
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Demon Next Door: It's Tuesday.




TYLER'S CASH: 68,250.

THE VAULT: 160,000.

Tyler woke to the sight of Sally pinned between him and Asia. The little blueberry was sound asleep between his chest and Asia's softballs with both of them holding her tightly in a warm cocoon. Sally was flat on her back softly breathing with her arms over her head with Asia and Tyler's arms around her waist and their heads pressed close to her own. Tyler smiled warmly as he saw his returned little sister. I missed you so much, Sally. he then looked over to see Asia sound asleep clutching the smaller girl's hand to her modest cleavage and he kissed the blonde awake.

"Morning Asia."

She smiled happily with shining blue eyes.

"Morning Tyler. I haven't slept like that in YEARS."

He smiled and looked to the still asleep Sally.

"Sally does that. She's a cute little teddy bear. Right Sparkles?"

she smiled as her blue eyes opened.

"Yup! I'm HOT and CUTE!"

They laughed as they hugged the sweethearted blueberry before the trio took a shower together. Sally humming a tune as her azur tresses were given a thorough cleansing along with Asia's before the trio headed for breakfast. Sally helping best she could around the kitchen as Rias and Belfast came down.

"Morning Belfast. Morning Rias."

The redhead got her morning kiss and Belfast smiled as she saw Sally helping in the kitchen.

"Good morning Dears. What is Sally's plan for the day Tyler?"

"She'll most likely be at school since she IS a student."

Hestia came down with a smile.

"She'll be placed in the right classes, Tyler. and yes you can visit her."

Sally let out a huge breath of relief before she smiled.

"Thanks Goddess!"

Yoshkia came down and was nearly throttled by the once again fangasming Sally, much to everyone else's amusement. Rias smiled as she got her own hug from the warrior and he kissed her.

"I have Rasweisa tonight."

"OOH she's a cuddler! And really warm too."

"Asia's great."

The blonde smiled happily as she got a hug and a kiss.

"I love you too, TYler. Think we can go out after school?"

"Sure Asia. Anything you wanna do?"

"Hmmm, the zombie floor is fun."

He just patted her with a smile.

"I fucking love you too, Asia."

She smiled as Asuna and Kirito came down with tired smiles and Asuna flushed in the face. Tyler chuckled at this and slid Kirito an extra potent coffee. The black haired boy smirked at the nod as Asuna got her own.

"So. Todays' raid."

Tyler frowned.

"I thought about it, Asuna, and still need to run it by Satuski. But the Zombie floor. I think I'll keep leading the raids into it until you're all more experienced down there."

The redheaded wife sipped her coffee as she thought that point over.

"That IS a shrewd call. So it'd be a 5 man crew."

"It would. Since the regular dungeon is rather straightforward an all."

"True. We'll talk to Satuski. See her take."

Sally looked at Tyler curiously.

"Big Brother?"


"Is this world at war or something?"

"Not exactly. Think a combination of the dungeon from Danmachi meets the dungeons from SAO."

"OOOOH. COOL. And the zombies?"

"There's a nazi zombie themed floor."

"We are RAIDING it Big Brother."


Belfast blinked and Tyler smiled at her new concern.

"Sally's REALLLLY into those kinda games, Belfast. Kicker is she actually reached higher rounds an I did."


"Sally, it's all IRL gunskills."

"Oh really? That sucks. I'll be stuck to SMGs and lighter Carbines. Weapon era?"

"ALl of em."


"With everything from food and clothes to cars and bikes as loot we can take."

"THAT is so FREAKIN awesome I love it."

"We'll hit it up like we used to at SOME point, Blueberry."


Rias smiled as she patted the blue haired cutie.

"Wow. She's really your little sister. I wanna snuggle!"

"Yay! Hot devilgirl cuddles!"

They laughed at her cuteness before they headed for the school. Rias holding Tyler's hand as Asia had a giggling Sally. The redhead leaned in his ear.

"Yue never came back last night. Seems she and Unicorn had a little sleepover at Gaspy's."

"Big finish?"

"NOPE. Just a cuddlepile."

"I think we should have a chat."

"We so should. GOOD for YOU GAspy!"

"Ha. Belfast."

She smiled.

"I will assist."

The friends walked onto the campus and Tyler kissed Rias deeply.

"See ya later, Rias. We on the clock tonight?"

"Yup. As a makeout for yesterday."

"Aight. I love you."


Sally got her own hug.

"I'll see ya later, Big Brother! Love you!"

"Run em ragged, Blueberry! Love ya too."

She ran off with Belfast and Tyler went to his class. MArillia smirked as he walked in.

"So you know? EVERYONE knows you ditched."

"Your point?"


He noted the class was empty and she smirked as she too noted it.

"NOT enough time."

He kissed her deeply.

"Looks like we need to plan it right then."

She sighed with a longing leer in her eyes.

"It does so seem."

"Good thing arrangements can be made."

she sighed and he kissed her again wirh more longing passion before he went to his seat and the now arroused teacher shivered.

"WHEN you get back from your raid. I have a free."

"I'll be sure to fill that time."

She shivered again and smiled as the class came in. Akeno led the pack and smirked as she saw a flush on MArillia's face as she got her own morning kiss.

"Should I be curious?"

"A deal has been made."

"HA! Alright."

She sat down and Koneko got her own kiss before Unicorn came skipping for her hug.

"I'll be moving in!"

He patted her warmly.

"Just to keep you safer Uni."


JAvelin smiled warmly as she took her seat.

"Good morning Tyler."

"Morning Javelin. Hey."

He flicked her an extra key and she smiled warmly at the ploy.

"I do appreciate it."

"Surprises are nice."

"Indeed they are."

Satuski strode into the room and he looked at her.

"So I had a THOUGHT on the zombie floor."

She nodded as she sat behind him.

"Is it simple enough for a before period meeting?"

"Since I'm the most experienced in that floor, and the most knowledgable, I lead the raids on the floor until you're all more skilled and familar."

"I see. I find this a very shrewd idea. Asuna?"

"Agreed with the call. Since we understand the normal dungeon the MOST anyway."

"Hm. Are you fresh enough for such a raid after yesterday?"

"Sure. It's just gunfu and focusing."

"Then you will lead the raids until you are happy with our skills."

"My party today is Asuna, Rasweisa, Xenovia and Akeno. Alright."

Kirito smirked as he looked over from his seat.

"Asuna likes shotguns, Tyler."

"I think I'll give her that M870 I have."

"I know the one. scary bit a kit."

"Ha. I'LL take that SPAZ12 this time."

Satuski smirked.


He spun RIGHT around and looked her in the eye with a smirk.

"Clever girl."

"Hold onto your butts."

"We'll discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back."

"We will binge those movies, Tyler."

"Abso-FUCKING-lutely, Satuski. ONE question."

"Original trilogy FIRST."


He got her phone nuber and Akeno smirked as she watched.

"Oh my. Should I give an update?"

"NAh I'll do it myself. Gives me an excuse to see her ya know?"

They chuckled at that one and the class started. Tyler paying attention for once without any of his pranks or silent gags...until he smirked and sent a GIF to Rias of a loud scream.

"You're an ASS!"

"Oi. She's done it to me HOW many times?"

A faint sound of screaming was heard and Tyler nearly LOST it laughing as a glowing red ball appeared before him.

"I am going to KILL you!"

And Rias' amused and FURIOUS voice was heard on the ball and Tyler smiled fondly at the thing.


"You nearly gave us a heart attack you hilarious dick!"

"Love you too."

Marillia sighed with a smile.

"Classic, and be careful. I heard their screaming from here."

