
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Back to school with the crew.


DAY 8.


TYLER'S CASH: 62,000.

THE VAULT: 145,000.

Tyler's alarm woke the slumbering pair with the sound of an energetic piano and Akeno smiled as her pink eyes opened.

"Is that my theme?"


"I like it."

He smiled as he found he'd snuggled into her heavenly bosom.

"I like it too."

He kissed her and she smiled happily before they showered together and got dressed in their uniforms. Tyler slotted his pistol and headed downstiars with his friend tapping on doors.

"We're up!"

"We got breakfast, Rias."


Akeno and Tyler made some easy begals and toast for the friends before they came down and Asuna had a few papers.

"I got the report for Satuski on the new area. We'll hit it together at some point, right?"

Tyler frowned.

"I wonder if Ganisha opened it up to larger parties yet? If not we'd split into cells of four and go in seperately."

Asuna frowned as she sipped her coffee.

"We'll figure it out. We tried it and so long as you're careful, you'll be fine."

"Asuna. first room ae ALWAYS super easy. Even the second can be done with a knife and skill. Floors four and UP is when it gets dicy."

Kirito chuckled.

"SAO was harder."

"fair enough. I forgot who I was dealing with for a moment there."

Asuna smirked dangerously now.

"Sooo I'm just lovey dovey schoolgirl?"



He chuckled at her fury as Rias came down and she got her morning kiss.

"Morning Rias. We're workin tonight right?"

"Yup. You'll be on flier duty though."

"Makes sense. I got Asia tonight."

Akeno smiled.

"NOW I'm jealous!"

"Hot blonde cuddles. Ya better be!"

They smiled at that and headed out. Yue was in her own school uniform and was holding Asuna's hand as they walked. Tyler hadn Rias' hand and she was smiling happily as they walked.

"So after school I'll give you a satchel and you pass the fliers out."

"Sure. And when the thing's empty?"

"Come back and we'll go from there."

He kissed her.

"Love you too."

She smiled at that as he had a thought.

"Oh yeah. What about raiding games, Rias?"

"well. Ganisha said they're a part of the world. But it's really up to us if we ACTUALLY od them. Why ya ask?"

"wanted to make a point."

She smirked.

"A rematch with Rizer."

"exactly. Only under the same circumstances. You, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kyba, and ME. That's it."

Akeno smirked.

"I love that idea!"

Rias nodded.

"As do I. I'll think on it, Tyler. Since it could open a can a worms we REALLY don't need right now."

"fair enough. Odds are we'll encounter him in the dungeon anyway."

She smirked at that possibility.

"I only HOPE I get to be there when it happens."

They walked to school and Tyler smirked as he got a mass of awed looks from the girls of the school. Rias saw them as well.

"we have a deal."

"I'll be sure to keep a notebook."

She kissed him lovingly.

"See ya later."

"Love you, Rias."

She walked away with a hair flip and the warrior headed to MArillia's class with Akeno and Kirito. Akeno was holding his hand now and Tyler smiled as he saw the number of knowing smirks on the girls' faces as they saw an arrangement had been made.

"Oh my. YOU are about to get VERY popular!"

Tyler chuckled as he kissed the beautiful fallen angel.

"I think we'll have fun."

She chuckled at that as they took their seats. Satuski and Koneko came in and Tyler smiled as he fistbumped Koneko.

"Morning kittycat."

She smirked and kissed him.

"Morning psychopath."

Satuski smirked as she sat behinf him.

"I recieved Asuna's report on the new floor. And I admit I am intrigued."

Tyler nodded as he sat back in his seat.

"We'll need to plan that one carefully, Satuski. Bell already got eaten alive once."

"I have heard. In our meeting then."

"And a sidenote, my power with Drake."

"I recieved a warning from Rias about your volitility. AND the spell. In the meeting."


MArillia started class and Tyler noted Issei was NOT present and no one acknowledged his absence. Satuski leaned in his ear as he noticed.

"He was banned from the grounds."

"Good. He shows up,"

"Gomagore has permission to BEAT him to death."

"He will eventually."

"Agreed. idiots like that NEVER give up."

"wow, Satuski. Talking from experience?"

"Mako Monchoncoke."

"FAIR enough. i REALLY wanna mee that overly energetic crack addict."

That made the intense black haired girl chuckle inspite of herself and Marillia looked at her pointedly.

"Something you wish to tell the class SATUSKI?"

"Tyler's an idiot."


"WOOW this is a weird scene. The Lady Satuski, getting called out by a teacher."

"Shut. UP."

"Yes milady."

"I am GOING to beat you to death you infuriating prick."

Tyler just chuckled at her strained fury and Marillia sighed in exasperation.

"Can you rein in the flirting for ONE DAY dammit? I know you're a dragon god or whatever but COME ON."

"Okay. I'm done."

Akeno smirked.

"Don't make me tell Rias."


He gulped and many a girl's head nodded sagely at the motion as the warrior turned to his notes. Marillia went to start the lesson again....but for a knock to be heard on the door. She sighed.

"So it's gonna be one of THOSE days. Come in."

The door opened and a pair of girls walked in. Tyler smiled warmly as he recognized one.

"Unicorn? Over here!"

The strikingly adorable Unicorn came RACING for a hard hug from the warrior.

"Tyler! I didn't know you were in this class too!"

He smiled as he held the bubbly girl.

"Same to you. You okay?"

She smiled warmly at him.

"I'm alright. Mother has me cuddling her for the time being though."

"You're tougher then Asia, Unicorn."

She blushed at THAT high praise and smiled shly.

"Thanks Tyler."

He patted her fondly before his neighbor, Sonobay, smiled sweetly.

"wow you're so CUTE!"

Unicorn giggled as she hugged her.

"YOU'RE pretty!"

"Aww you're sweet!"

Tyler chuckled as he looked at Akeno.

"Unicorn's almost better at that an you are, Akeno."


Their friends chuckled at her mild offense as Unicorn took the seat behind the now smiling Sonobay as Tyler looked to the other girl. She was a slender little thing at a head taller then Unicorn with bright purple hair and kindly shining pink eyes set into a delicate face with pale skin. Her frame was slight with a modest bust on her petite chest. The new girl's outfit was a very cute pink and whbtie sailor suit with a purple tie and purple miniskirt. Her legs were well toned and sheathed in white tights while on her feet were a pair of high top purple boots. She smiled sweetly and spoke in a soft yet breathy breath.

"A pleasure to meeth you all. I am known as Javelin. I do look forward to learning together."

Tyler smiled as he waved at her.

"Hey Javelin. Belfast says hi."

She smiled warmly as she took a nearby seat.

"Lady Belfast is your dormmate?"

"And a helluva friend. I'm Tyler."

"A pleasure. How is the Lady?"

"I do believe she is enjoying her time in our flat. if you wish to, I am certain she would be happy to see you."

Akeni and his friends chuckled at the theft of Javelin's english accent while the new class gem smiled.

"Oh my. I fear you are a rogue indeed. I shall indeed visit."

"We shall have the tea and crumpets on hand, LAdy Javelin."

She smiled again.

"A PROPER Royal Navy treat."

"A PROPER Royal Navy gal like ya self deserves nothing but the VERY best!"

She blushed HARD at THAT attack!

"Oh my. I fear I may be out of my depth."

"Allow me to guide you to a safer port."

"Um. Help?"

Akeno just patted her with a smile.

"He's fucking with you."

"Phew. I thought he was seriously attempting to seduce me."

Tyler smiled warmly.

"I was at first. Then I was having fun talking like a proper brit."

She smiled.

"I am not attracted to men, Tyler."

"Appreicated. And NOW I am just going to screw with you."

"Oh dear."

Satuski wacked him with her sword.

"enough you fucking idiot."

He chuckled as he rubbed his head and Unicorn giggled.

"You get used to him, Javy! he doesn';t mean any harm. even if he be a royal twit."


Javelin smiled as she relaxed.

"I will be sure to bring my trident."

"Oh I'll be sure to get YOUR point, Javelin!"

she laughed in her hand as the rest of the class groaned at the REALLY bad pun.

"Oh my. How clever!"

Tyler smiled and opened his mouth.

"ENOUGH fucking with them."

