnels."

Yoshkia looked around at the empty roof curiously when she spotted a loot box.

"I got a small."

"Yer killin me Smalls."

"I saw that movie."

"It;s a classic."


Tyler walked over to the blood smeared box and kicked it. The thing spit it's loot out and he blinked as he saw the gun it dumped.

"Huh. That's kinda cool. It's a pistol M203 grenade launcher. Looks like four shells too."

Yoshkia took the thing curiously.

"It's small."

"Launches these."

He passed her a round and the Strike Witch tilted her head.

"Barkhorn might like this one, Tyler. It's a grenade right?"

"Yup. Think portable mortar."

"Cool. we takin it?"

"I will. I actually had one a these. They are a LOTTA fun on the weekends when you load fireworks shells into em."

He looked at the rest of the loot and shrugged.

"Ammo and a knife."



The pair walked along the rooftop until they reached the first ropebridge and Tyler poked the lead rope curiously. The thing wobbled and he shrugged.

"Feels solid enough for what it is, I guess. Watch your step, Yoshkia."

she nodded and the pair walked along the bridge to towards another roof and Tyler looked at the ground. The street was covered in battered, blood smeared cars, half eaten bodies, wandering zombies, and the occasional Humanoid.

"I get a long rifle I'll try sniping one a them."

"Hey. There's an icon on that wall there, Tyler."

He looked ahead and Yoshkia pointed a glowng weapon icon on a wall on the next roof. The friends walked over to it and he smiled.

"There's an old friend. Another M1 Garand with three attachments. 2,500. MArk it."

"Already did."

They walked away and Tyler smirked as they spotted that roof's door leading into the building.

"No chain. Alright. Let's see what we got."

Yoshkia took aim at the door as Tyler got the handle. he tore it open and a Charger came sprintng out...only to run headfirst into Yoshkia's buzzsaw aim. The thing dropped and Yoshkia smiled.


Tyler laughed at her squeak and fistbumped her as the creature shattered.

"Good kill, Yosh."

The loot was gathered and Tyler smiled as they walked down the stairs to be faced with another apartment complex lined by far more doors then the previous. He walked to the first door and opened it...only to be faced with two dead men with one balls deep inside his partner on a bed with a videocamera and a glowing icon on the wall. Yoshkia laughed as Tyler UTTERLY ignored the camera this time to look at the weapon.

"Okay. Huh. Here's a relic. A Trench Carbine. Semi-auto 22 sniper rifle. 40 sumthin round mag and yeah. 800. Makes sense since it's a pocket rifle."

"Curious Tyler?"

"Nope. You?"

"Ha! Only about yours."

"We'll get there, Yoshkia."

"Rias is first. I know."

He smiled warmly now.

"I love that girl so freakin much. And ya know? I kinda think I ought to do somethin."

Yoshkia smiled as they walked out.

"Like what?"

"Dunno. That's half the problem sometimes. I want to do stuff for her....annnd wind up with a thousand ideas. picking ONE has always been a pain in the ass."

"Pick a bunch and throw a dart or something at them."

"Yoshkia you are a GENIUS!"

She smiled at this.

"Major Sakamoto would do something similar when she had to make a choice."

"Ha. Next sortie? Her name is not Sakamoto. It's Major Badass."

"I already did that to her, Tyler. She laughed and said she really wanted to meet you. I told her to be careful. He likes the toughass samurai hottie. She laughed harder."

He patted her fondly.

"Atta girl, Yoshkia."

she smiled at the affection as the pair moved to the next room and he opened it....only for a zobie kid to pounce on him and sink her teeth into his collarbone. Tyler grunted as the thing pushed him back and Yoshkia's gun went off. The zombie dropped and Tyler sighed as the blood poured.

"DAMMIT. This was my favorite shirt!"

"That sucks. you okay?"

He flexed his arm a few times.

"It hurts like hell.....but I'm alright. Fuckin RUNTS. Thanks Yoshkia."

"Snuggle night please!"

"I taught you well, Yoshkia. You can join Rias."

"Sounds hot."

"Oh that girl is a furnace."

Yoshkia chuckled as they walked into the room.

"Sexy too!"

"Oh she is GORGEOUS!"

"Yup! hey are they real?"

He busted up laughing at her COMPLETELY serious question.

"Oh yeah. Rias is COMPLETELY natural."

"even her HAIR?"

"ESPECIALLY her hair."

"wow. Huh. I want hair like that."

"I can help. Grow it out a bit an I'll see what I can do."

"Kay! Mom had long hair and it looked good so, ya know. CURIOUS."

He kissed her lovingly and she smiled.

"THAT too!"

"Atta girl."

The room was another apartment and Tyler found a small loot box in the kitchen Yoshkia opened. A camera, ridged dildo, lube, and a cream that made it feel better was launched out. Tyler blinked at this and Yoshkia smiled.

"Oh. Good. I needed a refresh."



"WHY is there a CAMERA here?"

she smiled as she took the camcorder.

"I like recording when I play with myself. It feels GREAT when I cum."

"....Okay. This one is NOT my fault. I-oh is that a camstar?"

She nodded as he leaned in now.


"Wow. That thing goes for like 4 grand at the store."

"I like it since it's got like ten different zooms."


He took the thing curiously and whistled as he saw the pixels involved.

"That's kinda intense."

"168 megapixels."

"Wow. Alright. I know enough about it to know you got good taste."