"was either a scream or a wet fart. Felt this one was the funnier."

Rias' voice had a new fearful anger to it now.

"If you HUMILATE ME like that in front of my class, YOU sleep outside."

"Love you too, Rias. See ya later."

The ball faded and Tyler smirked as he looked at his phone.

"Annnd NOW!"

He sent the video loading GIF to her and Kirito smirked.

"Asuna was LIVID when she found out it was just a GIF. Said she'd had anxiety all day."


"Oh shit."

"THAT one lasts for 5 minutes.....then SHRIEKS bloody murder."

Koneko and Akeno looked at each other.

"We just lost our boyfriend."

"Yup. Rias is going to MURDER him."

"With a baseball bat."

The class smirked and returned to the lesson as the five minutes passed....and a fresh round of screaming was heard and Tyler lost it AGAIN as the ball of flame appeared,


And Rias' INFURIATEDLY amused voice was heard and he kissed the ball.

"NOW we're even."

"OOOOOOOH it is so ON!"

"Love you too, Rias."

The ball faded and Marillia sighed.

"Great. NOW I have pure nightmare fuel."

The period ended and Tyler went to the Raider meeting room where Asia marched up to him....wound up...and BOOTED him in the balls in a fury. He dropped as she went off on him.

"I nearly had a heart attack you sick fuck! I feel off my desk on my ass and NEARLY LOST MY VOICE FROM SCREAMING! NO!"

Tyler was too busy roiling in pain from her kick to really reply as the other two boys winced in fellow pain.


"Good one Asia."

Tyler recovered and got shakily to his feet as Asia was panting from her rage and he patted her.


"I will use a meat mallet next time you patronizing prick."

"Love you too Asia."

"THAT doesn't work on me when I'm pissed."

"Oh. Okay."

He kissed her and she squeaked at the attack before she smiled lovingly.

"Ahhh BETTER!"

"I fucking love you Asia."


Tyler winced as he sat down and Kirito nudged him chuckling.

"Learn anything?"

"Yeah. Asia's in Rias' class. And she can KICK."

The blue eyed blonde smiled sweetly.

"Remember who my FIRST boyfriend was you idiot."

"OH, RIIIIGHT. I forgot you're a professional."

"Hey! AKENO is the professional. I ust watched."

"Hey! I am not that bad!"

The friends chuckled at the offense as Satuski took her seat and Tyler got to the point.

"Alright. The rosters for the twin raids had an update. I'll be leading the zombie floor raids as I am the most experienced with the floor. Once you've gotten more practice and experience, I'll be in charge a those raids. Asuna, Akeno, RAsweisa, and Xeria are with me. Rest a you are with Kirito. Who is third in command of raids as he has the most experience after myself and Asuna. Then Bell, and then Satuski."

he white haired Bell blinked as he was named fourth in command.

"I'm getting better."

"Atta boy. Oh, drop by then house sometime. Hestia'd love to see you."

He smiled at this idea.

"I'll do that. Thanks."

Tyler looked at Asuna.

"Your weapon this run is the model 870 shotgun. 8 round tube, 12 gauge, long gun."

She nodded.

"Understood. Akeno?"

"She'll use the STG44 as she has experience with it. Rasweisa I'll give that M4 I have, and Xenovia I'll give that G36C."

The heads nodded and Tyler looked at Satuski.

"we'll head out now. Only question is teleport or Humvee."

Asuna answered with a smile.

"Teleport. One less thing to worry about."

"Alright. Akeno? enchant us."

She laughed as they teleported to his room and he took his Spaz12 12 bore combat shotgun down.

"Alright. I got an ammo drop yesterday from a lootbox. 20 magazines ladies. And 240 shells for me."

Akeno smiled as she hefted her STG44.

"I like it."

Xenovia smirked as she hefted the sleek G36C with high visibility red dot sight and underbarrel grip.

"ME too."

RAsweisa nodded approvingly as she took her M4 with upgraded stock, trigger system and nen blue red dot sight.

"It's solid."

Tyler swung his zombie raider harness on and his backpack before he pumped the powerful shotgun.

"Let's bounce ladies."

They teleported to the dungeon and Tyler took point in the elevator.

"Zombie floor where I left off."

The thing dropped and Tyler flipped the flashlight on the end of the barrel on and Asuna smiled.

"I see you learned."

"Trenchgun's powerful and it saved my life in that terrorist attack I think I told you about. BUT. THIS THING, is MY BABY. I BUILT it myself from the spring up. 16 round tube. Semiautomatic OR pumpaction. and it has that folding stock."

Akeno smiled as she pulled the handle on her STG44 back.

"This'll be fun."

RAsweisa smiled as she got a kiss.

"I remembered."

"YOU are MY battleangel tonight."

She sighed with a flushed smile.

"I think we can enjoy that."

Xenovia chuckled as she got a kiss as well.

"I'm okay. Tomorrow it's me right?"

"Koneko actually. You got the day after."

"Ah. Playboy."

"Love you too Xenovia."

The friends smiled at that as Asuna smirked.

"Yue's gonna meet Sally."

"They'll be sisters on sight."

"That's my fear."

He chuckled as there was a loud ding and the door opened to reveal the padded room Tyler had staged his last stand in complete with the still present piles of zombies he;d killed during. The ladies blinked at the nearly four foot deep pile of dead around the room and Tyler smiled as he patted a machete on his hip.

"Never back a psychpath in it's lair."

They chuckled at that and the friends moved into the hallway where he nodded to the corpse of the beast.

"That was the second boss, Akeno."

She whistled as she saw the crude battleaxe.


They moved along the hallway toward the stairs and then up them with Tyler's spaz12 flashlight shining an eerie light ahead.

"We went down last time. NOW we go up."

Rasweisa smirked.

"Be REALLY funny if we find a helicoptor on the roof."

Tyler chuckled.

"If we DO, I THINK I can fly it. Depending on what it is."

Asuna drew the line there.

"NO you will NOT. Cars are fine. We are NOT getting into a helicopter with you as pilot WITHOUT you getting certified."

"Appreciate the faith Asuna."


They reached the second floor and Tyler led the way to the left where a glowing icon got Xenovia's eye.

"Hey I got a blue glow here guys."

The friends gathered and Tyler smirked as he saw it.

"A level 2 Origin 12 semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun. 8 round stick mag, and HORRENDUS range without attachments. 2,500 bucks and it comes with TWO attachments. MArk it caaaaause I don't have one."

Asuna marked the spot down in the zombie floor book and they were moving. They didn't get far before a door was found and Tyler flipped the safety off on his gun.

"Xen opens. I clear."

They nodded and he took a spot at the front....when the telltale little girl's sobbing was heard inside the room and Tyler nodded as he took a grenade. Xenovia intched the door open to reveal a tiny girl hunched over her hands sobbing heartbrokenly as Tyler pulled the pin, counted to three and tossed the thing into the room before shutting the door. There was a bang and a shrill scream and the door was booted open to reveal another pile of loot. Tyler smirked as he saw the remains of the patient room now covered in scorch marks.


The loot was 2 guns, and three loot boxes. Tyler lifted the first gun and tilted his head.

"Huh. There's a relic. An Arisaka Type 95 bolt action rifle from the second world war. I don't have one but have used it a lot in videogames."

Akeno took the thing quizzically.

"I'll take it. It's a level 1, right?"

"With a sling. Alright. Second gun is a Skorpion machine pistol. A NASTY fire rate and tiny ass mag. Level 1."

Asuna took it.

"I need guns for this anyway."