Only for Rias' exasperated voice to be heard from a glowing ball of red energy.

"Yes Rias."


The class ladies chuckled at the exchange as Tyler smiled at the ball.

"What's up?"

The ball pulsed.

"Change of plans. A rogue devil was sighted in the eastern park. We're gonna have to deal with it."


"Not sure yet. I'll have a better report in an hour."

"Alright. we'll be ready."

The ball winked out and Akeno cracked her wrist.

"Wow. been a while since we dealt with a rogue devil."

Koneko nodded as she cracked her knuckles.

"Yeah. I didn't think this world had rogue devils. At least we got a proper dragon for once."

Tyler nodded as he ran down a list of his powers, abilities and tricks.

"And a solid force too. Always wanted to fight one a those things. I'm a pawn so frontline my's place."

Akeno nodded as she looked at him.

"Rias'll set our formation. She's best at it."

"Be kinda weird NOT being in command for once."

"I know right? Watch the force."

He nodded and Satuski frowned.

"Should I be on alert?"

Akeno answered with a smile.

"Just something for Rias' club."

"I see. Very well."

Tyler smiled and took the still present ball of red and pressed it into his chest and the thing merged with his heart to make him feel like Rias was holding him in a hug.

"See ya later, Rias. I love you."

There was a happy sigh.

"See ya later, Tyler."

The class got underway and passed without issue. After Tyler went to the student council room with Satuski and their raiding party where he took his spot at the head and Asuna passed their notes on the zombie floor around. Tyler smiled as he looked at a shivering Bell.

"You good bro?"

The white haired guy smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah. Just had a bad run on that floor."

"Rule number 1 of Zombies. WATCH THE WALLS."

"I learned THAT the hard way."

"trust me ALL did. Alright."

he tapped the notes.

"I've been down there twice. everything from clothes and food, to guns and cars are potential loot. And I DO mean everything. There is a grace period on loot for new divers and there ARE bosses. I, Akeno and Yoshkia encountered one on our last dive."

Akeno was looked at and she smiled.

"Tyler understands them best. but my perpective is they're VERY tough. And can tank a HELL of a lotta damage."

Tyler nodded as all eyes returned to him.

"They can. that was a round one, floor one boss. I have seen zombie bosses that could withstand a nuke. Bullet sponges to the MAX. The ONLY way to beat some bosses is SOLID teamwork of three PLUS all working in sync and some bosses that are bigger then the school."

Satuski frowned then.

"How frequent do these bosses appear, Tyler?"

"UTTERLY at random. We could encounter some of the lessers stepping off the elevator. And there are nonboss enemies that differ from the usual undead too."

Kirito looked at him.

"Asuna and I encountered one. A crying little girl sitting alone in a room. we shut that door and called it a raid."

Tyler nodded.

"SMART. That's a Siren. Or, bait enemy. Attack it, and get swarmed. And that can mean anything from 2 to 200. way to take it down is a pure stealth attack. BUT they have EXTREME defenses so you'd need a tier two and above for an instant kill."

Asuna spoke up now.

"The current operator limit is 6. We'd need to split the party to attack that floor and we only have ONE that is experienced enough to lead the expedition. Kirito and I are still rookies down there despite our experiences in other similar scenarios. So. Since that floor's potential loot is so extreme, I suggest a dual raid. One party led by Tyler into the Zombie floor and another led by myself to the normal dungeon."

Tyler looked at Satuski.

"If we are to raid the zombie floor, we are going to need some proper hardware. Swords and knives are FINE for the first three rounds. After that they are utterly useless. Not even Durandal would be viable."

Xenovia frowned at that.

"He wouldn't be anyway. No powers, no magic, no abilities."


Satuski nodded gravely.

"what does proper hardware mean to you, Tyler?"

"Guns. LOTS. Of guns. I can give you the names for the starting equipment for each person on the crew. Since we can keep the loot we find down there, we can build of that."

"Very well. we will order the equipment. However. In the meantime. I understand you have an extensive armory already."

"I do."

"I want that floor raided. Tyler. Select a squad and equip then for the decent. You have the rest of the day this day to accomplish this."

Tyler looked at a clock and noted it was ten oclock. He nodded and looked Satuski in the eye.

"I will make this clear. Down there, I stress CAUTION above ALL. If we step off that elevator, and my gut says get back on, we turn RIGHT the fuck around. Are we clear?"

She met his gaze levelly.

"If I were to push the issue?"

"If you're in the squad? I'd knock you the fuck out and leave you down there. Revives or NOT I am NOT getting my entire squad wiped for greed alone. Are we clear, Satuski?"

Asuna and Kirito nodded sagely at that stance as Satuski matched Tyler's steel clad gaze with her own.

"And if you come back empty handed?"

"As long we are ALIVE and UNHARMED that is a good raid in my book."

"But it is NOT your book. Is it?"


The boosted gear appeared then and Tyler had a new look of ice in his eyes as he reared to his full height.

"I DO NOT care Satuski Kiryuin, about the rules or loot or our status. Our LIVES are more important then ANYTHING we can hope to gain down there. do not think for a fucking second you own ME or ANYBODY in this room. Play that card, and I'll show WHY I am called a DEMON. Do we understand each other?"

Satuski's hand tightned on Bakuzan's hilt....and the boosted started at near LIGHTNING speed to the point the sounds were nearly inaudible. Tyler's eyes turned green from his immense power and Akeno smirked.

"Sooo what if RIAS were to push such an issue, Tyler? Like saaaay RIZER?"

"Same thing. Only with a LOT more force. HER I will keep safe. PERIOD."

"Oh my. Okay!"

She smiled warmly at that fierce stance as Satuski relaxed her grip on her sword and relased the hilt entirely.

"Very well. Caution over profit."

The gauntlet vanished and Tyler sat back in his seat. the black haired dictator then smiled thinly.

"and well said. Now. Select your squad."

"YOU, Koneko, Asia,"


"Ha. Kirito, and Bell."

The heads nodded and Asuna smiled.

"I have Xenovia, Rasweisa, and Akeno. Alright. And VERY nice balance."

Tyler smiled.

"Me, Kirito and Bell have been down there so we know what to expect."

Asia was all smiles at being included and Tyler smiled at her.

"YOU are MINE tonight."

"YES! I've been looking forward to this for DAYS!"

They smiled at her happy cheer and Tyler refocused.

"We'll head to the house and I'll deck you out in proper hardware. Be aware, I am low on bullets so most you can expect is five full mags if that."

Satuski nodded.

"we will depart at once."

"Asia? Mind showing off your glow?"

"Kay! everyone take hands."

The friends did and she teleported them to Tyler's bedroom. Bell whistled as Asia giggled.


"Yeah she's a pure mage."


Tyler went to his wall of guns.

"Alriiight. Let's see. My trenchgun for me. 120 shells as per the standard, Kirito gets that M16 and about....7 mags since I kinda have a lotta those bullets, Satuski?"

He frowned and looked at the girl from head to toe.

"Decent forearm strength, tall, and decently athletic. She'll get that SVT-40 I have. 4 mags since those bullets are kinda rare nowadays. Asia, you take this AUG."

He passed her the 9 milimeter parabellium submachine gun.

"That's about your size. Bell, take this stumpy shotgun, Koneko? You get this."

He passed her an MP5 submachine gun with hard stock and integrated suppresser. Satuski peered down the sights of her world war 2 marksman rifle.

"I like how it feels."

"I personally care for all my guns satuski. Everyone check bolts. Make sure I didn't give you an airsoft gun by accident."

There was a mass sigh but they obeyed and Bell blinked.

"Um. This one is."

Tyler chuckled sheepishly as he took the shell ejecting airsoft gun.

"Sorry, Bell. I have a lot of guns. Hm. Oh. Here's a better option."

He tossed him an M14.

"That'd abuot your size. Shoots 7.62 NATO and I got a few thousand a those."

Satuski frowned at that.

"And why are we not using the same type of ammunition, Tyler?"

"Cause I only got like three guns that take it. That M249 which you ALL need practice to use, that M14, and that SCARH. Which is a solid platform. But it fights back too much for first time shooters. All the weapons you have are VERY easy to use. Master THEM before moving to the bigger kit."

Kirito came in with a backpack then.

