
Shopping 1


You should have said no,"Shin yu broke the silent in the room".

I can't decline her request, and besides,it's just shopping,it should be fun. Why do you even care?"Violet said".

You're my wife,"Shin yu said,"he bend down and carried her".


He placed her on the bed and also laid beside her, using his hand to support her head,and his other hand was wrapped on her slim waist.

Violet tried to turned,but the grip that was on her waist won't let her.

Sleep.....,"Shin yu softly whispered behind her".

Violet fell asleep immediately after she heard the sweet voice that sounded as a lullaby,it was asif it hypnotized her.

Little wifey......you would learn to love and want me badly,"Shin yu whispered behind her back,he checked the sleeping Violet before he also fell asleep".

The sun was dazzling bright in the room, revealing a petite white skinned fairy. She flapped her long lashes and soon her eyes was fully opened and she became conscious.

Hmm.....am so tired,"Violet yawned as she sit up and stretched her hands up". Cracks of bones made sounds.

She studied the room surrounding,but there was no sign of Shin Yu.

Omo.....Why am I looking out for him,"Violet thought". Flash back of yesterday's activity with him ran through her mind,she covered her face with the blanket. Violet still couldn't believe that they did that yesterday.

Snap out of it Violet,"Violet scolded herself".


Violet stood up quickly and ran towards the door to open it up.

Little V morning,"Chang li greeted Violet".

Same here sis,"Violet also greeted". Please come on in.

Okay."Chang li answered"she entered the room.

Violet began dressing and tidying the bed.

Omo..... you're not dressed already?"Chang li was amused to see that Violet was still on her night outfit".

We're you just waking up,"Chang li asked curiously".

Violet nodded her head as yes sign.

Such a baby,"Chang li smiled and said". It's already passed 7am,you need to quickly dress for the shopping."Chang li said". That's what you get for shopping with the Queen,"Chang li muttered".

Chang li gentle pushed Violet into the bathroom,"Go on,wash up quickly",she said.

Violet immediately took a shower and in no time she came out.

Violet was about entering her closet to pick an outfit when she spotted short geans and a top placed neatly on the bed.

Wear it Sis V,"Chang li said excited as she pointed the clothes to Violet".

Violet took a look at the outfit,it was really fancy and short,but anyways she loved it.

She examined the clothes and looked at Chang li. it was the exact outfit to Chang Li's. It matches Chang Li's outfit.

It was the same.

Violet wore the clothes quickly, their both long skinny legs was revealed. They took a look at the large expensive mirror.

Wow...... lovely,we look like twin on this,"Violet said excitedly".

Of course Sis V, it was my idea after all,"Chang li said proudly".

They both ended up laughing before they went out downstairs to face the shopping Queen.

You guys are late,I have been waiting for you ladies for about 2 hours now,"Li yun complained". Actually she woke up by 5am feeling impatient,she washed and dressed up herself and was done by 6am.

She always went early to get the latest trending editions and designs.

They both apologize.

Okay apologies accepted,lets hurry up,"Li yun said excitedly".

"Signed" Now the worse nightmare is about to begin,what a boring day,"Chang li muttered to herself". Damn you Shin yu!!!

Poor Violet was excited.

They all got into the car and left for the boutique.


YOUR AUTHOR:Tina nwuba 😊🥰😻