
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Move-in Day.













The monotone voice of a middle aged man rebounded off the wooden walls of a dour high school in northern New Hampshire as he addressed his class of 25 half asleep teenagers. The poor souls all had heads on desks or were toying with their smartphones as attendence was taken by the middle aged man. Once the heads were counted, the man looked up from his paper.

"The results from last week's tests. Aside from a few regulars, you all failed."

A student passed the papers back as the teens groaned at the results of their test in latin pronouns and surnames. As the girl passing the papers reached one desk she smiled warmly at the lounging occupant.

"Here Tyler."

The teenager took the paper without looking up from his arm pillow and the girl moved on without aknowledging him further. He was a tall boy at 5 foot 11 inches tall with a slender, 220 pound frame. His attire was a blck hoodie with black jeans and black boots. His skin was pasty white and his eyes a dull muddy brown like his hair. Tyler sighed in his harder tenor as he dozed through the redo lesson and not a soul looked at him. The teacher sighed now and looked at the class.

"Tyler. What is the proper feminine noun for the latin word Julius?"







The teenager's tired, flat answers were delivered without him even lifting his head.

"Tyler Naamani to room 204."

That got a VERY tired sigh from the tall boy as he gathered his books and headed to the room in question. He'd been placed in foster care after an incident with his sister a few years back. The sister had accused him of sleeping with her and even though he;d denied it vehemently and even though his sister was a diagnosed pathological lier, she'd been believed and he'd been removed from the home. That had been five years ago and now he just ghosted through life as at every turn, people that preached they were trying to help him went out of their way to screw him over as a form of amusement. he walked into the room in question and sat at the table across from his shrewish foster mother as she frowned at him.

"What did you get on the test?"


"You're studying again tonight."

He sighed as the fact he'd gotten a perfect score was lost on the woman while beside her his case manager looked at a report on the table.

"So you got a detention for fighting. Again."

"He hit me first and I reacted."

"I've told you once I've told yuo a thousand times. do NOT fight back. That is NOT how proper adults behave in the real world."

Tyler stopped listening to the fat woman and her victim rant as being a victim was what she wanted him to be. Since having a spine or standing up for yourself was seen as a crime these days. His foster mother noted his return to paying attention.

"All your toys are being removed from my house as we speak. And are being sold."

That one made him glare at her with an anger that made her blink.

"You're WHAT?"

His case manager nodded.

"We're selling your toys. You will have to earn the money to own things. As a proper adult-"

The table was flipped and a chair was SLAMMED onto her head with a FEROCIOUS force as the teenager went from tired, bored half asleep lump to raging hulk on a FINGERSNAP! The case manager was killed from the impact and the chair was swung at the screaming foster mother with another woosh of air. Again the impact killed her on contact and the rest of his team raced for the door....only for a well aimed chair to take them to the floor. Tyler had the table in his hands now while on his face was a cold, TERRIFYING calm while he slammed the 6 foot long piece of furniture onto their bodies with heavy thuds while an alarm went up in the school and the police called for a berserk teenager. The screaming in the room stopped and the splintered remains of the table was tossed aside as Tyler sighed.

"At least I removed you bastards from the world. I WARNED you what would happen if you pissed me off too much. And it WAS documented too."

He leaned on a wall as the first cops came pouring guns drawn.

"On the ground. NOW!"

Tyler looked at the cop from behind the mass of ten bodies.

"They got they deserved. You REALLY wanna take me in, shoot me."

A mass of clicks were heard as guns were cocked and aimed at the unafraid teenager and a taser was prepared...only for a beam of light to encase Tyler.

"YOU have been selected!"

A deep, well polished voice was heard around the group as a desk and paper appeared before the curious teenager.

"Have a seat and TAKE your aptitude, placement, annnnnd SKILLS TESTS! If you do well, the rewards will be great!"

Tyler looked at the dumbfounded cops and noted a newscamera crew in the mix.

"Okay. I was SELECTED by God...and am getting test by him. Eh I've had weirder things happen to me."

He sat at the desk and looked at the first test which turned out to be a rather advanced level of highschool work he was used to completing on the daily. So he burned through it in a matter of minutes and the next was a VERY odd one indeed.

"Who is my waifu? What's my favorite song? What's my favorite HENTAI? Jesus that is awesome. i have the power of god and anime on my side."

That one was cranked out in a few minutes as the last test was another highschool style test. Once he finished it the papers incinerated themselves and the deep voice was heard again.

"Approved! Welcome to your NEW life as...a MEMBER!"

Tyler's vision was blinded by a golden light and he felt the desk vanish. The cops in the blood soaked room watched in shock as Tyler was encased in a blindingly bright golden light before it vanished, taking him with it. In the place he'd been standing was a charred set of lines.

"And by the way? YOUR world SUCKS! I am ASHAMED of what I created! FIX IT or I will. Here is a list of improvements, enhancements, things to be REMOVED ENTIRELY, and new things to add. either ou do it, or I will."





CASH: 150.

when Tyler's vision returned he foudn himself standing in the middle of a dusty courtyard outside a white marble school surrounded on all sides by a rather lush forest with skyscrapers poking over the treetops in the distance. The sky was a lovely and refreshing shade of blue while the air itself sang of purity and peace. A warmth filled his soul he could not remember being there prior and the sun had a soothing quality to it he was unfamilar with. As if the very air he breathed was designed to sooth the soul and refresh it entirely. He turned his gaze to the school and smiled as he saw it was constructed from smooth white marble with several wings in the shape of a 9 pointed star. The building itself soared to a solid 15 stories above the ground with numerous platforms and balconies for viewing at the various floors all the way to 15 including the roof. But it was the ground floor that had him tilting his head. for the entire ground floor was a mass of crystal clear glass windows that seemed to NOT be there at all! The effect was the school seeming to utterly float there as he could see cleanly through the entire building!

"That's a trippy sight."

At his feet he noted a mass of cardboard boxes all taped up to high hell including a set of metallic cases that made him smile as he recognized them.

"OOOOH that is reassuring."

"You talk to yourself a lot?"

He looked over at the amused girl's voice to see the single most beautiful girl he'd ever had the pleasure to look upon. She was his height with a slender build and soft white skin that glowed slightly in the bright sunlight. Her head was shaped like a teardrop and her eyes were a vivd shade of pink while filled with an inner tease the admiring teenager liked. Her hair was a shimmering curtain of dark purple that hung all the way to her feet and was tired into a tight ponytail by a yellow ribbon. On her chest were an immense pair of double Ds that swelled her white schoolgirl's uniform and her hips had a slender profile that added some rather alluring mass to her skirt. On her feet were a pair of soft brown shoes and she spoke in a soft, sultry purr.

"Oh my. not even ATTEMPTING to hide the leer? i fear I'm in danger!"

Tyler smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. I've just never seen a girl so ABSOLUTELY STUNNING as you are. I'm Tyler."

She smiled at the genuine apology and complement.

"I'm Akeno Himejima. Nice to meet you. So you talk to yourself a lot?"