"We found a backpack and I made a Zombie raid kit. Grenades, extra bullets, and space for inven."


Tyler attached his harness and donned the armor plated arm guards with his backpack.

"That boss dropped body armor for our crew along with a harness in my size for an extra primary. But I won';t need anything other then my trenchgun until floor 5 since I know how to use this thing."

The group got magazine belts and Tyler nodded once they were ready.

"I'm on point. Bell on flank. Kirito go trail. Asia and Koneko in the center. Satuski with me."

The heads nodded and Asia teleported them to the dungeon where Tyler loaded his gun as they got in the elevator.

"Mags in and safeties on. I DO NOT want someone shooting themselves in the foot. OR ME."

They chuckled as the clicks and racking began. Asia giggled as she pulled the handle on her AUG back.

"I LIKE it!"

"Ha. I have it's bigger brother the AUGH on my wall. Shoots 5.56 NATO. Get used to THAT thing and we'll go from there."


Tyler pumped his trenchgun as they reached the zombie floor and were faced with the same hallway the boss fight was on.

"Alright. I'll go first. We move as a unit, NO RUSHING OFF, speak up if you see something, and DO NOT MISS. We clear?"

The heads nodded and he lifted the trench as the doors opened. The hospital hallway was still blood smeared and dimly lit as Tyler swung around the elevator door with the trenchgun up and aiming.

"Clear. Move in."

The friends moved in without a sound onto the floor and Tyler smiled as he saw the 500 mark appear in his vision.

"We're in. Alright. We're going to the second area."

They nodded and Tyler led the way at a light walk through the batter surgery where the body of the humanoid thing still lay. Satuski shivered as she saw the creature.

"Okay. THAT is intense."

"That one just fill with lead until it stops moving."

Bell gulped as he panned his longer rifle around with his finger shaking on the trigger.

"Finger off the trigger Bell. That's a good way to get somebody shot you REALLY don't wanna shoot."


"Watch the muzzel too. Try to keep it from being pointed at a friend. And RELAX. You're not alone down here this time."

He smiled at that and his shaking stopped.

"Thanks Tyler."

"I gotchyer back bro."

Satuski spotted an unopened door as they left the surgery on the far side. This side of the hospital had wider hallways and higher ceilings with more walking banisters for the infirm.


"I see it, Satuski."

The friends moved to it and Tyler put his ear to the fuax wooden thing.

"No sounds. Koneko, open an I clear."


The smaller girl leaned against the door and Tyler aimed his trenchgun at the door. He nodded and Koneko pushed it inward and jumped aside as an undead zombie dog the size of a motorcycle came LEAPING out of the room with a vicious snarl. Tyler pulled the trigger and the dog was launched back in to the room with an eerie two tone whine before exploding into razor sharp shards that left a nasty cut on his cheek. He sighed as he pumped the gun.

"I HATE them dogs with a fucking passion. We good?"

Satuski noted the bleeding wound on his face.

"You're wounded."

"Just a flesh wound. I'm fine. Alright. Dogs are in play. watch your asses. They'll come outta nowhere and if they take you to the floor you're dead already."

They nodded and Tyler walked in with the trenchgun at the ready to find the shards of the dog had left a small box on the floor. He picked it up.

"Hm. Got an extra box of 12 slugs for my shotgun. Classic."

He put them in his backpack and looked around the office when he spotted a small wooden crate by the desk.

"Loot box. Kirito."

"I got the door."

The friends walked in and Tyler tore the lit off.

"Hm. Ammo. Just ammo. Looks like....a hundred rounds of 9mm parabellium, one hundred 7.62s for Bell's M14, and about 50 12 bore slugs. eh."

He passed the bullets around and looked at the room again.


They walked out and Kirito was on point with Tyler now with his vietnam era M16.

"This is intense."

"One a MY favorite modes."

The black haired guy chuckled at that one as they walked along the blood encrusted hallway until they came to a set of stairs. One set led upwards. the other into the basement. Tyler looked at them with a frown and Satuski came over.

"Which way?"

"My GUT is telling me to go DOWN. But, that USUALLY leads to higher level enemies. Hmm."

Kirito looked over from his spot as corner guard.

"You've found a motorcycle and a car off your gut, Tyler. Noooo reason to stop trusting it now."

"eh. Ya gotta point."

He hefted the shotgun.

"Guard's up people."

They nodded and moved down the stairs one step at a time with Tyler five ahead due to his experience. he reached the lower floor and found it to be the basement. The floor was made from concrete and there was a long trail of blood smeared leading into the depths of the place. Tyler looked at the drag marks in the stone and sighed.

"A miniboss. Probably a chain user. Alright. It'll be in the morgue. Because why WOULDN'T it be?"

The landing for the stairs dumped the raiders at an intersection and Tyler led them along the drag trail with his trenchgun up. Satuski saw they were following the trail and came up beside him.

"Is the risk low?"

"Probably not. We're six shooters on the second area. With one highly experienced in these type games. we SHOULDbe able to pull it off. door."

They stacked up on the steel door and as Tyler approached it, a sound of a small girl's heartbroken sobbing was heard inside. Kirito shivered.

"Yup. That's her alright."

"You got a grenade?"

"Potato masher."

Tyler took the german WWII handgrenade and opened the door a crack without a squeak. Inside was a small girl sobbing into her hands in the middle of the room and Tyler tore the pin out of the thing with his teeth, counted to three, and tossed it into the room before pulling the door shut. Kirito smirked as the thing went off and a scream of death was heard.

"Seen THAT in a few movies."

Tyler kicked the door in and had his shotgun up, only to find a large scorch mark in the floor along with a mass of loot from the kill. The room had been a storage area for files of the hospital, now however there was a scent of charred skin and meat permeated by burnt paper and carpet.

"Loot ladies."

The girl thing had left behind three locked named loot boxes, three guns, a resupply on ammo, another harness in Bell's size, a medium sized backpack Satuski claimed, a marine KABAR Koneko took, a pile of cash Tyler claimed for the kill, and that was it. The warrior looked at the first gun with a chuckle.

"World War 1 Chaulet underfed machinegun. weird lookin thang ain't it?"

The heads nodded and he checked the level.

"Level three? Wow. Upgraded internals, reinforced body and they upped the caliber from 8mm to 9. I HOPE this means they fixed the issues this thing had. Saw it in a book for the world's WORST weapons once. Yeah. Thing was LEGENDARILY bad."

Kirito took the beefy weapon curiously and peered down it's sights.

"weird thing. I'll take it since I don;t HAVE any guns."

The next was a handgun and Tyler smiled widely as he spun it.

"A classic. Schofield revolver. I'll take it as I've always wanted one and haven't found one. 6 shot revolver chambered in 44. Break action too."

Satuski smirked.

"Why YOU?"

He smirked, flipped the gun, ejected the six bullets from the chamber, CAUGHT THEM, and reloaded the thing in NEARLY the same motion before it clicked shut and he had it aimed in Satuski's face.


She, and a fair few of their friends, whistled at THAT stunt.


He chuckled and holstered the thing on his belt.

"I learned on revolvers first."

The last gun ade him frown. HARD.

"What the hell? It's a freakin Boys Antitank rifle. 14mm. THAT thing is POWERFUL, SLOW, and UTTERLY ineffective in ANNNNY zombies game. And yet? I'd run it."

Kirito chuckled as Tyler hefted the immense weapon.

"Just for the novelty?"

"THAT. And Yoshkia's flight mate uses it."


Tyler looked at the weapon's level....and blinked.

"Oh that's not even a LITTLE fair. It's a level 5. Which means, it's UTTERLY overpowered. We'll take it with us. But I doubt we'll be able to use it."

Asia tilted her head at that.

"Then why take it?"

"CAuse of it's sheer power. I MIGHT be able to bullshit a shot with this provided we set it up. But due to the way this thing is built as a WHOLE? I'd only get the one shot. It's a bolt action antitank rifle. And is VERY stiff."

He hung the nearly 6 goot rifle on his back and they were moving along rhe corridor as Bell kept watch at the rear. The friends moved at a steady pace for a good while.....until a loud guitar riff made them jump and Tyler pulled his phone out bemused.


He answered it.


Rias' warm voice was full of amusement.

"Hi! bye!"

