
10 years have past

This is my 141st birthday or 10th I am attending school now it gets boring easy the country's are all democratic no war but Americas hunt for oil. The biggest countries after the American civil war is China I thought after what japan did to them they would still be weak and Germany is weaker than Poland. But a good thing i am here I will Re-create the German Empire and i will Create the 4th Reich (is a hypothetical future Nazi Reich that is the successor to Adolf Hitler's Third Reich and this is how it started The term Third Reich was coined by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck in his 1923 book Das Dritte Reich. He defined the Holy Roman Empire as the First Reich, and the German Empire as the Second Reich, while the Third Reich was an ideal state including all German peoples, including Austria. In the modern context the term refers to Nazi Germany. It was used by the Nazis to legitimize their regime as a successor state to the retroactively-renamed First and Second Reich's. The terms First and Second Reich are not used by historians.

The term Fourth Reich has been used in a variety of different ways. Neo-Nazis have used it to describe their envisioned revival of an ethnically pure state, mostly in reference to, but not limited to, Nazi Germany. Others have used the term derogatorily, such as conspiracy theorists like Max Spiers, Peter Levenda, and Jim Marrs who have used it to refer to what they perceive as a covert continuation of Nazi ideals.) It will be my Greatest Accomplishment and Germany will rise Just like Winston Churchill said "Never, never, never give up" he who may be a enemy but he was great Teacher Just like the Dalai Lama said "Your enemy can be your best teacher".