"Only one that listens to me."

"That's depressing. So do you know what happened?"

"My best guess? We got isekaied into highschool."

She looked around them now at the masses of murmering people.

"Why would a god go to all this?"

"I think I know."

Akeno looked at his thoughtful voice.

"What's your guess?"

"do you not feel how.....REFRESHINGLY SOOTHING the air feels?"

"I do. I rather like it."

"I feel more...at HOME and RELAXED then I have in YEARS. And I'm just standing here! I think, given just how this world FEELS, Akeno? We were teleported to a type of paradise meant as a refuge from the hells of our old worlds."

That one made her frown and her pink eyes became VERY thoughtful.

"If that is the case? We were rescued?"

"I know I was."

"Hm. What is your world like, Tyler?"

He thought for a moment.

"Okay how do i explain this to you? Oh that works. Okay. The president of my country is a convicted rapist that is LEGENDARY for raping his daughters as he sees fit. the entire country knows. And the stories go back decades. Wanna guess when the election was?"

Akeno looked at him.


"Last year."


"Yup. America PUT a CONVICTED rapist in the white house just because his commercials were funny and he was semi good looking. I have killed 15 people. And I'm only 15."

"Okay. Your world is a hellscape."


"Harsh but not as bad. I'm a devil so."

She shrugged and he smiled.

"I always knew I was gonna burn in hell for the things I've done Akeno. But. if I have YOU to look forward to down there? I'd say it was well worth the trip!"

She laughed at that one!

"Oh my, I like you! And I have a boyfriend."

"OF course you do. Friends?"


He smiled at that and looked towards the city in the distance. That was when he noted a taller structure made from some yellow-white material that soared higher into the sky then anything else. The oddity was a solid four inches across and Tyler couldn't see the top of it even from the distance he was and so that lent the idea of a truly COLLASSAL construction. As he looked at it he frowned.

"That tower. Where have I seen that before?"

Akeno looked herself now and tilted her head at the far off monolith.

"I have seen that tower as well. But for the life of me I can't place it."

"Half of me wants to call it the Tower of Babel. but I'd need to see the stonework upclose to be sure."

"That was MY guess! Weird."


He looked at the school now.

"Soooooo what ARE we supposed to do? Just stand here?"

That got a mass of curious voices at the logical question that got no reply. So Tyler shrugged and pulled a set of keys from his belt and dragged the first metal case over.

"What's in the case, Tyler?"

"My rifle. Fenrir. the boxes at our feet are our possessions."


He shrugged as he unlocked the thing.

"Not really. If we're to move in to our new homes, make sense we'd need our stuff."

"I guess. Wait. You have a GUN?"

"ALL those cases are guns and various other weapons Akeno."

"At 15?"

"MY America you can walk into a wal-mart to buy groceries, and wak back out with a fully stocked rocket launcher."


"Yup. It's a lotta fun to drive down the street firing RPGs at targets aong a river."

"You've done that?"

"As a competition. I won."

The purple haired beauty blinked at his dry tone.

"I.....don't know if you're joking or not."

"I'm not."


He opened the case and inside lay a meticulusly cared for kar98k bolt action rifle sitting in the stiff packing foam. The weapon was 4 feet long with a dark wood finish on the furniture and gleaming silver metal for the everything else. Akeno was amazed by the good looking weapon as Tyler took it out.

"Oh my. That is a BEAUTIFUL rifle, Tyler."

"Thanks Akeno. I built her myself."

He peered done the sights and removed the bolt to check the internals.

"Clean as a whistle and solid as the day I put her together. And there's aboout fifteen loaded stripper clips of rounds in the box too. That's a bonus."

He set the rifle in the box as the oily voice was heard again.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelcome to you're NEW HOME of Oasis! THIS is her capital city OOOOOOOOF HAVEN!"

Tyler loaded a stripper clip in and slid the bolt home with a practiced ease.

"Why are we hear voice in the sky?"

He got a chuckle.

"To LIVE of course. You are now inhabitants of my world. Which was created as a sort of refuge for you poor souls. As your worlds SUCKED! So. I DID something about it."

That one set off a mass of bemused murmers and Tyler frowned.

"Sooo what EXACTLY about your world makes it better then our own?"

A ball of light appeared above them now.

"Well. For one? Your lives are your own to decide how to live. You're never going back to your old worlds as they're just not worthy of your presence. I stepped in and corrected them but they have lost out on the right to claim you as inhabitants. Here? All you need to succeed is your own two hands. There is NO such thing as luck in my worlds. i mean there IS but it's FAIR and based on what you're doing. Except for the lottery. that's just a scam. Anyway. if you want to become to world's leading expert on knitting wounds closed, go for it. Schooling's free so just walk in, say what you're interested in, and get assigned to class. You DO need to pay rent and the like at your homes as the economy IS a functional one but that's more fun then a pain in the ass. that tower in the distance is one of about 400 dungeons in the world you can choose to raid for your paychecks. or you can merely get a job at whatever place you see fit. Those of you with powers will find all your abilities intact and usuable here. Those WITHOUT abilities may gain your own set if you work out a trade. Say one uses fire and one doesn't? The one without power can offer say a cooked meal for a copy of the user's power. All up to the user in question. So long as the agreement IS mutual."

Tyler smiled at this.

"Liking it so far. Crime?"

"Eh you start something that's on you. My world's laws are all based on getting even and reaping what you sow."

"The other inhabitants?"

"They'll know who you are and all. There is no discrimination in my world so feel free to mingle. just be prepared for a lot of questions about where you come from."


"Well. Sadly for you students, school IS mandatory as I DO have morals and the like. And it's in the same style as the worlds you come from simplified."

Here Akeno perked up.

"I am a devil. I am sure you are aware of my alligenance."

The ball chuckled.

"I am WELL aware of your alliance. They're here too. And those contracts and the like are allowed. Basically you're just living in a fresh world with everything about you coming with you. Including ALL your possessions."

Tyler smiled as he peered down his gun.

"IS there a set of rules we SHOULD be aware of NOW?"

"Hmmm. Not really. Just treat this world as your own and obey the same laws as....OOOOOH. Sorry. I forgot how bad the world YOU come from is. Hmmm. It's an isekai slice of life with an open ended RPG thrown in for the added randomness."

"Huh. So your laws?"

"Well. Just be yourself. That'll be good enough. OH. YES you CAN dungeon raiding with a shotgun."

"I love this already. So where am I sleeping And what IS your name?"

"MY name is Looooooord Ganisha!"


Tyler busted up laughing now as he heard the name and Akeno looked at him curiously.


"we're safe. I know that name. Ganisha is the god of theater, parties, and just having a good time. we BASICALLY got rescued by an actor. With an over the top personality. he's good guy though. IF EXTREMELY overdramatic"

"oh. I feel better."

"Yeah I have a headache. Anyway. Our flopspots?"

Ganisha chuckled.

"You'll be living together with the rest of the Rescues. err. I don't like that word."