She hung up and he just laughed with a smile on his face.

"My GOD do I fuckin love her."

Asia giggled.

"That's kinda cute!"

"She KNEW we'd be down here. Freakin teasing minx. There. payback."

Koneko smirked.

"What'd ya do?"

"Sent her a message. Hey saw this an thought a you. Love you! It's a 6 second jumpscare with a rotting corpse LEAPING at you."

The friends laughed and a few seconds later his phone rang.



Only for Rias' outraged, and happy, voice to make them laugh.

"Love you too, Rias!"

"You bastard! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

He smirked and sent her a gif that was merely the word GOTCHYA flashing in bright colors. She chuckled as she answered.

"I know."

"I love you too, Rias. See ya at home."

"Yeah. See ya at home."

They hung up and Kirito chuckled.

"I'd do that to Asuna, but her nerves are kinda frayed from SAO."

"Just send her a text saying you have something to tell her, then just send a gif of the text icon flashing...and nothing else."

"YOU are an EVIIIIL bastard. I'll do it!"

He sent two texts with a smile and the friends got moving. Satuski sighed with a smile.

"Men in relationships. UGH."

The party moved along the hallway and found no other doors or rooms and Tyler frowned as they went.

"My gut's on edge. This oughta be fun."

A heavy sound of rattling chains was heard ahead and Tyler pulled the Boys AT rifle and chambered a round with a heavy grunt. The rattling was getting closer from down the hallway and he nodded at Kirito without looking and he passed him a fresh grenade. Tyler tore the pin out and threw the thing down the hallway where a sound of it smacking into something fleshy was heard before it exploded. There was a grunt and they were faced with a misshapen creature all wrapped in chains carrying a massive crudely made battleaxe.


The BOYS rifle boomed and the round took the thign in the face as the lead started flying as all 6 of them formed up. Tyler had a look of rage as he forced the UNHOLY slow rifle to rechamber and took aim.


He fired and the 14mm round slammed into the staggered thing's chest and tore a massive hole through the middle and Tyler tossed another grenade with Kirito doing the same with a sticky grenade. The bombs blew and the beast fell to the floor. Tyler forced the rifle to rechamber.

"Reload. we're not done yet. Rear guard."

Bell's voice was heard.

"we got a big mob headed out way!"

"Shit. Alright. Kirito we'll deal with the beast. Rest a you, on defense! Keep em away!"

The heads nodded and Tyler fired the next AT round into the rising beast's neck hole and it shuddered but kept rising as Kirito fired his M16 on burst. The rifle was tossed aside and Tyler slapped his trenchgun into his hands and rushed the thing headon. Satuski and the rest of the party were firing their weapons into a mass of zombies shamblign towards them with dogs leaping from behind them. A frag grenade was thrown into the mass of zombies and the blast knocked a fair few of them down.

"LAst grenade!"

"Last mag!"

Tyler threw himself into a slide beside the nearly 8 foot tall chain wrapped beast and his shotgun was bellowing. The 12 guage slugs tearing holes in the thing's hide and it turned to chase him with a roar.

"I got it! Fall back and keep your distance! Marksmenship OVER VOLUME!"

Kirito nodded and dropped back to help the running low on bullets crew as Tyler dealt with the bigger boss. The thing swung it's battleaxe with a savage force and the impact on the stone floor sent cracks up through the structure as Tyler reloaded his trenchgun three shells at a time before he poured more slugs into the thing at near pointblank range. The thing dropped again and Tyler slammed the gun into it's neck hole to empty the remainder of the tube into the thing's body directly. He leapt back and slammed four slugs into the chamber and pumped it. Two more reloads and he was firing again as behind him the rest of the party had retreated up the stairs from the now dwindling horde. The Beast rose from the floor again and Tyler shoved the barrel of his gun again into the thing's neck hole ad fired into it's body directly. This time it shattered entirely as the last shell was fired. Tyler panted as he went for another shell....only to find he'd run out of shells for his gun.


The beast shattered into a mass of loot and Tyler sighed as a moan was heard behind him....and in front of him too. He looked and saw he'd been surrounded by a mass of zombies and smirked as he pulled the schofield out with a twirl.

"well then. THIS is gonna suck."

He spotted a tommygun on the floor with the drum mag attached and smirked as he flicked it up as the twin hordes of zombies rushed en mass. He spun a circle with the guns firing and the undead things dropped in droves as the skilled shooter worked his craft. The schofield ran out of bullets first and Tyler had the second drum mag from the floor in hand as he slammed into a door further down the hall and slammed the door shut as he reloaded. Inside the padded room for mental patients was another loot box and he tore it open hoping to find ammo or another gun.....and was rewarded with a SINGLE. MACHETE. Tyler sighed at this as the horde slammed into the steel door.

"Ganisha. See some different movies. Please? This si SO tropey it kinda hurts."

He got a chuckle from the party god as he took teh level five machete and hung it on his belt as the door was broken down and the horde poured into the room...only to be met by a mass of thompson fire. Tyler smiling widely as he poured the fifty round drum into the charging undead.

"Say hello to my little friend!"

The gun ran dry after a few seconds and his last frag grenade was thrown into the hallway. The blast took out a large number as the machete came out and the slashing started. evey hit dropping one to three zombies at a time as Tyler found he was making headway out of the room through the throngs of undead.

"Okay you guys, you can preform a rescue at ANY time!"

His phone rang and he put it on speaker.


"can I call you back, Rias? KINDA in a tough spot right now. Ow."


He dropped his phone as one persistant little bastard got his teeth into his swinging arm.

"OOOH you little SHIT get off me!"

And with a roar of rage he swing the now dulling blade with THREE times the force and the things died in droves as his phone was screaming at him. He flicked it up and smiled as he heard Rias' voice.

"I'll call ya later."


"Zombie horde. and i need to focus. Love you! Bye!'

He hung up and tossed the phone aside as the horde pushed their way into the padded room with sheer weight of numbers....and NOTHING ELSE. Tyler gritted his teeh as he continued swinging his machete and killing the things as he slowly worked his way in a circle to the door around the nearly three foot tall pile of bodies he'd built.


A fresh sound of gunfire opened up from outside the room and the horde were rapidly depleted. Tyler chuckled as he ran the last zombie through the face and sank to the floor panting as the rest of the party had to DIG their way into the room over piles of kills. Kirito and Bell were first and they gasped at the large number of bites and shrapnel wounds on their friend's body as he waved a dull machete at em.

"Hey guys. You're LATE."

Kirito chuckled as he helped the bleeding guy up.

"Damn dude."

"Ha. You guys good?"

"we found a medium loot chest after got out of the basement and it had two LMGs in it. oh. Here's your phone."

"Thank you."

Tyler dialed up Rias and her nearly in a panic shrill voice was heard.


"I'm alright. Got caught by a miniboss and it's horde. we got seperated as I played decoy for the big guy as we KINDA ran outta bullets down here. I'm FINE. Asia is GLOWING. Koneko's PISSED. We're ALL FINE. Okay?"

She let out a MASSIVE breath of relief as he said this.

"Okay. You're fine. Hurt?"

"A CLOSE CALL. I KINDA got nibbled on, but I'm fine."

"And what did you learn, Tyler?"

"Oddly enough? We were set. All we need is more bullets. I CANNOT tell you HOW many games I lost from running out of ammo. So. We'll go in, with TWENTY mags."

The redheaded devil chuckled.

"alright. I'll see you at home."

"Love you, Rias. Sorry for scaring you."

"You're not alone down there. And YOU owe ME."

"I'll pay my debt when we get home."

She sighed happily at that and he hung up with a smile. Then he looked at Kirito.

"Load the loot and let's get the loot and let's get the hell outta here."

He nodded gravely.

"we got it all. And DAMN DUDE. All this with a machete?"

"A level 5 machete."

"Scary. we found two more sets a keys."

"COURSE we did."

Satuski was panting as he walked out and she looked at him with a new respect as she saw the sheer pile he'd made alone.

"Most experienced indeed. WHY the padded room?"

"Strongest room for a last stand. And since they couldn't force through the wall, they could only come at me one to three at a time. they gt STUCK five times."

"That is scary. Let's return to the surface."

he nodded and Asia smiled as she passed his trenchgun back.