The rest of the room yielded nothing and the friends moved on to the nurses' station in the middle of a four way intersection. Tyler vaulted over the rim of the curved counter to be faced with a TERRIYING sight. A naked little girl zombie completely covered from head to foot in dried blood. Tyler didn't hesitate and popped her in the face with the shotgun. The ladies shuddered and Asuna had WIDE green eyes.

"So much for sleeping tonight."

"I'll ask Sally to join ya and Yue. She's got a VERY soothing presence."

"Thanks Tyler."

"Pro tip?"

She smirked.

"Choose. WISELY."

"after a day of hell, take a hot bath with some chocolate or whatever and some eyebleach anime. works like a charm EVERY time."

She smiled warmly.

"I'll use it as an excuse to get spoiled by Kirito."

Tyler smirked and whipped out his phone and dug through his arsenal of GIfs.

"Oh. Good. I still have it."

Akeno smirked.

"Another jumpscare?"


He shbowed her the 10 second GIF of tumbling kittens and she awww'd hard....when one leapt at the camera and she jumped.

"Aww that's cute!"

He sent the thing with thre message,

"I love you so freakin much Rias."

The girls smiled at that and he waited for the phonecall and it did not take long.

"THAT was kinda cute, Tyler!"

He smiled at her soft voice.

"I love you too, Rias."

"I wanna snuggle later."

"As you wish, MY dear Empress."

"OOOOOH NOT in school dammit! Now I have to go to class all glowing."

"Hey fuck you lookin at?"

His gun went off and the head of another zombie poking it's head around a corner exploded.

"Sneaky FUCK."


"Oh I'm fine. Some zombie was gettin nosy. And don't worry. I packed MY go to this time."

Rias chuckled.

"I'll see you at home, Tyler."

"We're working tonight, remember?"

"Like my club can REALLY be called work."

"True. we're making YOU happy, Rias. And that is ALWAYS time WELL spent."

"Awww-COME ON! stop attacking my heart in SCHOOL dammit! I'm blushing and all smiley and now I have to go to class with an Asia glow!"

"enjoy your interrogation, my LOVE!"


She hung up with a laugh and Akeno smiled warmly.

"You two are so cute together, Tyler. I'm a little jealous."

He smiled.

"I love you too, Akeno."

"I know. But i'm not Rias!"

"NO you are NOT."

She smiled as he looked at the dead zombie kid and tilted his head at something.

"Helllo. There's a key in her ass. THAT'S new."

He retrieved the thing amid a mass of death glares from the ladies. Tyler looked at the door key curiously.

"Huh. It goes to a storage closet. Room number....36 D. Asuna,"

"NO boob jokes."

"NO dick jokes."


"Didn't we pass the D floor on the way up?"

She frowned and looked at the book as RAsweisa popped a further off zombie in the face with her G36C.

"Good kill Rasia."


Asuna looked up from the book.

"we've found floors A, F, C and T. No sign of D yet."

"Hmm. We'll keep it for now. It MIGHT be a loot room or a boss room. Come on. Let's check the main offices."

Xenovia smiled.

"Thank you for not making the stupid jokes."

"I'm NOT just bad jokes and sex puns Xeneria."

"Aww I LOVE how that sounded!"

They smiled as Tyler used his gun to prod open the nursing station's office...only to get pounced on by a FLAMING HELLHOUND. The spaz barked and the dog exploded into a flaming mess and he glared at the napalm like substance now eating at the floor.

"OOOOOOH I HATE these things. watch your asses. Shit BURNS. And we don't have Asia to heal the scar after."

The now grim faced ladies nodded firmly as the flames went out and Tyler went in to be faced by ANOTHER of the humanoid creatures from the first floor.

"Light it up!"

The gunfire started with Tyler rushing it headon and sliding around the thing as the mess of humans roared like a human male orgasming and swung a fist made from the head of a woman at him...only for Akeno to jab her gun barrel in the thing's back.

"welcome to hell!"

And empty her magazine into the thing's torso. The 30 rounds tore a gaping hole and it dropped to the floor with a meaty thud and exploded into a pile of loot. Tyler smiled widely as the girls recovered from the surprise.

"Good kill Akeno! THAT'S how you do it with this kind. Just GET in it's face and LET em have it!"

She smiled sweetly as she reloaded her rifle.

"I'm not JUST leering at you!"

"Nor am I."

She smiled warmly as Asuna looked at rhe pile.

"Load up and call it a raid?"

"Nah. This was a lesser miniboss, Asuna. We still got fire left in the tank. Sides. You're not even breathing hard."

She sighed at that as he looked the stuff over.

"I heard KIRITO say that. NOT YOU."

"How'd it work out?"

"We found the Minotaur on 75."

"OOOOH yeah. The first starburst. I've seen your show like ten times and yet? That one NEVER fails to sent a shiver down my spine EVERY TIME."

She smiled as she helped pass out ammo to the party.

"Your scene in that story of that fight did the same thing to me. And oddly enough? I agree with your views of crime and punishment"

"In SAS, there's no hoops to jump through. Just action, reaction, and results."

he smiled at that one as Tyler lifted a flowing ballgown from the floor and tilted his head at it.

"Huh. It's not in Rias' size for once. Akeno? Size....actually just look."

The girls smirked.


The purple haired beauty looked at the number.

"Oh. It's Belfast's size."

"I'll give it to her then."

The flowing thing was put away and he looked at the set of four guns on the floor.


He lifted one with a tilted head.

"Huh. An RPK light machinegun. Basically a larger AK47 with a bigger magazine. 7.62 Russian. Level two with light stock and 90 round extended mag."

RAsweisa took the beefy gun.

"I'll take it. I need more guns actually."

The next gun made him chuckled.

"A streetsweeper automatic shotgun. 32 round drum mag by default. And you have reload it one at a time. Level 2. Extended 42 round drum with a firm stock. That reload is HORRIFIC. I'll take it though. These things are kinda rare."

He hooked it to his harness and Xenovia lifted the next gun quizzically.

"It's so.....tiny."

"That's a Tar-12 bullpup assault rifle, Xenovia. 5.56 NATO with a 30 round mag. A solid rifle allround and is rather easy to point and aim. You take it since you need a good AR."


The last gun was a handgun and Tyler smirked as he looked down it's sights.

"Here's a CLASSIC. Baretta M92F Swordfish. I am taking this as I have BEEN looking for a second for years. OOOOH I can't WAIT to hit this floor with Revy beside me."

Aken, Xenovia, and Rasweisa smirked at that one with Akeno saying it.

"Should we be concerned?"

"She's a gunslinger like I am. And she might even be the better shot."

"WOAH. Her personality?"

"A firecracker psycho bitch chick. that kills people for a living."

They whistled as he spun the handgun and holstered it on his belt.

"Best part is that IS a Black Lagoon varient. alright. Moving on."

The friends left the nurses station and headed along the right hand hallway with Tyler slotting extra shells into his gun when a maternity ward caught his eye and he looked through the window to see a group of zombie children all milling around.

"We got a small mob of 15. Drop em."

The ladies gulped but took aim. Tyler opened the barrage and the 15 zombie kids were put down before the friends moved among the tiny corpses to a medium loot box near the back. Tyler opened it and smiled.

"More guns Asuna and some body armor in Raswesia's size."

The valkery took the leg armor and he helped her strap it on before he kissed her deeply.


she smirked as she was wearing a skirt and he'd got a glimpse of her meshy panties.

"Come on."

He chuckled as he took the first gun from the crate out.

"Wow. Here's an icon. M1 Garand. 30-06 world war 2 battle rifle. I have three. Level 3 with extended 16 round clip, red dot sight and rifle grenade muzzle. I'll give this to Asia."

The weapon was added to their pile and he looked at the second.