"Better. You'll be living together with the rest of the Refugees per the placement tests you all took upon being selected. YES more will be selected once my power recharges. Your housing is at random I am afraid. that said, you CAN upgrade or downgrade depending on just WHAT you wish from your living arrangements. just know the first roommates are final for the first few months. Since again. Letting it all settle in."

Tyler smiled as he unloaded his rifle and relocked it in his box.

"Do we HAVE to have roommates?"

"NO, but I wanna stir the pot a little."

"THERE'S a god line if ever there was one. Hit me."

The god chuckled at that one and the group of Refugees started glowing various colors. Tyler smiled as he glowed a bright color blue and he looked to Akeno, only for her to be a bright green. Ganisha was heard again.

"Blue to blue, green to green, you get the idea. Once the months are up you will be free to move as you wish. Your homes will be assigned once your roommates are found."

Tyler smiled as his friend went off.

"Nice meeting you Akeno."

"See you in school! I'm 15 as well!"

"Damn. LAdy you are a goddess."

She laughed and headed off. The tall Refugee looked around now and smiled as he saw a blue glow through the crowd and walked over to it. Only to blink as he saw the source was another beautiful girl. She was half a head shorter then him with long, sleek, SHINING silver hair that hung to her lower back. Her skin was fair and her bust IMMENSE on her slender chest. The lady's impressive orbs made her maid outfit bulge alluringly and her eyes were a deep blue he liked. She was slender with a well cut frame and smiled sweetly as the teenager approached while speaking in a soft, accented breath.

"It is nice to meet you. I am Royal Navy Heavy Cruiser Belfast."

Tyler smiled.

"I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you. just, WOW."

She smiled thinly at the tone of awe.

"WHAT is it about me you find so captivating?"

"YOU clearly have never looked in a mirror Belfast. I did not know girls could BE so damn beautiful."

Belfast smiled as she sensed, like Akeno before her, the dripping sincerity and geninue awe in this boy's voice.

"Thank you. Though I am MORE then just pretty face young man."

He chuckled at that one.

"Duly warned."

He then looked around at the rapidly forming groups around them.

"Hey! we got blue over here!"

Belfast was also looking around curiously.

"I do wonder who our other roommates will be."

"I'm more curious what our pad's gonna be. I gotta lotta stuff ya see."

She looked to the mass of trunks floating behind him.

"Oh my. I can see that."

"I'm a collector."

"Oh? What trinkets do you like to obtain?"

"Hm. A little bit of everything. Guns, swords, movies, music, merchindise from my favorite shows and the like, basically if I find it interesting I'll take a look."

"You said guns."

He smiled and retrieved Fenrir from her case.

"My home country is big on bearing arms. I can walk into most any shop worth it's salt and but a firearm. The bigger chains have everything from civilain handguns and double derrigners to full on rocket launchers and military grade firearms."

Belfast blinked as he hefted the rifle.

"IS it loaded?"

"No. I unloaded it myself and the bolt's not in. See?"

"I do. NOW I have a new worry."

"relax. I have badges in weapons handling and gunsmithing plus extensive training and experience with my kit, Belfast. i have had these for YEARS and have never ONCE had any form of accident. Besides dropping a shell here an there in the middle of a reload."

She smiled at the image before becoming serious.

"And how do you store them? I ask as I too am in the military."

"I use nails in my walls to rest the barrels on. if tey have a bolt like this Kar, i remove it entirely. If it DOESN'T, I remove the magazine entirely."

"I see. Watch the barrels. And i will be wary of your room."

"Ha. Sure. Some of my guns are for my hobby of airsoft."

"I am not familar."

He locked Fenrir in the case and looked at his collection.

"Ooooookay which one...AH. The Beast."

He went to one of his longer cases with a smile.

"I bought this monster of a gun at a yardsale. Idiot had NO IDEA what he was selling. I shit yu not it goes for 5 grand brand new on the open market."

He unlocked the case and lifted a full size, all metal, AUTHENTIC MG42 Heavy machinegun from the case. Belfast was taken aback by the sight of the imposing weapon.

"Oh my."

"Yeah it gets intense. Now. It shoots this."

He passed a bag of BBs over and she looked at the 6mm plastic pellets curiously.

"What manner of firearm uses such pultry munition?"

"One used in military simulation. We dress up and shoot each other with these. And yes it DOES hurt like hell. But we ARE decked to the nines with eye protection."

"Your world does war as play?"

"Pretty much."

"How tragic."

He shrugged and peered down the iconic machinegun's sights with a smile.

"It's actually not that bad. It lets us live out action hero fantasies. And we get to use replicas ike this."

She smiled at that.

"I sense a passion."

"Oh it gets intense."

He set the rifle down as a blue glow stepped out from the crowd around them. This time it belonged to a shorter girl with short brown hair and blazing hazel eyes set into a rounded face. Her skin was fair and her bust flat on her chest as she smiled at the taller pair. Her attire an open front sailor suit shirt without pants and a one piece swimsuit of blue underneath. Her voice was a high, friendly chirp.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yoshkia Myafuji. I guess we live together."

Tyler smiled at the friendly girl.

"Nice to meet you, Yoshkia. I'm Tyler, that's Belfast."

"A pleasure."

Yoshkia seemed to deflate a little from the friendly greetings.

"Phew. So what now?"

Tyler shrugged.

"We're still glowing, so we got others coming. I was showing off my gun collection to Belfast here."

Yoshkia looked at the cases curiously.

"I saw the 42 you had, Tyler. Captain Barkhorn ikes them since they're from her homeland."

"She's got good taste. Thing's a favorite of mine when I want thousands of rounds to PEPPER you in a short amount a time."

Yoshkia laughed at that one as Tyler noted her own set of cases. And the fact they were made from bamboo in a style he recognized. Behind Belfast was another set of redwood trunks edged in golden metal. HIS were merely weapon cases.

"Ha. Hey. going off our trunks? we're an odd trio."

The pair chuckled as they saw what he meant and Yoshkia looked at the school curiously.

"I've never seen a school like that before."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"I have, Yoshkia. But they're usually reserved for the super rich and the top 0.001 of society's children."

Belfast looked at him.

"They restrict education if you cannot pay for it?"

"Pretty much. The student debt of america is more then four times it's yearly revenue as a COUNTRY. The debt of the country's students, is FOUR TIMES what the country makes in a year."

"Oh my."

"Yeah. It's all on purpose too. Since the cost of college and the like is all school to school based, the schools can charge whatever they damn well please. JUST for tution. NOT the books themselves. And you are forced to buy them brand new at extortionate prices even though the books a year old are still viable."

"Okay. no more stories plase, Tyler. They hurt."

Yoshkia nodded with a pained expression.


He chuckled and puled a flask from a case and smiled as he found it full. He took a pull and Belfast lifted an eyebrow.

"IS that alcohol?"

"Yup. 150 proof James Bandy Brandy."

"And you're 15?"


she sighed at that as Yoshkia looked at him wide eyed.