"And here's your shotty. You still have that extra box right?"

"I blew through all my slugs on the big guy."

"Oh. Here."

She passed a box of 48 slugs and he kissed er.

"Love you too Asia."


They smiled at her cuteness as he reloaded the weapon. Then he looked down the way the beast had come from and smirked.

"Let's check that out before we go. Otherwise it'da bug the fuck outta me."

They groaned at that and kirito sighed.

"So THAT'S what that feels like."

Tyler walked to the end of the hall and was faced with the empty morgue.....


They walked around the corner and Tyler pointed to a large box the size of a minivan sitting in the middle of the room.

"we found a CAR or I am a nice person."

Kirito sighed as they walked over.

"YOU have a GOD TIER lootsense. open it."

Tyler slammed his shotgun butt into the box and the thing opened to reveal.....a FREAKIN HUMVEE! with room for 12. Tyler and the rest blinked at the sight of the immense vehicle and Tyler noted something on the top.

"Jesus CHIRST. That thing has a FUCKING M2 browning on it. A 50 cal machinegun. Scarrrry. I'll drive."

Satuski and the rest JUMPED.


"Cause one, i know how. Two? i'm the biggest one in the party. Three? Because I can."

They groaned at the solid points as Kirito opened the trunk.

"Wow. It's got a bunch of lootboxes in there."

"Open em and load the rear hatch."

"On it. Wow. A LOTTA stuff."

Tyler hopped into the driver's seat with Satuski in the passenger while the rest all got comfy in the back. Kirito took the turret and Tyler turned the key. The V8 diesal fired up like thunder and Ganisha was heard with a chuckle.

"Just DRIIIIIIIVE out rhe door!"

Tyler threw the thing in drive and moved the beefy humvee down the now rather spacious hallway towards a ramp leading into the hospital bay and out onto the street beside the dungeon entrance. Asuna and her party were walking out wearing tired expressions and laden with loot as the humvee rolled up and Tyler waved at her.

"Hop in! we found a LOT this time!"

The redheaded wife just slumped.

"OOOOH my HEAD. Okay."

Tyler smiled and took the two sets of keys to Hestia's booth and she smiled as he approached.



He looked down and realized he was still covered in bites and cuts. sime still bleeding.

"OOOOH. yeah kinda got backed into a corner."

Hestia sighed.

"UGH. RAn out of ammo at the WORST kinda time. Be more careful."

"will do."

"And those keys go to these."

A set of panels appeared and he blinked at the mobile homes.

"Woah. Okay. One for the HOUSE and for the club."

Satuski and Asuna appeared like magic and smirking.

"we shall discuss this as a PARTY."

"we shall discuss this as a HOUSE."


He looked at Hestia now sweatin bullets from the intensity of the two ladies.

"Is that allowed?"

The laughing goddess nodded.

"Since I live with you yup! We'll talk it over ONCE YOU GET HEALED!"

Asia appeared with a hug.

"Twilight Healing!"

And he smiled as her warmth seeped into his skin and his numerous wounds healed to the scar phase.

"Thanks Asia!"

"Sure. Be more careful, okay? That was kinda scary."

He patted her reassuringly.

"I never make the same mistake twice, Asia. I'll be careful."

She smiled and they returned to the humvee where Asuna gulped as he retook the wheel.


"Asuna. Come on. I'm NOT that stupid."

she smiled apprehensively.


He threw the humvee in drive and they rattled along the road back to the school where the other students watched in mild surprise as a fully loaded military humvee rolled onto campus. Satuski directed him to a garage off the main building and he backed in with a rather easy skill. Asuna smiled as they got out.

"Alright, Tyler. I'm sorry."

He smiled at the kindly girl.

"I know how to drive and I know to do it well. Be more an happy to show ya sometime."

She smiled warmly.

"As friends, right?"

"Oh the very best."


Kirito smirked.

"Don';t get TOO cozy, Asuna."


"HA. Oh wow THAT is a weird role reversal. Come on you two."

The tired friends returned to the meeting room where the loot was unloaded and Tyler retook his chair.

"Alright. First. Clean the guns. Second? return them."

Asuna chuckled as they field stripped their weaponry under Tyler's watchful eye.

"He's a little OCD with his weapons."

"LIke that time you nearly poked your own eye out with your rapier?"

"I will GUT you with a SPOON!"

Kirito smiled at the memory but said nothing as his wife was on the verge of a rage. Once the guns were cleaned, Tyler leaned back in his chair.

"Now you see what that level is about. And how quickly it can go south."

Satuski nodded gravely.

"The rewards are great indeed. so too is the danger. We will raid that level ONCE per week. Now. The split."

The mass of lootboxes were distributed to the ones who was named and then the guns were laid out. Tyler took over now as weapons master.

"Alright. We got a decent pile here. Off the bat? Asia. This P90 is yours."

She blinked as she took the level 2 SMG.

"Wow. Tiny."

"It's got a high fire rate, but the recoil goes right into your shoulder, keeping you on target. Koneko. YOU take THIS."

He flicked her the level one MP7. She frowned.

"it's tiny."

"which is why when we get another, you can dual wield."



The boy caught the Kar98K Tyler tossed him.

"Thanks. You have one too."

"Three actually. Satuski."

She got a grewehr 43 and nodded.

"It's similar to the other."

The guns were passed out with everyone getting something they could practice on and a mass of ammo. Tyler looked at Satuski.

"since we used my personal ammo, I'll put in for reinbursment on rounds."

She nodded.

"Approved. And we'll make a seperate budget for fuel and ammo."

He nodded and the next was the misceilianous gear. After that, Tyler slid the profiles for the mobile home around the room.

"That Humvee is a club vehicle for raids. THIS is for trips to other dungeons and places. we have four to choose from. I vote this one."

He slid a 60 foot long beast with beds for 20, an in ride shower, kitchen, second level viewing deck, sitting area, and plenty of leg room. Satuski smiled as she saw it.

"We can hire a driver or have the thing enchanted for long trips. And may I say I like your taste."

Asuna chuckled.

"As do I. Not a bad call, Tyler."

"I know how to do comfort, okay? So. what do ya think?"

The room had a mass of deliberations as Tyler meticulously cleaned his weapons again until a choice was made and his pick selected. Tyler smiled as he placed the mobile home's keys next to the Humvee's.

"We'll set a case for keys now. Next is the Dungeon raiders. Asuna."

She came forward with her party's loot and another set of loot boxes were taken.

"We had no issues and the boss was a mere 25 foot tall giant. Nothing we haven't fought before."

That loot as gone over and Akeno came over with a funds report.

"Of these raids, we have 125,444 to split."

Tyler frowned.

"That by 2 nets the club 62,722. That by ten nets us 6,722 with 20 cents we'll throw into the club."

The shares were taken and Akeno smiled as she did the math.

"All told in the club's finaces we have 437,000."

Tyler nodded.

"The zombie level pays out in STUFF over CASH. Noted. Tomorrow we'll swap. Dungeoneers raid the zombies, the Zombie slayers hit the Dungeon. Set a rotation since the Zombie floor relies on different skillsets."

They nodded and Asuna smiled.

"A VERY fair idea. And if we need a rest we'll take a day in the middle. A nicely balanced raiding schedule."

Satuski nodded approvingly.

"wednseday is our club's rest day. Tomorrow we will raid the normal dungeon. Formation?"

"This week it won;t change. Us six and them four. Next week we'll switch it up and go from there. that way no one get stuck in the same place."

"Again. VERY fair. And we are done for today."

Tyler smiled as he saw it was time for lunch and headed to find a sure to be worried Rias.

He found his beloved girlfriend sitting by a window alone and looking at the dungeon with a worried expression on her face.


She smiled with relief as he sat beside her.

"Hey. I guess it was a rough one today."

He kissed her lovingly.

"A close one. Even by MY standards."

"what happened?"

He retold the story of the attack on the beast and she hugged him once he finished,

"So I got backed into the padded room and was droppin em left an right with a dull machete while trying to inch my way out of the door or at the very least block it off with bodies for a breather, when the rest came back."

"Were you hurt?"

"Not too badly."

He lifted his shirt and she saw the new scars.

"Asia got you."

"I WAS going to get you to heal me, buuuut Hestia was kinda testy."