"Lotta world war 2 weapons going around. An MP40. 9mm and a standard SMG. I'll give this one to Bell."

And the last gun.

"MINE. A BAR. Browning Automatic Rifle. A level 2. Red dot sight and bayonet attachment. Sorry. I have been looking for a BAR for three years now."

He attached it to his harness and they were moving. Xenovia smiled as she looked at the beefy BAR on his harness.

"Shirley, Yoshkia's friend, uses that."

"One a the reasons why I wanted one."

The friends smiled at that as they approached a waiting room area and Tyler smirked as he saw the small horde of 40 or so individual zombies with two full packs of four flaming hellhounds.

"Sack up. MOB BOSS this time. How's the rear look, Akeno?"

"Clear. No doors."

"Alright. MArksmenship over volume. Make the shots count and watch your ammo."

They nodded and he lifted the BAR to take aim.

"Alright. Light em up."

The gunfire started with the dogs being the first to go. Their fiery deaths setting the other zombies alight with a set of green skinned things CRAWLING at them at an unnatural speed. Tyler shot them down with the beefy BAR as he reloaded frequently but with ease as the large horde was shot to pieces in a matter of minutes. The warrior smiled as he reloaded his BAR after the last zombie dropped.

"Good work ladies. Let's go see what we got."

Asuna smiled as she reloaded her M870.

"Hordes on their own aren't that difficult. So long as we have enough bullets."

They moved among the carnage until they were faced with a faintly glowing large loot box that made Tyler frown. He shot the thing and it transformed into a ten foot tall tentacled, skinless creature.

"MIMIC! Kill it!"

The guns opened up again with Tyler firing BOTH the SPAZ AND THE STREETSWEEPER one gun per hand at the thing and it litterally was shot to pieces. It shattered and left behind a glowing loot box of 10 feet by ten feet and Tyler smirked as a sound of fanfare was heard and Ganisha too.

"Well done! Achievement unlocked! HANDS OFF THE GOODS! Awarded for killing a mimic in the first 10 seconds WITHOUT BEING TOUCHED! Reward is 5,000 DOLLARS!"

Asuna smirked.

"Hands off the goods. Wow."

Tyler smirked as he walked over to the chest.

"We'll need to keep an eye out for mimics now. each time we get that is 5 grand."

He opened the box and blinked as he saw what was inside.


"Another car?"

"No. JUst a LOT. 15 guns, 150,000 dollars, ten named lootboxes, a mass of attachments for various firearms, a mass of weapon parts and the liek for in here, a pile of clothes, and another set of keys."

He took the keys out and shrugged.

"And from what I can tell they go to a pickup truck. Makes sense."

He hung them on his belt as the crate was found to have wheels and they wheeled it to a large freight elevator where Tyler hit a button that had a rising sun on it. Asuna nodded approvingly.

"I see how you raid. Go until you either encounter something BIG, OR fill your pockets."

"Whichever comes first. The truck we'll use for daily raids since there'll be a lot to carry sometimes."


Hestia was in her booth and she smiled as they approached.

"Hey Tyler. Easy raid?"

"Kinda. A decent amount of targets but nothing TOO extreme. More keys though."

The twin tailed goddess smiled as she made the four models appear.

"Choose wisely!"

He swapped through the four models until he found one.

"Herre we go. A V12, 6 person beast with a 6 ton bed capacity and dualy back wheel."

Asuna smirked as she saw the thing.

"Can we DRIVE into the Zombie Floor?"

Hestia smirked.

"Yes you can. As a tactical insertion."

Tyler smirked now himself.

"Hey Ganisha, make the raids on the Zombie Floor a TV channel. With a set of viewpoints INCLUDING our eyes."

The amazed god's voice was heard.

"THAT is a GREAT idea. and when you enter the floor you can opt to allow the use of your eyes. and ANYONE can view the raid like a floating screen. The spell is called RAIDER VIEW! Just say the name of the raider and you'll get to see what they see. And all PREVIOUS raids are able to be watched as well!"

"Thanks Ganisha."

Tyler got the truck and they loaded their loot into the bed before he took the driver's seat with Asuna beside him. She groaned with relief as she sank into the leather upholstery.

"OOOH it feels good to be off my feet."

"seems Kirito's got work to do later."

She smiled warmly at that.

"I'll guilt trip him later."

They chuckled as the rumbling truck left the dungeon behind and Tyler drove it back to the school. Satuski was waiting at the garage and she noted the full bed.

"A lucrative trip I presume."

"With a few new enemy types to watch out for."

"I see. Full debrief once the truck is parked."

"Got it."

The truck was parked beside the Humvee and the friends brought the loot to the Raider Room where it was laid out. Tyler and the party kept their already claimed weapons beside them and the warrior slid the proflies of the new enemies around. He tapped the profile of the flaming hellhounds.

"Right now, these hellhounds are the most dangerous enemies down there outside the bosses. The hounds run in packs up to 5 and when killed explode into flecks of napalm. I have lost first round games when they appear. they're easily killed, but if you kill them without thinking you'll just back yourself into a corner."

Bell frowned as he looked at the paper.

"does the flame hurt other zombies?"

"It does. Which if we encounter a horde and they're among the number, shoot the dogs FIRST. The flames wll weaken the remaining zombies and make our lives that much easier. Same with the crawlers. They release a toxic gas on death that slows and disorientes any inside it's reach. This includes zombies."

The small child zombies profile was slid forward.

"These are the child zombies. They're smaller and faster but also weaker. They're biggest worry is the SHHHHEER nightmare fuel they are. Kill them and move on with your day."

A mass shudder went through the room and Tyler slid the mimic profile forward.

"Now. The mimic. Assume any chest above a small is a mimic now and put a round into it. If it IS, instant attack. If NOT, no reaction. Kill it within the first ten seconds without it touching you for a medal. Hands Off The Goods. Rewards 5,000 cash every time earned."

Kirito smirked now.

"So there's a challenge system in play and an achievement system as well. Okay. Strength?"

"About the first boss we fought."

He slid the creature's profile forward and the heads nodded. Then the warrior hung the new set of keys on the peg with the humvee's and Mobile Homes.

"That truck and Humvee will be for hauling loot back. I got the word we can drive them into the dungeon for a tactical insertion. Which in turn means longer raids because of a resupply station and unload as well."

Satuski's eyes flashed with idea.

"and extended raids as well with two cells swapping for food and rest. So long as one part of the party is in the dungeon we can continue our progress while the other resupplies bullets and sleep."

Tyler frowned.

"If we're gonna go for an extended raid down there, Satuski, we'd need to secure a weekend to do it. AND a HELLUVA lot more ammo and supplies too."

The heads nodded and Tyler looked at the pile of weaponry on the floor.

"I suggest we put THOSE into the Club Armory. I got the ones I wanted and none are interesting to me."

The heads nodded and the rest of the loot was divvyed up.

"Now. There is a new feature for the Zombie Floor."

Kirito smiled.

"we all got the explaination at the same time."

"Ah. Alright. How'd you guys do?"

Satuski sighed.

"We endured another round of slander from the higher ranked schools. Seems despite our triumph over Axe in front of the city we are still the lowest ranked of all the schools. The rankings are decided by raids and how successful they are. Despite our immense success, we are climbing the ranks far too slowly for my liking. we are third from the bottom and that is NOT acceptable."

Tyler shrugged.

"The safety of our party is more important then ranking Satuski. Let those idiots kill themselves in the dungeon. while WE build our strength and power at OUR PACE. NOT theirs."

Asuna nodded slowly.