"You're 15 Tyler? And that BIG?"

"Yup. How old are you, Yoshkia?"

"Um. 16."

He whistled as he noted her flat chest.

"Damn girl."

"I'm flat. i know."

"For NOW you are."

She blinked and looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean for now?"

"I can tell. In a year? You're gonna go from double A, to DOUBLE D. Happened to a friend a mien back when. Up to the age of 17 was the class board. well. Over the course of say 7 months, her apetite tripled and her rack swelled up so freakin fast I SWEAR she had a bike pumped hooked up to em. when she stopped she was a VERY hard and VERY perky triple D. Girl had freakin soccer balls on her chest and she was maybe four inches taller an YOU are."

Yoshkia deflated from relief at this story.

"Mom and grandma are both big. They just said to be patient."

"You'll be fine.....and then the back problems come."

"I'll be fine. im a witch."

"Atta girl."

she smiled and Belfast nodded approvingly.

"I see you are a caring soul indeed. This is good. And Yoshkia dear."

"Yes Belfast?"

"Do try to keep such discussions private."

She blushed with a smile.

"Sure. I forgot where i was."

That got her a headpat from the tall boy and a chuckle.



The crowd parted again and a third girl stepped out into view. She was ANOTHER beauty of a girl too! The same hieght as Belfast but with longer and FAR thicker hair that hung to her ankles, this new girl strutted across the dusty courtyard like a model on patrol. Her hair hung to her ankles and swayed in time with her steps while also being a strikinglu BEAUTIFUL shade of blood red. her bangs hung into her pale skinned face and her eyes were alight with an imperiously fierce self confidence that made the sapphire blue orbs SPARKLE. This red hued lioness was slender with massive double ds on her chest that made her schoolgirl uniform of red and white bulge. Her shapely hips made her skirt sway as she strutted and her voice was a sultry and imperious belltone as she approached the group.

"Nice to meet everyone. I am Rias Gremory. next head of the house of Gremory."

Tyler whistled.

"Damn. Nice to meet you, Rias. These are Yoshkia and Belfast."

Rias smiled knowingly as she looked at him.

"So you're the one that was hitting on Akeno earlier."

"Ha. I THOUGHT that was the same uniform. So how bad did she slander my good name?"

"Ohh just how you are one of the most geninue people she's ever met. Quite a badge of merit for a mere 20 minute conversation."

"Real recognizes real."

The redhead smiled at that.

"I love that I am keeping it."

"10 bucks."

She chuckled and looked at Belfast, sensing she was the more straightlaced of the ladies.

"Have any terms or discussions been had, Belfast?"

"None beyond chatting about Tyler and his world."

"I see. well. We are three beautiful ladies-"

"Thank you!"

Rias patted the adorable Yoshkia with a smile.

"YOU remind me of a brown haired Asia. i love it."

Yoshkia smiled as the redheaded beauty relocated her tain of thought.

"we're three beautiful girls to one boy in the same house. Some serious rules will be needed."

Tyler shrugged.

"Eh don'yt bother. I mostly keep to myself."

She looked at him.

"HAVE you lived with girls before?"

"I lived with my grandmother before we got hit with a home invasion. She was a tough old bat. Fond of her wooden spoon she was."

He sighed at the memory and rubbed his hand on reflex. A motion that made belfast smile.

"I see you learned some lessons."

"She would break my knuckle every time. Ya SHOULDA known betta! That was her catchphrase when I did something stupid."

"I believe we can make this work, Rias."

"So long as he learned the RIGHT lessons belfast."

"I absolutely agree."

Yoshkia then looked at him.

"What's a home invasion, Tyler? it sounds bad."

He sighed.

"when a group of people break into your house with force to attack you for whatever reason. ten people kicked in our front door to kidnap ME and kill HER. Seems I'd gotten the eye of a local gangleader since I was a skilled shooter at the age of 6. My grandmother taught me how to shoot ya see and she always had a LOADED desert eagle in hands reach. So. yeah. ten went in. I walked out. I'd been shot like ten times but I lived. My grandmother wasn't so lucky. I killed five myself and she got peppered with lead as one asshat had a full auto shotgun. She got him with a last stand pot shot and yeah."

He shivered and Yoshkia hugged him.

"I'm sorry!"

"it's fine. I got over it years ago. Plus you didn't know."

She sniffed an d he hugged her.

"It's okay, Yoshkia. I'm not dead. i think. And they died."

She sniffed again before smiling.

"Sorry. there. i said it."

He chuckled before pulling a massive jet black handgun from a case.

"This was her deagle. MEAN lookin thing ain't it?"

Yoshkia gasped.

"Wow, Tyler. it's HUGE."

"I can dual wield em."


He chuckled and put the gun back as Belfast sniffed.

"I am truly sorry for your grandmother Tyler."

"Thanks Belfast. She taught me most of what I know about guns and such so i got a few things from her. INCLUDING her gun collection."

Rias smiled at that.




He smiled at that one before noting their still present blue glow.

"So far we're four. Be kinda funny if we get landed with a one bedroom house."

Rias smirked thinly.

"if that is the case, Tyler? We ladies get the one bedroom."

"If that's the case, Rias? I got a tent in here somewhere."

Belfast sighed at that potential issue.

"Let us hope a proper home can be obtained. For to have you sleep outside would bother me immensely."

Yoshkia nodded.

"Me as well."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll figure it out, ladies. Worst case i AM a skilled contractor so I could put some work into our place."

Rias smiled.

"A jack of all trades?"

"Pretty much."

"We'll discuss this indepth later."

The crowd parted again and another girl stepped from it. She was another beauty a head taller then Yoshkia with long black hair tied up in twin tails by a pair of white and blue flowers. her eyes were a deep blue and her face was teardrop shaped. Ths girl had fair skin and a slender frame with a massive pair of double d breasts under her white tunic. The impressive orbs were held up by a bue string and she had a happy go lucky smile on her face as she walked over. Her voice a happy chirp.

"Hiya. I'm Hestia. Goddess of hearth and home. Nice to meet everyone."

Tyler smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Hestia. I'm Tyler. That's Rias, Belfast, and Yoshkia."

Hestia looked at him.

"And I am DEEPLY sorry for those monsters, Tyler."

He smiled.

"Thanks Hestia. so you're a goddess?"

"Yup! I'm actually from Ganisha's world believe it or not. Seems our godking, Realis, looked into the other worlds and our own in a moment of boredom and the utter MISERY of so many strong hearted people was too much for her to bare. So she made this world for us and Ganisha's the godking since he is a fair and kind god."

TYler shrugged.

"Eh go with it. So you got rescued too?"

"Pretty much. Seems my world kinda got merged into the fresh one for whatever reason."


Rias looked at the busty goddess.

"So is there an issue, Hestia?"

"Not at all, Rias. we're free to live as we choose."

"I needed it said."

Tyler then did a head count.

"Me, Yoshkia, Hestia, Belfast, and Rias. we got five to da house. Huh."

