
The Demon Goddess: If I can’t have love, I want power

#multiplemc #urban #immortality #demon #villain #smut [the cover is commisioned!!!] “By this, you are hereby declared to be reborn as a kind and beautiful girl for the fifteenth time," the judge pronounced the final judgment on Elara Olivia Sullivan's life. "I object!" Elara retorted firmly. Having already experienced fourteen lifetimes as a kind and beautiful girl in the mortal realm, Elara had yet to find happiness. Instead, her existence was riddled with suffering and betrayal. While in the realm of spirits, she regained all memories from her past lives – memories that were not of joy, but of anguish. Pain, an ever-present companion, had etched itself into her very essence. Betrayal. Deceit. Promises made without an ounce of intention to fulfill them. With each cycle of rebirth, she had endured the weight of these burdens, her heart becoming a repository of scars that spanned across ages. "I yearn for something different, something powerful." disclaimer: - 18+ above, please be wise - explicit content will be cautioned at the begginingbof chapter - the cover is commissioned

Tizzz · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

The Attorney Investigation

Had his aura of invincibility made him a target for those who wanted to see him fall?

Arriving at his mansion, he stepped out of the car, his mind already racing with plans to investigate, to seek out those who might have a motive to see him brought low.

Jansen was no longer content to let the events of that fateful night remain a mystery. He was ready to unveil the secrets hidden in the shadows, no matter how deep they ran or how dangerous the truth might be.

"Find out every detail about the accident I experienced. Bring me all the video and photo evidence from the night of the accident."

Jansen's command hung heavily in the air, punctuating the silence that had settled in the room.

His lawyer's arched eyebrows conveyed the subtle message that he had heard the order loud and clear, even if he remained outwardly composed.

His cold demeanor remained, adding to the stillness in Jansen's vast, opulent room, adorned with everything one would expect in the private quarters of a wealthy businessman.

Jansen's opulent, spacious room was adorned with extravagant furnishings, a testament to his enormous wealth.

The dim lighting created an ambiance of secrecy and power, casting elongated shadows that danced across the walls.

A large mahogany desk, polished to perfection, occupied the center of the room. On it lay an assortment of high-end gadgets and several neatly organized stacks of documents, all bearing the unmistakable seal of Jansen's financial empire.

"You're raising an eyebrow. Why? Don't like my orders? Was the money I paid you not enough to buy your service, huh?" Jansen snapped.

The lawyer, his expression still one of professional stoicism, adjusted his glasses with a subtle hint of irritation. His tailored suit remained impeccable, a stark contrast to Jansen's visible agitation.

"It is already nighttime, sir. I will begin gathering all the details first thing tomorrow—"

"Tomorrow? Why tomorrow? I ordered you to do it now, didn't I?" The disdainful tone returned, accompanied by a deliberate spatter of saliva on the lawyer's face, courtesy of Jansen.

The attorney calmly wiped away the errant speck of spittle from his face with a handkerchief, his composure unshaken by Jansen's display of frustration. He leaned back in the plush chair, exuding an air of unwavering professionalism.

"I understand your urgency, Mr. Jansen," he responded, maintaining a measured tone. "But it's the dead of night. Most of the relevant sources and individuals won't be readily available. I assure you, first thing in the morning, I'll have my team begin the thorough investigation, collecting all pertinent evidence, videos, and photographs."

Jansen, however, was not one to be patient, especially when his sense of masculinity had been wounded. He clenched his fists and leaned in closer, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and entitlement.

"Do you think I have time to wait until morning? I need answers now, not later! If you can't handle this simple task, I'll find someone who can."

The lawyer's demeanor remained unshaken. "I assure you, Mr. Jansen, I am more than capable of handling this matter. I will have the best team on it immediately. But you must understand that certain procedures need to be followed."

With that, the lawyer signaled his assistant to prepare for their immediate departure, leaving a fuming Jansen to ponder the complexities of his situation.

The attorney, a man whose self-esteem had long been overridden by the allure of power and wealth, brushed off the repeated insults and disdainful looks he received.

He adjusted his glasses once more, released an exasperated sigh, and left the premises, using his personal handkerchief to wipe away Jansen's spit. Dealing with individuals like Jansen required a great deal of preparation and tact, after all.

The attorney had become accustomed to the trials and tribulations that came with representing clients of Jansen's ilk.

His years of experience in the field had taught him to set aside personal pride and emotions. However, even he couldn't help but feel a tinge of anger as he left Jansen's opulent abode that evening.

As he walked away from the luxurious mansion, he contemplated the ramifications of dealing with someone as volatile as Jansen.

The man's wealth and influence were undeniable, but his arrogance and insolence often tested the patience of those in his employ.

It was a double-edged sword, and the attorney had to wield it with utmost care to navigate the complex web of deceit and power that surrounded Jansen.

But, regardless of the challenges, the attorney was determined to get to the bottom of the accident that had befallen his client.

He understood that Jansen's inquiry was driven by a growing sense of paranoia and suspicion, and it was his duty to ensure that the truth, no matter how elusive, was unveiled.


The attorney embarked on his mission with determination, acknowledging the significant financial reward and the relentless persistence of Jansen.

His actions revealed a committed professional, undeterred by the intimidating and relentless demands of his client.

He began by contacting the relevant authorities and establishments to secure the CCTV footage and photographs.

Despite the obstacles and bureaucratic hurdles, he navigated the legal channels skillfully, leveraging his expertise and experience to expedite the process.

His negotiation skills were tested as he faced resistance and bureaucratic red tape, but he remained resolute in his pursuit.

Upon obtaining the footage and images, he subjected them to meticulous analysis.

Each frame, each pixel, and each second of video footage was scrutinized for any details that might have been missed by others.

His attention to detail was unmatched, and his dedication to uncovering the truth unwavering.

Days turned into nights as he poured over the materials, leaving no stone unturned. The emotional toll of dealing with a demanding and relentless client weighed heavily on him, but it only fueled his determination.

He knew that within the vast collection of visual evidence, the answers to Jansen's accident lay hidden, waiting to be unearthed.

However, this task came at a cost — he endured relentless taunts and pressure from Jansen, leading to emotional instability and severe mental strain.