"I completely agree. That's how we cleared floors in SAO. Slow and steady. When we're confident of our strength and have thoroughly scouted the boss, we attack with all our strength and BREAK THROUGH."

Tyler smirked.

"Yeeeah. Asuna? In SAO? You got into a tight spot ya called Kirito. ANNnnd BOOM. PROBLEM solved."

She smiled as she hugged her husband.

"He IS the best player in SAO!"

Kirito smiled warmly at the brownie points.

"I love you too, Asuna."

The room smiled at the tender moment as Tyler looked at Satuski.

"Let those idiots talk, Satuski. When we're ready, we'll drop the sky on em."

She smirked.

"Let them bask in the glow of their luerals. I can tell. They are USED to being on top, like you said."

"And WE are USED to CLAWING our way to the top."

"One inch at a time."

"Interesting image."

She smirked knowingly.

"A VERY interesting image."

"One I would VERY much like to see."

"As would I."

He slid his phone into a subtle view and she sent a message to it the same manner.


"In heaven. Shall we set a date?"

"I will speak with your Primary."

"Looking forward to you."

She smirked and the session was set. Then Tyler looked at the cash.


"The grand total this time for the party was 500,000 dollars."

"nice. that by 2, is 250,000. That by TEN is 25,000. Not bad people."

The shares were taken and Akeno looked at the new funds.

"In the clb fund we have 687,000."

TYler nodded.

"When we break a million we'll put some work into our fleet and arsenals. After that we'll see about a trip to a outside dungeon."

Satuski smiled at the thought.

"I'll get profiles on dungeons two days from us. We'll make it a club trip."

"Alright. Good work today Raiders. DiiiisMISS!"

They laughed and headed off to lunch. Tyler went to where Rias was sure to be and smiled as he found her sitting by the large window as she had yesterday and she smiled as he walked over.


He kissed her.


She smiled as he sat beside her.

"So I watched your raid yesterday on the Screen."

He stroked her soft red hair lovingly.

"Close one, wasn't it?"

She smiled as she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I could SEE your plan and sheer experience in such situations CLEARLY. And that was intense from the first person view."

"Imagine BEING there."

"And I just told myself I couldn't be MORE impressed."

"And I just dol myself you couldn't be any more amazing."

She smiled at that. Then smirked.

"I sense.....a bulge."

"Satuski's interested."


"Yup. She's lookin for ya. Oh. And after lunch I'll be visiting MArillia. Help her with an itch."

"If she can walk, ya failed."

He kissed her.

"I'd rather have YOU."

She smiled at that ask.

"I'm interested. BELIEVE ME I AM. Still too soon."

"I'm not going anywhere. Just know I DO want you."

"I want you too. When I forget."

"HAve it said."

She smiled.

"Have it said."

He kissed her deeply and held her tightly for a moment before he smiled at her.

"wanna go for a ride on the bike after school?"

"WE'RE working."

"Oh. wanna work WITH ME?"


He smiled.

"Kinda miss cuddling you, Rias."

She smiled warmly.

"We'll have all weekend."

"I know. just greedy."


"Hey. It's YOU for god's sake, Rias. Cna you REALLY blame me?"

"NO I cannot."

"I love you, Rias."

She shivered with a smile.


He smiled at the near reflex reply that had NEARLY been different. She smiled as well and he kissed her deeply for a moment before the redheaded devilgirl looked him in the eye.

"Nearly there."

"I'd wait for you forever, Rias."

She smiled warmly at that.....and smacked him.

"Those screams were a dick move. And it is ON."

"Ha. Let the WAR begin."

They kissed again and Tyler went to his free period where he headed up to Marillia's office. The busty blonde smiled eagerly as he shut AND locked the door behind him.

"I've been aching for you."

He chuckled as he walked over and kissed her deeply.

"I'll ease your longing."

Her skirt was unzipped and dropped while her own set of double Ds were set loose with a soft fop. Tyler smiled as he pinned her over her desk and she moaned as he slid into her from the rear.

"Don't be shy. I like it forceful."

He smirked and started POUNDING her tight ass with strong strokes that had her mewling in pleasure. 45 minutes later, Marillia was left panting in her chair minus her panties. A sated flush on her cheeks and a satisfied smile on her face as Tyler zipped up with a chuckle.

"I'll see ya next time, Marillia."


He chuckled at her low groan before he headed out to Raswesia's class. The valkery smiled tiredly as he walked in and he kissed her.

"I'm looking forward to tonight, Rasia."

"ME too."

Akeno and Asia were in their seats with Yoshkia behind his own as he sat down. Yoshkia smiled as he kissed her.

"Sally's in my class in the morning."


"She's a good student. And like REALLY smart."

"I tutored her too."

That made her chuckle. Then she smirked.

"Oh yeak. Captain Barkhorn wants to HURT YOU. She's in RIAS' first period...and she SQUEAKED."

He looked at Asia and the blonde haired girl smiled sweetly.

"Nice knowin ya jackass!"

Tyler smirked thinly now and pulled his phone. Rasweisa sighed.

"Tyler. As much fun as it is to watch Rias get pranked, can you like NOT set her off TOO much please?"

"Ha. Not for HER this time."

They looked at him curiously as he sent a GIF of an air raid siren to Shirley. Yoshkia laughed.

"YOU are EVIL! And my GOD is that gonna be funny!"

There was a faint sound of screaming before his phone rang with the tall redheaded friend to Yoshkia on the other end, VERRRRRY PISSED!

"YOU SONUVABITCH! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"


"IDIOT I am going to BEAT you to death!"

Yoshkia was laughing hard....

"OOooooh. YOSHKIA."

"Hey! It was NOT ME!"

Shirley chuckled darkly now.

"Ooooh I am going to GET you for this, Yoshkia."


The call ended and Yoshkia glared at Tyler in offense.

"YOU set me up you cocksucker! FUCK YOU!"

He looked at her in mild shock and snapped his fingers.

"Appear, MINA!"

"what the HELL did Yoshkia just say?"

Mina poked her head in with a FURIOUS expression on her face and Yoshkia looked at Tyler like he was god.

"Hi. How in the BLUE FUCK did you do that?"

"Appear: ASUNA."

"TYLER. What did you DO?"

Asuna appeared in the doorway cracking her knuckles and Yoshkia was on the verge of a fit from sitting behind an appearent GOD.

"Lord, forgive me my sins and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?"

The warrior lost it laughing at her expression and her fearful voice and Akeno groaned.


Tyler recovered with a chuckle and looked at Yoshkia.

"Just some black magic."

"Yeeeeah. BLACK. MAGIC. I hate you so much right now."

"Love you too, Yoshi."

"Aww! I like that!"

He hugged her warmly and Asia pouted.

"Come here."


She got her own hug and kiss and Rasweisa sighed with a fond smile at the affection.

"Cute. And I'll get some of my own later."

"Maybe more an some."

"Most likely."

Asuna and Mina sighed as they left.

"He is SUCH a BAD influence."

"And a HORRIBLE enabler."

The class started and Tyler smiled as he worked with his friends around him and the period ended without issue. The warrior took his devil girlfriends in a wing hug as they walked to the old schoolhouse. Asia smiling as she snuggled into his fallen angel wing.

"I like this."

He patted her fondly.

"I love it."

Akeno had a happy smile on her face as they walked.

"We should do a mass sleepover Tyler. You and the entire harem."

"We'll set it up the right way Akeno."

She smiled warmly and the friends walked inside to find Rias waiting for them at the foot of the stairs with a tired expression.

"Sooo we have an issue."

Tyler kissed her and she smiled lovingly.

"Correction. We have ANOTHER issue."

He took her hand and she sighed.

"come on."

"You okay?"