"Why did you say my name last?"

"Order i remembered em in."

she smirked at that nonchalant reply.

"Oh is THAT how it is?"

He chuckled and looked away, irking her EVER so slightly. Yoshkia was looking through her trunks humming, making sure all her stuff was there. The crowd parted again and this time two people walked out. A boy and a girl. the boy was half a head shorter then Tyler with a slender build and black hair. his eyes were black and he was dressed in a jet black coat and oner his shoulders were a jet black longsword hilt and over his other was a neon blue hilt. Beside him and also holding his hand was a beautiful girl with fire red hair that hung to her waist. her skin was fair and her eye swere also fire red to match her hair to perfection. On her chest was a modest bust and on her hip was a long green rapier. Her attire was a sheer gown that flared at her hips of red and white and she spoke in a warm yet soft falceto to the group.

"Nice to meet everyone. I'm Asuna. This is my husband, Kirito."

Kirito smiled as he spoke in a harder tenor.

"Nice to meet everyone."

Their glows died and Ganisha was heard.

"Alright. Now that the households are together, LEEEEETS roll to see where you will all be LIVING!"

A ball spin aparatus appeared before the groups and Tyler smiled as he walked up.

"I'll do it."

Asuna smirked.

"WHY you?"

"Cause. I once won a car off one a these on a DARE."

"Okay fair enough."

He looked at the basket with a splattering of pingpong balls all decorated with various houses and apartments on them and gripped the handle. He spunt he thing and walked away before turning a spin and snappign his fingers. A single ball rolled out of the trapdoor and Hestia chuckled.


"Bite me."

They chuckled and Asuna looked at the house.

"Huh. Okay i kinda like it. An 8 bedroom two floor house set near a stretch of forest. Even has a pool and hot tub in the backyard. 8 bedrooms each with in room bathroom, a full kitchen and laundry room, a fully finished basement, and even a few extra rooms for whatever too. Not bad, Tyler."

He smiled as he looked at the hologram.

"Thanks Asuna. I'll take that room in the back."

Rias and Belfast lifted eyebrows.

"The one looking out over the pool?"


"WHY you?"

"So I can shoot my guns off that balcony into the forest at targets I'll be settin up."

They slumped at that answer and Kirito chuckled.

"This is either gonna be a NIGHTMARE or a paradise."

"Both bro. Go for both."

"fair enough."

Belfast then noted something in the description.

"Room to grow? what does that term mean?"

Tyler looked and smiled.

"It means the house's blueprints included renovation and upgrade space. I'd need to see the schematics firsthand, but that can mean the entire roof can be raised up to four full floors and the floor space tripled. At a base it means we have free rein to build on it as we see fit. I for one am DEFINITELY putting a roof over that pool area."

Rias frowned.

"Oookay. why?"

"Swimming in the winter time. we'll also upgrade the pool so it can be both heating and self cleaning. I can do all that myself. Actually."

He took the hologram and smiled as he saw the layout of the place.

"I can take that wall out there and increase this room's floorspace, that wall here I take out and build an addition that would neatly encase the pool for a drive-thru style kitchen extension. On this side, can do the same but for say a rec room. Jesus I can do so much with that frame it's not funny."

Kirito looked at it himself now.

"Oh that could be fun. An armory for looted weapons and armor?"

"Don't see why not. You raiding the dungeon?"

"Was planning on it. You?"

"Sure. Be a lotta fun hunting goblins with a shotgun."

"Ha. I prefer swords."

"I'm decent. Same time, I wanna kill a T-rex with a rifle."


the two boys looked over to see a smirking Rias looking at them.

"If you two are QUITE finished, we'd like to see the place. IN PERSON?"

Tyler chuckled as he gave the ball to Asuna.

"Sure thing Rias."

The grou glowed a moment before being teleported to outside their new home. it stood two stories tall with a slate grey exterior and maroon colored slanted roof. The place sat on the side of a sidestreet with a five car garage on the side with a decently sized green grass lawn stretching from the doorway to the sidewalk. Tyler smiling as he noted the neighboy's yard on the left handside had no border seperating the two properties.

"We'll need to get that border marked, everyone."

They nodded and on the right was another house a floor shorter. The tall American led the way to the garage and found it to be completely empty with a door leading inside. Hanging on a set of epgs were the house keys for the 7 of them and he handed them out.

"You lose a key, it;s 50 bucks to borrow mine."

They chuckled and went inside to find the door off the garage led directly into a hallway next to the kitchen on the right. The floor was thickly carpeted and Tyler smiled.

"Shoes off at home everyone."

Rias smirked.

"Agreed. we'll get a tray or something later."

They left their shoes by the door and tyler looked around. The kitchen was encased in a bar style counter with room for two to work side by side on the tiled floor. It came equiped with a stove and oven, microwave, full double door refridgerator, and plenty of cabinet space. The counter tops were grey marble and when Tyler ran a hand over the surface he smiled at the refreshing coldness of real stone. On the left was a closet for coats and other such items before the hallway opened up to the living room proper. The floor was deeply carpeted in a slate grey shag no one liked the look of while the walls were a deep maroon. The ceilings were smoothly tiled and reminded Tyler of a bathroom's floor. the living room was massive. Taking up close to half the house' ground floorspace. The windows were small with one really big one near the rear facing the pool. There was no actual dining room and Tyler smiled at the emptiness of the place.

"Makes sense. Long as we got beds we can work with this."

The stairs were nestled in a corner and had a hard curve in them as they acended to the second floor. There they were met by a long hallway lined by doors. The first sets of doors were bedrooms and each room was a good 75 square feet with a full bathroom including shower. Tyler smiled as he walked to the door at the end of the hallway and was treated to the last room. It had two windows on the far wall looking out into the spacious backyard and overlooking the pool while the walls themselves were spread out. By his count, the room was 65 by 100 feet. So was rather narrow. He found the closet and nodded at the walkin style before he found the bathroom to be spacious as well. Rias poked her head in and whistled.

"Wow. This one's kinda neat. You want this one right?"

He smiled at her.

"I do. You find one you like?"

"I got the room next door."

"So you're the girl next door. I was warned about you."

She chuckled at that one and went to look out one of his windows at the pool.

"And don't do anything creepy with the pool?"

"I won't. I promise."

The redhead smiled at the sincerity.

"Thanks. And the furniture'll be here in a few hours. Let us get settled and divvy up the rooms."

"And chores and rants."

"Yup. I wanna see the pool."

"I want to see you in a bikini."

She smirked.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Dammit. Two for two is NOT good odds."

That got a chuckle as the pair headed downstairs to the pool area. The living room having a door near the rear that opened up to a granite patio surrounding a 150 foot long by 25 foot wide pool. Again tyler noted the lack of fencing or any real privacy. He looked at rias.

"Sad to say no one uses the pool till we get some solid fencing up."

Asuna nodded approvingly as she looked at the set up.

"I completely agree. Plus i am seeing signs kids and dogs used our pool prior."

