Not very long after, Jamie and Melloni arrived at the village. They were in the middle of the road when Melloni got another message from her sister, reminding Melloni of her departure with this stranger once more.
Downwood was quite something that Jamie wasn't expecting. It had small wooden buildings like it was in Rings, but also, it had colorful banners and some posters of the latest swords on sale. Though, there were no cars anywhere. Guess the world chose not to produce vehicles and used horses and carriages instead.
"That is fascinating," said Jamie, reading one of the posters about a meal of fish and chips near an inn. Cost: [2 Shackles]
"God… those brats. Even a meal of fish and chips cost two shackles there," Melloni complained, giving the bar a disgraceful look. However, since they had reached the village now, they didn't have any more business with each other. But the girl was quite worried about this stranger she had just met.
"So… what are you going to do now?"
Jamie looked around and sighed. "Nothing much to do, except grind now. I have a large quest to complete…" For a second there, he forgot that he wasn't trusting this stranger and the fact that she wasn't just an NPC in a game.
"Quest to complete? Did the memories jog back? It worked!?"
"No, no, no… nothing from my past yet! By quest, I meant…. Spending my new life." Jamie lied and waited to see if the girl would buy that shit.
"Oh, I see."
Jesus! She bought that crap!
"So, in my opinion, Downwood is a very nice place to begin a new life, you know. Live a new life, peacefully as ever."
Jamie looked around the town once again. "It is a whole new world for me now. Things to explore, try out, and many more to do. It's a big world, right?"
"Yes, of course, it's a big world…" Melloni answered, getting a bit awkward this time. "And, if you want to find work… There is always Holly's Inn right around that corner. You should go there and accept some quests if you want to, but sure as hell… those things are going to be hard, except for the minor ones that would just earn you a few shickles."
She pointed at a large inn at the corner of the end of the road which had a sign that read, "Holly's Midnight Inn." The night was slowly falling in, and it was getting darker, so the crowd was already gathering at the spot.
"Oh, thanks for the tip," Jamie smiled.
"And… if you do not have any place to sleep, I… don't think you have a shickle in your pocket. If you want somewhere to live for free, I know a small abandoned cabin that was left in the woods for some time," she said. "Call me if you want something, here's my card."
She handed him a card too. It was the number of her potion shop. "Melloni Lorkey" was her name.
"Thank you for all the help, you are more kind than I expected."
"You're welcome," she pushed her glasses back and stared into Jamie's blue eyes. After 3 seconds, she was still staring at them, without even noticing she was doing it.
"Well… it's nice meeting you." Jamie said, awkwardly.
"Nice meeting you too!"
After the incident with the witch, Jamie concluded one thing. He was surely a chick magnet with these demon king looks. And the other thing was, even with the [Identification skill] his real race was surely invisible.
It was invisible for a reason, and Jamie wanted to keep it that way and not tell everyone else that he was a Demon King.
With no skills and being a newbie living in a fantasy world, it was quite hard for sure. But… he knew that he had to get through it. The first thing for a good level grind was definitely a forest. But Jamie had to check out the quests available here, just in case.
He entered the inn Melloni showed him.
A bunch of drunk people was playing around the inn. But, not just ordinary humans. There were a couple of people who were half-frogs even.
<Frogman - Lvl 13>
<Human - Lvl 5>
<Orc - Lvl 15>
And there were a few more species inside the inn. Jamie didn't bother reading all the names and walked in like a regular person would, without being an oddball.
A couple of women stared at Jamie as he entered the inn.
"Hmm… that guy is a fine gentleman."
"God, a good guy to get laid with! Should we try him, Maxi?"
The women giggled with each other as they drank more and more wine. Every night, the inn gets filled with drunks, and an hour past midnight, all you would see is a couple of drunks sleeping on the floors, and night owls drinking away near the barmaid's counter.
Jamie was quite a view to behold, but the clothes he wore didn't even fit in with this society. He was wearing old ragged clothes and even some of the orcs were wearing sweaters and coats! The only guy who looked like an ordinary orc who he had seen before was the person wearing a disgusting old tank top.
'Damn….' Jamie thought to himself, walking towards the counter to ask for directions to the Quest Board.
There were a couple of warriors sitting near the counter, chatting with the barmaid.
By the name of the inn, Jamie guessed that her name was "Holly." And also overhearing the other two talk with her, he got it confirmed.
"Holly! Give me another beer will you? And… I'll pay you the bill later, you know I will!"
"God, Bennie… you're kidding me, right? I know you're not gonna pay for this. You already owe me 20 silver coins for the bow you borrowed me from yesterday," snapped the barmaid.
The loser got up from the seat and moved away from there, and it was finally unoccupied. Jamie quickly took the chance and sat there.
The barmaid raised her head and froze upon seeing the man's face. She had forgotten what she was doing for the last few moments, and her attention was completely on this new boy's eyes.
<Human - Lvl 30>
Jamie was shocked upon seeing her level, and he was even more shocked by her beauty.
The barmaid was a beautiful woman with a body nicer than anything. She had short gorgeous silver hair, fair skin and a body Jamie only dreamed about in his past life. And her breasts… don't even start with those! It was like he was in an anime world somehow.
"Wow… you leveled up like hell!" Jamie declared, shocked by her level. Sure enough, she was the most powerful person in the inn.
"Umm… what?" She said, awkwardly.
"Your level. Umm... never mind," Jamie backed down, thinking that it was awkward to compliment everyone with a high level.
"So, what are you here for, boy?" She asked.
'Boy…? Am I that young?' Jamie asked himself.
"Umm… I'm here to find a new quest to gather some coins and some experience. Something terrible happened to me… you see, so I have to gather some money and a little more experience," Jamie said.
"Oh, I don't mind listening to this great tragedy, if it happened to you…" Holly said, smiling at him.
'God… this barmaid is totally hitting on me!'
"Sure," replied Jamie.
After a good 5 minutes of spewing lies into the woman's face, they finally came to an understanding. "Wow… so, you don't really remember who you are, do you?"
"No, I do remember my name. It's Jamie Fang." At least he didn't lie about that.
<Name is chosen! You are, Jamie Fang!>