
Untitled Chapter

Bad news. Bad news. Yang ming shouted.

What is it Ming? Are you being chased by a bear? Ja di asked.

J.. Jan Cha is being expelled from the University. Yang ming said out causing the less concerned Chan Yun to shout in disbelief.


No way. That's impossible. Ja di said while she focused her eye on Yang ming thinking whether she made it all up. It might be a prank. She thought.

Yang ming if I find out you're lying to me, I'll make you regret, don't you dare play games with me like this. Chan Yun warned her.

I really am serious Chan Yun. 

Let me go see myself. Chan Yun said as she got up from the seat.


"Surprised" wait are you seriously gonna finish that. Ji nan raised an eyebrow he asked.

Why not..... Violet answered.

That's what I meant by her talent. Chang li said sipping her coffee she had ordered.

No way.... Ji nan exclaimed.

No way what.... If you want you can go get yours cause am not sharing. Violet said as she shifted the food closer to herself.

She really is a glutton. Ji nan thought.

He too went to the counter and ordered a hamburger with sprite.

Chang li just sat and busied herself drinking her coffee and taking each little bite of her donut.

Ji Nan watched as Violet finished the whole meal with no difficulty. She really looked satisfied now and can actually punch anyone now. "He laugh"

What are you thinking of Ji nan. Chang li asked. She was actually taking a bite of her donut when she saw Ji nan smiling to the empty wind.

Oh.... Nothing important. He convinced her.

Yum yum. Violet used her hand to feel her stomach. Much better now. She said.

Since we're done eating let's head back to class. Chang li suggested.

Okay. They both replied the same time.


Chan Yun was frustrated when she found out that it was true. Not only that, Mr Gun was also terminated from his position and work. How could this happen. She thought.

I don't care but whoever that did this to my Jan Cha must pay for it. Chan Yun tighten the grips of her hand and said.

I will have to deal with that brat and the brat's follower. How can they just come to this high University and cause trouble, of course they won't go free for it.

Thinking about them makes me sick.

I think you should settle down a little Chan Yun. Ja di said.

Di is right, you have to calm down a little first and then think of a way to deal with them later. Yang ming suggested.

I think you guys are right. I do need to calm down to be able to deal with that b*tch. Chan Yun said with an evil smile on her face that was mixed with anger. 


Welcome back dude.... I thought you weren't gonna come back. Shin yu said as he lazily rested his back on his car while putting his hands on his trouser pockets.

I came back just to punch your face. Ji Min smiled a little and said.

Nah... You came too late for that." Shin yu said with a smirk