"I'll hang a few no tresspassing signs up and make sure the neighbors know I'm armed. You set foot on MY home uninvited you're losing that foot."

Kirito smirked.

"I can see you now as the old man in a rocking chair yelling at kids on the sidewalk cleaning your shotgun. Ha. But hey. Keep em out."

"with lead. Alright."

Tyler walked along the side of the pool noting the state of the granite and pool before he smiled.

"we'll lay down some grip mats. Prevent a slip accident even when it gets wet."

Yoshkia smiled as she spotted the inground hot tub a little further off.

"I like this place!"

Tyler crouched by the hot tub and looked at some sensors hidden under a panel.

"Hm. Water was freshly changed too. And the granite ends about 50 feet from here. Wow. We got the room for one helluva an upgrade."

Kirito looked at the forest.

"You think anything lives in there, Tyler?"

"Oh absolutely. Look there."

He pointed to a set of treetops.

"That un there's a bald eagle nest, that one there is for a mass of squrirrels, there's a foxden down there. And I'd bet there're bear in there too."


"I'm from a northern forested town. I got it."

"That's a relief. Alright. Now what Asuna?"

The redheaded girl smiled.

"Let's go check out the basement."

They went back into the house and tyler noted an older couple eyeing them from the safety of their porch.

"I saw them too."


Tyler chuckled as they went into the house.

"They mess with us lay em out. Sorry i don't put up with that shit."

Belfast frowned.

"They are merely watching?"

Tyler smiled at the maid.

"In our worlds, some people feel so entitled they try to control how other people behave. We may be in a world like Ganisha wants, but that don't mean people stop being people."

Hestia nodded.

"Sadly he's right. is it better? Absolutely. But people will always be people. And they can utterly HEARTLESS sometimes. Here you can at least do something about it."

"Where'd yu room up Hestia?"

"I picked the room across from Rias. I think your closet ends on my wall."

"Oh cool. I'll come out an say it. I DO NOT play pranks on people in a malicious manner. OR when they're asleep."

A mass of relieved breaths were heard.

"But do not be surprised if I push you in the pool, Yoshkia."


They laughed at her sudden terror and he patted her reassuringly.

"Screwing with you."


Belfast smiled at that before she remembered something.

"And do not shoot anyone with your airsoft guns Tyler."

"I won't without you at least KINDA seeing it coming. Some of my guns hit you as hard as say...a twig bouncing off you after falling off a tree. You'll feel it, but that's about it."

Rias smirked.

"Start the prank war, DEAL with the prank war."

"Deal. Oh hey Akeno. when'd you get here?"

"Akeno! I did-what the?"

Rias spun around all smiles to greet her friend.....only to come face to face with a flat wall. She blinked in mild confusion and Tyler whistled.

"Wow Rias. Got somethin to say about Akeno? Since ya greeted a wall?"

"I hate you!"

"HBa. One nothing."

Asuna chuckled at the other redhead's fury.

"A classic."

The friends found the basement door and Tyler frowned as he had to hunch over to go down the carpeted flight.

"Okay I am not liking the carpeted stairs. Always a BITCH to clean."

Belfast nodded as she loked at the shag.

"And i for one do not fancy the shag. I much prefer hardwood or plush."

"We'll get some cash together and do some work on the place, then."

She smiled and they reached the basement. As in the brochure it was indeed fully finished with rather inviting sheetrock walls and a cool atmosphere. The floor was carpeted in soft blue plush and Tyler walked over to a door for the water cooler and heater. He whistled as he saw the plumbing.

"Damn. High grade copper and 100 gallon heater. Not bad."

He closed the door and Kirito smiled as he looked around.


"I was more thinking common area. We deck this one out the right way we got our own lounge."

Asuna smiled as she looked at the potential uses for the basement

"We'll see what we can do. I for one would LOVE our own cave down here."

The exploration finished the friends returned to the living room where their mass of boxes and trunks were neatly piled in rows. Tyler smiled as he took his first bundle.

"Lets get moved in ladies and Kirito. We can talk house rules later."

The heads nodded and the heavy lifting began. Tyler and Kirito made many, many runs up and down the stairs helping the ladies carry their boxes. The taller American using his hieght and skill in moving to manuver the bulkier trunks with Kirito's more lithe frame and decent strength to get them over the banister.

"Comin atchya, Kirito."

"Got it. Toss it."

"Hey I got the next one."

"Send it."

Asuna and Rias were doing smaller runs with the lighter boxes while Hestia and Belfast and Yoshkia sorted boxes between rooms and people. A half hour later the last run was done and the tired group sat on the shag carpet in the living room all sweaty. Tyler smiled as he leaned against a wall.

"Now then. House rules."

Rias smirked.

"Do NOT ogle the hotties in the pool boys. OR sneak into our bedrooms."

Tyler and Kirito nodded.


"I'm with Asuna in our room. Agreed."

Tyler looked around now.

"We share chores. NO one gets stuck with the same thing every time and no favorites. we'll set up a chart or something make it easier."

Belfast smiled.

"Cooking as well?"

"And dishes. And it's a different crew every meal. Say one night its me an Rias on cooking then it's Hestia and Kirito on dishes. Next meal it's Belfast and Asuna cooking with me an Yoshkia on dishes."

The heads nodded and Hestia smiled.

"Me, Tyler, Rias, Asuna, Kirito, Belfast, and Yoshkia. we got seven mouths to feed. That'll be fun."

Tyler looked at her.

"So what do we got for funds, Hestia?"

"Ganisha has given everyone a one time payment of 10,000 dollars. You need to pay ALL the bills here. Heat, hot water, electricity, food, repairs, you get the idea. each of us got ten grand and the costs for each month are fixed. ONE month's utilities cost 750 dollars a month. JUST the utilities."

Tyler went to his room and came down with a notebook.

"750 a month utilities. Rent?"

"THAT for a house like this is 2,500."

He whistled.

"Jesus. Already we're looking at 3,250 a month. JUST in monthly payments. Who do we give it to?"

"Well ME. Since i;m a goddess, I'm also basically your landlord."

Tyler nodded and did a little math.

"That by 7 is 464.28 per person a month just for rent. Hm. the dungeon. It gives out money for kills right?"

Hestia nodded.

"It does. And is extremely lucrative. BUT is also extremely dangerous. Up to you whether you want to risk your life for rent money or not."

"If we CAN'T pay?"

"YOu have three attempts. or three months. Fail all three and you get kicked out onto the street."

"And how hard is it to make that kinda money in this world, Hestia?"

"NOT hard at ALLLL. So long as you put in work. A part time job at say a laundramat pays 15 an hour before taxes. Say you make 150 dollars a week, the country takes out 50 in taxes."

"So 1/3 in taxes. the dungeon?"

"Is taxless as again, it's risking your life. Even the weakest of monsters in the dungeon can kill you in seconds and you never see it coming."

Tyler frowned.

"Even with Rias' devil power?"