"OOOH clever!"

"I try."

She smiled and ran a hand over the new bite marks and sighed.

"even YOU can get backed into a corner."

"I fought my way out."

she smiled as she pressed her head to his chest.

"You did. and even WITH me distracting you too."


She shiverd and he lifted her chin to look him in the eye.


Rias shivered from teh force of every word before she smiled warmly.

"Thanks Tyler."

"I love you, Rias."

She kissed him and he hugged her tightly.

"If it had been HIM, he'd have died twice. You're okay. A few new lines, but okay."

He stroked her soft red hair fondly as she ran a hand over his new scars with a smile.

"I'm okay, Tyler. I...had my own residue to deal with."

She ooked him in the eye smiling.

"Idiot. Bring more bullets next time."

"YOU too."


"I got news."

She smirked.

"So do I. YOU first."

"WE, as in teh house, are selecting our own mobile home."


"Yeah we found two sets a keys. To mobile homes. one for the club and I claimed the second. we'll select the thing later at home."

She blinked.


He smiled.

"What's your news?"

"The rogue devil? It's not Issei. Some other prick."

"Oh. That's cool."

She smirked then.


She leaned in his ear.

"I called in a favor. I wanna go riding on that bike after school."


She smiled warmly.

"I know you wanted to hang out with Asia after school, but I wanna have some fun too."

He smiled as he kissed her.

"We can leave right now."

"we're at school and have two....fuck it. Come on."

The pair leapt out the window to fly home on their wings. Rias smiling widely as he held her hand.

"Now i know for certain you're a bad influence."

"On a DEVIL."

"I know right? Haven't played hooky in quite some time."

"Rasweisa is going to LAUGH when she takes attendence, and NIETHER of us are in school."

She laughed as they flew home and landed outside. they walked in and headed upstairs. As they walked down the hallway they noticed Belfast's door was open and they looked in with intent to greet their friend.....only to see her flat on her back buck assed naked with an also naked Javelin thrusting into her with a toy and both beauties moaning hard in the depths iof pleasure. Tyler, without a sound, closed their door, led rias to their room, shut THEIR door, and locked it before they sat on the bed. Rias looked at him with a blank expression.


"THIS is the THIRD time I have encountered such a situation, Rias. LOTS a things were NEVER seen."


"I am UNDER oath."

"I see. GOOD. Sooooo."

"Teleport. and SHOWER."


"Yeeeeah i've had to escape houses before. Least we can say we're not the only ones playing hooky. Javelin is in MY class."



His eyes flashed as he remembered something and went to one of his trunks.

"I meant to give this to you yesterday but i was kinda tired."

Rias watched curiously as he pulled the blue frilly dress from his trunk and she smiled warmly.

"I love it!"

"I got it from a loot drop."

She went into the bathroom to change as he set their lootboxes on their bed for inspection. Rias came out a few minutes later and he smiled at her radiant beauty. The dress was strapless with a slight adhesive on her massive cleavage to keep the thing up with the back was made of soft ruffles. The thing was a light blue and dropped to her feet with a wide skirt that had small flecks of reflective material sewn into the lining that when she spun it added a twinkling effect he loved. her blood red hair popped as it hung behind her while her blue eyes were sparkling.

"Rias. You look beautiful. I love you."

She smiled warmly as she walked over.

"I love how it feels on the girls. And it's really comfy in the places it needs to be."

"NOW we just need an occasion for you to wear it."

She smiled at that.

"That we do. School dance?"

"Or whenever we want to dance."

She kissed him and he held hr tightly.

"I love you, Rias."

"I know."

She smiled as she rested her head in his shoulder.

"And it's happening."

"NOT yet."

She chuckled at the reminder and they looked to the pile of lootboxes.

"I'll change."

"I'll be here for you."

Rias smiled warmly at that as she went into the bathroom as a shrill shriek was heard from Belfast's room and they smiled as their friends for their needed orgasms. Rias came back in her usual blue robe and Tyler took the first lootbox over with his name on it and lifted the lid....only to smile and close it.

"THAT one doesn't exist."

She blinked.....then smiled.

"More material?"

"For a FEW different occasions."

"NOW I have new anxiety."

She opened hers and smiled.

"Some lotions and creams for my massages and a color enhancer shampoo. Alright."

Tyler pulled his next box over and opened it.


And lifted a new shotgun out.

"An M110 shotgun with the 8 round tube, wooden stock and silver reciever. Huh. I always liked how this looked."

He shrugged at the oddity and set the weapon aside before taking the ammo and cleaning material out. His box shattered and Rias opened her next.

"Eh. A new bikini and few underwear sets. Nothing too special."

She set the new additions aside and Tyler opened his third.

"A mass ammo resupply. Two thousand rounds for each of my gun. THAT woulda been nice this mornin."

She chuckled at that one and leaned on his shoulder.

"I'm okay."

He smiled as he rested his head on hers.

"I am too."

"You are NOT Issei. I'll try to keep from thinking you are."

"Can I ask yuo something?"

She looked at him.


He looked her in the eye.

"Do you miss Issei?"

She blinked at this question. Then flopped on her back on the bed as she considered the question.

"Do I miss Issei? Oddly enough? I do."

He laid beside her as she frowned at the odd feeling.

"He was like that pervy kid brother you adore and yet are a little annoyed by. He was immature and sometimes unintentionally cruel, but he never meant any REAL harm and was always trying his hardest to impress me. I loved him. I'd like to think I really did. That gauntlet aside an all. Now? After seeing what he nearly did to Asia in a bit of desperation and in the face of meeting YOU? I see now just how much of why I liked Issei was due to my own low standards and insecurity. I tolerated issei's faults because he was the best option and one that had done everything in his meager power to protect me."

She sighed at that and had a new sad look enter her sapphire blue eyes.

"Do I miss Issei? We had our issues. And sometimes I wanted to BEAT him to death, but we did have our good times too."

She smiled at the memories.

"Contracts he'd botch and yet somehow pull off, he'd get caught peeping and we'd drag him in with us, how eager he was to touch us and me. Hell. Even Dressbreak and Boobylingual had it's charms at times."


She glowed a bright blue before shattering and blinking in shock.


He smiled as a curse of longing had been broken.

"Because your eyes were sadder then usual."

She blinked.

"So me being sad was enough to warrent an anticurse?"

"As a FIRST precaution. If you don't feel right for ANY reason, that'll be my go to. JUST to be safe."

She sighed with a smile.

"I can't argue the reasoning. And if it turns out I am NOT under a curse?"

"Then the groveling will start."

"GOOD. ANSWER. So to answer your question? Do I miss ISsei? No. Not HIM per se, more the good times we had."

"Your rose tinted view of Dressbreak and Boobylingual tipped me off for the final nail in the coffin."

"Smart. and thanks."

"I gotchyer back. And SAFE!"

The door opened and a sweaty and flushed Belfast and redfaced yet sweaty and flushed Javelin poked their heads in. Belfast smiled knowingly.

"Dears. NEVER. A. WORD. And ONE boon may be claimed."

Tyler smiled and looked at Javelin.

"One night cuddle?"

She smiled nervously.

"Rias dear?"

"He likes cuddling pretty girls. Younger sister, RIGHT?"

"Javelin? Tch. Absolutely. No offense Javy."

"it is QUITE alright, Tyler. And...I feel oddly PROUD to be called your sister. Why i do not know."

He smiled.

"Next time just make sure the door is closed. and Belfast?"

"The usual."


She smiled and Rias smiled.

"I'll set my boon for a future date, Bel."

"Of course dear."

"And Javelin?"

She gulped.

"Yes Rias?"

"WE have our own cuddle."

"JUST a cuddle?"

"I am still learning my favors with Belfast. So yes."

The girl deflated from her breath of relief and smiled warmly.

"We shall set our snuggle date."

Tyler smiled as he tossed his number over and she hers.

"See ya round Javelin. Next time you see Uni, hug her an say i sent it."

"I will happily do so."

The door shut and Tyler looked at Rias.

"Oh my god I love her."

The redhead chuckled at that.

"Javelin is a VERY sweet girl."

"And just FUN to be around. Half tempted to ask her to move in."


He shattered and shivered as a curse of attraction was cured.

