
Return of Zhang...

Hmph. Silly girl. She said before turning back her focus on Violet that was still bleeding much inside her finger[Author Tina Nwuba: "Ouch~~~ it's gotta hurt].

Oh dear~~~ don't mind me Violet come let's go get this treated this instant. Li Yun said to Violet.

She was trying to tell them both that it didn't hurt that much but they were both serious about it, so she decided to leave it be.


Inside the Mansion...

What did happen to my daughter in-law? Grandmother Li was worried seeing the continuous flowing of blood from Violet finger [Author Tina Nwuba: Lots of blood was gushing out of my Violet girl finger because she don't usually get injuries a lot].

Grandmother~~~ it's just a small scratch from the rose I cut.. Violet smile answering Grandmother Li.

Dear~~~ your wedding is around the corner~~~ you can't go on with injuring your self before then or even after. Grandmother Li lectured.

That's what I was also thinking about Mom~~~ Li Yun said her mind.

Chang Li: huh? But for crying out loud~~~ it's just a scratch~~~she thought slightly shaking her head.

Violet:Okay grandmother. Sorry for making you guys to worry. Violet said out to them. This her Li family seems to pamper her just way too much.

Li Yun dear~~~ please go help treat her finger. She seems to be bleeding too much.

Sure Mom~~~ Li Yun escorted Violet to her own room to get her hand treated.


Be gentle young lady~~~ Li Yun shake her head a little seeing Chang Li jumping on her large bed just as soon as they got in.

Mom~~~ did anyone ever tell you that your bed is just the best!! Chang Li hugged the bed as she lay in it.

Of course~~~ she said boosting. [Author Tina Nwuba: of course. She was indeed not called shopping Queen for fancy] she was actually the one that bought the bed~~~ not long after her wedding anniversary with Li Shan.

Chang Li~~~ would you be a dear and go fetch my first aid box for me?.

Sure Mom. Chang Li struggled out of the bed before heading to her Mom wardrobe for the first aid box.

Mom!! I think I got lost inside your wardrobe!! Chang Li: what the hell!! This was the first time she entered her Mom wardrobe after first going back to school~~~ [The clothes, bags and shoes are way more than a thousand people] is she planning on wearing all these through her life time?.

Li Yun thinking that she actually got lost in there, ran to the direction of her wardrobe followed by Violet.

Violet: What the!! Violet gasped out in disbelief of what she was seeing right in front of her.

You must be kidding me Chang Li. Li Yun said before going to pick up the first aid box she kept on the side of her large wardrobe.

Violet was still staring at the thousand cloths that was inside Li Yun room like wardrobe.

Come on. She held Violet that was still looking at the clothes by the hand.

Violet whispered to Chang Li on their way out.. [Are those for later sale?]. nah. She even is likely in adding more of those to her collection. Chang Li whispered back to Violet that still was in disbelief. How can someone have that much clothes!?.


Ah ah.. done.. move your finger little my dear.

Violet move her finger back and forth.

All good now. But make sure not to get injured again ok? Li Yun asked of her worriedly.

Sure Mom. Violet said assuring her. We'll be on our way then Mom. Chang Li immediately said seeing the her Mom was already through in treating Violet injured hand. She sure doesn't want to waste any time here because she sure know who her Mom was.

She held Violet by the other hand dragging her out of her Mom room.


Sh*t. Today is being pretty tough for me. Min Feng complained to him self~~ mostly at the end of the year in the company, works gets tougher and jam packed. He has being working all day with Shin Yu that he couldn't almost feel his own very leg. Oh I wish you were here. He said wishing for the very first time that his best pal was here with him.

Hey dude. Min Feng looked up only to see the least person that he expected in the world. Zhang? Min Feng call out~~~ he clean to eyes multiple time with his hand to check if he was perhaps seeing correctly and indeed he was~~~ this is Zhang his pal standing in front of him!!!

What's wrong with you. Have you perhaps seen a ghost? Zhang asked seeing his friend weird reaction~~~ of course he knew that he should feel and react this way. After all it was his own self fault that he left without a single trace.

It really is you pal. He said before hugging Zhang that also hug him back. We'll discuss about everything later on, but first you have to meet with boss [Gulped hard] he said dragging him straight to Shin Yu office.

Inside his large office...

Shin Yu was busy with tuns of files inside his office.

Min Feng knock before entering the office with Zhang.

Shin Yu was still busy with the files but suddenly stopped when he saw the least person he expected "Zhang".

Boss "Zhang called out Shin Yu immediately after entering the office".

You finally decided to show up? Shin Yu asked~~~ He pretended to be less surprise seeing him.

Zhang smiled awkwardly scratching his head as he try hard to find an excuse for this situation he was in now.

Min Feng just shake his head seeing the difficult situation his buddy was in now.

Shin Yu deeply sighed before saying to Zhang. Well don't just stand there, you got some serious work to do. At least make up for your disappearance.

Zhang:Sure boss~~~ definitely will. He said immediately before Min Feng escorted him and also help with assisting him.

Slightly smile shaking his head.


Boss seemed to have calm down a bit~~~ did you notice that in there? Zhang blabbed about his boss new behavior on their way to Min Feng that already understood why he was being like that.