"Just...come see what I mean."

The now curious friends walked up the stairs and the redhead led them to the door to the club room.....and Tyler sighed as he saw the thing had been set on FIRE.


Rias pushed the door open and the thign crumbled to dust to reveal their cherished club room had been COMPLETELY torched to the point ALL the furniture had been incinerated, the floor was crumbling, and there was a faint scent of charcoal in the air. Tyler tossed a small rock into the room an the ENTIRE room crumpled to ash, leaving a near PERFECT cut out of where the room had once been. Asia was about to burst into tears but Tyler merely patted her.

"It's fine, Asia. I'll call in a favor."

Rias smiled warmly as the room glowed and was restored to PREFLAME BATH by Ganisha.

"Thanks Ganisha."

"Tyler has given me SEVERAL great IDEAS to make YOUR PARADISE better! And I'm happy to help!"

Tyler walked in and sat on the couch with a sigh. Rias rested against him.

"So. Rizer?"



She nodded tiredly as Akeno made some tea while the rest of the informed club arrived.

"I thought it was Rizer at first as well. But."

She slid a photo over and it showed a now redheaded Issei inside the room setting it on fire. Tyler rubbed his eyes tiredly as he saw the flames.

"those flames belong to Natsu. Fairytail Fire dragonslayer."

She nodded.

"Issei appearantly bought a set off Natsu saying his own dragon power got stolen."

"I'll talk to the Pyro."

"Already done. He was PISSED."

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

Rias smiled at that and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm okay. Really."

He looked her in the eye and smiled.

"Alright. I love you, Rias."

She smiled and he held her tightly.

"I...I know."

Her blue eyes flashed and the warrior kissed her deeply before she smiled lovingly. Then she glared at the photo.

"Issei has been listed as a Hunted Rogue Devil now. and it's OUR job to put him down."

Asia nodded with the rest.

"I HATE that monster."

GAsper cracked his knuckles.


"Yeah I'll NOT use my time power ALONGSIDE YOURS. Since I can see that causing problems."

Rias chuckled.

"Smart. But not nessecary. It'd just resonate and double the effect."

"Alright. YOU da best. So. IS this an execution squad or a capture squad?"

She looked at him gravely.

"An execution squad. Issei is to be put to death as a Rogue Devil."

"Alright. When do we roll out?"

Rias smiled and her wings flared.

"Let's fly."

The heads nodded and they flew out the window. Tyler hand in hand with Rias as the pair soared high above the afternoon town. Koneko, Akeno, Xenovia, RAsweisa, Asia, GAsper, and Kyba all following suit. Rias looked at him.

"Issei was spotted near the forest."

Tyler nodded as they winged their way towards the forest on the edge of town.

"Odds he'll try to firebomb OUR house?"

She smirked.

"Oh I HOPE he does. Belfast and Hestia are home with Unicorn getting her settled."



The hunters reached the forest easily enough and Tyler sighed as he spotted some telltale scorch among the trees.

"There. Odds are Natsu found him first. Guy's a scary good tracker."

The scorch turned out to be the aftermath of a rather fierce battle and Tyler chuckled as he spotted a pink haired boy beating the crap out of another boy with spiky hair.

"NEVER mess with Fairytail."

The pink haired boy was the same height as Tyler with short spiky pink hair and fair skin. He was muscular with bright brown eyes and decked out in an open front vest of black. His pants were short and he had sandles on his feet while around his neck was a checkered scarf of white and black. His voice a hearty bark as the dragonslayer threw a badly beaten and scorched Issei to the ground with a disgusted force. Tyler chuckled as he landed by the boy with the brand on his shoulder.

"I was WONDERING when you Fairytail lunatics would show up. How's it hanging Natsu?"

The guy chuckled as Tyler walked up.

"So YOU'RE the one they said was a fan. Nice to meetchya. I'm NAtsu Dragneel. You here for that guy?"

"Yup. Might wanna take off. we're an execution detail."

Natsu blinked at that.

"You're gonna kill em?"

"Yup. He fucked up that kinda way. And did you know WHY he had his power stolen?"

"He said some guy was jealous and attacked him from behind."

"Yeeeah NOOOO. He tried to rape Asia there and a girl by the name of Unicorn. I stole his power to make sure he couldn't try again."

NAtsu was freakin GLOWING from rage at THAT newsbomb.

"I can smell the truth on you. And I gave him my FLAME."

Tyler chuckled as he slapped him on the back.

"He's a loser for a reason, Natsu. Don't let it bug ya."

That made him chuckle.

"Fair enough. I'll head back to town since Fairytail doesn't kill. Well. So EASILY I should say."

"Catchya later. Oh! Happy here?"

"Yup. He's with Wendy and Carla."

"Ya MIGHT wanna watch him. MY little sister came here and...she likes cats. She sees him, SORRY! She'll catnap him and that'll be the LAST yoy ever see."

Natsu laughed.

"I'll be sure to warn him."

He left whistling and Rias chuckled.

"I LIKE that guy."

"Natsu's good people, Rias. He's one o MAH favorites too."

The redheaded beauty smiled fondly as Tyler walked to her side.

"No jealousy?"

"None. He's got his own girl."

"Ah. She good?"

"Her name's Lucy. And is a blue eyed blonde haired scrapper."

"Wow. I wanna meet her."

"Ya should. Ya'd love her....Akeno."

"Oh my! She's into that?"

"HER weapon of choice? A freakin BULLWHIP."

"Oh my."

The friends smiled at that new interest before returning to the drama at hand. Issei lay unmoving on the dirt badly burned and beaten and Tyler chuckled.

"Ya fucked up this time dumbass. Be thankful it was NATSU you pissed off. HAd it been Gajeel or ERza, you'dda STILL been getting pounded into the dirt. So."

He looked at Rias.

"Don't you have some kinda procedure for this....or can I just put a bullet in his head?"

"I'll do it."

"Are you sure?"

She kissed him deeply.


He looked her in the eye and she held it without a waver and he nodded.

"Alright. I love you, Rias."

She smiled and didn't answer as she looked to the now groaning boy on the ground.

"Issei. I took you into the House of Gremory because of your power. I had such great hopes for you as you such GREAT POTENTIAL to be a truly POWERFUL devil. You had your problems and your quirks, but I loved you. I really did. I thought you loved me too. But. I now know the truth."

She glared at him with a fury as a ball of blood red flame appeared in her hand.

"You only love the bodies of the women you lust after so disgustingly. The only one you truly love is yourself. NO ONE ELSE. I wish with everything I have, Drake had NEVER possessed you, and instead possessed Tyler. I regret saving you so VERY much. Now. Let me make that mistake right. You are condemned as a Rogue Devil before all of hell, and by my Right as the next head of the House of Gremory, Issei hyuta, I sentence you to DEATH for the crimes of betraying your master and attacking your family members."

ISsei screamed for a split second before the flicked flames reduced his body to ash. Rias and the devils shivered a moment before Asia let out a HUGE breath of relief.

"PHEW. FINALLY he's gone."

Rias nodded and smiled a wide, happy smile.

"Yeah. He's gone. And is NEVER COMING BACK."

Tyler smiled as he walked over and she kissed him.

"I....feel better."

"I love you Rias."

She smiled knowingly.

"Let's go home."

They teleported to their room and he kissed her deeply.

"I love you, Rias."

She smiled happily.

"I love you too, Tyler."

His heart stopped.

Rias watched as she heard his heart stop beating for a VERY worrying 30 seconds while he smiled so wdely his lips split in like FIVE different places. Then his heart ragte EXPLODED and she hugged him hard.

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Rias."

