
The Demon King’s Soul is Inside Me

In the thriving Tengu City, you, an average high school student with a love for spicy food and fantasy games, is about to unravel an unbelievable truth… Believing yourself to be human, you're haunted by gruesome dreams of your past life as the Demon King Albion. As you grapple with your newfound identity, torn between your pacifist nature and the dark power within, the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance. Can you resist the call of your former existence, choosing the path of a normal human, or will you succumb to your inner demons, ushering the world in a New Age of darkness? _______________________________________

OmniDaoist · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 1

I survey the barren landscape that stretches off on all sides. Billowing smokes and flying embers conceal the horizon.

Anguished cries fill the air as I glance downwards.

A frail, sharp-eared man is on his knees, gravely wounded. He looks up at me in terror, speaking in a tongue i don't understand.

Even so his desperate tone and feeble gestures suggest that he is pleading with me.

My heart lurches as a massive, flaming sword enters from the fringes of my vision.

Hefting the blade up with one muscular arm, I leave it poised above the pathetic figure. Part of me revels in the act of drawing out his sufferings.

Then i suddenly bring the sword down in a vicious sweep.



"What the—"

I recoil from the figure looking at the foot of the bed. That panic soon fades as my wits slowly return though.

"Vignette? What are you doing here?!

You scared me half to death! "

Vignette: "Says the one who woke up shooting?! "

Her frown gradually morphs into a look of concern.

"Everything alright? "

"Yeah.... I'm fine. "

It's just...

"Bad dream, that's all. "

"Aw, my poor Xion. "

"Want me to bunk up with you tonight? "

"N-No! "

Her lips curl up as she eyes me in amusement.

"I'm kidding... "

"Anyways, your breakfast is getting cold. Better hop to it, young man! "

"Who are you calling an 'young man'?! "

Xion: "You've only got a year's head start on me, you know.. "

She shrugs dismissively.

"Biologically sure, but everyone knows that girls mature much faster than boys. And you are hardly at the head of that particular curve either. "

I let my eyes wander over her ample curves for a moment.

'No guesses why all guys at school are gaga over her.'

"Mature is certainly a way of putting it. "

When she beams in response, I'm unsure if she missed the point or took it as an compliment.

Vignette: "Enough stalling... Come on, get out from your bed! "

When she tugs the bedclothes again, I wrench them back.

"I'll get up as soon as you give me some privacy. "

She rolls her eyes with a huff.

"Oh please"

"We've been friends since we were both wearing diapers! There is nothing there I haven't seen yet... "

"Yeah, I guess so... "

After throwing my arms up in a long stretch, I jump out of the bed.

"You do realize I am capable of dressing myself though right? "

Vignette: "Are you getting all bashful on me now?"

Xion: "No, that's not—"

"It's alright Xion, having a beautiful girl like me alone in your bedroom must be new for you, after all...

She snickers at me before turning away.

"Anyways I will be waiting in the kitchen when you're done. "

I sigh once she's gone before quickly changing into my school clothes.


To all my dear readers who are my story, I thank you for giving my story a try. As a fledgling writer I can't guarantee my story will be up to hopes, though I will surely try me best. English is not my first language, as such I can surely have some grammatical mistakes. If there any such, please kindly remind me.

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