Yeah. Yeah. Noticed this changes a long time ago. Min Feng revealed to him.

But~~~ but how? Why? He was confused. The boss he knew before would have punished him really tough~~~ but not like this. He was still lost of words.

His wife of course. Min Feng blabbed about lady V to Zhang.

Wait What!! Boss is married?. Zhang asked in disbelief. How can his Boss be married?. Zhang wondered. He was even thinking that maybe Min Feng is only just joking with him because this clearly is impossible to him.

Shuu!! You got such a loud voice~~ Min Feng said to Zhang.

Oh~~~ sorry. Boss is really married? He asked again this time in his whispering voice.

Sure is. Min Feng smiled seeing his buddy surprised and unbelievable face.

Whoa!! Still can't get this to my head. He said loud before whispering back the rest to Min Feng that was less surprise about this now.

Well... I happen to always capture the moment of boss with his little lady~~~ Min Feng boost before bringing out a selfie of Shin Yu together with Violet in the picture.

Here you go... The answer you want. He said showing him the picture. [He had earlier took it yesterday morning when Shin Yu was reluctant to leave Violet side before she actually did force him to go to the company].

Wow!! It really is true. She really is beautiful. Zhang couldn't help but compliment Violet appearance.

Easy there dude~~~ if boss catches you admiring his little wife.. he sure would change this instant by giving you a much tougher punishment.

Zhang:Huh? What do you mean by that?. I just complimented her only. He complained to his buddy "Min Feng".

I guess you should leave that compliment for later.. you still have a lot of work to do now~~~ Min Feng said hurriedly~~~  his intention was to make use of his buddy to first finish his own work. Well... That's his payback at him also for leaving without a word.

"Sigh". I guess I have no other choice. He admitted.

Sure you don't. Min Feng said dragging him to their own office.


Am really bored staying in here. She said lazily rolling about on Chang Li's bed. She just can't afford laying on the bed all day.

Yeah... I really get that. Chang Li admitted to her. She always also feels the way that V was feeling when she stay still in one spot for a long time. It's just so boring and lame.

[Well~~~ when Violet was still with her Mom Deborah, she always have tons of fun hanging out with her siblings in there] [Also even running different errands for her Mom Deborah accompanied by some of her orphanage siblings].

Mom really is monitoring us. We can't continue to stay indoors all day.. "Gasped". What if this last for a week?.

It sure won't apply to me. Chang Li bore a smirk on her face after she had said this.

Violet:(-_-)? How?.

I sure won't seat indoors all day. Don't mind my Mom. She's just over reacting about this~~~ and that your wedding day is not so far. It actually combines to everything. Good thing I have no problem with going out.

You want to have fun without me? Violet asked in disbelief.

Of course not. But I can get you outside the Mansion without Mom notice~~~ don't worry, she won't get angry as long as you don't injure yourself. Chang Li said suggesting to Violet that was still laying on her bed.

Sure~~~Let's get going already.. she said before finally getting up from Chang Li bed.

Okay!! Here we go then. Where do you want to go anyways?.

To go meet my Mom. She said smiling at Chang Li. I still got a lot to say to her. V could feel her both eyes getting hot after she said this.

Chang Li: Chang Li couldn't help it but hug her from what she was feeling inside her heart. She knows how V must be feeling now even though that she haven't experienced such a thing like this before.

It's okay sis Chang Li. That was why I didn't want to bother you with going out with me. Violet admitted to her.

It's okay~~~I want to also see your Mom.Chang Li said breaking the hug.

In that case... I won't mind. She opened her teeth as she said.

They both left Chang Li room. Chang Li had no idea where Violet was taking her to go see her Mom Deborah but anyways, she still followed on.


They decide to board a cab. Violet didn't want to bother anyone.

After some minutes ride.

Chang Li: [speechless]. She wanted to ask why she stopped at her and Shin Yu Mansion but then decided to kill it off as she was sure she brought them here for a reason.

Wait. I'll be right back. She said running inside the large Mansion. Chang just stood still staring at Violet body figure that ran inside of the Mansion. She was wondering why V didn't ask her to also tag along. "Oh well she would find out about that sooner or later".

Okay~~~ she reply in a low tone seeing Violet already running off.

After 3 minutes~~~ she saw Violet running over, carrying a large frame picture of her Mom Deborah.

Meet my Mom. She giggled as she showed Chang Li her beloved Mom. "She's pretty. Chang Li complimented the smiling woman Inside the picture frame.

Mom~~~you hear that? She said you're pretty. Violet talked to the picture she was still holding in her hand. Chang Li could admit seeing the sparkling eyes of Violet just by her caressing the picture frame of her late Mom Deborah.

They walked around in the large Mansion. Violet was still carrying along with her the picture frame of her Mom Deborah.

You know~~~she"Her Mom Deborah" loves taking a walk with me. Violet break the silent between them, talking about her Mom Deborah.She always hold my hand while we walk, talk about how lucky she was having me in her life. Always also talk to me about my unknown parents. That they also might have their reasons for leaving me behind.


Please my dear amazing readers, let's get "The Demon CEO little wife" far to the top by rating and commenting for your Author 💞 in my book review section.[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]. Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba.

See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing "Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel app. Pls add to your shelf in Webnovel.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.


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