"err. So THAT'S what that feels like. weird."

Rias smirked.


"I STILL love her."

"And her moving IN?"

"THAT I still kinda want since she's THAT kinda room brightener."


"Of course. Just a fun what if."

She smiled and rested her head on his lap.

"Unicorn wants to move in as well."

"I think that's a BETTER idea."

She frowned.

"Okay. WHY?"

"I am VERY nervous with her out of our sight, Rias. That girl is just TOO dan cute and sweet to be left alone out there. Another house of badasses or not."

"YOU got attachted quick."

"Yeeeah. She kinda reminds me of an old friend I got close to that died back when."

Rias blinked at that. Then smiled understandingly.

"Another little sister?"

TYler smiled sadly.

"Yeah. Her name was Sally and she WAS my little sister in all but blood. I loved that cutie. Think another Asia in koneko's size and bigger rack. And VIVID blue hair like Xenovia's."


"Yeah. She was a barrel a fun. She'd moved to town and since her hair was so eyecatching, quickly started having problems. I happened to walk into class when the teacher was out as a group of the other kids were pushing her around calling her waterhead and other stuff. she was crying as that was the first time anyone had EVER been so cruel to her in her life. well. I walked over and SHATTERED four desks on them and took that poor girl out for some ice cream as we skipped school. She was three years younger them me and was less then HALF my size. She latched onto me like a shadow there an then. her parents were lesbians and they fuckin loved me."

He sighed sadly here.

"She got hit by a drunk driver and was spattered all over the road to the point not even I knew who she was. it took dental records to figure it out. The driver was let go on a bad bust since the cop that arrested him was high as a kite. I SKINNED that fucker alive for THREE DAYS and delivered his fucking head on a plate to her family. They thanked me for gettign justice and shot themselves in the kitchen of their house RIGHT THERE before my eyes. Just to be with their little girl again."

He shuddered at that and Rias grabbed him ina ribcrushing hug.

"I'm so sorry."

"So am I. Sally didn't deserve that. Nor did her parents. But that's how my world is. I got blamed for their suicides due to my history of violence in the school and was sent into foster care. The rest, you know."

Rias was shaking violently as she held him and he sighed deeply as he held her.

"I love you, Rias."

She smiled on reflex and kissed him as he left his memory behind and returned to the present.

"I'm here."

He smiled warmly.

"And that's why I thnk Unicorn should move in."

She smiled and rested her head on his chest.

"we'll run it by the house."


The pair fell asleep then. Rias drapped across Tyler's chest and him holding her hand tightly as they slumbered. And they only woke when Yoshkia poked her head in and sighed.

"Seriously? WAKE UP!"

They jumped and were faced with an exasperated Yoshkia at the door.

"Seriously? We leave you two alone for FIVE MINUTES and you're asleep? We got food come on."

Tyler smiled as they came to and Rias sat up with a stretch.

"OOOOOH I guess I was more tired then I thought."

He smiled and sat up....setting off a mass of cracking, snapping, popping and crackling that made Rias shudder.

"WOW. Glowstick much?"

He chuckled before hugging her.

"Thanks for earlier."

she smiled.

"I gotchyer back too."

The pair headed downstairs to join their friends at rhe counter. Belfast noted something on Tyler's face.

"Are you okay, Tyler?"

He blinked and Kirito looked at him.

"You look like you've been crying dude."

Tyler wiped his face and felt the residue of dried tears and smiled.

"I guess I know what I was dreaming about. Just an old friend that died."

Hestia shuddered at that.

"I know. And so does Ganisha."

"This was a few years ago, Hestia. Let her rest."

She smiled warmly and hugged him.

"I asked her myself."

"OH shit."

"She wants to see her big brother again and meet Yoshkia. Soooo,"

The door burst open.



A young girl half Tyler's height came BOLTING into the room to leap into his arms and he swung the smaller girl around with a beatific smile on his face. The girl was half his height with foot length sky blue hair that shimmered like the midday sunlight while her eyes were a vivid sapphire blue. Her skin was pale and her bust was surprisingly large for a girl that height. she was slender with a well toned frame while her features were soft and warm. Her teeth were white and shining while her outfit was a bright green dress while bare foot. She spoke in a high chirpy soprano as she hugged her big brother hard.

"i'm back big Brother! I KNEW we'd be together again!"

Tyler was smiling so hard it hurt.

"I missed you so much, Blueberry. I'm sorry."

"Idiot. YOU were on the other side a town. You're NOT GOD dammit!"

He smiled as he sat her on his shoulder and she giggled.

"I missed being tall!"

"YOU have gotten taller."

"well DUH! It's been what? 4 years? You really think I'd be cute forever?"

"Naaah. I always knew you'd upgrade from blueberry cutie, to cobalt beauty sooner or later."

She smiled with a blush.

"I missed you."

He hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too, Sis. NEVER again."

"Yeah that bastard up there knows what he's doin."



"Hey. I got a BUNCH a people I wantchya to meet."

He set the girl on her feet with a smile and brought a smiling Rias over by the hand.

"Sally, this is Rias Gremory. MY girlfriend and primary. Rias, this is my sister sally."

Sally was all eyes as she beheld the beauty that was Rias.

"WOOOOOAH. Big brother is sleeping with a freakin SUPERMODEL! Hiya!"

Rias smiled sweetly as she got a hug from the girl.

"Nice to meet you Sally. I guess that idiot IS a bad influence."

She smiled.

"Yup! but hey! Comes with the territory. Learn how to break jaws and ahatter bones, turn into a snarky smartass."

Rias looked at her in shock.

"what was that first part?"

"Yeah. Big Brother taught me how to fight. Since I'm so damn cute, kinda needed to know how."



Belfast came over now with a smile and Sally blinked as she saw her silver hair.

"HOLY. Big Brother. when the hell did you turn into a chick magnet?"

"Ha. That's Belfast. She's a good friend."

"Huh. I don't know why, but knowing you still get friendzoned is KINDA reasurring."

"I will stuff you into a can, blueberry."

The room chuckled at Tyler's irritation and Rias smirked.

"Oh Sally."

"Oh you're like his fourth girlfriend, Rias."


"YES they were stupid hot. SOME freakin how."

"Okay I think we need to chat."

"It'll cost ya!"

"I'm a devil."

"I'm THAT idiot's sister. And I like snuggles."

Rias smiled as she patted her and Belfast looked at Tyler with a light in her blue eyes.

"I do believe you have not told us everything about you."

He sighed.

"Belfast. Sally was hit by a car in my world to the point not even i could recognize her at the morgue. The driver got let go on a bad bust, and I SKINNED that fucker alive and delivered his head to her parents on a PLATE. They thank me, and swallow a shotgun load. RIGHT THERE IN FRONT A MY EYES. I got blamed for the suicide as a murder and got sent to foster care for it. If I haven;t told you, it's because it HURTS. Okay?"

She hugged him hard at that and so did Hestia.

"dear I am so sorry. I will be more mindful."

He sighed and patted them both.

"It's okay Belfast. I don't really HAVE happy stories. Or they're few and far between."

Sally sniffed.

"I miss Moms."

Hestia smiled warmly.

"Ganisha's working on it. Seems they kinda liked their heaven and need to be BRIBED to come down here."

Sally chuckled and Tyler led her to the smiling warmly couple at the counter.

"See if you recognize THESE two."

Sally looked....and gasped.

"Asuna? KIRITO?"

Asuna smiled as she patted her.

"You're a fan too?"


Tyler chuckled as he fistbumed Kirito.

"We're raiders together. And we live together. Asunas married to Kirito though."


The pair laughed at her reaction.

"Sooo does he ACTUALLY get anywhere, big Brother? Ooooor is he THAT minda obstinate?"

"Oh they get places, Blueberry. TRUUUUST me."

"Oh. GOOD. So he ISN'T afraid to get a piece. I won fifty bucks."

Kirito and Asuna looked at each other, then to Tyler and he shrugged.

"Yeah they never really SAID you two got anywhere in teh show."

Asuna smiled sheepishly.

"Yeeeeah. I saw the show? Um. Let's just say the beds are tough."

Kirito fistbumped Tyler with a knowing smile.

"They left a LOT out. And i mean a LOT."