"If SHE went into the dungeon, Tyler? The monsters would scale to MATCH her power."

"Yikes. I HATE these types of systems."

Rias frowned.

"How'd you know i was a devil, Tyler?"

"Akeno told me she was a devil. And ya kinda got this aura around you. Same as she does."


Belfast looked at Tyler's numbers.

"So we need to garner 470 dollars a mouth per person to make due. we shall need jobs."

Tyler smiled.

"I'll be raiding the dungeon for my job. kirito?"

"Sure. Asuna and I are a solid team so we'll hit the dungeon together. Are swordskills a thing here, Hestia?"

"They are, Kirito. And they translated perfectly. Actually? The only one here WITHOUT any powers to speak of is Tyler. oddly enough."

Tyler chuckled at that one.

"My world doesn't have magic of any kind."

That made them sigh before Yoshkia looked at Hestia.

"I'm a doctor. What can i do?"

"Well. You can get a job at a hospital, Yoshkia. They'd be happy to take you on as a magical healer and they pay VERY well once your skills are verified."

"yay! I can help!"

Tyler smiled as he looked at Belfast.

"What will you do, Belfast?"

"I believe i shall work at the school. I am most skilled with children and as a teacher."

"That could work. Hestia?"

the twin tailed goddess smiled.

"I'll get a job at the guild overseeing the dungeon. And they pay well too. There's really NO bad paying jobs in Oasis, but there ARE better paying."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll set up a lockbox for our rent. every time you get paid you drop a portion off inside the box. Say you make 200 dollars, you put 100 in the box for the house. Sound good?"

Rias smiled.

"It does. And in the event we go OVER the needed amount, we can just pool it into NEXT month. I like it."

The tall American then smirked.

"We'll need to set a seperate food budget too."

Hestia laughed.

"I like food!"

They chuckled and Asuna had an idea.

"So we each have 10,000. I suggest we all pool our funds together and use it for the house's costs until we have a steady cash flow. just as a cushion."

Belfast smiled.

"A shrewd idea, Asuna. I like it."

Yoshkia frowned.

"We don't have a box though."

"Gotchya covered, yoshkia."

they watched as tyler went up and came back down with a military grade safe he set in the middle of the group. The three by three steel safe had a rugged appearance and Rias smiled.

"The combination?"

"99-66-86. Here."

She lifted an eyebrow at the numbers.

"WHY those random numbers, Tyler?"

"Oh they're the measurements of my anime waifu."

"Uh-huh. You're a weeb aren;t you?"

"bitch it's otaku."

"Oh CRAP."

She and Asuna slumped as Kirito chuckled.


Yoshkia got her slip with the numbers.

"So where will we put it, Tyler?"

"I'll carve out a hidden cubby in a closet and hide it in there."

"oh. Sneaky."

Belfast smiled.

"Very. And yet I understand completely."

She got her copy and Tyler smiled as she slid Rias her copy of the numbers and she took them with a slight look of irritation.

"You good?"

She smiled.

"I'm fine. Just odd how.....accurate....these are."

He blinked.

"No shit? ha. Weird coinkidink."

Belfast frowned at that and looked at the redhead, who nodded ever so slightly and the maid slid the paper into her uniform as acknowledgment. Hestia looked at Tyler now and smirked.


"What up?"

"I think should tell you why YOU were chosen."

He blinked and looked at her curiously.

"Stir the pot?"

"Pretty much. See. When Realis looked into the realities, she made her selections based on strength of heart as I told you. Yet YOU were chosen for a completely different reason. YOU were chosen because Loki had the idea of choosing a member of another world that reverred our worlds, to live among us. To see what would happen with the knowledge that member had. So when Realis looked for a suitable candidate, YOU got her attention like a howling banshee from the sheer DESPERATION in your soul to meet us. Like when she looked for that criteria, you nearly deafened her from how your soul screamed into the abyss! So. Tyler. YOU. were chosen. Because of your fandom. Nice to meet a fan!"

Tyler sat back against the wall. Absolutely FLABBERGASTED. His face was the personification of file exe has stopped functioning while Rias looked at the numbers in her hand.

"Sooooooo he used MY body measurements....as a SAFE COMBINATION?"

Hestia chuckled.

"Oh yeah. Have a look inside his collection. ya might be amazed at it."

And like that a gun came up and the hammer pulled back.

"NOBODY MOVE. I'll bring it down. DO NOT, touch my stuff. ONLY WARNING."

And like that the group backed RIGHT up at the cold, calm, DARK look on his face. Tyler got to his feet and walked up to his room keeping a now VERY close eye on the group's every move until he was up the stairs. Once he was out of sight the tension left the others in a hard gasp. Then Belfast rounded on Hestia with a will.

"WHAT was THAT?"

The goddess shivered.

"That was what happens when Tyler feels backed against a wall. OR his possessions are threatened. As they are all he TRULY has in his life. Look i should tell you something. when Realis found him-"

"Don't bother."

They jumped as Tyler returned with a set of cases he set beside him.

"Just before I was selected, I killed ten people when they said they'd sold y stuff so i couldn't have it anymore. I was about to be shot to death for it when the beam hit me."

He pulled a set of keys from his belt and Kirito confronted him.

"You killed them for just SAYING they sold it?"

"They DID sell it, kirito. I was in foster care you see."

"Oh damndude tough break."

"I beat them to death with a chair and SPLINTERED A table over their bodies. I beat ten women to death in the middle of a school wih a chair and a table. If I ever even so much as SUSPECT one of you have taking something from me or so much TOUCHING something without my nod I WILL shoot you. Are we clear?"

The room was taken aback by the hateful glare in the teenager's formerly gentle, mocking eyes. When tey hesitated the gun was lifted again and cocked.


Hestia sighed.

"we're clear."


Belfast looked at him in shock.

"So you THREATEN us when we have done nothing to you?"

He looked her in the eye.

"And now you're scared of me. I can tell. And that in turn, means you won;t fuck with me. which is what i was after."

Asuna shivered now.

"Sound familar, Kirito?"


Yoshkia looked at the tall gunslinger as he unlocked his trunks.

"I thought we were friends?"

"we are. Just don't screw with me or my stuff."


She sighed at this and Hestia smiled sympathically at her.

"He's been through a lot, Yoshkia. every friend he's ever had has either turned on him, tried to KLL HIM, sold him out, or tried to screw him over. Hell even the people that said they were there to help him just screwed him over as it was the easiest thing to do."

Rias looked at rhe gun still resting on a trunk in hands reach of the teenager as he hung a set of locks on his belt.

"So you would rather us be afriad of you, then LIKE you?"

"You can like and be afraid of me too, Rias. It important to have a healthy balance of fear and like. Since if you're afraid of me, no matter HOW slightly, it means you're that much less inclined to move against me. Which is the important piece here."

He opened the first trunk as the rest all looked at each other and scootched away from him ever so slightly as an invisible wall rose up between the group of eight and the lone boy behidn the trunk. Hestia sighed as she felt it.