She put it in her backpack.

"Lyn likes cameras and recording stuff."

"That's kinda cool."

"She likes recording me when i do stuff too. Makes her feel funny."

"Ooookay. THAT'S my line. Rein it in Yoshkia before you turn into a camgirl whore."

She blinked at this and he patted her.

"fun's fun. Fun with friends is fun. Just don't go too far cause the porn industry is EVIL. Okay?"

"Okay. It's just for fun."

"Yeah. i had a friend a mine who was a camgirl get kidnapped and raped by an obsessed fan. she was found in a dumpster. I DO NOT want to see you end up like that. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll be careful."


"Belfast and the girls are going to kidnap me aren;t they?"

"Most likely."

"We're gonna order pizza, aren't we?"

"Pretty much. we're not gonna see you for a few good hours."

she slumped in despair.


"Come on."


Tyler's phone rang and he answered with a chuckle.

"Hell's recording, how may i direct your girl?"

Rias' voice was full of a knowing chuckle.

"Tyler. WE need to talk to her. PLUG'S PULLED."

"Yes Rias. The idiots?"

"Oh they got kicked out when the camera was seen. Belfast had a bad feeling."

"That lady is psychic sometimes."

"Ha. We will handle her."

"Actually, Rias? I got this one. Sally knows why too."

"I will ask....hey Sally, Tyler know anything about camgirling-OH MY GOD. wait...WHAT happened? HOLY SHIT."

Yoshki looked at him curiously as they leaned on a wall.

"What happened?"

He sighed.

"Few years back I had a friend by the name of Kelly. GORGEOUS sweethearted blonde with a large rack. Basically Rias with blonde hair. well. She was a fun girl that had her own camgirl site. Girl got in deep and made a SHIT ton a money doing it professionally. well. One day, her house got broken into and she was kidnapped by a bunch of crazed fans. I was the only one that cared enough to try and find her. It took me a month. But i found her. The entire time her captors had made her preform for them and do to them whatever the hell they thought up. And i DO mean anything. Tey recorded it, and when I found her they shotgunned it all over the internet. Kelly was ruined....and was unable to do ANYTHING as the scars, horror, the internet....EVERYTHING but me turned against her. I did what I could...but she hung herself a month later."

He sighed.

"I told her the exact same thing I told you, Yoshkia. I HOPE you listen. I don't have to bury another friend."

She grabbed him in a ribcrushing hug.

"I'll stop."

"Thanks Yoshkia. And you CAN enjoy yourself. So long as you NEVER, use it to make money. OR POST IT ANYWHERE."

"I will not.....I'll need my own safe."

He smiled as he held the shaking girl.

"You'll be fine, Yoshkia."

She smiled and he took his phone up and Rias was heard shivering.

"Sally told me the unabridged version."

"Not my first time."

"Yeah. Hestia is looking into bringing her here too."

"Ha. asia would LOVE her new sister."

"dude you have no idea. We're still taking her."


"ahhh DAMMIT!"

The friends laughed and Tyler patted the dejected witch as his motorcycle appeared.

"We only have forever to do this Yoshkia."

"Oh yeah. That's right. Better!"

"Mount up, Yosh."

The pair mounted the bike and Tyler smiled as they returned home where Belfast, Hestia, Rias, Mina and Asuna were all waiting with pizza for the slumping witch. Tyler chuckled as his favorite witch was dragged into the basement with he ladies for her newest interrogation.

"Sorry, Yoshkia. Not even I have the power to save you from a ladies' discussion."

THe hungry teenager sat at the counter and smiled as a smiling Unicorn hopped up beside him with her own plate.


"Hey Uni. How's it hangin?"

The loveable cutie shrugged as she munched on gooey pizza.

"Eh. Little to the right. Sally's fun!"

Tyler chuckled at that truth as he patted the glowing purple haired light aircraft carrier.

"She sure is, Uni."

She giggled at that as Kirito came over.

"How was the dungeon?"

The warrior shrugged as he looked at his friend.

"Me an Yoshkia hit the roof section. Fall damage is now most likely a thing soooo try not to trip."

"Yikes. Bottlenecks and tight spaces?"

"rope bridges connecting rooftops."

"That's MORE then a little scary. Zombies on the ground?"

"Plenty. Didn't find a long rifle so wasn't able to find out. I DID find this though."

Tyler slid the 203 pistol over and Kirito smirked as he saw it.

"An lemee guess: firework shells?"

"Firework shells. You guys got anything going on?"

The black haired swordsmen shrugged as he drank from a gatorade.

"Nah. Asuna wasn't feeling the dungeon and my arm's still sore from that last one."

Tyler nodded as he looked over the 203 now.

"I heard that. Hey what's tomorrow?"

"Ehhh...oh it's Saturday."

The warrior smiled at this as he closed the breach on the grenade launcher.

"Wanna go out Rias?"


A sound of the beautiful redhead jumping was heard and the two boys chuckled as they turned around. Rias chuckled as she recovered from her jumpscare and hugged her boyfriend from behind while resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I'd love to! What'll we do?"

"Eh get lost in town and see what we can come up with."

She smiled and Tyler patted her arm fondly....before she smirked.

"And YOSHKIA will be with BELFAST for the evening. Seems there's been some rather....exotic....activities."

"Yoshkia always HAS been a wildhearted girl. Some a the things she comes up with are hilarious.