"Atta blackberry."


"HA! hey, where's Yue?"

Kirito smiled.

"She's with GAsper's house tonight. Guess he's playing the field a bit."

Tyler and Rias looked at eachother.

"way to fucking GO Gaspy."

"we need to talk to him Tyler."

"We will. And that brings me to my next point."

The friends sat at the counter and Sally settled on his lap. Belfast smiled warmly at her.

"So we have a new boarder. Her room, Tyler?"

"She;ll be with me for the time being. She gets REALLY nervous and anxious in a new place for the first week or so before she settles."

Sally smiled nervously now.

"We had a breakin once. Mommy was raped and I was nearly as well....then HE broke in and SHOT the guy to death."

"Her mothers were models for a magazine and yeah. I've killed like thirty people protecting them."

Sally got a hug from Belfast now and Hestia shivered.

"His world is EVIL. Moving on. He'll look after her."

Tyler then looked at Belfast.

"I want Unicorn to move in with us, Belfast."

She and the rest blinked.

"Okay. Why?"

"Just...a VERY bad hunch. That girl si so FREAKIN sweet and cute that if someone is NOT on guard duty, I am kinda scared we'll never find her."

Hestia sighed at that one.

"I HATE the fact you're right. There IS crime in this world. Far LESS, but Issei."

That reminder made belfast nod.

"Very well. In that light I agree. We DO have an extra room as Rias lives in yours now."

Asuna looked at their funds.

"We have enough to care for her too. And she's a worker too. She helps Yoshkia out at the hospital as a nurse and as an aircraft carrier for her sorties."


Sally's mindblown shriek made them all jump and Yoshkia came over all smiles.

"Hi! I guess you're a fan too?"

Sally POUNCED on her for a hug and Yoshkia was nearly THROTTLED by the out of her mind with joy, Sally.


Tyler smiled.

"Strike Witches was the first anime I introduced her to. Annnd Yoshkia is HER Rias."

The redhead smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"NOW I feel like we have a daughter."

He kissed her.


She smiled proudly.

"In time."

"We'll see. THAT one kinda scares the crap outta me be honest."

"I do not blame you. We'll see."

They looked back to see Yoshkia had been released by sally and was now chatting with the hopping in joy girl about the show.


she shook her head at Tyler's use of her name and she looked over wide eyed.


"I know. I GET IT. And we got food."

"Oh. Kay!"


"Yes I'll clean up."

"GOOD. New revive or not we have rules."

"Yeah, yeah. Old bastard."

"I DO have a wooden spoon Little lady."

"eep! sorry Big Brother!"

"Better. Go on."

Belfast smiled approvingly at the exchange as Sally washed her hands int he sink.

"I see you DO know how to deal with children, Tyler."

"I was already more or less raising her myself since her mothers were kinda busy with their work. Plus after the breakin they were in extreme therapy due to their rape and scars. Since that was th first time ANY of em had ever encountered such CRUELTY AND EVIL it hit them harder. I am AMAZED those two lasted as long as they did."

Sally came over and noted the table was already set and sat beside Tyler at the counter as Yoshkia passed out plates. Asuna smiled warmly as she saw most of Sally's overjoy had died and she was humming a tune.

"She's very well behaved, Tyler."

The blue haired girl winced and rubbed her hand.

"Big Brother hits hard."

He chuckled as he patted her.

"And HOW many times does it take, Blueberry?"



They chuckled at that one and Belfast smiled as she hung her phone up.

"Unicorn will move in tomorrow. Illustrious agreed having her closer to myself and Tyler will be a benefit. As his power is that extreme and his reputation for defending his cherished ones that widespread."

"Good. Now."

He slid the profiles for the mobile homes around and Kirito smiled.

"We'll be able to go on road trips now."

Sally smiled as she fed on Yoshkia's good cooking.

"Wow, Yoshkia. This is GREAT!"

The witch smiled as she looked over.

"Aww thanks Sally! It's some miso soup and juice. Nothing too special."

"Lady if this is what you call nothing special, i wanna taste what you DO call special."

"Wow. I heard SHIRLEY say that."

Tyler smiled.

"You may be her favorite witch, Yoshkia, but Sally adopted more from Shirley."

"Huh. Cool."

She shrugged and refocused on her own plate, much to the amusement of the rest of the house as they selected their own mobile home. Sally was humming happily as she fed and once she was full she helped clean the table with Belfast and Asuna and did the dishes too. The act making both ladies smiled approvingly before Sally went to explore the house while Tyler sat on the recliner and Rias snuggled beside him.

"So we have a little sister."

Tyler smiled warmly as he kissed her.

"we'll look after her."

"Damn straight. How old is she?"

"She's 3 years younger then me and I'm 16. So 13. Belfast? her mothers were rather active in certain areas and I have NO BUSINESS teachin her that. Think you can help?"

The kindly maid smiled warmly.

"Absolutely and I am so glad you worded it that way, dear. Has she?"

"She'll be a more...eager....girl as when she was younger she was ALREADY getting handsy. I had to use the spoon."

"Wow. I will see to her. And THAT issue as well."

"Phew. Thanks a lot Belfast."

Rias smiled as she rested her head on his chest.

"And WHY not ME?"

"YOU I want to help turn Sally into as much of an imperiously self confident beauty like you. She;s got MY fire an attitude, now she just needs some of your elegance."

She smiled with a hammering heart at that.

"I'll teach her well."

"And we are keeping her AWAY from Akeno."


Kirito chuckled as he snuggled with Asuna on rhe couch.

"Anyone else kinda scared we're living with HIS little sister now?"

They chuckled at that one and Yoshkia sat by Tyler's recliner.

"So I'm her favorite?"

"She has a serious girl crush on you, Yoshikia. Like she wanted to BE you so FREAKIN badly."

"Wow. She's sweet."

"She'll most likely sneak into your room for a snuggle. And nothing I do will stop her since she's a damn good lockpick and climber. I shit you not, she scaled a three story building to BREAK into my room for a snuggle when she had a nightmare and her mothers were working. Freaked me the fuck out when i woke up to see her in bed and she NOT be there when i went to sleep."

Hestia chuckled at that one as she laid on the couch.

"We'll keep her safe this time, Tyler."

"Thnks Hestia. I mean it."

She smiled warmly.

"welcome home, Tyler."

He shivered at that one and Rias smiled as she looked at him.

"Welcome home, Tyler. I missed you."

OOOOH he full on SHIVERED so fiercely Rias was half worried he had a stroke as a warm smile spread across his face.

"I'm home. finally."

No tears fell from his face but he did smile so widely and happily his freakin lip split right there. Whcih Rias healed with a kiss. Sally came down and hopped onto his lap and sighed as she got comfy.


He hugged her tightly and Rias wrapped her arm around them both as they relaxed. Tyler smiled as he stroked her long blue hair and before long she fell fast asleep on his chest.

"Night Blueberry."

"Night daddy."

He smiled as she went full in and was sound asleep.

"I missed you so much. Welcome back, Sis."

Rias had a smile on her face as he carried the slumbering girl up the stairs to their room.


He laid Sally in his bed and tossed Asia's circle to the floor.

"Arise. Asia."

The blonde rose from the floor and gasped quietly as she saw the slumbering cutie.

"Awww she's soo CUTE! who is she?"

Tyler smiled as he kissed his blonde lover as they went to shower.

"She;s Sally. My little sister that got killed in my world. Hestia revived her and now she lives with us."


They cleaned up in teh shower....and sally joined them sleepily....only to see Asia and go WIDE wake.


"Hi. I'm Asia Argento. Nice to meet you!"

Sally looked at her big brother....and it clicked.


"And Akeno. And Koneko. Asia too. Xenovia, Rasweisa, Yoshkia too."


"IS a rapist. I have all his power."

"MAkes sense. wow Asia! You're so pretty!"

The pair gave the giggling cutie a deep clean before she got dressed in a red pajama set while Tyler had sweats with no shirt and Asia was naked. the trio got in bed and Sally claimed her spot on his chest while Asia snuggled closer to him. Tyler smiled as he wrapped an arm around Sally's waist.

"Night sally. I love you. Night Asia, i love you too."

"Night Tyler! I had fun today."

"Night Big brother. I missed you."