She smiled as she healed his lips with a kiss.

"And....the sex? Do it right. NOT TONIGHT. But do it right."

"And....the OTHER plan?"

"OVERdo it."

"Absolutely. Are you okay?"

She nodded and her hair bounced.

"I am. I feel like I can FINALLY start to forget him. I like it."

He held her tightly.

"I love you Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. And....let's hit the dungeon."

He smiled widely.



He went to his arsenal and looked at what would suit his beautiful red headed girlfriend. Then took one down.

"Here. A G3. It's a weighty bit a kit, but perfect for you since it's easy to use and hits like a truck."

Rias smiled as she hefted the large assault rifle.

"I like it. What'll you use this time?"

He took down his AA12.

"I'm looking to go deep this time. So I'll be packing the painter."

She chuckled at that one as he loaded them up 20 magazines per. He took his backpack and harness and the pair went downstairs. Kirito and Asuna were cuddling on the couch with Yue and Sally snuggled together on the recliner watching an anime together and Tyler smiled at the sight.


"we already did our homework, Big Brother."


"AND studied."


Sally sighed.

"We showered this morning."

"GOOD. Where's Unicorn?"

Yue giggled.

"She's with Belfast in the basement. I guess she got her first kiss already."

Tyler looked at Rias a little surprised.

"I THINK we need a word with Gasper BEFORE we hit the dungeon."

She nodded, also wide eyed.

"I think we do as well. Gasper, Attend me."

The slender blonde boy rose from his circle and gulped as Ty;er patted him.

"WE need a CHAT mah man."


Rias went into the basement as Kirito went with Tyler and GAsper to another room where the warrior smirked at the now tembling boy.

"So. First base huh?"

Gaspy gulped.

"We had our first kiss after I took her out for dinner."

Kirito nodded.

"Do you love her?"


Gasper blushed HARD at that and Tyler smiled.

"We won't tell."

He nodded in relief.

"I love her. But I haven't told her yet. Trying to set it up for a good one."

The boys smiled at that one and Tyler fistbumped the vampire.


"UNicorn has no problem with a harem. So long as HER spot as primary is NOT able to be challanged. I agreed so long as she does NOT get jealous. And we snuggle."

The older boys nodded approvingly and Tyler smiled.

"I think that's all there is to it."

Kirito nodded with a smile.

"Take care of her, GAspy."

The red eyed vampire smiled fondly.

"I will."

They left the room to find Unicorn waiting with a happy smile to hug her boyfriend.

"GAspy! Come on! I'll show you my room!"

Belfast was smiling proudly as the pair went upstairs.

"Her heart is in good hands."

Sally smiled sweetly.

"Gaspy's CUTE!"

Tyler smirked.


"What? I can play too!"

"JUST play?"

"Oh. Right. I can date too!"

"Better. Only cruel hearted girls play games."

"Yes, Big Brother."

He patted her and Rias smiled warmly at the scene.

"How cute."

"Come on ya sexy minx."

The couple went to the garage and Tyler mounted his jet black motorcycle. Rias straddled the beefy hog behind him with a smile, wrapping her slender arms around his waist.


He smiled as he kicked it to life with a rumble.....and Asia appeared froma teleport. Tyler blinked and the blonde smiled quickly.

"I'm here to hang out with Uni. We'll go out soon anyway."

She got a kiss from Tyler and a hug from Rias for her sweetness before the pair rode off. Tyler smiling as he handled the throttle while Rias' blood red mane was strewn out behind them like an odd banner of blood.

"Okay this is awesome."

HE smiled at that one as they approached the dungeon.

"We'll take a day an go for a roadtrip Rias. Just you, an me."

Rias snuggled against him on the bike.

"I'd like that.....for that."

He kissed her deeply.

"Then we will."

"Somewhere NICE."

"JUST us."

She smiled happily as they rolled down a ramp by the guild and when they stopped, they were back inside the zombie hospital on the floor the mob boss had been. The bike was parked and Tyler pulled the charging handle on his AA12 back as Rias pulled the handle on her G3. Tyler smiled as he kissed her.

"Don't miss."

She smiled and they walked along the body smeared room to a hallway the warrior had not yet been down with the beefy full automatic shotgun at the ready. Rias had her longer rifle ready as well as the pair approached the first door. There was a sound of a little girl sobbing and Tyler pulled a grenade and Rias slid the door open...to reveal THREE of the Siren zombies sitting in a circle. Tyler blinked at this discovery before pulling two more grenades from his belt, tying them together with some twine, and pulling all three pins before tossing the makeshift antitank grenade into the room and shutting the door. There was a bigger boom along with three shrill shrieks of death and the door was opened to reveal a large scorch mark on the floor with an immense pile of loot. Tyler whistled as they walked in.

"THAT'S a little intense."

Rias nodded as she noted a glow on the wall.

"I got a green."

He looked and smiled.

"A level 3 desert eagle. 50 Action Express caliber handgun. Three attachments. A compensator, extended slide, and stippled grip tape. Alls it needs now is a lightweight trigger, pinpoint laser, a viper sight and bam. HAndcannon sniper. Price is....2,000 even. MAkes sense."

They looked to the loot and Tyler smiled as he saw something.

"A backpack and harness in your size. PLUS a vest of armor too. Alright."

The stuff was taken and Tyler looked at their funds.

"I've got 3,500 for that kill. I'll pick the deagle up as I don't have one and need a sidearm."

He walked over and pressed his hand to the glowing icon. There was a ding and the gun was peeled off the wall with 10 magazines and Tyler slid the thing on his belt.

"Alright then."

Rias threw a wolf whistle and they headed on. The warrior smiling as he kept watch and Rias keeping watch on the rear when they came to another set of stairs leading down. Tyler tilted his head as he saw the stairs.

"I REALLY hope this takes us to a new area. KINDA tired of the same battered hospital now."

Rias smiled as they decended.

"I guess since you've been down here so many times you kinda got over the asthetic."

"Always was one for seeing something new."

Rias smiled at that one as they headed down the stairwell.

"We'll find something new sooner or later."

He kissed her lovingly and leaned in her ear.

"So I had an idea."

she nodded wirh a shiver from his breath on her ear.

"Go on."

"In about two weeks, Hestia and Ganisha will be bringing a few people from MY world here, for an IN YO FACE rub in."

She blinked. Then smiled wickedly.

"The ones you killed?"


"I LOVE THAT IDEA. We'll tell the house."

"Have Belfast pack her cannons."

She laughed at that as they came upon aother glowing icon on the wall and Tyler looked at it curiously.

"huh. There's an odd find. A DP-12 Russian light machinegun. Basically the Russian version of the Lewis. a level one and price tag is 2,000 even. weird."

He shrugged and they were moving. Rias had her rifle up as they reached the bottom landing to be faced with an emergeny exit chained shut with a sign on the thing. Tyler blinked at this find.

"Um. Okay. either a VERY big boss battle, or the second area."

Rias nodded as they walked over.

"Only question is which?"

Tyler looked at the sign.

"Residential Access. Cost: 750 bucks. If ya please?"

Rias snapped the chains and the amount was deducted from her 10,000 before the pair moved into the new area....and found themselves inside an apartment complex. The floor was carpeted while the walls went from the usual white sheetrock of a hospital to the gaudy ten wallpaper of an apartment building. Like the hospital, the floors, walls, and ceilings were spattered in masses of blood with thousands of bullet holes in all the above. Tyler nodded as they stepped inside.

"New area. watch that fine ass, Rias."

She smirked as she tied her long, blood red hair into a ponytail.

"Love you too."