"And here it goes again."

"I'm used to it. Hey Rias. This one's my favorite."

The redhead looked at him as he placed a porcilein figurine 12 inches tall on the carpet before her. She blinked.

"That's me!"

It was true. The statue was of the beautiful redhead as she stood atop a pile of skulls with her devil wings out while holding a set of fireballs in either hand. She was bare foot and her uniform was torn up exposing a large breast and her lace panties all the while she still smirked fearlessly as if daring her attacker to add their skull to the pile under her bare feet. The redhead looked at Tyler in shock as he set another statue of her out.

"HOW many?"

"Of you? I got like twenty."

She just looked at him.

"I am living with an obsessed fan. Oh FUCK."

Tyler shrugged.

"relax. I'm not that bad."

"Yeeeet you have like HOW many things of me?"

"A lot. Lady have you LOOKED at how badass that looks?"

"THAT aside. Isn't ONE of me enough?"

He looked at her curiously.

"I got the real deal right in front of me. THAT is enough. These are momentoes from my life. That oen i bought for 650 at a kon I went to. Three people got into a fistfight with security when one guy groped a cosplayer. This one here I had comissioned for 750. Took three weeks to arrive too. During which I got to see a fire tornado. that was a weird week. This one here,"

The group all watched as Tyler went from item to item with a warm smile reciting where, whe, and how he got it along with some random story or event that coincided with his aquisition of the item. Rias and Belfast sighed deeply as they saw the warmth and far away look in his eye.

"That is the single loneliest thing I have ever seen, Belfast."

"As it is for me dear. He cherishes those statues so dearly as for a time they were his only TRUE friends. Now I feel ashamned I condemned him."

Tyler smiled as he put the last of the High school DxD statues out.

"That's it for DxD. HA. I really need to call Akeno sparky. Alright. Which one next. Danmachi.....SAO...Azur Lane....Ah Azur Lane. Belfast, tell me if SHE looks familar."

He lifted a polymer statue out and set it on the rug. It was of a truly adorable girl with purple hair riding a unicorn with blue flame on the hooves and a pair of loaded flight decks on her back. Belfast blinked.

"Unicorn? WHY do you have one of her?"

"Oddly enough for the asthetic. her colors go really well with my DxD themed shelf since ti was all reds and purples from Rias and Akeno. Slap her in there and you get an oddly satisfying kaleadescope of color."

She looked at him as if he had three heads as he produced more statues of various girls.

"So you purchased her statue.....just for LOOKS?"

"Eh pretty much. More it came with a set I got. was actually after that set's Illustrious."

He set the statue in question out. It being of a beautiful woman with hands clasped together as if in prayer with an ocean wave splashign out from her white ballgown like thing and a set of biplanes soaring from the waved themselves. Her hair was snow white and was spread around her in a rather striking show of elegant power. Tyler smiled.

"This is my favorite piece from Azur Lane. She lights up too when I got batteries in her base. And it looks SUUUUUPER cool at night in a dark room."

Hestia smiled warmly as he went off on another round of storytelling.

"I think you understand why now."

Kirito shivered.

"He's even worse then i was back in SAO."

Asuna sighed.


"What's up, Asuna?"

"We're sorry."

He looked at her curiously.

"for what?"

"Being scared."

"Oh. Um. Okay?"

His look of confusion made belfast sigh.

"You're even worse then Lady Enterprise was in her crisis."

That one made him blink and he looked at the mass of merchandise anew now.

"But.....it's the highest complement I could give to a show.....oh that's just PERFECT."

He sighed and slumped as he saw what she meant. Hestia smiled understandingly.

"You're not alone now, are you?"

HE just packed the stuff up and brought them back upstairs without a word. Rias frowned.

"So he shut down?"

Hestia sighed.

"He's desperate to be apart of our lives. BUT. He's also TERRIFIED on a subconscious level to actually open up to people. He was hurt FAR too many times. FAR too often. Watch. That'll be the very LAST we ever hear of the fandom."

Tyler returned now and sat back against the wall and looked out a window with a VERY carefully guarded expression.

"When's the furniture supposed to be here, Hestia?"

The goddess sighed sadly.

"See? It'll be here any minute now."

"Alright. So whens school start for the students?"

"day after tomorrow. Gives you the time to acclimate to your new world."

"When can i raid the dungeon?"

"You could go right now."

He went back upstairs and came back down with a bag and he set it beside him. Yoshkia looked at him with huge, sad eyes.

"what's that for?"

He smiled.

"Once the furniture's set, I'll head down into the dungeon for a bit, Yoshkia. Get a feel for how it works."

Kirito smiled.

"I'll go with you."

"Thanks Kirito. I'll go alone this time. I got a method for this."

"I hear that."

Hestia sighed deeply at this shoot down and Asuna looked at the teenager.

"You know what I;m gonna say about solo raiding, right, Tyler?"

He chuckled.

"And YOU use swords. I use guns."

He unzipped the bag and lifted an AA12 12 gauage automatic shotgun from it.

"And this'll be my weapon. I'll be fine."

The redhead rubbed her eyes.

"Great. You are JUST like Kirito. Ugh my workload just doubled."

Tyler looked at her strangely.



He shrugged and peered down the sights of the gun as Belfast looked at him.

"So your answer is to bathe in blood, rather then face reality?"

He looked at her. And Belfast was shaken by the blaze in his eyes. Then he shivered and just looked back to the gun he was field stripping. Rias smiled.


That made the loner smile.


"Ha. So you know."

"And NOW I know why I was placed with you. ALLL of you."

Hestia smiled sadly.

"we WANT to help yu, Tyler. So we placed you with the best."

"I didn't ASK to be babysat, Hestia."

The goddess sighed at the now harsh voice.

"Give it a chance. Please?"

He shivered now and went to reply as if on reflex before he caught himself and gripped the gun as he rebuilt it without answering. There was a knock on the door and the truck carrying their furniture arrived. Tyler and Kirito got to work with the ladies unloading the goods and filling up their rooms. Tyler placed his king sized bed by a wall out of view of the door and windows while his dresser was placed along the excess wall at the end of the bed. Next he took a mass of nails and hung all his vast collection of weapons on the walls before he carefully placed each individual anime piece of merchandise on shelves and pegs until his room was situated. Next was a TV and videogame station by a window in easy reach of his collection of DvDs and games. LAst was a laptop and gaming PC hooked up to the same TV. The result was over half his room unused and the walls decorated by weapons. He smiled at the result and walked out to the revamped living room. All the windows now had heavy curtains covering them which were drawn and along the wall was a massive couch facing a 75 inch flatscreen TV. The kitchen had a set of barstools lining the counter. Tyler smiled as he looked at the setup.

"Not bad everyone. we good?"

Rias sighed.

"we're good. Kirito can-"

Tyler had his boots on and was out the door with his shotgun kit as Rias was still talking. Hestia came down the tairs and watched the teenager walking to the tower thrugh a window.

"And there he goes. Off to take his own misery out on something."