They moved along the hallway until they came to a door and Tyler placed the barrel of his AA12 against it to poke it open. The door swung open...and the pair were treated to the sight of two naked women on a bed with a videocamera aimed at them by the wall and both ladies dead. A glowing icon was by the camera and there was a small loot box by the bed. Rias smirked and looked at Tyler with a pointedly icy glare and he looked at her curiously.

"Why you lookin at ME like tha fo, Rias? They're not you."

"Do NOT get WEIRD about this."

"Jesus CHRIST. I keep MY depravity niiiice and-"

"I DO NOT want to know."

She leaned in his ear.


"Love you too, Rias."

He walked over to the icon and tilted his head.

"There's a new one. A winchester 30-30 lever action hunting rifle. 1,750 for a level 2 weapon. So two attachments."

He bought the thing and Rias looked at him curiously.

"Is that a good one?"

"Not really. More a fun gun. I collect lever actions actually. And the attachment is a shorter barrel and extended tube magazine. 15 rounds."

He hung the rifle on his harness and looked at the camera.


"LIke YOU don't wanna see if it has a video."

She sighed as he took the camera.


He opened the side and smirked.

"Got a COLLECTION of videos here. Seems these two were actresses."

"I'LL take that then."

He tossed it over and Rias smirked knowingly.

"I'LL handle our porn."

"And me our hentai."



She looked him in the eye.

"HOW bad are you?"

He shrugged.

"Eh it's a change a pace."

"I had a bad experience the last time."

"I know. I am NOT THAT BAD. And the WORST you can expect to walk in on is Akeno-style."

"THAT is SUCH a fucking relief. I once walked in on him shooting from a LOLI getting raped by a ZOMBIE UGLY BASTARD."


"In the EYE."

"I'd LIKE to SLEEP tonight damn you."

She chuckled at that one as the lootbox was opened and Tyler shrugged at it's contents.

"eh. Some ammo, a better sight for an AK47, and a bayonet attachment for a KAr98K. Oddly enough I been looking for a bayonet."

The couple moved on and Rias looked at her phone.

"wow. we've been down here nearly 5 hours."

"What time is it?"

"7 at night."

He nodded.

"Alright. we'll call it here. We need an elevator Ganisha!"

The god chuckled and a section of wall opened up from beside them.....and a Reaper swung it's battleaxe at them from inside.

"FIGHT your way out!"

Rias was firing her rifle into the thing's torso as Tyler smirked and emptied his 12 gauge automatic shotgun into the thing's face as the agile pair dodged axe swings. The Reaper dropped to the floor and Tyler stuffed a pair of grenade bundles into it's skin before the pair moved away. The blast tore the thing's body apart and the loot was left. Tyler smiled as they rode the elevator up.

"Good raid, Rias."

She smiled as she unloaded her rifle.

"A VERY good raid, Tyler. I had fun."

"We'll do this a lot then."

She kissed him.

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Rias. We'll grab dinner at a diner on the way back."

"I'd prefer a pizza."

"Whatever my beloved Empress wishes."

She shivered and hugged him.

"I want it to be romantic. And.....private."

He hugged her tightly.

"Load the car and take a trip somewhere?"


"Alright. We'll shoot for after the I TOLD YOU SO."

"It aches already."

"I've LONGED for you, Rias."

He kissed her deeply.

"I love you so freakin much."

"I love you too, Tyler. I....I love you!"

The elevator dropped them outside the guild and the pair mounted the motorcycle and rolled away to a pizza diner not too far from the dungeon. They fed well for 100 bucks and returned to the house. Asuna and Kirito were watching TV with Sally, Yue, and Unicorn cuddling together on the couch while Belfast was by the pool with Hestia enjoying the privacy of the fencing. Yoshkia was nowhere to be seen but her shoes were in the tray. Asuna smiled as the pair walked in.

"Hey you guys. Good raid?"

Tyler nodded.

"Very. we have an entirely new section open now, Asuna. And it's apartment complex themed."

The redhead blinked. Then her an Kirito came over with a notepad.

"Tell us everything."

Tyler explained the raid and the payment to open the new area.

"when the door opened we were let out inside an apartment complex like in a major city. The entire structure had changed. we only got through one room before we called it. and know since we ARE breaking into apartment rooms now, there will be some nasty sights. Found a lesbian porno shoot MIDSHOOT."

Kirito whistled and Asuna sighed.

"Anything of note?"

"A few gun icons and a lootbox."

He set the guns on the counter and the second in command nodded.

"Not bad. Alright. we'll report this to Satuski in the morning. Any injuries?"

"Nope. Just target practice."

Sally came over now and hugged him.

"I'll be cuddling with Asuna Big Brother. Seems those zombie kids freaked her out."

He lifted her up into a full hug.

"Love you too, Sally."

She smiled and yawned hard. Asuna smiled fondly.

"She and Yue got into QUITE the intense fight earlier with Unicorn. with your airsoft guns."

TYler blinked and looked at Sally with a lifted eyebrow.


"we used eye pro, I cleaned the guns, and they are all accounted for."

"And WHERE did you play?"

"In the woods AWAY from the house. we all took showers with Belfast."

The maid poked her head in smiling.

"I will confirm her story. Seems she is afraid of insects."

Tyler smiled.

"She IS and is getting BETTER, but more I scarred her for life with infected bug bite images. People died from unknown passengers all the time back up north. Sooooo I made sure she makes sure to triple checkik EVERY time."

Asuna and Belfast nodded sagely.


"IF a BIT extreme. She will be QUITE the fierce lady in her years."

Sally had fallen asleep in his arms during their chat and Tyler smiled as he carried her.

"Come on Blueberry."


Asuna smiled with a pain in her heart at the cuteness of the scene. Tyler laid the out cold Sally in Asuna's bed and the redhead hugged her with Kirito.

"She's so sweet."

Tyler smiled as he patted his dear little sister.

"Night Sis."

"Night, big brother."

he walked out and Rias smiled as he kissed her.

"I'll be with Yoshkia and Unicorn. Seems they want to snuggle with hell."


Yue smiled at him.

"Can I join you and Rasweisa, Big brother?"


Sally's tired head poked out of Asuna's room to glare at Yue. Who squeaked.


"Uuuugh FINE. Big Brother, YOU will OWE me."


She went back into the room and Rias whistled.


"Sally is just the SLIGHEST bit possessive. I've TRIED to work on it, but she's got severe anxiety from my hometown."

Belfast appeared with a smile.

"I will aid here, Tyler. Unicorn was worse during her time."

"Thanks Belfast. I mean it."

She smiled with a warmer feeling now.

"I am happy to be able to help you at all, Tyler. We are dear friends after all."

He hugged her tightly and she smiled.

"Still getting used to depending on others WITHOUT having to wonder what I owe them."

"A massage."


He kissed Rias and went into the room with a giggling Yue where he tossed Raswesia's circle on the floor.

"Arise. RAswesia."

The valkery rose from the floor in a bed thong and no bra with her wings covering her in a rather seductive manner. Tyler whistled.

"Sexy. And we got an extra cuddler."

YUe giggled and Raswesia chuckled as they went into the bathroom.

"She's in one of my classes. And she's so cute too."

The trio showered hard before they got into the bed with Yue safely entrenched between them. Raswesia smiled as Tyler kissed her.

"We'll play around another night, Raswesia."

"I'll look forward to it. And Yue, dear? YOU are even WARMER then ASIA."

"I'm HOT and CUTE!"

They laughed and Tyler wrapped them both in his arms with a smile.

"Good night, Raswesia. I love you."

"Good night, Tyler. I will get there."

"Night Lil Bits."

"Good night Yue."

"Night you prick, night Rasy!"